RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (Full Version)

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sambamanslilgirl -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:14:13 PM)

*blushing*  thanks bear for the song  *holding a 1969 bottle of Dom*  i hereby christen this oversize ship on its maiden voyage!

off to the Greek Isles!

HydroMaster -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:16:33 PM)

Super now I can turn the Sneaky Torpeo in to the battle ship it is meant to be.  *gives orders to transfer all non-military personel and material to the new cruise ship.  Immediatley orders the new armor plating installed on the sides of the Torpedo.

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:18:08 PM)

good thing i built those barracks for your military personnel at the last minute

HydroMaster -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:21:39 PM)

ATTENTION:OPERATION SLEEPY WEASEL HAS COMMENCED.  *The name Sneaky Torpedo peels away from the hull and underneath the true name of the battleship is revealed...The Dark Crusader*

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:24:14 PM)

*Wipes an emotional tear at the  revelation and commences overseeing the transfer*

HydroMaster -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:25:53 PM)

I think I'm keeping the tropical zone though...being in it awakens my inner zen master

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:30:07 PM)

It is quite a beautiful place and very inspirational.

MsPoetress -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:33:37 PM)

*takes a virtual tour of the Cruise Ship from their website*

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:35:25 PM)

ooooooooooh ...the Dark Crusader

i'm ready for some more champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries now - does anyone want to join me

slaverosebeauty -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:41:42 PM)

{streatches and yawns}
I'm up. I'm up.

How close are we to the Greek Isles?? {walks on the main desk towards Sari and Madam CD and Capt Hydro with my security detail} Is everything good?? No complaints about any thing??

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 7:48:59 PM)

Everything is wonderful. I've coordinated the transfer of all non military personnel and passengers from hydro's ship to this one and when you're rested could you oversee the construction of an identical tropical area on this ship? Oh and want to join CD and I for chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne?

slaverosebeauty -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:02:47 PM)

ooooooooo I will get the same crew on building that right now, I think, if we have the room, I will add another waterfall pool. I think a few of my bgs/security guys can help out if we are on a tight deadline, they are VERY good with their hands [;)]. I have 15 or so of these guys plus my 2 round the clock guys. I can spare 3 or 4, I don't think I should have trouble around here, if I do, Bear gave me some cool 'instructions.' {giggles}

I would be honoured and elighted to join you and CD, I don't drink though, so Sparking Cider for me please.

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:27:12 PM)

Fantastic! And, from what I've seen there's more than enough room for another waterfall pool so go for it! You shouldn't have any trouble at all around least not any you don't want [;)]. Bear does have a way of choosing cabana boys and making a few...err...improvements in them as well lol.

Sparkling cider it is and a toast to a bigger, better, totally fun, neverending cruise!

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:29:34 PM)

ahhhhhhhh  i'm going to love this cruise i have a special surprise for blu  *wink wink*

slaverosebeauty -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:33:51 PM)

Yea for the extra waterfall. Its goign to be great. I'm glad that Hydro decided to keep his tropical area, those guys did a great job on it; I told them they could add a few more paths and hammocks.

Oh, I have a special surrpise for the 'female crew' members, my guys had a special 'place' created just for us. ;-)

{goes to meet up with Sari, CD and Bear for our 'toast' to the new ship}

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:42:27 PM)

<perks> A special surprise?? Cool! [;)]

I think the tropical area will do wonders for hydro. I agree I'm very glad he's keeping it and not changing it to some kind of jungle training area.

slaverosebeauty -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 8:55:59 PM)

I have a surprise for you on the ''troll' thread you know the one I am talking about.

CD, Suri and Bear meet in my suite, so I can show you the surprise. Cider and Champague are already on ice. The boys at the door will show you in.

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 9:04:21 PM)

On my way beauty and very nicely done on the troll thread lol.

SweetSarijane -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 9:05:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: sambamanslilgirl

ahhhhhhhh  i'm going to love this cruise i have a special surprise for blu  *wink wink*

*wicked grin* Now that I can't wait to see!

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: it's back ...bigger than ever - Cruise II (5/27/2007 9:22:57 PM)

who let the trolls out?
who who who
who let the trolls out?

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