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BeautifulDoll -> Stretch Marks (5/10/2005 10:11:51 PM)

What is something good to use that you can buy over the counter to make stretch marks less noticiable or make them vanish?

siamsa24 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 5:46:06 AM)

Cocoa Butter, most of the girls at my work swear by it. You can also use vitamin E, either get the oil or buy the softgel vitamins and prick them with a pin and squeeze the oil out. Both of these are generally for preventing stretch marks, I know once you get them they are next to impossible to get rid of.
They do sell products for getting rid of stretch marks though. It's generally near the lotions and facial care sections. I don't know how well they work though

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 7:43:34 AM)

As well, plastic surgery can help reduce their appearance.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 9:31:36 AM)


What is something good to use that you can buy over the counter to make stretch marks less noticiable or make them vanish?

whether or not one will develop stretch marks has to do with the elasticity of one's skin...not which bottle of snake oil will "prevent" them or "make then less noticeable"(much like whether or not one will be able to tan or not depends on genetic composition---not sunbathing technique". this slave has known women who have given birth to multiple children and nary a stretch mark graces their bodies...on the other hand, this slave has known several people who have developed stretch marks from rapid weight gain, loss, or one rather small-sized pregnancy.

siamsa24 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 9:33:53 AM)


this slave has known several people who have developed stretch marks from rapid weight gain, loss, or one rather small-sized pregnancy.

Or in my case, rapid increase in breast size due to changing birth control [:@]

BeautifulDoll -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 11:23:58 AM)

So does the cocoa butter help to minimize the appearance of the stretch marks?

siamsa24 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 12:33:50 PM)

I know that it's recommended to pregnant women to use before the stretch marks appear. I don't know if they can make them go away I have never heard of that.

fourpeas -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 1:28:20 PM)

There are also some more expensive things you can get at

that have a few more "active" ingredients and claim to help.

Although I will add that if you are super, super self-conscious about them that you get yourself to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and discuss options. I am not sure if laser removal works on that, but I would see a derm before dropping a ton of money on anything.

Stri-vectin SD is supposed to work on stretch marks. It's $135, it might be worth a try. Also know that a lot of the things used to help stretch marks you have to keep using daily for a long period of time before you see any improvement.

Alexander -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 2:14:29 PM)

This is a fairly good resource

BeautifulDoll -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 3:37:02 PM)

Are strech marks really that bad or important? What is everyone's opinion on them?

siamsa24 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 4:54:36 PM)

I see them as just a part of my body. They are there and there is nothing I can do about it, kind of like my belly button [:D]
If someone doesn't like them that is their problem, not mine.

BeautifulDoll -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 5:00:17 PM)

Thank you. That answer makes me feel a little less self-concious about mine. Will tanning help make them less noticiable?

siamsa24 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 5:01:38 PM)

Hmmm, don't know. Mine are a bit purple and white, always have been, I guess I never really compared before and after tanning.....

RiotGirl -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 5:39:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: BeautifulDoll

Thank you. That answer makes me feel a little less self-concious about mine. Will tanning help make them less noticiable?

Maybe? i'm tanning again out in the sun and i just checked, they seem less ghastly where i've a tan. But still pretty easy to see

sweetnygirl -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 5:45:03 PM)

I'm using something called "Mederma" on the 6" scar from my recent abdominal surgery. It says it helps scars resulting from surgery, injury, burns, acne & stretch marks appear softer & smoother. I use it 4 times a day in the hope the scar won't be as obvious as is it now.

Rayne58 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 6:02:46 PM)




ORIGINAL: BeautifulDoll

Thank you. That answer makes me feel a little less self-concious about mine. Will tanning help make them less noticiable?

Maybe? i'm tanning again out in the sun and i just checked, they seem less ghastly where i've a tan. But still pretty easy to see

Be careful out in the sun - stretch marks are preferable to developing skin cancer!

I have stretch marks on my lower belly plus a "pooch" from carrying two 3kg (7lb) babies on my slight frame. You couldn't tell I was pregnant from the back, but I was all baby out the front! The marks have faded over time (the youngest "baby" is 17 years old) but still noticeable as silvery white streaks.

I was self conscious about my body for the longest time. But now I have a Master who loves every inch of me and thinks I am beautiful both inside and out, which has helped enormously with my confidence. I lost a bit of weight and the "pooch" is less noticeable under clothing but still there when I am naked[:-] However I've realised that short of plastic surgery there isn't much I can do about it so I've learned to wear my banners of motherhood with pride [:)]

phoenix52 -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/11/2005 6:02:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: siamsa24

I see them as just a part of my body. They are there and there is nothing I can do about it, kind of like my belly button [:D]
If someone doesn't like them that is their problem, not mine.

i agree.... they are just part of my body. Most the "real" people i know have them, i like to think that many of the beautiful women you see in print ads just have them air brushed out. (or at least that makes me feel better!)

i have the worst skin the world for stretch marks.... i got them when i was a kid, having growth spurts. [:@] i'm probably one of the few people with over-the-shoulder stretch marks!

Oh, well, if someone doesn't like it, they dont' have to look.

BeautifulDoll -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/13/2005 1:28:50 PM)

I agree that if they don't like they don't have to look. I mean it is not a huge deal I just wanted to know ways that I could minimize the appearance of the ones I do have.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/15/2005 9:46:54 AM)


Are strech marks really that bad or important?

Beauty is in the eye of the some perspectives it represents carrying a beloved child, to others, it is how their creator made them, with no inherent "bad"-ness implied. the challenge to love your body the way it is and ignore the constant advertsing drumbeat to change yourself(dye your hair, wear this perfume or makeup, have surgery or buy some snake oil to make things bigger or smaller or more or less noticable) is, for some, hard to do.

to someone who desperately wants to but is unable to have a child of their own---stretchmarks could be the one thing they wished more than anything they could have.

this slave would encourage you to love your body the way it is, every stretchmark, every freckle.

btw, tanning is BAD for your skin, like smoking is bad for your lungs.

PenelopePitstop -> RE: Stretch Marks (5/15/2005 10:04:44 AM)

Favourite fantasy #1
Become a film director and specialise in films that show Cameron Diaz's stretchmarks, Keira Knightley's spots. Renee Zellweger's cellulite and Nicole Kidman's beard.

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