u.s. addicted to caffiene (Full Version)

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phoenixinchains -> u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 6:03:11 AM)

    i needn't make a speech that americans love their caffiene. i love it and i hate it and i need it. i'm really addicted. i started self-medicating with it, because i had less migranes when i drank a certian soda. now if i go too long without it i go through with-drawal behaviour according to my Mate. i was told by my grandfather that a caffiene pill (can we use name brands without trouble?) was illeagle in austrailia when he was stationed there.
is anyone else addicted to this same level as i? how do you quit a bad habit if it keeps you from pain? how come the FDA picks on some things but not others? i don't want caffiene to require a perscription, but maybe a warning lable like on cigarettes and beer..

i'm getting very paranoid of the grammer-faeries...

Aileen68 -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 6:30:13 AM)

Mmmmm...coffee.  (said in my best Homer Simpson voice)

phoenixinchains -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 6:33:13 AM)

methinks this wasn't the best question first thing in the morning.
still i know i should cut back, just wondering the best lube for getting out from between the rock and the hard place...

KatyLied -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 7:01:59 AM)

Mmmmm...caffeine in various forms.  Especially...lattes, Pepsi and iced tea.  I tried to give it up, just couldn't get past the rebound headaches.  Addicted.for.life.

phoenixinchains -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 7:05:25 AM)

maybe there's no hope,,, mnt. dew is my poison.
we could start a support group. coffee and dough nuts and hard plastics seats... maybe not, i don't like people crying.

ownedgirlie -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 8:15:00 AM)

I had to give up caffeine for a year.  My first sip of coffee and I was hooked back on it.  Mmmmm, coffee....

But it isn't just America.  I spent some time in Spain and saw it consumed just as much.

zindyslave -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 4:22:30 PM)

Maybe I am not of the norm in this but I am not addicted to caffeine but I was for a short period of time addicted to caffiene pills while I was in school to keep from falling asleep during class. I stopped taking them and I didn't really have any problems except I started falling asleep in class again. I can drink caffiene or not, I just prefer soda caffiene free or not doesn't bother me, but I would much rather have my sugar. lol

maledave7 -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 4:52:31 PM)

I used to drink many things that had caffeine in them. I used to get headaches when I quit drinking them.
I think if you read the labels on what you buy to find what has caffeine in it. You either cut out the product or find a similar product that is caffeine free. You can slowly cut the caffeine out of your diet.
This is what I did. It allows my body to get used to less caffeine. I now drink soda that is sugar and caffeine free. Coffee is the only thing I drink now that has caffeine in it. I think cutting back is a good thing.
Nevertheless, I do not want to give up my coffee in the morning.

tasha_tart -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/29/2007 8:38:49 PM)

Addicted, but damn near immune to its stimulant effects.  Too many years of shift work, I guess.

gentlethistle -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/30/2007 1:00:36 PM)

I consider myself a caffeine addict.  I've never felt that the lack of it triggers migraine for me, but I do believe that I get withdrawl headaches if I haven't had at least a modest intake of a mug or two during the course of the day.  It's just possible that there's been a day or two in the past 10 years when I haven't had any caffeine, but I shouldn't think there've been very many, so I guess that constitutes a 'habit'.


calicowgirl -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/30/2007 6:02:46 PM)

Add me to the severely addicted list. The headaches suck and are the main reason why I haven't been able to give it up. The resulting fatigue isn't so great either. lol


Rafters -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/30/2007 6:13:31 PM)

Combining BDSM and Caffeine..?

Yeah I can do that..
I'll require a sturdy cage, a caffeine addicted cutie wanting to quit, a pot of fresh brew just out a reach. A fan to blow the coffee scent into the cage, and the room to be sound proofed for when the screaming and begging starts...

What's the male term for a Caffeinatrix?

[sm=idea.gif] D Hint: Add the cream and sugar to the coffee before it goes into the enema tube..

smilezz -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/30/2007 6:21:41 PM)


how do you quit a bad habit if it keeps you from pain?

You wake up one day and find out the pain is the same as what you are trying to prevent.  You go cold turkey and you think you are going to die.  You weigh your options heavily........you wonder if you will ever be able to do it........then suddenly you get a slap in the face...........you ARE going to die if you don't stop. 

Sound harsh?  i didn't think it was either.......'til it happened to me.

Good luck...........it's not easy.......you will WISH you had died.......then when you don't, you realize you made it through.


phoenixinchains -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/30/2007 10:08:00 PM)

GentleThistle, i love your name[:)]
Rafters, you scare me, i'm gonna go over here now[:D]
To All, good luck and best wishes.
Smilezz, i'm grateful for your post. thank you.


habibi -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/31/2007 6:26:37 AM)

i have, at several different points in my life been sooo addicted to mountain dew that i would wake up in the middle of the night craving it and not be able to go back to sleep until i'd gotten up, chugged a can or two, then went back to bed in a stated of bliss.  every once in a while, when it gets bad, i wean myself off of it...and yes, it sucks...headaches, crankiness and all.....but it's like getting over any other physical addiction (ex: i'm on long term high dose morphine for chronic pain due to MS....and every once in a while i force myself to go on a 6 week drug holiday to stop the addiction/tolerance cycle from getting out of hand) it's no fun...but if you can get through the first two weeks you'll be okay.  just stock up on lots of water and aleve and schedule in some nap time every day if you can.

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffeine (5/31/2007 7:50:20 AM)

I used to drink alot of caffeine but I  significantly cut down. I still love it just do not drink  as much as I used to. The best way I found to do it without the horrible headaches was to slowly wean down my usage. When I say slowly I mean slowly, it took me a year to get to where I wanted.

Wyrd -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffeine (5/31/2007 8:53:07 AM)

I was severely addicted in college, to the tune of about a gallon of Mt Dew a day, every day, I felt I needed it to stay awake, I remember being able to barely wake in the mornings, until I had a soda.

I also used to have bad acid reflux, I quit cold turkey, and for about 6 months I hurt, I suffered, I was miserable, then it slacked off and I find I am now able to wake int he mornings with no help, others think I am a morning person, I can go all day with no problems, I have little heartburn at all, and no reflux, you want to know the one thing you can do to help your health the most, quit drinking sodas...

szobras -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/31/2007 11:04:31 AM)

Coffee is Sacred. I would not doubt that if the Holy Grail IS a cup, it will have Juan Valdez signature on the bottom when they find it. :)

philosophy -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/31/2007 12:13:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: szobras

Coffee is Sacred. I would not doubt that if the Holy Grail IS a cup, it will have Juan Valdez signature on the bottom when they find it. :)

<my italics>

....Timmy Hortons, surely?

slaverosebeauty -> RE: u.s. addicted to caffiene (5/31/2007 4:01:02 PM)

I gave up caffeen COMPLETLY in my teens for 3 or 4 months, they [the drs] thought it was giving me migraines, so I drank other sodas like root beer and creame soda, etc, anything without caffeen; I was fine. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Dr. Pepper, but, considering i had to give it almost completly up during my pregnancy, I found I could poor 1 can of soda over a BIG glass of ice and drink it ovre a few hours and still get what I wanted, the taste, as for the buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Cinamin gives the SAME effect as caffeen without the caffeen. I don't drink coffee or consume any coffee products yet, I am a regular at Starbucks, Carmal Apple Cider with extra Cinimun. Wakes me up and no cafeen drop.

Heck throw the coffee in the river all I care. The Boston Tea Party would be cool if it has been coffee, and in present day; then it would be The Boston Coffee Most of the US Drowned Party. {giggles} Caffeen addicts, cute.

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