Your First Task (Full Version)

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fourpeas -> Your First Task (5/19/2005 12:51:47 PM)

I am just curious as to what some of your "first tasks" for your Doms, Masters, Sirs, were. I am interested in hearing about what that means both online and in r/l.

Your story gets mine ;)

Who's the brave one to go first?

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 1:01:58 PM)

I guess it was the first time he met me, and it was to wear heels, thigh highs and a bra with nothing else.

These days its usually litter boxes and yard work :)

sub4hire -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 3:13:28 PM)

To return a phone call at the precise minute and second.

perverseangelic -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 3:51:14 PM)

To play Go with him.

Long story.

junecleaver -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 6:51:13 PM)

I've never had a "task." My only Dom was never that...formal. It was more of an, hm do this for my please, baby. He never assigned tasks. I just did what he said, when he said to it.

Just don't remember it being as poetic as everyone else seems to describe it.

LaMspeach -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 7:06:27 PM)

My first task was for me to write what I had to offer a Dom. I hate writing, so it took me forever. That task taught me a lot about myself and I still have it to this day. Later I turned into a web page and gave it to him as a surprise.

fourpeas -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 7:26:24 PM)

My first task was to go to a local bookstore, where he had called in all the information for me, and I was to get a journal and start writing about my experiences and feelings about/behind submission and what it meant to me, and the experiences we were having together... He also had the store clerk call him when I came in to pick it up, and so right after I picked up this giftcard, he called me for the very first time and that was the first time I heard his voice. !! ha, I about jumped out of my skin. So that was my first task.

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Your First Task (5/19/2005 8:11:46 PM)

Interesting Four, you agreed to be his submissive only from cyber communication and are progressing from there. Will be interesting to see how this grows.

chickie -> RE: Your First Task (5/21/2005 5:45:35 AM)

the first request I remember as a task was pretty wierd. I had to go buy a carrot and insert it into my vagina for half of my work day.

And I did it. It was highly erotic.

allyC -> RE: Your First Task (5/22/2005 4:54:58 AM)

My first task was when he instructed me to draw "submission." It was really very challenging for me and it also made me feel good inside to know that he assigned something so personal.

The end result can be found in the art/phogoraphy forum at the following link

Well wishes :)

Cav's girl

Lepidoptera -> RE: Your First Task (5/22/2005 7:39:08 PM)

You know, I've never gone in for all this "ritual" type stuff in any part of my life.

I guess the closest thing that came to a "task" was something my former Mistress told me to do when we didn't really know eachother as well as we ended up- she told me to touch myself during my bio exam.

This would have been a cinch had it been in a big lecture hall- but I was taking the make up (I had another exam scheduled during the first one) and it was in a tiny room with movable chairs with those tiny desk things on the side- and I ended up sitting DIRECTLY across from the proctor... with no one in front to hide me. Needless to say I didn't do it.

proudsub -> RE: Your First Task (5/22/2005 9:55:55 PM)

I guess you could say my first task was with my online Dom. Whenever he left the keyboard, usually for a smoke, i was to write something erotic for him to read on his return. It was very difficult at first but became easier.

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 6:47:18 AM)

OK so Four is now WAY behind on her daily tasks...what's the update?

lyndseyswallows -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 8:23:47 AM)

my first task for Master was to fill in a check list of all the things i would be willing to do and alll the things i would not want to do. He then made me chose one of the things i did not want to do and then perform it for him to prove i would be worthy of him.

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 9:07:55 AM)

How does doing something you don't want to do prove yourself worthy?

ginger21 -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 10:19:39 AM)

My first task was to be at his house at 7pm (mission failed), wearing a skirt and no panties (done and done), and to present myself to him head down, ass up and pointed towards him (did that one, too!).

2 outta 3 ain't bad...we're still working on the on time thing. I'm on CP time and he well, isn't... ^_^ (ask me if you don't know what CP time is...)

fourpeas -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 12:46:41 PM)

My daily tasks: the update: (winks at Emerald)

Still about journaling. I had to undress myself as if I were undressing for him and write about it. Reflections on where my service to him would be 5 years from now.

Today's task: reflecting/writing about secret things I think (but that I might not know for sure) that would turn him on.

All in all, so far so good.

Another task was to send him the link of the film I did last weekend and sit with him on the phone while he watched it. That was a very fun task. Ha ha.

BTW -- ginger ROFTL about CP time!!! yes indeed most of my friends operate on CP time! it's okay with me... hahahaha OMG haven't heard that in too long...soooo funny....

liltxsubby -> RE: Your First Task (5/23/2005 6:50:39 PM)


I'm on CP time and he well, isn't... ^_^ (ask me if you don't know what CP time is...)

OK, I gotta ask. What is CP time?

Now for my first task, it was to write a story and post it here on the boards.

lyndseyswallows -> RE: Your First Task (5/24/2005 3:19:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: EmeraldSlave2

How does doing something you don't want to do prove yourself worthy?

That you would have to ask Master, it is my palce to obey, not to question.

lyndseyswallows -> RE: Your First Task (5/24/2005 3:21:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: liltxsubby
What is CP time?

Central Pacific Time i think, one of the time zones in the USA.

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