kinky people and health (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:35:16 AM)

I'm curious how many people see a dentist twice a year and a doctor once a year for an exam.  If you don't, why not?
Do you get a blood test for yourself and partners before sexual activity to check for STDs?
Ladies, have you gotten your pelvic exams and mammograms?

darkinshadows -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:39:46 AM)

Check on all of the above - except the mammograms - in the UK I am considered too young to be able to recieve unless I pay private - but that doesn't stop me from checking for breast problems manually and asking the doctor to do so as well.

juliaoceania -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:40:23 AM)

I am not old enough for automatic breast exam. I get screened for STDs if I get a new partner, and I have a yearly pap smear. I go to the dentist once a year. I self check my breasts.

I believe in not going to the doctor unless one needs to. I exercise, eat right, and get rest. I am not foolish though, and will screen myself for obvious landmines... especially stds. My Daddy and I were both screened prior to fluid bonding. I think this is only responsible

cjenny -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:46:01 AM)

[:D] Yes
[:D] Yes
[&:] Bad bad track record on this one.

For the most part preventative care is so much easier than fixing a real problem.

pahunkboy -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:47:31 AM)

i sorta gave up on the dentist thing.  but on the other i take very good care of myself.

most people will die of a heart attack- [tho] i become "done" with endless tests my one dr does. once im on a regiemnt- i should need a battery of tests every time. so- im puting some space there for a while. when you are truly sick- you dont want to spend time on ekg, and the battery of tests----------- which frankly im surprised insurance pays for- done as often as she does...

slaverosebeauty -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:49:34 AM)



I'm curious how many people see a dentist twice a year and a doctor once a year for an exam.  If you don't, why not?
Do you get a blood test for yourself and partners before sexual activity to check for STDs?
Ladies, have you gotten your pelvic exams and mammograms?

No to the dentist, last time I was one, I was about 5 months pregnant with my munchkin, he is in the 1st grade now, lol. The dentist is my version of hell, I am NOT a masocist. I need to go, but if I do, I will HAVE to be knocked out, no questions asked.

Every 6 months for blood tests, regardless, its SOP since my surgery in July.

As for paps, yep. I asked about a procedure last year on the boards an I was told to 'not worry' and when I got an 'abnormal' result before that I was told to 'not worry' by many on the boards, if I would have done that I would be dead by now. If you get an 'abnormal' result ladies do EXACTLY what your doctor sugests, get the damn biopsy, go back every 6 months if thats what is recommended, it saved my life. I have to go in every 6 months for the next 2 years, unless I get pregnant, then its more often. I got my last results on Friday, I am 'all clear' so I am good to go until October or until I get pregnant, which ever comes first.

pahunkboy -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 10:57:35 AM)

i routinly get std tested.

when aids came out- i avoded the dentist for a few years.

hazenut -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 11:14:58 AM)

Ah, the dentist....I think most people have had a bad experience there at some point. Fortuntely, I've only had one cavity.  I go, but dread it. I hate it. The doctor...heck yeah. Yearly gyno appointment.

KatyLied -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 11:22:42 AM)

My personal soapbox.
Recommended at age 50 (or earlier if there is a family history of polyps or colon cancer).
It saves lives.

Mercnbeth -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 11:52:36 AM)



My personal soapbox.
Recommended at age 50 (or earlier if there is a family history of polyps or colon cancer).

I heard a Colonoscopy is a pain in the ass, and I expect to have first hand experience soon.

Annual physicals are good idea. Trading partners casually would seem to require a more frequent visit to the clinics to test for STD's.

We just got our annual 'clean bill of health' physicals. We had a scare put into us. The Doctor found a lump in beth's breast, requiring first a ultrasound and mammogram and ultimately a biopsy. The procedure was painful, and biopsy left bruising that made me conclude that the Doctor a much more intense sadist than I could ever hope to to. I was there for the whole thing and later told beth that she should have used a 'safe-word'. she reminded me she didn't have one.

The bottom line, was the lump was a Fibroadenoma; nothing to be too concerned. The most difficult part was the waiting; two weeks to get the mammogram/ultrasound, another week for the biopsy, and two days more for the results. Our friends say we collectively had a different personality during that period. I won't argue.

I promised beth I'd go through my required over 50 test as soon as all her testing and results were concluded. That was two weeks ago Tuesday. Now my excuse is waiting for her bruising to fade. I think when they get close to fading completely I'll spend some time with her in our dungeon to add some new color.

See how this relates to a Dom/Master experiencing the same sensation and not processing it the same? A sub may look forward and welcome a "session" that includes having 3-4 feet of hose up their butt as well as the associated 'cleansing and purging'. I don't have any similar positive anticipation thoughts; and don't expect to be able to relate any after the fact.

darkinshadows -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 12:03:11 PM)

Out of interest - medical insurence in the states pays for standard mammograms etc or does it depend on the health insurence you take out?  Is it something that is pushed by your MD - as it is here in the U.K?  Or is it just left depending on your level of insurence?  And is there a age restriction?
Thanks in advance

KatyLied -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 12:10:19 PM)

Dark - there are some monies set aside for women to get free mamograms.  But yes, much depends on the level of insurance you have, and if you do things within your specific insurance's system.  I always check to make sure they pre-qualifiy me and that everything is in-system.  In some cases, such as a colonscopy prior to age 50, it takes special request from the physician to show a need (family history), but usually goes through. 

Merc - it is a bigger pain in the ass the day before, when you have to do the prep, all I can say is depends or the oldest underwear you own for a few hours.  The prep is bad; the exam itself, not so because you are in "twilight sleep" and don't remember any of it.

Mercnbeth -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 12:35:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

Out of interest - medical insurence in the states pays for standard mammograms etc or does it depend on the health insurence you take out?  Is it something that is pushed by your MD - as it is here in the U.K?  Or is it just left depending on your level of insurence?  And is there a age restriction?
Thanks in advance

First a disclaimer. This answer isn't in any way a comprehensive report on health insurance in the US. Coverages, and procedures of insurance companies, vary by State. I happen to be an employer who pays 100% for my employee's coverage, make family coverage available for an additional cost, and pay 100% family coverage for all management personal. I'm not unique.
Medical insurance in not mandated in the US. Some employers do not offer it, some offer it at a cost, some pay for it completely or in part for employees and their families. You can purchase it as an individual, however it is very expensive and if you have ever had any pre-diagnosed condition or decease it is cost prohibitive to get it. In other words if you are sick and need insurance coverage and don't work for a company that offers or provides access to an 'open enrollment' health program - you can't get it.
There are public clinics, and government funded low income programs available but they are generally poorly managed. Non-profit groups focused on children, woman, or associated with specific groups, such as veterans, also try to accommodate the growing group of the uninsured.
If you have insurance you have one of two major types; and an infinite variety of in between. The most common, and lowest priced is a HMO, a 'health management organization'. What that means is that you have one assigned Doctor who is the 'gate-keeper' for all other services. In other words, you go to him/her for your initial diagnosis and/or annual physical, and if he/she discover anything warranting additional attention, the Doctor refers you on to the specialist. In a PPO plan, if you see a bone sticking out of your leg, you don't have to first go to your gate-keeper doctor to confirm that you indeed have a broken leg and should see a Orthopedist, you can go to any Orthopedist listed in your insurance coverage book.
Nowadays there is always a "deductible" or co-pay for any medical service from prescriptions to office visits. Also, some prescriptions are not covered. For instance, if you get cancer from smoking the insurance will pay for your cancer treatment and/or chemo-therapy. However if you chose to use a certain prescription medication to quit smoking - it may not be covered.
Regarding the age issue. There is no standard, but 40 is usually the first time for a referral to a mammogram, 50 for the colonoscopy. Any family history of breast cancer or colon cancer moves up the 'approved' timetable.
We waited for 10 days for an opening for beth's mammogram and thought it intolerable. My colonoscopy could have been scheduled the next day - but that was intolerable for me. What would be the standard wait to get a mammogram and/or colonoscopy in the UK; with and without a symptom such as a breast lump or any rectal issue?

subfever -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 12:47:30 PM)



I'm curious how many people see a dentist twice a year and a doctor once a year for an exam.  If you don't, why not?
Do you get a blood test for yourself and partners before sexual activity to check for STDs?
Ladies, have you gotten your pelvic exams and mammograms?

No, I only go once a year for a cleaning and check-up. But I floss several times a week, and brush 2-3 times a day. So far, so good. I still have all my teeth.

No on the annual physical exam. I avoid doctors unless I absolutely have to. They are too focused on treating symptoms with drugs and surgery, and for this reason, I don't trust them.

windchymes -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 1:58:15 PM)

While they're back there, how about your annual prostate exam and PSA blood levels???

(Just remember, you shouldn't feel a hand on BOTH shoulders during the exam.....Also, don't ask for a hug afterwards, it's just weird.)[:D]

iwannapullurhair -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 2:13:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

i sorta gave up on the dentist thing.  but on the other i take very good care of myself.

most people will die of a heart attack- [tho] i become "done" with endless tests my one dr does. once im on a regiemnt- i should need a battery of tests every time. so- im puting some space there for a while. when you are truly sick- you dont want to spend time on ekg, and the battery of tests----------- which frankly im surprised insurance pays for- done as often as she does...

About the Dentist-Oh my God! Get back there! For God sakes I waited almost ten years one time and the first return was hell! The longer you wait, the more problems you'll have. I was so glad I had pretty dental assistants.

Level -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 3:24:36 PM)



I'm curious how many people see a dentist twice a year and a doctor once a year for an exam.  If you don't, why not?
Do you get a blood test for yourself and partners before sexual activity to check for STDs?
Ladies, have you gotten your pelvic exams and mammograms?

I went to the dentist this morning, no cavities, got a good cleaning, which I do 2 or 3 times a year. I now go to the doctor/s on a regular basis, I'll be seeing an oncologist tomorrow. Oy.

Level -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 3:26:26 PM)



My personal soapbox.
Recommended at age 50 (or earlier if there is a family history of polyps or colon cancer).
It saves lives.

I've had one, and one of the nurses bought me dinner afterwards LOL. True story.
And yes to being checked for STDs, makes good sense.

SunNMoon -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 3:30:40 PM)

Yes to the dentist, I'll be going in, in June.
I do the doctor/pelvic exam and STD all at once.
I also go to the eye doc every couple of years.
I always make sure that all of my shoots are up to date too.

velvetears -> RE: kinky people and health (5/14/2007 3:57:04 PM)



I went to the dentist this morning, no cavities, got a good cleaning, which I do 2 or 3 times a year. I now go to the doctor/s on a regular basis, I'll be seeing an oncologist tomorrow. Oy.

Good luck with that Level, i hope you come away with a clean bill of health. 

i get regualr check ups, yearly mamo's (and no they aren't that bad, a bit of discomfort and i am a large chested woman with more than enough to fit into the machine.  i get yearly paps, and only std checks if i have a partner and it becomes an issue.

The dentist [&:]  No - i am rather phobic about them - had a root canal once, because i was pregnant they could not give me ANT anesthia - i am not anxious to go back - i take good care of my teeth, but i do need to go - i am trying to find one that will give me conscious seation but that costs extra and i just cannot afford it righ tnow.

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