Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (Full Version)

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nectarine00 -> Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 2:31:10 PM)

Hello A/all,
I wanted to get O/other's opinions on birth control T/they have found effective.  I obviously know that not all types are right for everyone, and that I definitely should speak with my Gyno about what is best for me.

So far I have tried the pill but realized that it actually DECREASED my sex drive, which is something I am not a fan of (and of course, neither is my partner).

Another problem is that neither of us enjoy the feel of condoms.  We are monogamous and both tested for any prior STDs, so we know we're in the clear as far as that sense.

I know this limits our options, but I just wanted to hear from E/everyone else.  Has any other female experienced the lack of desire after being on birth control pills? What did you do?  What other options out there have couples tried?

I thank Y/you for reading my post, and for any answers Y/you may provide.


ClubMix -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:07:38 PM)

I've tried a lot of different forms...
The patch was alright for the first week or so, and then it started itching like crazy. It got so bad that I actually had to take it off, and when I did, I realized the skin underneath it was raw, puffy, and irritated. Also, the patch left a film of sticky residue on my skin similiar to when you remove a Band Aid. I couldn't get the stickiness off, so I ended up having to clean the spot like three times a day so the junk that stuck to it wouldn't cause an infection. Very irritating. I wasn`t on it long enough to say if it killed my libido, but felt like sharing my experience with it. :)

The NuvaRing is what I`m on now, and have been for close to six months. I love it. With the pill I also had a decreased sex drive, extreme mood swings and made me feel grossly maternal. I have noticed practically no mental changes with the ring. I also have less crampy and shorter periods (hoorah!). The only drawbacks I've experienced are that it can slip out during sex, and it messes with my cycle a bit, so I`ll take it out, and I won`t start bleeding for 2-3 days after I was supposed to. And you also have to adjust it sometimes, and that can be pretty annoying.

Luckily, in MN, we have the rod implants, and I`m signed up to get mine by the end of this year (hoorah!). Those prevent pregnancy for up to five years! :) SO maybe ask your doctor about those, too.

Hope I helped a bit! :)

amativedame -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:11:45 PM)

There is always the shot option, as well as an iud (which would last 5 to 7 years, depending on which option you go for.)

ClubMix -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:15:50 PM)

Also, you might want to ask about IUDs, but they typically won't let you have one unless you've already popped out a puppy. So if you have kids, you might want to look at that as an option.

GeekyGirl -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:19:46 PM)

Do you desire to give birth in the future?

If not, I suggest the Essure Tubal. This is what I went with and I LOVE it. Easy procedure, minimal down time, etc. However, if you don't have any offspring yet, you'll have to talk your doc into it (not the easiest thing, but I'm proof it can be done). Cost was minimal ($400 out of pocket). It is totally permenant and irreversible.

I hated pills...massive weight gain, mood changes, etc. No affect to my sex drive but god I was moody!

nectarine00 -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:42:57 PM)

I do not have any children as of yet (thank God) but I'm pretty sure I may want them someday, so anything irreversible is out.  But thank you all for sharing so far, it is nice to see other opinions.  Has anyone tried the Today Sponge?

hereyesruponyou -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 3:56:31 PM)

I loved the sponges when they were out before. Totally use when you want to only. I found them easy to insert and remove. Only problem is they have spermicide which then tastes kinda yucky if he wants to lick you or have you lick him after

deadlylover -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 4:05:04 PM)

I'm on the pill, currently, and I have not noticed a decrease in sex drive nor a weight gain. My mood swings are the same, as well. I think it all depends on the person and how they will react to whichever one. As for ClubMix--you were probably allergic to something in the patch (maybe even the sticky thing) and thus the reaction.
If you opt for the shot, stay on it at least a year, and no more. It's not meant for long-term use, I do not think. Not for certain about it, but I will have to ask my friend if you want to know more on it.
Try things out and see what works. Sometimes you have to test other things out before finding what is best for you.

Wineprl -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 4:22:07 PM)

I have been on the patch and had no problem with it, except in the summer it occassional came off, a good way to get rid of the sticky sutff after you remove the patch is rubbing alcohol.  Also been on the pill, weight gain, mood swings, and forgot to take it .  I am on shot for the second time in my life first time after I had my daughter, some wieght gain but nice not to have to remember it every day or week.  This time no problems, as far as I know and have been told you can be on it for more than a year, I went 3 years the first time.  Sometimes yoyu get spotting with it towards the end of the 12 weeks and when your due for the next shot, but I get nothing, no spotting, or period, kind of nice
just my 2 cents

Wineprl -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 4:23:55 PM)

LOL sorry about all the typos all, I was trying to hurry!

MistressTexas -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 6:00:21 PM)

I've been on the shot for quite the while. I used to be it's biggest fan, untill my doc screwed up and gave me a shot 3 weeks early. I gained 20lbs, started crying all the time and having panic attacks for no real reason. Even now, I'm trying to lose that depo weight, and I find I'm putting on very very bulky muscle instead of leaning out. Thats due to my hormones being so far out of whack... synthetic hormones working their way out and being replaced by natural ones. Oh and omfg... the breast pain/tenderness is horriffic. If you're very careful about getting the shot right on the dot  every 3 months, its pretty damn wonderful, but oooh if you slip up its a bitch. Plus coming off it is ridonkculous. I'm bloody well miserable, Its essenially being put through withdrawl, much like any other drug. You get bitchy, weird cravings, cramps, achey... the list goes on. Oh, and my personal favorite would be the hormonally induced depression, and never having the slightest itty bitty clue as to when your period will bother to start up again. I would not reccomend it for long term, or if you have a history of cancer, or id you forget appointments a lot lol.

My real reccomendation is for a low estrogen ill. they usually have the lowest side effects.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 6:33:12 PM)

I had an ex who had an adverse reaction to the shot. She essentially bled and lost hair until the drugs worked their way out of her system- a little over ten weeks. There was a shot that supposedly shortened the length of time it took to work out, and if it actually shortened it... well, I'd hate to see what happened without it.

nectarine00 -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 7:59:17 PM)

Wow, that shot seems to have very mixed reactions.  Thanks to hereyesruponyou for answering about the sponge.  I'm really interested in going down that path considering it's available in stores, and not that expensive.  I don't have sex all too often, as I'm in something sort of LD right now (only see each other like every two weeks or so) and I hate to be spending all the money on pills and what not.  Although I was researching IUDs, considering they're reversible if in the future I wanted to have kids.

Anyone else have experience with IUDs? Especially those who have never had children?  I'd love to hear any experience you'd care to share!

RPutnamJr -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 8:17:46 PM)

I think we can all agree that abstinance is out of the question.

nectarine00 -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 8:53:52 PM)

yeah, definitely not gonna happen that way, lol!

FangsNfeet -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 9:12:30 PM)

There's the old Catholic way where you calculate your fertile days of the month and not have sex during that time. The only problem is that's when you are normally most likely to be horny. Ain't that a bitch. During those days, make it fun with oral and toys.

Are kids ever going to be in your future? If no, just have your tubs tied. If yes, just have him fixed. After all, the procedure can be reversed if you ever decide to be pregnant.  

Vendaval -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 11:23:17 PM)

Hello nectarine,
Most birth control methods are based on either hormonal control
or a barrier method.  Do you have an ob/gyn or a general practicioner? 
How about a Planned Parenthood in your area?

All of the hormonal based birth control methods have the possibility of
causing mood swings and weight gain, I had both.  Some of my friends
have done fine with different dosages of the pill, 
some use the Nuva Ring or Norplant.  A few women I know
had terrible problems with the shot; weight gain, mood swings, hair loss, etc. 
IUD's are much safer now than they were years ago.  Check out
the information on the 2 links provided above.
Unless you want to be pregnant in the near future, do not rely on
the rhythm method, aka "Vatican Roulette".  What do you call people
who use the rhythm method?  Parents.

FukinTroll -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/7/2007 11:45:41 PM)

Is swallowing out of the question? Saw a girl in the mall wearing a maternity shirt that said "I knew I should have swallowed."

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/8/2007 12:22:58 AM)

[sm=biggrin.gif]damn, you think like me...or something like "thousands of potential children died on your daughter's face last night"

calamitysandra -> RE: Birth Control options OTHER than the pill (3/8/2007 3:59:53 AM)

I have had an IUD before I had my first child. Aside from stronger cramping during the first 3 periods after insertion, and stronger bleeding during use, I had no problem with mine.
A expirienced doc should have no problem inserting an IUD, even if the woman has never given birth. In that cases it is normally inserted during your period and the insertion might hurt a bit.
But after it is placed, you do not need to worry about it, other then the controls and the change when it is expired.
I used an IUD without hormones, btw.

All in all, I would go this way again.

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