Damn Shame! (Full Version)

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MsGeri -> Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 9:27:24 AM)

Hello... is there a place to post alerting others that are serious about this lifestyle of ones here that are not who they say they are?



sub4hire -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 9:33:30 AM)



Hello... is there a place to post alerting others that are serious about this lifestyle of ones here that are not who they say they are?



How exactly would you do that effectively? Some people are scorn. Some would just say bad things about people who did not warrant it. So, where is the policing of the situations? Who would be appointed god? The net is filled with people claiming to be somebody else.

If you ask me, if you watch a person their speech and demeanor pretty much speaks for itself given time.

MsGeri -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 9:40:54 AM)

Hello sub4hire and thanks,

I know it would be hard to police and play god. In this situation this person is passing himself off as a slave, then when he was supposed to be "away' on a ship for two weeks, I happened to see him on here as a Dom. I guess I do not want others that are seriously seeking to be fooled. I would want to know who to steer clear from and the reasons why. It would be up to the person making that choice to believe it or not.

Thanks again,


ScorpioMaster -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 10:23:31 AM)

That is the hardest thing when it comes to internet sites. Too many players and some could be dangerest. The other thing is that he could say you were scorn and vendictive. I know it hurts to have your emotions played with that wya. The sub I had told me about this dom told every one in the channel he was dieing and then never to be heard again. Then about two months later he came back from the dead showing up in a different channel. So becareful and do not assumeing any thing until you meet in person and becareful even with that. I am sorry you were hurt in the process

MsGeri -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 10:31:57 AM)

Hello Scorpio, We had only been talking by phone and internet for about three weeks so the emotion part is doing ok for Me. I just do not want this person to think he can keep doing this. Oh well. How do they say it??? What goes around, comes around?


Sinergy -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 11:03:53 AM)


Hello Scorpio, We had only been talking by phone and internet for about three weeks so the emotion part is doing ok for Me. I just do not want this person to think he can keep doing this. Oh well. How do they say it??? What goes around, comes around?


I have to agree with what some others have said. Your experience is your own experience and there really is not a good way for you to "black list" another person on the internet.

What you can do is educate other people about your experience (without naming names) and offer solutions which will allow others to not be fooled by this person's modus operandi. In my opinion, attacking another person in public makes me think less of the person doing the attacking. If it is a situation where crimes are being committed, there are people whose job it is to deal with it, so give the information to them and allow the person the right to defend themselves against the people our society has set up to keep people safe.

Most importantly, it is not possible for you to save people from themselves and their actions. You can lead a person to knowledge but you cannot make them think.

As usual, this is simply my opinion and I could be wrong.


MsGeri -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 11:30:51 AM)

Thank you Sinergy and to everyone else. This is exactly why I posted here to get others opinions. For anyone interstested in this person's MO can contact Me here through collarme.



MistressDREAD -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/2/2004 12:34:23 PM)

sorry Geri but
what makes you
think He will not
continue to enjoy
what he finds here
to pleasure him?
Theres a fool born
every minute and
it takes two to make
a conversation and
if you choose to speak
to him that was YOUR
choice GERI. The
lesson here for any is
not to invest anything
more here then y0u
intend to give out or lose
in other words just like in
the real world do not
* invest that which you
cannot afford to lose.
Online is for playing
and for sum this is a
playground. Those of
Us whom also are
real life know where to
go to gain real life as
well and those new will
take All of Our advise
to do the same if this is
what they seek. My kink
is not Your kink but by
gosh My kink is just
as important as your kink.
I know many Switches
whom enjoy just such
mental play on line and I
have no doubt that this is
also the fact here. I
personally am glad that
such kinksters choose to
practice this online now
that the computer has evolved
instead of doing it the old
fashioned way and hurting
folks feelings in real life
mentally as those whom I
spoke of earlier use to do
with ease and get off on it.
Good luck GERI in Your search.

DrJohnSea41 -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/10/2004 5:41:56 PM)

Not sure what the point would be of posting a "blacklist" anyway since it's a very subjective judgement. Frankly, I treat ALL people on the internet as players and time-wasters until proven otherwise. Cynical? No, simply practical. The very nature of the internet allows people to live in a fantasy world that can be completely divorced from their real lives, so to expect the same degree of social grace from people here as you would expect from someone you interact with in real life is terribly naive.

Face it people -- if there is any one truism to the net it is that it is NOT REAL. It is an anonymous communication system, that's all. To place ANY degree of faith in people you don't know (or even know their last name) is silly at best and dangerous at worst.


Sundew02 -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/10/2004 10:38:02 PM)

Geri, the real problem is that no matter if there was a site for listing those that lie, what is to prevent them from ditching that name and coming back under another? I have been Sundew02 for 8 years, and don't intend to change. But to be honest, this is not my main sn, which is strictly vanilla. So I could without hesitation dump this name if necessary. I have noted some that have at least 3 different names listed on collarme. Just plan for the worst and hope for the best. Good luck, Sundew

~~~enjoy the ride, the landing could be rough~~~~~

ShadowHwk -> RE: Damn Shame! (6/11/2004 8:02:07 AM)

Ms. Geri,

While it is a shame there are so many players - trying to do a blacklist kind of thing would likely turn into a very large case of "he said" - "she said", and not likely to be very productive.

The fact that said sub is now posing as a "Dom" means at the very least they are very confused, and, more likely, they are simply using BDSM or D/s as a hook for sex.

I think the best we can do is to post a note on our personal journals on the site. That seems to be an appropriate forum for this kind of thing.

Peace and Light

UrMan -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/1/2004 10:50:47 PM)


MistressDREAD -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/1/2004 11:08:36 PM)

hmmmmm its a Damn Shame
that You would ASSume that being
in the Military makes You a Dominant
or being a Single Sailor makes You a
Dominant or a Vet of any war makes
You a Dominant or Owning a Boat makes
You a Dominant. I have slaves whom
are all of these things and they do not
have one single Dominant bone in em.
Re evaluate Your self and present. Im
sorry to hear that You are hurt. This hurt
is quite plain in Your words. Most of Us
Dominant Woman have settled tastes and
it is quite possible that this Domme had
no desire to have anything to do with a
Switch. There are many Dominants whom
have no desire to dabble with switches and
it sounds like She was One of em. Most here
Whom have two personnas put both in One
profile. No one here is judging Your choices
She simply chose based off of what She found
out about You that You were not what would
fill Her tastes that is all. Live with it and stop
whinning and cryin cause your feet got stepped
on instead of kissed. Your Journal is where such
complaining of a Person should go. Takes out
My cuffs and throws em around svtbonds left
wrist. Now Im F U C K IN with Ya freedom,
what cha gonna do about it? sticks the key in
Mod1s left pocket...............whilst clicking the
other cuff on Her chairs steel leg. Turns and
walks away.............snickering~

UrMan -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/1/2004 11:16:09 PM)


sarbonn -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/1/2004 11:17:40 PM)

Well, now that I realize my military service doesn't make me dominant, I do know that having a pet stuffed penguin makes me dominant automatically.


MistressDREAD -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/1/2004 11:25:07 PM)

Ummm now this is to to funny
You are calling YOURself a lier

she would have seen I have Dom in me(somewhere?(Former Marine, Viet Nam Veteran(Combat Veteran,Purple Heart), Military School, Independent Single Sailor who own his own 40ft sailboat

Here You say You have Dominant in You and then you say:

I'm no switch, never have dominated females

HAHAHA one need not Dominant a Female to be Deemed a Dominant
and if you claim to have both Dominant and suplicant tendancies You are as I said a Switch rather You want to admit it or not. As I said

Re evaluate Your self and present. Im
sorry to hear that You are hurt

iwillserveu -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/2/2004 2:41:02 AM)

Ms. Geri,

For example purposes let's call him urslave and MasterMaster.

urslave pissed you off. (Not me, I could not care less.) You add urslave and MasterMaster to this great black list.

Scenario #1: MasterMaster, despite the name, is a good Dom. (urslave is a lousy sub.) Are you comfortable warning every subfemale to stay away from MasterMaster?

Scenario#2: He is an absolute player. Your warnings are good. He notices a drop off in his playing ability. He closes his profiles and joins as urslavedesire and SuperMaster. You warning is now worthless.

Scenario#3: He learns from being a jerk. (People are not static.) However, urslave and MasterMaster are on the black list. Discouraged, he goes away. We lose one "real" person. (I don't like the term "real", but you know what I mean. Before anyone comments that he is not real this scenario has him learning from his experience and becoming real.)

Scenario#4:He never learns, and discouraged by the black list goes away.

In one out of four scenarios I can think of it works out good. (No one can say for sure how likely each is, but assuming they are equal you get 25% good results.)

UrMan -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/2/2004 8:48:35 PM)


LadyBeckett -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/3/2004 2:17:56 AM)

I could probably appreciate this type of discussion if we were all sitting around the livingroom with big mugs of tea all cozy just kicking it around. However, it seems to me that before one actually makes the decision to present themselves to others with the intention, or toward the goal of a real time relationship, then they should be reasonably clear where they want to be in that relationship. Yes? Top? Bottom? Dominant? Submissive? Whatever! Have some kind of a clue who you are and what your position is.

I take issue with having all these different profiles. I just had a similar experience with a male who emailed me (from his "slave" profile), only to find out a week later that he had a "dom" profile as well. Are you a submissive, a slave, or a dominant? If you are a switch, why not say that on one profile?

Frankly, I see the "double" profile thing as being deliberately misleading. If one is has "dominant" and "submissive" inclinations, it would be my guess that they are a "Switch", and should list themselves as such.

Further, where you've been, what you've done, or what you own doesn't qualify you as a dominant. Whether Dominant or submissive one should maintain honesty in communication with others.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Damn Shame! (7/3/2004 3:39:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyBeckett
Frankly, I see the "double" profile thing as being deliberately misleading. If one is has "dominant" and "submissive" inclinations, it would be my guess that they are a "Switch", and should list themselves as such.

You are assuming that they 1) know what it means to a switch, 2) have given the lifestyle enough thought, research and contemplation to know that they are a switch and 3) they simply aren't here to score some easy action by being dom for the subs and sub for the dommes.

Not everyone is as thoughtful, educated and self-knowing as we are, my dear Lady Beckett. *wink*


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