"... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (Full Version)

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FirmhandKY -> "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:12:05 PM)

Kill all Americans
May. 1, 2007

Sheik Ahmad Bahr, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, declared during a Friday sermon at a Sudan mosque that America and Israel will be annihilated and called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One."

 U.S. to send $59 million to Palestinians
April 10, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $60 million in U.S. aid to the Palestinians has been cleared for transfer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, the State Department said Tuesday.

The funding comprises $43 million for non-lethal training and equipment for Abbas' security forces and $16 million for upgrades at the Karni crossing into northern Gaza, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack announced.


PS, Yes, the acting Speaker is Hamas, and Abbas is not, and supposedly the funds aren't suppose to go there ... you believe that?

Nastgargoyle -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:25:49 PM)

Believe it?
I'm an experienced realist, I'd be suprised if it was any different.
Pretty much a typical example of the way the US who doesn't negotiate with terrorsits, will subsidize a nation so that it will do its best to control radical elements and do a piss poor job of it.
Happens all the time.

LadyEllen -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:40:41 PM)

If one is Jewish American, does one get killed twice, or is it the double negative thing and one is left alone?

W Allen

Sicarius -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:42:46 PM)


If one is Jewish American, does one get killed twice, or is it the double negative thing and one is left alone?

You may confuse the terrorists with such questions, hon.


meatcleaver -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:43:54 PM)

Sounds like the mirror image of Pat J Buchannan.

Edited: Corrected name spelling.

Sicarius -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:48:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
Sounds like the mirror image of Pat J Buchannan.

I won't say that I disagree with you, but I am curious as to what the underlying motive was to make this observation.  Any chance you might elaborate?


selfbnd411 -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 2:59:31 PM)

Extremists come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.  I think we would do well to call out our crop of whack-jobs at the same time as we call out whack-jobs around the world.

Sicarius -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:03:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: selfbnd411

Extremists come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.  I think we would do well to call out our crop of whack-jobs at the same time as we call out whack-jobs around the world.

Stop leaping to his defense before you even know what my point is.  Is it so painfully obvious that he is up to something that is in need of being defended?


Aileen68 -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:11:24 PM)



If one is Jewish American, does one get killed twice, or is it the double negative thing and one is left alone?

W Allen

I vote for double negative.

edited to add...shalom.

Mercnbeth -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:17:48 PM)

It seems that the lies and misrepresentations of politicians in the West, particularly the US, have the majority of us believing that politicians and political leaders in the Muslim world also have no integrity behind their words.

I believe that Sheik Ahmad Bahr, and Iranian President are being truthful in stating their goals. The activity of the Sheik's group and the Iranian President suggest they are not speaking rhetorically. I don't hope for their success but I respect their commitment and their plan talk. The West choses not to believe them; ignoring or rationalizing that their words should not be taken as a serious threat.

I can only hope that one of the people running for President emerges to speak as plainly and with the same integrity of these men. Regardless of the political party or basic philosophical disparity; for leadership ability alone they have a good chance of getting my vote. We are a nation desperate for a leader.

ummmmm.... Isn't that the way Adolf Hitler was elected?

FatDomDaddy -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:24:18 PM)

It always amazes me when the leftist, America's always wrong and full of hateful bigot types cry OH YEAH.. Pat Buchannan.

I am not a big fan of Brother Pat myself but please meatcleaver... can you point me to one speech in 40= years of Buchannan ramblings where he has invoked Jesus Christ to smote anyone? I am only asking for one time.

The radical Arab and Eastern Islamist, want Jews dead, Americans dead, homosexuals dead, ahteists and agnostics dead, Christians converted, Blacks converted then enslaved, women subjegated and covered from head to toe and support such things as children becoming mass suicide bombers.

For that, they become the lovey dovey darlins of the worlds left.

Sicarius -> RE: ... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:31:13 PM)


It always amazes me when the leftist, America's always wrong and full of hateful bigot types cry OH YEAH.. Pat Buchannan.

I am not a big fan of Brother Pat myself but please meatcleaver... can you point me to one speech in 40= years of Buchannan ramblings where he has invoked Jesus Christ to smote anyone? I am only asking for one time.

The radical Arab and Eastern Islamist, want Jews dead, Americans dead, homosexuals dead, ahteists and agnostics dead, Christians converted, Blacks converted then enslaved, women subjegated and covered from head to toe and support such things as children becoming mass suicide bombers.

For that, they become the lovey dovey darlins of the worlds left.

Dammit, FDD, you're blowing my cover here.  Sometimes you have to bait them before they'll admit that their only true concern has nothing to do with bigotry or terrorism, but instead an unbridled hatred of the United States.

My genuine suspicion (which I will phrase directly to you, meatcleaver, for the sake of being polite), is that you hate this country.  I suspect that you genuinely and passionately hate the United States and that your sole motivation in any discussion in which the merits or flaws of the United States come into play is to in some way turn the focus away from problems in the rest of the world and focus them exclusively upon the target of your hatred.

I don't know Pat Buchannan very well.  The guy could be an asshole for all I care, and frankly I think that you feel exactly the same way, meatcleaver.  I think that for your purposes, the only important factor is the fact that he is an assailable target for your rhetoric that also happens to be an American.

If you'd like to refute that, please feel free to do so.


NorthernGent -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:35:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

The West choses not to believe them; ignoring or rationalizing that their words should not be aken as a serious threat.

I'd be quite interested to see some evidence of what the West chooses. Feel free to throw in exactly what constitutes "The West" in your mind, too.

Mercnbeth -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:39:46 PM)


I'd be quite interested to see some evidence of what the West chooses.
Follow up your interest with some research, even contrary; especially contrary. 


Feel free to throw in exactly what constitutes "The West" in your mind, too.
Why? Use whatever definition you choice and make your own point.

meatcleaver -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:49:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sicarius


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
Sounds like the mirror image of Pat J Buchannan.

I won't say that I disagree with you, but I am curious as to what the underlying motive was to make this observation.  Any chance you might elaborate?


You can pick extremist statements from any camp to prove ones point but it doesn't mean it is a common view held by the general population. Quoting Pat J Buchannan could be quoted to prove the US is a country full of fascists and racists but does it really prove anything other than the nasty character of Buchannan? No, of course it doesn't and neither does quoting Sheik Ahmad Bahr prove anything.

NorthernGent -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:53:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


I'd be quite interested to see some evidence of what the West chooses.
Follow up your interest with some research, even contrary; especially contrary. 


Feel free to throw in exactly what constitutes "The West" in your mind, too.
Why? Use whatever definition you choice and make your own point.

Your claim, thus your integrity. If you choose to make unsubstantiated claims, then I suppose there's nothing for me to see here.

FirmhandKY -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:55:27 PM)

Might be interested in what else the acting Speaker said in his services (its at the link I gave above):

I guarantee you that the power of belief and faith is greater than the power of America and Israel. They are cowards who are eager for life, while we are eager for death for the sake of Allah. That is why America's nose was rubbed in the mud in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia, and everywhere."

The is the view that they have of the US's and Western's "peace movement",  and retreat lobby.  It encourages them to kill more, it does not convince them to kill less.

Appeasement, in any form is a bad idea.


FirmhandKY -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:58:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

You can pick extremist statements from any camp to prove ones point but it doesn't mean it is a common view held by the general population. Quoting Pat J Buchannan could be quoted to prove the US is a country full of fascists and racists but does it really prove anything other than the nasty character of Buchannan? No, of course it doesn't and neither does quoting Sheik Ahmad Bahr prove anything.

Buchannan isn't the US Speaker of the House, nor is he a respected religious leader.  The Sheik is mainstream.


Mercnbeth -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 3:58:59 PM)


You can pick extremist statements from any camp to prove ones point but it doesn't mean it is a common view held by the general population.

Don't you see a huge difference?

Currently President Bush, based upon polling information, represents the common view of less than 30% of the US population. Yet, he has the power to send 20,000 more men to Iraq, plus all the support personal. If he so decided, unless there was a coup, he could "push a button".

The distinction to Mr. Buchanan should be obvious. He holds no political office and represents no constituency. This is not the case for Sheik Bahr or President Ahmadinejad.

Regardless of the sentiments of their constituents, and thus far without a nuclear button to push, Sheik Bahr and President Ahmadinejad words should and do carry similar power. Why do you take the position that they don't?

selfbnd411 -> RE: "... kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." (5/2/2007 4:01:39 PM)

Reading these forums makes me glad we have a representative democracy =)

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