RE: Public undressing of sub females (Full Version)

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AquaticSub -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:06:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: ron2421

For the 100th Time Sambamanslilgirl, there was absolutely no nudity involved, unless you consider brief exposure of panties and bra as nudity.

For everyone who has suddenly become so law conscious and legal.

Yes under some state obscenity laws, including New York, massaging over even a clothed genitals or a clothed female breast in public can be considered to be in violation of public obscenity laws.
But then again, so can most forms of sadomasochism, even in play, consensual and in private, including any form of restraint, bondage, spanking, whipping, any form of torture and etc.
Read for yourself:
We should all do our best to keep this stuff out of site of children. But please do not be so obsessed over the legality of public petting situations when you're not willing to recognize the same laws over sadomasochism.

You would call the cops on this happy couple enjoying a bit of perverted fun in the park. Would you like it if your well-meaning friend called the cops on you because he or she knew that you participated in activities in which the laws clearly consider as sadomasochism and equally perverted.

This is Collarme, afterall. Thanks

The difference is that she engages in her activites in private and not put herself in a situation where others will stumble on it and view it non-consentually.

Forcing others to be part of your sexual behavior (the thrill is the chance of being caught, hence you are involving others) is not the same as having kinky sex in a private area where all parties are consenting.

Invictus754 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:08:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

All the studies in the world do not take away from the fact that you are not the partner of those children, you do not get to decide what they should be exposed to and considering how many options kinksters have for expressing their kinks and how few options parents seem to have, this sort of behavior is simply selfish.

And so everyone you meet in everyday life is not selfish?  I want to live in your world.


It was a national holiday. Nobody was working. In the middle of a public park. Their right to enjoy sex does not trumph the right of a parent to take their child to a park in the middle of the day and not have them exposed to sexual behavior.

If any parent sees this type of behavior, why wouldn't they walk over and talk to the offending party? "Hey, I have my kids over there...can you move this display somewhere else?"  If they don't move, you move.  Or, more effectively, just walk over and start making remarks like "I thought her tits would be bigger than that."
You don't have a RIGHT to live with no external influence of others.  Do you think that you can raise a child in this day and age and expect them NEVER to see ANYTHING that you don't condone?  ye gods!  People of Muslim belief think all women need to be covered from head to obviously, out in public on holiday, would be offensive to a devout Muslim.  Why don't you take their feelings into consideration and dress in a Burka? 

OsideGirl -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:14:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Invictus754

What ever happened to explaining activities of others to the young-uns?  "Yes, they are playing around with their clothes - that is not something you should be doing.  You have better manners."  My parents used other's behavior as good examples of what not to do.  No one seems to mind all the murder on TV!  How do explain murder to your children - or do you?
  Well, that's the difference right there. If they're not your children, you don't get to decide what is appropriate for them. It's not your place to determine when it's okay to have that talk.


ORIGINAL: ron2421

I highly doubt any police officer in the world would arrest this guy or couple for the consensual play here, which involved some petting (who hasn't done this before with a date in the car parked in a brightly lit lot at a drive-in theater for example?).
  Well, a drunk guy stumbled out of his own home and urinated on the bush in his front yard. He was arrested and sentenced because he was observed by a 13 year old.

Just because you think it's silly, doesn't make the law go away.

Beyond the fact, I believe in consentuality. Just because you're kinky doesn't mean that everyone in the world has to be subject to it.

AquaticSub -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:14:26 PM)

What makes you think I'm saying the parent wouldn't say anything? However, considering it's a the middle of a public park in the middle of a national holiday where it's pretty expected that families will be around.. yeah I consider that selfish.

However, do I think it's selfish to use a wireless vib in such a situation? Nope. Discreet fondling? Nope. To go at it at night in such a place? Nope.

I just don't believe our right to do whatever we want trumps everyone else's rights.

Invictus754 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:19:03 PM)


Well, that's the difference right there. If they're not your children, you don't get to decide what is appropriate for them. It's not your place to determine when it's okay to have that talk.

Yes, and that is the difference right there.  Once you walk outside, you don't control all the scenery.

AquaticSub -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:19:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Invictus754

People of Muslim belief think all women need to be covered from head to obviously, out in public on holiday, would be offensive to a devout Muslim.  Why don't you take their feelings into consideration and dress in a Burka? 

Not all Muslim's believe in the burka actually. However, I actually do try to dress for the occasion. If I knew I was going to be around Muslim people (or any religious group for that matter), I would ensure that my cleavage was not exposed and that my skirt was at least knee-length, or just wear pants. After all, nobody is saying that people shouldn't kiss, hold hands or neck. Just that maybe obvious fondling and exposing bra and panties in a place you know children are probably around is a touch out of line.

It's being courteous to others. It doesn't make you a prude. Just makes you... you know... courteous.

AquaticSub -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:21:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Invictus754


Well, that's the difference right there. If they're not your children, you don't get to decide what is appropriate for them. It's not your place to determine when it's okay to have that talk.

Yes, and that is the difference right there.  Once you walk outside, you don't control all the scenery.

In that case, we should just play XXX movies on big screens on the way to school. I'm sure it would be very educational and the parents only have themselves to blame for allowing their children out of the house.

OsideGirl -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:24:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: Invictus754


Well, that's the difference right there. If they're not your children, you don't get to decide what is appropriate for them. It's not your place to determine when it's okay to have that talk.

Yes, and that is the difference right there.  Once you walk outside, you don't control all the scenery.

In that case, we should just play XXX movies on big screens on the way to school. I'm sure it would be very educational and the parents only have themselves to blame for allowing their children out of the house.


sublimelysensual -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:26:03 PM)

Just to play devil's advocate here, (and yes, I have a um).. how many have never taken their child to a pool / beach / waterpark / amusement park? There's a lot more skin exposed at any of those places than what it sounds like was exposed at the park, and all of those places are public as well. It could be argued that at those places, there's a reasonable expectation of exposed skin, but come on now, we're not living in a country where women walk around with all parts of their bodies covered at all times. I would venture a guess that you could walk into quite a few public schools and see just as much skin exposed as well. Does that make it right? Not necessarily, but children are going to be exposed to scantily clad people in life. If the woman had been completely nude under the shirt or skirt, yes, I would have a problem with it, but my experience has been that most (not all, i don't do generalization well).. people into that type of play are VERY aware of what's going on around them exactly because of that kind of scenario (um's, etc), and take great care not to "corrupt" anyone or cause anyone else discomfort. As for the "sexuality" involved, again, go ride on a schoolbus or look down a school hallway, and you may get a shock. Your um's have already more than likely been exposed to much worse unless A. you keep them locked in a closet.. or B. they're too young to understand what's going on anyway. Just my two cents..

Invictus754 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:26:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub
I just don't believe our right to do whatever we want trumps everyone else's rights.

Certainly not!  I agree with you there. 
However, many of the people answering ron were quoting the law (and I am sure that NONE of them ever speed on their way to work and none smoke pot or engage in premarital sex) and how the couple were putting UMs in a bad place.  Shit happens.  When I was young (yes, many, many moons ago) our male cat mounted our female cat in the living room.  He was biting her neck, both were yowling and I went and got my Dad, telling him the big kitty was beating up the little kitty.  When my Dad saw it, he just laughed and told me not to touch them, but everything would be alright and he wouldn't hurt her.  He was right.  Just like people in the park, we shouldn't shy from normal activity like SEX, but explain it as a natural occurance.  Puritans suck.

Invictus754 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:32:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

Not all Muslim's believe in the burka actually.

Hence "devout Muslim"

If I knew I was going to be around Muslim people (or any religious group for that matter), I would ensure that my cleavage was not exposed and that my skirt was at least knee-length, or just wear pants.
It's being courteous to others. It doesn't make you a prude. Just makes you... you know... courteous

And there folks, is the $64,000 answer - maybe the couple started OUT alone?  And then the others came along and maybe - just maybe - they are just like you and if they THOUGHT about it first they might not have done it.  But once in their own little area, off from the rest they didn't notice others had started to occupy nearby space.  The OP didn't say that they were calling attention to themselves.  If you didn't think you were going to be among Muslims, but then pulled up next to one on the street with your cleavage showing, what does he tell his kids in the back of his car?  Just because you didn't know they would be on your street you still can 'offend' someone and their way of life if they want to take offense.  I think everyone on the planet needs to chill about "no other way but my way should be tolerated."

Invictus754 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:34:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

In that case, we should just play XXX movies on big screens on the way to school. I'm sure it would be very educational and the parents only have themselves to blame for allowing their children out of the house.


(but there wouldn't be any "blame" because there wouldn't be anything wrong.  They would just walk by and glance over..."I've seen better.")LOL

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:38:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: ron2421

No offense intended Diurnal Vampire, but I wish you'd read the entire posts before responding to things already addressed. I indicated the Sub did not seem to mind it at all and playfully went along with it. She did not appear to be hateful or angry at the guy, as you insinuate she must have been.

No offense taken.  I give my opinion whether or not it has been addressed elsewhere.  Dont like it, tough.
I never said SHE didnt like it, I said othres might not. 

No offense ron, but if you dont read my posts carefully, dont respond with a condescending remark.


ron2421 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 8:50:48 PM)

Hi reallygoodgirl.
I think you are about the first one, like me, to actually find eroticism in my little story of a true life eyewitness account.
Most of the commentators here expressed repulsion, outrage, or moral offense.

Congradulations, you are a fellow, true collarme kinkster!

We're not always perfectly legal, we're not always perfectly moral or safe or sane as far as disguising our kinks (as true with any sexual being).
But we are human. There's room here for all of us.

Have posts on "severe spankings" "watersports" or "fuckmeat" generated as much outrage or such sudden displays of moral and legal righteousness?

ron2421 -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 9:00:50 PM)

Ms DiurnalVampire:
I was responding mainly to bottom comment.
The way I interpreted the tone and the context of the phrase "how he treats woman" to me anyway implied hatred. Maybe I didn't get it completely correct and if so I apologize for my misinterpretation.

"And if they dont stay together, and he starts dating someone else whos friends or family witnessed how he treats women... and word gets back to her... "

DixieAngel -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 9:02:21 PM)

Oh okay, so only those that agree with you and enjoy your lil "true" story are TRUE collarme kinksters?? Wow i am so upet by that I dont think I will be able to sleep tonight. [sm=rolleyes.gif] 

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/30/2007 9:07:45 PM)

I'll chalk that up to the fact that you dont know me.
What I meant, and im sure some of the others figured ou was that the SHE in the last sentence was the new girl, not the ex,  The ex couldnt care less how he treats people afterwards.  But in a new relationship, a display like that can come back to haunt you.
To consider yourself  kinkier-than-thou becasue of what you like and we dont... thats your issue.
Many of us believe the way we do for reasons.  BEcasue we dont believe the way you do, that doesnt make us "less kinky" You didnt get a pat on the head for your story, and you lash out at any of us that might go for morality rather than hedonism. If you dont really want opinions, dnt post in the forums.

agirl -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/31/2007 3:53:45 AM)

I admit that I haven't witnessed anyone having full sex where my sprogs could have stumbled upon it, but they have seen the odd couple being rather playfully sexual. It's not on my list of *things I need to protect them from*.

The scenario that was DEPICTED wouldn't have bothered me in the least, even if we walked right past it. I suppose if the streets were lined with fornicating couples, I'd have to spend a little MORE time explaining the world we live in. It's certainly nicer to talk and explain about a couple having a fondle in the park than someone being punchy and drunk, or being spiteful to their small child.


Areflectionofyou -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/31/2007 4:27:30 AM)

I love getting undressed in a play party or dungeon..but to do it in a public venue and cause others to be uncomfortable is wrong and illegal.

drawntothedark -> RE: Public undressing of sub females (5/31/2007 4:41:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: DiurnalVampire

To consider yourself  kinkier-than-thou becasue of what you like and we dont... thats your issue.
Many of us believe the way we do for reasons.  BEcasue we dont believe the way you do, that doesnt make us "less kinky" You didnt get a pat on the head for your story, and you lash out at any of us that might go for morality rather than hedonism. If you dont really want opinions, dnt post in the forums.


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