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FSTA06 - 5/16/2007 7:13:19 PM   

Posts: 18681
Joined: 11/12/2005
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We were busy for some time with this project. About 15% of the units built were given away to the old, and one or two to people who had dangerous situations, the details of which I don’t feel like going into right now.

Todd Randolf Bowen II was born on April 15th at 9.9 pounds. Lisa managed to push the lil’ monster out without technology. It took a lot out of her, but she’ll be fine.

Joseph Anthony Bowen was born on April 19th and Toni also had a hard time. Dr. Griffin was right, if we upped the amount of supplement they might be in serious trouble.

They were both born at our home, and I blew the first breath into their lungs, like a very very old custom I remember. The girls were beat so I did the most taking care of the babies for about a week. I actually missed a GOF meeting to stay with them, and I also blew John Canton off for a while. Once the reason was explained they took no umbrage.

Things gradually got back to "normal", that is the new normal. Actually we didn’t lock up as soon as possible. We decided to have the girls as soon as possible. Normally it’s good to allow three years between children, but in this case we figured we can handle it. They started taking the herb that influences their body to produce girls and then we fucked like rabbits after we were sure they were "saturated" with it. Afterwards we locked up for a month. After that the belts had to come off.

This pregnancies went just about like the last ones. I sincerely wish I could take the brunt of their discomfort, but that is not possible by natural means. I just tried to be as nice as possible. Many times a day I thought up nice things to do for them. They make my life more than complete, in ways I’m sure I don’t deserve. Call me lucky.

This time Toni was first to give birth to the bouncing 8.9 pound Jennifer Antoinette Bowen. Lisa came in next with the 9 pound Nicole Ruth Bowen. I think Lisa was quite taken with Nana and wanted to honor her with that middle name. I agreed, whatever reason, that’s the kids’ names, it’s settled. It just occurred to me, human body weight is still expressed in the old English measurements, pounds. I wonder why ? If there is an explainable reason I’d certainly like to hear it.

Nana, Dr. Griffin, Lisa’s Parents, everybody came by to see the babies. I liked it. A lot of people around, good good people. This is a perfect environment for the kids. Even Toni’s Parents stopped by. My jaw kinda dropped when they called. Toni asked me if it was OK if they came over. I had to sit her down again and talk to her "Toni, this is your home, you don’t have to ask, just use your best judgement".

I finally met Toni’s Parents. They seemed like reasonable people and I didn’t pry into their differences just yet. Eventually I found out, Toni had dropped out of certain classes in school, classes that Mom and Dad deemed essential. She just wouldn’t listen they said. They had gotten into a big argument and she left in a big huff, and they spoke very little thereafter. They refused to let her work in the family business. On her 19th birthday she moved out.

Funny, I didn’t find Toni to be all that assertive.

In the next few years we came out of the dark ages of diapers and bottles. Our toddlers were now dangerous, it was great. This ate up a lot of money but word had spread and belt sales were up again. We also sold a number of those floor mats with the field. Now, when we sell a Woman a belt, Lisa generally is with her on the design because of her computer skills. Toni now handles the actual fitting because it would be inappropriate for me to do so.

Then comes Julia. She wants to have it so she cannot touch the key, thereby making it impossible for her to free herself. Lisa called to me because she didn’t know how to do it. Hell, I hadn’t ever done it either .

It took some figuring. She says she’s not into pain so I came up with the plan. She loved it ! The same material contained in the cuffs for breachable tethers is used. Instead of an attracting force there is a repulsive force. The key dangles on the front of her belt on a chain, but due to the charge on her body she can’t get her hands within four inches of it. It just swings out of the way. If she somehow traps the key with both hands it doesn’t matter, if she gets within an inch the TSGs crank up to prevent her from touching it, to the tune of about 1,000 kgs force. The key is also detachable, but not by her.

This was a tall order so I had to charge her $950 for just a belt. She had no interest in a bra or anything else. How diabolical, to have the key right in front of you but you can’t use it. Damn, I wish I’d thought of it for myself. I could always get Toni or Lisa to unlock me, , , , , , eventually. It would also be safer in an emergency. I liked it and called her to tell her I got it figured out. Two days later she was being fitted by Toni.

She was amazed. As her hands approached the key it moved away. She tried to trap it between her legs and at a certain point it just popped up repelling her hands as like poles of two magnets. She did indeed trap the key eventually, but couldn’t get within that inch to use it.

I didn’t even tell her where the keyholes were ! I did print instructions on the belt though. It is highly unlikely that someone would be endangered by the belt, like trapped in a burning building or something, nonetheless this must be considered when it’s neutronium.

One day Susan simply showed up in my chamber. She hadn’t linked with my transporter, just beamed there. "Dolf 910" The chamber was locked. I went up to the chamber and asked "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here ?".

"Let me out of this thing". I said no, not until I get satisfactory answers. She hit her transponder but it didn’t work of course, Dolf blocked the signal. She said "Oh shit".

There is very little crime now, but a few years ago some out of towners tried to rob the club. I turned the nucks on and defeated them summarily. She had seen it and wanted that capability. I turned my nucks on and released her from the chamber. I put a bracelet on her which she could not remove and it would prevent her from leaving the property.

She tried to run and when I stopped her with my arm it knocked the wind out of her. I helped her into a comfortable chair and let her recouperate a bit. "Drink ?". She replied "Might as well". I asked "What’ll you have ?". I made her a drink and we talked.

I had to ask "Just why do you need nucks ? are you in danger ?". She said not yet.

Turns out she is an archeaologist and wants to do some exploring in some very dangerous caves and the like. The monitoring device in the bracelet indicated that she was telling the truth. I asked her "Why didn’t you just call me ?" She said she didn’t really know, it may have been a stupid thing to do. I told her "Absolutely and what if I wasn’t home". She said she kind of wanted to test the limits of my technology, I replied "You ain’t nowhere near it".

She’s a very bold Woman. I am quite intrigued by her but I can’t go after her. I shouldn’t even think about it. I told her I would have to think about it and I’d get back to her. She gave me her contact information and I let her go. She activated her transponder and disappeared. The coordinates gave me her true identity which matches what she had told me. I researched a bit and she is one of the foremost in the field, and has a reputation for being very brash and bold. She has pissed a few people off, but not really bad.

Of course I wasn’t all too pleased with her just showing up like that, but it wasn’t really a big thing. She had made some serious contributions to science and proved and disproved quite a bit of history. Now she wants to go to the South Pole and start digging.

I decided to build her a nucks system with really superior shielding, but her strength would only be tripled. This should work for her for the expedition, but once installed even I can’t remove it. Even with a pattern copy she would think she had just arrived. I could refuse but once she walked out the door she would realize she’s displaced in time.

My nucks are designed for anything, hers will be primarily for protection. When I called her I told her she had better sit down. The price is $13,750. What’s more I can turn it off at any time. She asked how I wish to be paid, in cash ? I said that would be nice.

When she got there I called Toni, who showed up very quickly. I told Toni to prepare her for a full body scan. Afterwards when we were ready I said "Dolf, full body, level fourteen, scan now".

During the scan I went and got something to eat, it was only ½ over when I got back.

"Susan, don’t try to turn your head and look at me, remain calm. Here’s what you’re getting, when activated you got three times your normal strength, you are also shielded from extreme heat and physical trauma. Your device can actually also provide oxygen for your lungs, but it drains the batteries very quickly. If you don’t use that feature the span is about 12,000 hours. And remember one thing, if you EVER use this technology to hurt anyone I will know and I will personally put you to death by slow torture. And, my dear, I will get away with it".

She paused, but then said "Do it".

Once she was installed I tied her hands behind her back to a chair and proceeded to plug her unit into house power (I mean connect the IPI), which not only runs it, but charges the batteries as well. Even at three times her normal strength she couldn’t break the bonds and I put a plastic bag over her head and cinched it tight. She was scared, but after a couple of minutes she realized that she was not suffocating. She said "Wow".
I released her and told her that the unit was running off the house power right now. The limit is anywhere from six to eighteen hours otherwise, depending on her oxygen requirements. She was inpressed. This was the only time I had accepted payment up front, and that’s because I cannot remove the system. It’s also stealthed so the technology can’t be stolen.

This was definitely a big job, and afterward I cleared my schedule so the seven of us could go on vacation. We took the kids out in the wilderness for a few days and they loved it ! It was our only vacation that year, business had picked up and we were doing fine.

Time went by and by the time the boys were three they knew how to read, then they started teaching the girls. They were doing very well, on par with the best of the time. We didn’t wear our belts when the kids were young except for our playtime which was when they were sleeping. Good thing. Little Todd jumped into my lap when he was five with a book and asked me how a superconductor works, showing me the book he was reading. He almost grazed my balls, but kids’ll do that once in a while.

I told him "When the electrons slow down in their orbit and get closer to each other they are more easily persuaded to move", bla bla bla. He said "You know everything Dad". I said "Nobody, and I mean NOBODY knows everything". I went on " you’ll see, every time you get an answer you will soon have more questions".

The kids were long out of diapers and we decided to lock up. They would never know.

No bras, just the belts. We had a very good tease session that night. The advanced security system made sure we were all safe, and we had at it.

The kids got up before us and little Todd was downstairs trying to cook breakfast. He wasn’t doing too bad and I stood at the doorway unnoticed for awhile. He finally saw me and was startled. I looked at him and he looked like he thought he had done something wrong. I didn’t say a word, after a few seconds he simply got back to what he was doing.

It was great ! He was only six and he was going to cook breakfast for all the kids, excellent. The important thing is that he wasn’t just doing it for himself. He had been cutting up a bit of fruit and had the pot going with enough water to make oatmeal for everybody. I stood there and watched as he doled it out to his brother and sisters. I was so proud I couldn’t keep it to myself.

I went back up to the bedroom and told the girls about this. They were pleased as well. We were all still locked so we played around a bit, but not before I locked the door.

It was only a few minutes and Toni said "We really should get down there". I said "OK, but let’s not arouse them, just let them do what they’re doing". We got down there and they were eating breakfast, well, what did you expect ? They didn’t see me and the girls, well the Women, I can’t call them the girls anymore because we got girls. I got there first and they didn’t see me. Todd Jr. was going around the table with the pot of oatmeal seeing who wanted seconds, he then rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher. It was just about then when the Women arrived. I just said "The kids ate Dear". The kids looked at us worried. We just stood there, I got a mean look on my face, playing with them, actually testing them. Todd Jr. looked at Lisa and said "Mom, did I do something wrong ?".

I sprung over to an unoccupied chair and sat "Todd come here". We usually called him Toddy, at least everyone else did to distinguish him from me. Therefore I called him Toddy as well. Not this time. He knew something was up and he suspected it from the minute he saw any of us adults. I sat him on my knee. He did well, he didn’t say a word for one minute so I got the ball rolling. "So you can cook now".

See I had already taught him that if somebody gets you "on the carpet" like that you always let them speak first, no matter how long it takes. Of course once I spoke he can respond. "I’m sorry I touched the stove, I won’t do it again". I retorted "Yes you will".

"No, you can trust me !".

"really ?’


"Son, this is Wednesday correct ?".

"Correct" he replied.

"You should cook breakfast for the whole family every Wednesday". He looked pleased.
Little did he realize he was doing us a big favor, Tuesday night became play night. We would sleep in and the kids would be fed. Actually today they would’ve been fed late, but that’s not the crime of the century. Hunger, when not taken to the extreme is a character builder. Also note that us adults didn’t get any breakfast that day.

Fatherhood is something else. The years went by so fast, too fast actually. John Canton and I got on the subject of actually "do unto others" technology. We setup the system which would send any destructive force or device straight back to it’s origin. In the old days we would’ve gotten a Nobel prize for this, but today these no longer exist. Today you do things like this for your Country, your Race, indeed your species, not to mention your progeny. No prizes are needed although people will know and you will get quite a bit in the way of a pat on the back. Like a good Doctor I get discounts on quite a few of my larger purchases. Since the boys were eight and the girls were seven it seemed time to go buy another road vehicle. Nothing fancy, just comfortable.

Here’s how it works : you walk in the door just like everybody else. When you give your information their computer looks you up. Nothing private, but if you served in the militia or made significant contributions to the Country they generally give you a discount. Real estate works similar to how it did in the 21st century, when I moved from my old house into the new one years ago, the agent listed me as a cobroker. This was because of my work in the medical field. He voluntarily cut his commission in half.

Now I select a new car (road vehicle) and they find out who I am. The sticker says $8,950, a bit over average but not outrageous. We could afford it. Now comes time to sit at the desk. The guy finds out who I am and says "Nice to meet you". After this war that never happened he comes back with a price, seven grand (old slang, a grand is $1,000).
I told him "Don’t hurt yourself". He replied "That’s cost, we can do that, we’re not losing a dime" (they don’t sell as many cars, they last a lot longer now). It was a nice car too, and they threw in the semi-amphibian kit for free as well. This helped it propel itself in water, so if there is ever some bad flooding we can still motivate. It hasn’t happened to me but it does and it has in this region. That’s why my little workshop is upstairs, that’s why houses still have an upstairs and why we still put the bedrooms up there.

The difference now is that in this type of catastrophe you still have power and communication. Actually if you have an airship or spaceship you can "rise above it all" so to speak, but not everyone can afford these things. There are some who shun them as well and some just prefer road vehicles.

This particular model has a feature to disable the G-limiter and use the full power of the engine. A modern engine weighs about 50 pounds and has the power of an old bigblock V8. Coupled with the CVT the G-limiter serves to keep the occupants from getting knocked around. The very first thing I did was to turn it off.

We went to the Flats, where I take my old Buick. It was still the same old Frank at the gate. He recognized me and came to talk for a minute. "So you got the 3500 eh ? Nice, very nice" he said.

The three of us put our seatbelts on and I proceeded to ‘functionally test the design limits of this device’. I love talking like that. It’s so engineerish. Actually the G-limiter won’t turn off unless all occupants are wearing the seatbelts. We took a little ride. (that could well be the understatement of the 25th century, it was the first time I’d gone into a full blown spinout and slideout at over 200 MPH in my lives) When we came to a stop I grabbed both Toni and Lisa’s hands. They were a bit shook up, umm literally.

It’s like I could feel something, like that now they knew they were safe. We drove back to the gate and Frank was just waving, but the guy has a lonely job here so I decided to stop. We were talking and he commented on how nice an RV it was. Fuckit "You wanna drive it ?". He could take a 15 minute break, so he decided to do it now. The three of us huddled in the cool night breeze was,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nice.

He got back and said "What the . . . " He wanted to say fuck but I had the Women with me. I told him about the G-limiters being disabled. We were also talking about driving the old Buick with a stickshift. He wanted to try it. I said "One of these days, but this one will have to wear out a little first". "Anytime" He said.

The kids were still at Nana’s and we had some really hot action that night. Every time we go out driving, I don’t mean traveling, I mean DRIVING, like on the Flats, they get more excited sexually. I think maybe I do as well. I feel like a 16 year old with a 1960’s Ford Mustang 429 Super Cobra Jet. (one of the better "musclecars" of the 20th century)

When we got to Nana’s the kids were all in the pool. Someone had to stick around the backyard so that’s where we had coffee and some kind of snack she invented. It was great, but I didn’t ask. She said "I hear Toddy can cook now". I said "Apparently", she said "You cook with fire, do you think it’s a good idea to let him do that ?". I said "Well his experience in there will be limited, or supervised, I wasn’t really happy about him using the stove but I was so proud of him for taking the initiative I couldn’t punish him or anything like that". She said "Toni’s Father did something like that when he was little, but he made a terrific mess". I said "Oh well". I think she likes me. We had a few laughs and later collected up our gang and went home.

Tuesday rolled around again and even though we had a late night I decided to get up on time. Todd Jr. was also up and getting ready to get started. I told him to make anything he could think up or figure out how to make. He decided on scrambled eggs with bits of fried ham in it. I told him "Like I said, anything you want, and that sounds good to me so have at it". He did a pretty good job but he fried the ham a bit too long. It was a bit tough. He asked about that and I told him, then he wants to know why I didn’t tell him when he was doing it. I told him "The best way to learn how to cook is to taste your own mistakes".

I went on "I want an adult around while you cook, but when it’s me I’m not going to pester you. I remember somebody doing it to me and it annoyed me greatly, therefore if you want advice you must ask for it".

Tempus fugit and in what what seemed to be five minutes Todd Jr. was 10. One day I was teaching him how to drive and he started asking things. More things if you know what I mean. "There’s this girl at school I really like and I don’t know how to describe it".
I asked him "Well, what do you want to do with her ?". He said "Everything, I want to eat and sleep with her, I want to do everything with her, and I’m aware of sex and when the time comes I want to do that with her" What a trip. It was great, everything seems to be working normally in this department. Then he says "Dad, there’s more, I know I can’t really do it but I’d like to lock her up in a cage so no other boys can get to her". WOW.

I said "Well, what if she did that to you ?"

He replied "That would be OK as long as it’s me and her, only".

Dammit, the boy’s got a bondage bone. Believe me we did nothing to instill this. It just happens. "Have you told her ?" I asked. He said no. I told him that he should tell her about his desire to be with her but not the other stuff just yet. Find out if you like each other, and bring her home for dinner if her Parents will allow it.

My life is so fulfilled now, once I was alone tears again came to my eyes. I made a bad decision. I went back and saw Amy. I went back to when she was old, she had gotten married and was a widow now. No consequences came out of it, but the risk was more than I’m comfortable with, but when you care about someone you do, and that’s that.

I picked the date carefully. She was 58 when I went to see her. She was highly astounded to see me, and it took a few minutes before she actually believed it was me. She thought I was a ghost at first but I finally calmed her down and told her what happened. In the beginning I didn’t know I could just come back, and to do so now wouldn’t be right.

Being too honest I told her I could’ve showed up the day after I was missing or dead. I also told her why I didn’t. Older now she is less likely to screw up the timeline. I told her I’m sorry that she had to lose me, but I couldn’t come back. I just wanted her to know that I did live on, and I told her I’m married now. I didn’t go into a lot of detail.

I had to leave, every millisecond is a tremendous risk. I was tempted to go see myself but that’s never been done, and luckily I wasn’t there, remember ?, it may have grave consequences. I can’t risk it. Nobody, and I mean nobody knows I’ve done this because I returned to the exact moment in time from which I left. There are some secrets you have to keep.

When I got back the boys were fighting ! I just watched, they were pretty well matched and nobody was doing anything nasty. Finally Toddy started getting the best of Joey so I went and pulled him off.

"KITCHEN TABLE NOW !". Once there I let them stew for about two minutes.
I walked away, they knew to remain silent until I spoke. I came back with old fashioned pencils and paper. "So just what is it that makes you want to beat up your brother, one of the most important people in your life ?". They both started answering and I said "Shut".

"Write it".

When they got done they both gave their papers to me. I didn’t even read them. I handed what Toddy wrote to Joey and vice versa. "Read".

Then Toddy said to Joey "I didn’t mean", I cut him off "I didn’t say you could talk yet".
I made them sit there in enforced silence for five minutes, it probably seemed like an eternity to them, but when they finally were allowed to talk they did, to each other. They settled their differences in my presence, but without my intervention. I finally went up to the shop and found out that Lisa had been watching the whole thing. She said "You are the master". I asked her what she would’ve done, she said she really didn’t know, separate them and . . . . . . . .call you I guess.

As psychologically advanced as Lisa is she doesn’t really know how to deal with conflict. It simply doesn’t happen all that much now. I feel useful. Later Toni and Lisa each grabbed their sons by the legs and dunked them in the pool. It wasn’t much of a punishment but they were all wet, and it was the wrong time, their friends were due over any minute. Joey asked "What was that for ?", Toni replied "For unnecessary fighting". He retorted "I thought Dad took care of that". Nope, even without nucks I’m way too strong to physically discipline children.

Lisa gave the boys the eye and said "Next time you fight for no good reason we are going to wait until your friends are literally at the door and squirt water on your pants right in the crotch so they think you peed your pants". They looked at each other kinda funny. Adults who see someone pee their pants will act out of empathy and cohesion to society, children have not yet learned this and they judge differently. By the age of maturity they know, but these boys are ten years old, and more importantly, so are their friends.

We would never do it unless they did something pretty bad. The threat of it is a minor compromise in our philosophy. We do not rule children by force, but when it comes to physical aggression, steps, effective steps must be taken. Their hair and shirts were still wet when their friends arrived. When asked they said "We went swimming", then someone asked why their pants and shoes were dry "We had help with that". I cracked up.

I must admit the kids are pretty sharp. Later Toddy asked if we could take couple of his friends out in the old Buick. I said yes. I talked to their Parents and everyone was OK with it so I did. During that time I addressed him as Todd, like I did anytime he was in the company of his friends. If you want respect, the first step is to give it. There was no confusion because his friends addressed me as Dr. Bowen. I said Mr. Bowen would be fine but Charles said " We read about you in school, and we have a lot of respect for you". Damn. I said "Just call me Doc then", I’m not into titles.

We went to the Flats and had one hell of a ride, I was actually about to let Toddy drive but I saw another car. I headed toward it and slowed down as I got close. Damn, that’s a GTO. I can’t believe it. The guy eventually drove over and we talked. I said "Where did you get the pattern for that ?" As far as I knew none existed. He said "I prefer not to say".

I gave him the V sign with my fingers and he nodded. See that means "wanna drag", which means to race. There was something different about this guy. He knew too much.
Since there was no flagman or lights it was more like a quick draw in the old old West of the US. You go, they go, they go you go. He only beat me the amount of my takeoff delay. He took off first and that put me about two feet behind him.

I got back to my area thereafter and let Toddy drive. He thought he was just to drive back to the gate but I told him " DO IT !". He slowed down, dropped it into second and then let it rip. He floored it and dropped the clutch while he gave the wheel a very nasty jerk. We spun around about six times before coming to a rest. Yup, a chip off the old block. (old term, means the son is showing similar attributes as his Father)

Now he had some fun, so we went home.

Being years later, the flyboy and nucks were no longer classified, so I told Toddy to go show his friends. They were impressed and wanted one. He told them "Dad said it would cost about $30,000 to put it in. He got lucky because part of it was with the security system". The next day Charles’ Father was calling to get it done, and to come over and try it out. They have money and their own transporter so he appeared in about three minutes.

I told him "I guess the best thing is to go try it out, and if it won’t go any farther away that’s because it has reached it’s limit, two kilometres from my property". He took it out for about ½ an hour and was impressed. He said he had never seen anything like it and wants one. Since his property is a bit bigger than mine it comes to $41,000. There’s a nice profit built into that price and he had no problem with it. The next day I called my helpers and the installation was underway. Charles Sr. also asked if he could go along next time we go to the Flats. I agreed. We went most of the time on Saturday nights, and he did come along. I couldn’t let him drive because he couldn’t drive a stickshift, but he definitely enjoyed the ride.

After that job was done I again had some time. I designed the appliances, generation two. This was partly because we had kids around us a lot. The other reason is that I figured there would be a sales potential.

The G2 is very advanced. I had been dreaming of something like this for a while. Totally undetectable, even if the wearer is nude. Totally transparent, nobody knows you are deprived. All sensation is eliminated even though you can have sex. On the Women the clit as well as the vaginal walls are shielded from ANY stimulation, yet they look totally normal. It is so good even your natural hair grows through it.

I got more calls once the word got out. Some people actually wanted to wear it under their normal chastity belt. What a trip. These things are as secure as it gets, they are absolutely skin tight, so cutting can not get you out either. They are also totally undetectable. Even though they’re thin, they are stiff in the right places. There could even be a version to protect the anus.

Steve wanted to feel like a transexual. Most people got talked out of permanent body modification but he still wanted the feeling. What I did for him should’ve been in the history books.

These new belts bond ionically to the skin and he wanted to appear as a female. What’s more he wanted to have sex as a female if possible and actually get off on it, if possible. I fulfilled the man’s dreams. He paid for it. The device was uncomfortable at first but he got used to it, especially when he started fingering himself.

He said "This is awesome, nobody needs a sex change operation with this". The second skin which I had applied to him has neural extenders from the corona of his penis to his fake clitoris. Making room for actual penetration was the bigger problem, I told him I could not get it any tighter and there is a small amount of extra volume at his crotch but it shouldn’t be a problem. I told him to sit on a hard surface and tell me what it feels like.

He said it was pretty comfortable but he was aware of the extra bulk. This thing is exceedinglt complex.

Then he asked, "Can you do breasts ?".

Little did he realize I was already working on that. Eight thousand dollars he paid, but he was paying off years of research, as would many to follow. So many in fact that later I refunded $4,000 of it. I told him that I was making a lot of money on this idea and he had helped me develop it. Now how many times do you go buy something and have the seller come back to you later and refund part of your money ?

Steve and I talked at length that day, I told him that not only could I fix his face (he didn’t look feminine enough) and even his voice. After wearing these transparent "garments" he understood about what I could do for his face. It would complete the look he wanted but now he was interested in his voice.

I told him "It’s simple, you just inhale this about every six hours", he did and had a very nice sweet feminine voice. He asked "How much does this cost ?".

"Do you have a W660 transporter or better ?" He said he has a W660. I told him $50 for the pattern copy, but it is not copyable. You can make as much as you want though. He said that was more than fair and took me up on the offer.

I said "Now for your face", he replied "Is this going to be expensive ?" , I asked "Do you care ?". He said no.

Remember this thing is totally breathable, and your natural hair sticks through it .You can sweat through it, feel through it as if it’s not there and you can actually get poisoned through it, but if you get cut it will help you heal by closing the gap. It is not likely to happen though.

He loved it, it got rid of his eyebrows that were always trying to meet, and reshaped his cheeks a bit. He looked good. I said "Check this out" and applied the rest and put him into corset mode three.

He gasped once but seemed like he was breathing OK and I told him to go look in the mirror. He was stunned, and he did indeed look stunning. He said "Damn I want to fuck me !". Here’s another guy wants to be female but likes Women !, what a trip. I had paid a lot of attention to detail and later I took him to the club. We found three guys and one Woman with a strapon that would "fuck" him. He experienced the feeling of being filled up because of the tightness of the "gaff". Right now stimulation is turned on, it will be turned off soon. Get your jollies now Steve. He said "It’s Sandra now".

He had paid me $8,000 for this getup and I threw in the facial treatment for free. He was very satisfied. Nowadays a sex change operation can be reversed, but you will only have babies if you’re born a Woman. He can undo it with the flip of a switch, but he will not have babies.

I’m going to refer to her as she from now on. It wasn’t all that late and we strolled back into my house. Afterwards I introduced Sandra and told them "She’s not really your Aunt, but someday if you decide to call her Aunt Sandra I’m sure you would make her happy".
Joey was a bit pissed off and slammed his textbook (actually a notebook computer) shut, Sandra asked him about that. He told her he couldn’t understand universal vectors, she told him "Look, this is X, this is Y, now this is Z", and with that she grabbed a spoon and fed it to the napkins " the Z vector is always the one that deforms, or reforms space, it can go in any direction". I think he got it. Actually there are five vectors but he was studying the first three. Looking at the indent I think he grasped a bit more about "layers" of the universes. She said "and those vectors go in all directions simultaneously". After the kids left we talked.

Actually now that I think of it there are seven vectors, but it hasn’t hit the textbooks yet..

Later I told Sandra to make up her mind, I felt ok with her being around my kids but she must do it one way or the other. Either a Woman or a Man. She chose to be a Woman.
I told her, y’know Sandra, I can make you into a real Woman. She looked at me funny and asked just how I could do it. I told her. "I go back in the past to when you were concieved and make sure you have a twin sister, then I transfer her to an isolation chamber for her body to grow, then we transplant your brain into her body once it’s grown enough.

Steve, now Sandra is a moral person and had to ask "What happens to her ?". I replied "Nothing", actually it was less than nothing. I outlined the process for somebody about a decade ago, but have never done it. What you do is let the fetal stage continue. It is not the baby that wants out of the uterus, it is the Mother’s body that needs this PARASITE out of her ! The process includes making the fetus THINK it’s still in the uterus after it has long left, or even fertilizing extra-vitro. Then it goes to psuedo-vitro, in a chamber. It CAN be done, but like I said, it’s a really big ticket job, and I’ll have to leave the territory and do it offshore. There are only two places in the world where it is lawful.

Sandra said she wanted nothing to do with anything like that. Bravo. It is tantamount to killing someone, even though they never existed, they could have. I told her "Then the only option is to influence the past a cause you to be born a girl, but unless the timeline could be tested first I simply won’t do it, also, it changes your entire history and concievably you might even walk in here wanting to become male". She got a kick out of that.

Sandra had her whole bodysuit on and was parading around a bit, but it was clear why. Sandra is a guy !. She certainly didn’t look like it though. I hope she never tries to fool anyone, I don’t think that’ll ever happen, not that she can’t, she won’t. Actually if done right nobody would ever know. Have a sister and kill her, I can’t tell you how glad I am she turned me down flat.

The thing is that this would be the only way she could ever have children. Or her Wife could dress up like a guy ? One thing for sure, she is enjoying this.

This is getting waaaaay too confusing, but Sandra is cool. We still see her almost every Saturday at the club. She also has a very interesting profile. She answered 6 on question #47 but doesn’t want all that much restraint. Hmmmm.

By the time she strutted her stuff around at the club I started selling about 20 G2s a month. I now have too much money, I would lower the price but then demand will increase burying me in more backorders. This went on for about four months, until almost everybody had one.

The locking mechanism is one of the most ingenious I’ve ever designed, and it came to me as I was looking at a display on the wall of coins of the realm into which I was born. I remember a thing called a coin toss and I went from there.

A round piece of metal, laid on the wearer’s abdomen removes it, but when flipped over the other way, installs it. I also make simpler CBs with the same technology.

Last night a bomb was set off at one of the few shopping malls in the country. Apparently all of our enemies have not been quelled or otherwise "satisfied". Dr. Canton is right, I do have a way of putting things sometimes.

Our envoys asked our new allies if they might possibly have some rougue agent who had it in for us and they answered "not likely". The multipolarizational indeces of the remnants of the explosive indicated the origin to be in the US. It was finally traced to a madman, he said that he was delivering God’s wrath and we are all doomed, and that he was not alone. Come on, while religion is consciously avoided at our public meetings, we are just about the most moral and just society that has ever existed, much moreso than any of the Christians of the past. Who the hell was he trying to teach what ?

Everybody was worried that some organised power was against us, and most people still don’t know that we are invincable. The President himself gave a speech about it, and alluded slightly to our technological superiority "To all who would like to disrupt our way of life I have two things to say, one is WHY ? What did we do to you ?. If we can resolve this peacefully the only way is for you to tell us what is bothering you. This could possibly be resolved without cost, without death, without any war or anything and I hope it would be all our goal.

If you attack us and damage our society, remember the Law as set forth by the People of this great nation. You will suffer as the victim of your crime, but approximately four times as severe. If any nation attacks us, we will subject them to this Law. And don’t forget, the second offense warrants death. If our scientists commit genocide on your People, you will have brought it upon yourself. "

With as little as he knew at the time it was refreshing to have a US leader make a threat. Remember a threat is meant as a deterrent. A bit later in the Q & A part he revealed that he cannot stop us from acting. Really, we will listen to him, but we don’t have to obey him. I could take over the US in five minutes flat, but I won’t. I could make sure even the GOF couldn’t touch me. I am way more adept in the ways of conflict. I almost wish there was one, but it’s not worth the human suffering. Luckily the nutcase struck in the middle of the night, will the next one be so polite ? I got a call from Phil Hollinger (yes, the leader of the GOF) "Expect a call from the government, actually a ‘calling’". We were to meet with a couple of government officals and a Constitutional expert to figure out a defense to a random bombing. The problem is that we can’t infringe on People’s rights or privacy.

This is utmost. But it must be done. The meeting is next week so I got some time to kick back. I broke out the vial of Primrose Pussy, an advanced variant of marijuana. I decided to smoke it the old fashioned way, in a joint (cigarette).

I knew Lisa would never hit it, so I brought out the sonic smoker. The kids were all asleep, they had to get up early for a school field trip in the morning so we had our privacy.

After my reeducation and councilling I had been allowed to go back to retrieve my old media files. Movies, music, whatever. I was escorted because the isolated timeline had not been concieved. We arrived at my old place when noone was around, and undetected we copied everything off of my three 250 GB harddrives. I looked at my videotapes and said "Sure wish I could get these". He was about to scan them and I stopped him. I explained that they are a very fragile medium and already considered old.
"It’s a negative yaw helically scanned format with dual relative azimuths. The color differnce signal depends on a line by line combining filter, but if you can get it raw I can process it better than the old VCRs did".

After he adjusted his notebook to scan magnetic media. I had it all in a few minutes, and then we got everything off the vinyl (LPs, a very old form of recording, even back then).
So much for where it came from, it’s here. I selected Judas Priest, You Got Another Thing Coming. played it at 110dB, but only in the room I was in. The sound was totally cancelled everywhere else, that is until Lisa opened the door.

She told me Rick called. Rick is my 55th cousin by blood. He is the closest relative to me living now. He wanted to hang out on a Saturday night and it was Saturday afternoon so I said come on over. He said he wanted to come over about eleven PM, but when I told him the kids might not be around by then he said "WHAT ?". I said the children.
I hadn’t spoken to him since councilling, he was totally unaware of what was happening. I introduced him to my firstborn Son and they seemed to hit it off. I handed Toddy the keys to the Buick and said "Take your Uncle for a ride, and don’t wreck it. You got 45 minutes".

Two minutes later I was on his transponder and told him to get home now. The reason was that we all settled into the dining room, as people seem to like to do here. Once everybody got here I realized that Rick Jr. was here and he should be on this ride.
Tina was a bit uneasy at first when we sent Rick and the boys off. She got over it. Joey finally meandered into the room. He had just awakened and was due to go to work soon.
I am so proud of my boys,,,errr,,, young Men. Toddy works at a high class restaraunt from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on Saturdays, Joey works at another, but from 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM three days a week. They each bring home about $100 a week and give ½ to their Mothers. Little do they know that all that money is saved for them, they think they’re giving their Moms discretionary cash or helping to support the house.

Truth is we made $107,000 last year and don’t need their money, but the lesson of supporting yourself is being taught,,,,,,,,,,LEARNED.

At night, again I was dreaming about Amy. It was something she said, that she wished I had told her this 20 years ago. I wonder if I could, or more if I should. I did. One last time.

I faked a computer crash and rebooted completely disconnected from the world. I didn’t know how long I would be there in the past, but I would return to the exact same moment in time. I didn’t know whether they could detect it or not, but better to be safe than sorry.
She answered the door, I gave her a big kiss and hug, just then Justin walked into the room, her new boyfriend. We did battle, my nucks made it possible for me to fight a 100% defensive battle. I did not want to hurt him, I just had to keep him from hurting himself or others, or contacting anyone. When he brained me with the aluminum baseball bat and it felt like it had hit steel he asked "Who the, actually WHAT the fuck are you ?".

I said "Are you ready to calm down ?". He sat down on the couch.

I bade Amy to sit next to him. She did. "Amy, I can’t come back. Not permanenetly. I was forced into the future by normal means and I changed it. I changed it for the better and I cannot leave it. I have a duty to it and I can’t be in two times at the same time
When I first got to the future I had no idea I could come back, but I would’ve at the time then. I simply cannot now. I have four kids and I am a successful businessman. My family loves me and science has done me well, I am physically over 65 and would be retired, instead I have teenagers !"
"I am only here to tell you this, I can’t come back, so make each other happy" last time Amy was 58 and said she wished I’d have told her that 20 years ago. At 38, she got her wish. "I hope it works out but I must go soon, I miss you, and for the record, I love you and I will never forget you".

They had a million questions, none of which I could safely answer. I activated the transponder and disappeared.

When I got back, Phil was there. Alone in my throne, I know that means I’m busted. I sat in silence waiting until he spoke. Instead he pushed a button that returned me to the time when Amy was 58. She is laying there on a respirator.

I finally find out all this stems from after she married Justin, he beat her almost to death. One lung was collapsed permanently, she’s parapalegic and has a lot of brain damage.
This is too much, I CAUSED THIS ! How the fuck can I ever live with that ? when I got home, I was sure this wouldn’t be pleasant, but Phil just said he would contact me tomorrow and left.

I was alone. I actually felt alone for a change. I didn’t like it, but at the moment I had no desire to seek out any companionship. Perhaps this is true guilt. Can’t last forever though and Lisa came in to use computer terminal and saw me sitting there.

She was concerned and repleat with questions. She was puzzled and I didn’t do much to alleviate it. I clammed up, I had to.

When Phil came over the next day he confided in me that he had committed a similar infraction long ago, and the result was the person he saved from an almost fatal accident had died a most horrendous death. He was convinced that you don’t fight time. Time has a certain way it wants to go and you can only fuck with it so much. You can only tweak it a bit, you can’t make major changes or you might get time pissed off. It will act against you. It’s like he sees time as being alive. We can’t ever prove or disprove it, but he did restore time from my bottle after he read the contents. Amy had been visited by me at 58, and was still healthy, and continued to be so for almost another decade.

He also told me NEVER to do a two stage incursion again, because that is usually not fixable by another incursion. What’s more we don’t even know what really happened, I went to see Amy when she was 58, then when she was 38. Don’t do it ! That’s something programmers call a nested loop. Even going back before 2258 is not recommended, I went back to 2037 and then to 2017. This is a no-no.

The question running through my mind now is, just how did he know so much ?, I mean about what I’ve done.

Phil had totally broken the encryption and security on my computer. That is a task. I found out when he did a few things, and more when we met two days before the next GOF meeting. Genius, true genius in the contemporary sense, but the information about my actions was not saved on the computer.

Ground zero terminated when Phil left and eventually Lisa showed up. She asked what was going on. I had to think a minute, would this information endanger her or us in any way ? No, it’s all private, and reveals no technology nor any new technological abilities.
She said "You don’t look happy right now, what’s wrong ?"
I told her " I did something wrong and I’m not too happy about it. I went to the past and saw Amy". She asked "Why ?". I told her " I just wanted her to know that I was OK". She hung her head and for the first time in her life kinda shyed away when I went to touch her. She asked firmly "So WHAT exactly did you do ?".

I said other than learn my lesson I went back to when Amy was 58 and told her that I was OK, what had happened, everything was fine, but she said she wished I’d have told her that I was gone for good 20 years ago. I did and she married this guy who abused her and almost killed her, left her a vegetable in the hospital. Ph,,,, I got called on the carpet by the GOF and they fixed it, but that changes nothing. I think I’m going to permanently disable time travel on this system".

Lisa declared "You let emotions affect your judgement, which is something you told me about years ago. Now the shoe is on the other foot. You know you jeopardized humanity in toto doing that, yet you did it for one person. The situation with George was different. This is not good ". She was right. She has no way of knowing if this timeline was correct, we might possibly have more or less kids, we might live somewhere else. Even the bottle that restored the timeline was generated after the incursion to 2037.
I will not do this again, even to be at someone’s deathbed. That’s it. They could easily turn me in for this and I would have a very big problem on my hands, but more importantly I endangered my children, as well as everyone else’s. I should not have done it.

Now Lisa was schooling me. She told me that in some cases even a temporary power outage could make the computer lose it’s link with me and I could be forced to live the rest of my life back then. Try not to influence the timeline either, or you could kill us. All of us. I had nothing to say. What could I say ?

I still didn’t look happy yet when Toni walked in, she got next to me and put her arm on me and asked "What’s the matter ?". I told her she was married to a criminal. Lisa popped up and told her "He went back to see Amy". Toni backed off. I looked at Lisa puzzickly, she said "You can tell her, it’s a done deal, it’s not a security issue". Toni said "Well ?".

"I went back to when she was 58 just to tell her what had happened and that I was well, I didn't tell her much, just that I was OK"

Toni asks "So what happened, what went wrong ?" tell her, why not ? "That didn’t cause any problem, but when I was there she said she wished I’d told her this 20 years ago, so I did. Nothing significant happened to the timeline but she married her then boyfriend Justin and he turned out to be abusive and almost killed her, and by 58 she was on her deathbed. I caused that".

They left, and left me alone for a few hours. I hadn’t cried since coucilling, that was over now. I slept at the desk for awhile and Phil called. He invited me over and I told him I’d be there in ½ an hour
When I got there we went to his "little" shop and he invoked ground zero. I saw the door close itself and the windows turn opaque but he hadn’t said a word nor touched anything. He told me he was using a more advanced version of the system I use to turn the nucks on and off. All he had to do was think the right keywords and numbers and it happened.


He started "I checked and your trip to 2037 didn’t hurt the timeline, and even the other incursion didn’t, but I restored it so your old flame wouldn’t suffer". I said "Thank you".
He went on "Want to know how I know all this ?". I said "Yes I would". This was one of the foremost questions in my mind, but I kept my cool.

He showed me his "other" computer. Wow. He explained that it took like a "snapshot" of history every hour and sent a bottle back to the past. That’s how he knew what happened. A discrepancy showed up and he analysed it. He told me that I wasn’t the only one who made more work for him, and as sophisticated as the system was it was not infallible. Certain changes in the timeline can’t be corrected, and he’d like to send a bottle every millisecond or so but the computer was at it’s limits.

We talked for quite some time, no pun intended. I’m having doubts now about being able to overthrow the government or take over the world without the good graces of this leader. Live and learn. He also told me that he had put a detection field on my equipment and while I was still allowed to time travel, I would go into an isolated timeline. I could research whatever I wanted but any changes would be impossible. It’s like having training wheels on a bicycle. He said eventually once computer technology caught up
( ! ? ) it could be used so students could be taken on a field trip into the past and actually witness events, like the revolution, WW3, WW2, the US Civil War, anything. Problem right now is there may be too many variables in such a situation and if it crashed the computer there could be big problems. He had experimented with it and intentionally left clues to his visit, but couldn’t find them. It was working but he found that it stretched the limits of his computer.

He stressed to me that all of time before now is exceedingly precious to us, and why. The timeline is our life. The wrong changes could make any one of us non-existent, or turn the world into a living hell. He taught me to think of the society we’ve achieved and live in as a pinnacle. It’s as if we are at the top of a pyramid, but unlike a physical pyramid, we don’t know what is "load bearing" and what is not. I had never had it explained to me that way before.

See Phil used me as a guinea pig when we first started the GOF. I totally agreed. After my very succesful academic experience I was brought up to speed. Because I had been able to accept information from the future, I should have some insight as to the attitude of the one receiving such information. This, along with Phil’s insight was instrumental in making this whole project a success, in fact, in preventing a catastrophe.

I was the one to go see everyone in the past first because I could manage not to freak them out. I was the one to see the change in them when I got back. At one point I could say that our eventual first meeting will have been arrainged 15 years in the past. That’s exactly what we did. We did about 17 incursions and that’s all it took. We stopped because the time of the advantage is closing up.

We started way in the past of the members, visiting later in life each time. Going backwards is not good, and we were running out of timeline. In other words we are catching up to the present.

The only way to get the great benefits we had in the first stages of the project would be to restart it and revisit the members, again in the distant past. Now we have a problem because of the conflict between the first wave and the second wave. It really can’t be done again so we stopped. We stopped to let some years pass so that we could get something out of it if we ever decide to do it again. The last incursion was only a seven year span, and it has been about two years, so we can do nine years. More is better. There are a finite number of times you can do this and we became aware of this eventually.

Had we to do it over again there would be fewer incursions. The most important thing to remember is not to go see yourself. Your future self could cease to exist and you are technically dead, but your former self lives your life, but with the changes. This is one of those things of which Phil spoke that cannot be corrected. This is not the only danger, if any changes you make changes your situation in the future, your link is gone. It is also possible that you might cause a delay in the development of time travel and really be stuck, and stuck is stuck.

I fell asleep in my shop rereading Phil’s book. Toni and Lisa both came in and led me to bed at about 4:00 AM.
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