~love that works~ (Full Version)

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MistressDREAD -> ~love that works~ (5/29/2004 10:12:53 PM)

When couples marry today, there’s only a 50-50 chance the marriage will endure. Divorce rates remain near their all-time highs. Depending whose statistics you choose to believe, as many as 70% of marriages will experience "cheating" one or more times during their existence. Nearly a third of all children under 18 live in single-parent households. Nearly 8 million of these children live with single parents who have never been married. The social support network formerly provided by the extended family has virtually disappeared from contemporary life.

Clearly, doing more of the same thing and expecting different outcomes no longer makes sense.

The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past.

Robertson Davies
Canadian novelist, essayist, playwright and educator

The Institute was founded at the dawn of the new millennium (July 2000) to help people create lasting intimate relationships that will work in our present world. We are a research and educational organization, guided by distinguished researchers, academics, clinicians, and other professionals, and devoted to studying and educating the public about the various new forms of intimate relationships being chosen in today's world. We are also dedicated to supporting the proposition that competent adults have a basic human right to choose for themselves the form their intimate relationship should take, and to be given education and support to help them make that choice work for them.

Looking at all the evidence, our founders couldn't avoid concluding that a "one size fits all" institution whose present conception is largely based on the fiction of medieval troubadours - i.e., monogamous legal marriage - is proving increasingly ill suited for many completely respectable and responsible people today.

We believe the proven cost in human distress, endangered children, broken homes, and social upheaval inherent in a reflexive demand for "monolithic monogamy" has simply become too high to bear.

Convictions are more dangerous enemies of the truth than lies.


Literally tens of millions of responsible, well-adjusted people are seeking out and living new ways of relating that don't embrace the traditional model of "one man, one woman, sexually/emotionally exclusive, legally bound for life."

Recognizing the demonstrated perils of legal marriage at a young age, people are postponing marriage, or (as has been the case in Scandinavia for decades) forgoing it altogether in favor of cohabitation in record numbers.
Millions of senior citizens choose not to marry legally for a host of valid financial, tax, and emotional reasons.
Millions of same-sex unions, both sexually-exclusive and non-exclusive, exist and thrive - yet participants cannot (and many say they would not) legally marry.
Millions of couples (primarily) enjoy the swinging lifestyle, where sexual openness is paired with emotional exclusivity successfully to deepen and enhance the coupled relationship.
There is a rapidly emerging polyamory movement that practices multiple, simultaneous, open and honest romantic relationships, including varying degrees of sexual intimacy.
Elements of the BDSM/power exchange relationship style are being accepted by, and assimilated into, society at an increasing pace, despite widespread misunderstanding.
Religiously-motivated polygamy has gradually re-emerged from the shadows and, when practiced responsibly and consensually among adults, is being objectively judged by many as deserving a measure of tolerance out of respect for religious diversity.

All of these choices, when practiced consensually and freely among adults, deserve respect and social support. They also need the kind of empirical research to discover and promulgate "best practices" that the old monogamous marriage model has enjoyed for decades. Finally, there needs to be empirical research to help demolish unfounded stereotypes and prejudices that work to inhibit complete freedom of relationship choice. We seek to support the attainment of all three objectives.

We honor and respect those who freely choose monogamous traditional marriage. It is unquestionably a valid choice for many. Nevertheless, we equally and firmly believe it is time to lay aside prejudice, inflexibility, ignorance and the insistence that humanity in all its wondrous diversity must adhere to a single acceptable model of intimate relationships, or do without. Please take the time to open your life options to happiness.

MistressDREAD -> RE: ~love that works~ (6/6/2004 6:34:56 PM)


yeehaw -> RE: ~love that works~ (6/7/2004 4:39:40 AM)

There is ideology and clashing with that is evidence based reasoning.

One may choose, in the current social debate, to "believe" in the monogamous marriage model or, as Dread's article above wisely begins with, one may regard the facts and evidence and go from there.

Traditional marriage does not in fact work for half the population, roughly. "Till death do us part" sees just less than half it's applicants.

The fact that the statistics vary is surely a sign that the defenders of the ideology will and do stoop to lying to prop up what in reality is no grand success.

The two things I like best about the article and it's concluded points, are evidence based reasoning and thinking outside the box.

Every part of the human equation has changed from our 3 million year evolutionary timeframe. Instead of nature shaping us, we now largely shape it, and with it, ourselves.

I agree that we need to re-think how we live, and how we love. Just as politics and religion and philosophy and knowledge have changed dramatically, so too should our one last remaining holdout to development....marriage, and family....and love.

If what you do results in happiness without harm to others, fosters love without it's opposite, embodies freedom without taking it from others, makes family good for children, and fulfills your life, then you not only have my support, you have my most profound respect.

JadeLady -> RE: ~love that works~ (6/14/2004 8:27:24 PM)

Well said yeehaw.

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