Bonding of a Friendship (Full Version)

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sexysubbunny -> Bonding of a Friendship (4/15/2005 3:34:46 PM)

We must talk
until there are no more words
We must explain
until everything is understood
We must be honest
until nothing is hidden
We must listen
until everything has been said
We must question
so that we know WHY
We must be fair
so that everyone's basic needs are met
If there is no communication
there will be no bond
If there is no bond
there will be no Friendship!

love, bunny

hazeydaisy -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/16/2005 2:16:48 AM)

I love it! Thanks for sharing!

sexysubbunny -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/16/2005 7:14:15 AM)

~ Thank you so much, hazeydaisy!
Glad that you like it!, It has a meaning about my ex Master!
ahhhhhhh, but smiling again!!


PS: tell me how do you put up pics such as yours under your handle?
i really love the one that you have there!??

theroebabe -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/16/2005 8:08:15 AM)

So true Bunny!

You have to talk it all out. that should be the basic of all relationships but not all do.

hazeydaisy -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/16/2005 11:53:02 AM)

bunny, just go to "my profile" at the top of this you scroll down on that page it has where you can add an avatar. Just click browse, use the one you want, apply and then save. It may require you to have it a certain size etc...i got lucky because i use this one as my avatar on msn also lol.

sexysubbunny -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/16/2005 1:11:52 PM)

~~ Perfect, thank you very much daisy and have a super fantastic day!

SirSTRYKER -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/17/2005 10:14:21 AM)

ahh, the fine art of communication...thank you

sexysubbunny -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/17/2005 1:33:37 PM)

~ ahhhhhhhhh, thank you for noticing Sir and you are so very welcome!
I wanted to say a word to you, but never got around to it until just now!
I wanted to commend you and ponder on your sincere honesty in your posting on your situation at hand, i do hope that things have worked themselves out and gotten better between you two!

I sincerely respect you for allowing yourself to come forth and share this with the world here on Collar me, that takes a strong and determined Master to share what you did, and i have great respect for you because of that!

My recent breakup with my ex Master was a very trying and hurtful one indeed and filled with many emotions for me!

I do wish you all the best in your future endevours and thank you again for your response to my poetry!

Have a blessed day!!

love, bunny

SirSTRYKER -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/27/2005 5:50:39 AM)

Thank you as well friend. I have been a Dom since 1972 and still have much to learn. I am secure enough though in Myself to admit that with all I do know, I'm not perfect. I just have made a grand selection in a wife/sub. I will not attempt to be the perfect Master, first I must learn to accept that it takes T/two to tango and watch My step to keep in time with the dance. As for exposing Myself here in collarme, I trust and admire most A/all who spend time here. I've read of many who have shared themselves and this creates a trust I've rarely found on this is My home and Y/you are My F/friends..such as I am.

sexysubbunny -> RE: Bonding of a Friendship (4/27/2005 2:58:25 PM)

Good afternoon Sir:
Thanks so much for your kind and honest words and for sharing of yourself on this site!
i am new to the lifestyle about 8 months and have definatly learned alot in that short time, although i experienced a "bad" situation with my first Master i met, i hold no grudges, and i forgive all involved, and hopefully they do too!
It was unfortunate and emotions got the best of all involved, but life goes on and we all learn a lesson!! (Hopefully) All do...
i have enjoyed very much being on this site and the closeness i have felt to many people who have responded to me with such kind and loving words!!

Your definately one of those friends to me!!

thank you so much for your words of wisdom and truth! A very respected man you are by this sub!
I wish you all the best of luck in your future experiences!

Your so right: No on is perfect and we all make mistakes, but its the ones who don't admit they have done someone wrong! This really hurts!!
I am a firm believer in karma and if honesty is not within that persons heart, they will not survive!
I am an honest person with a very kind heart and some people get dealt a bad deal!!
But with a smiling face and a positive attitude in life, we become even stronger the next time around!

i have also found trust in many friends on here and truly appreciate their support and kindness.

Enjoy your evening and Keep up that "good" work Sir...
smiles [;)]

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