RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (Full Version)

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AquaticSub -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 8:01:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

The whole changing at work thing for most wage slaves isn't going to leave much time for lunch and seems wildly out of touch though.

This is something I was thinking about. I don't know where his girls worked but where I used to work, I would have to tell him "Sorry Sir, I've got to disobey and not meet you for lunch if you want me to change".

The time changing before, driving somewhere, waiting for my lunch, driving back, and then changing again would probably make me a bit late. And when you are working with dying people who only have a few months, a few years, or an undetermined amount of time left with their families, not wasting their time becomes incredibly more important then meeting your partner for lunch.

Now if he is talking about something easy like just pulling the bra off from under your scrubs, that's a bit different then a full change of clothes!

Mercnbeth -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 8:38:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

But I wonder if your parents would say that they had to do a lot of work toget you to conform growing up?  By the time you got to Merc, the work was done.

of course, much to Master's appreciation.  but to them, that was the proper way to raise up a girl, not extra work.  breaking wills, corporal punishment, ask permission for everything but breathing, be-seen-and-not-heard, obedience is job #1, duty before play, respect of those in authority over self, seperate rules for girls/boys and owners/owned, offspring seen as possessions, property to do with as one sees fit... all that used to be an accepted way to raise one's young...nowadays it is considered "abusive".
this slave was even taught to appreciate correction.  to them, their hope and goal was to ultimately sign over the pink slip to whoever would be this slave's "husband"(think: Master), so they saw fit to raise a proper and pleasing "wife"(think: slave).  the owner/property mentality(on Mom's part at least, Dad's R.I.P.)didn't stop until this slave was 40 and married Master.


Does that mean I'm not a slave, or that I just got so darned lucky in my relationship with my partner that conformity wasn't an issue?

did you mean for that to sound rhetorical?[:)]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 8:49:42 AM)

It's been rhetorical teetering on the edge of being a real question for awhile now :)

And it's a serious one for me.  I do meet some great people in the scene.  Hot people.  People I have chemistry with.  But then I really start to think about it, what my past was, and what they would expect- and it just feels stifling, wrong.  It's great in a lot of ways, but there's some sense of needing to conform or change which makes it sour for me.

So I return back to my question- am I one of those "chicks who just pretends to submit but really can't hack it?" or "Am I just so darned lucky that everything I "submit" to is just right and fun?"

My life isn't all fun and games and joy, there's work and pain and we fight and stress and I know I've changed and am working to change myself.  But there's a different quality about it that I've never had in my previous relationships, a quality which turns it all from a burden to a blessing.  And when I think about other people I get to know and being with them- that quality seems to be lacking.

So is the presence of that quality a sign that I'm not a slave, or that I'm just darned lucky?

Back and around again.  This is what I do in the shower.

Emperor1956 -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 8:55:43 AM)

Oh I was so not going to post in this thread, because the OP is just about everything I believe "ownership" is NOT:  A zero sum game where her "slip ups" are fodder for My "corrections" (i.e. cruelty), and where she is constantly set up to fail so I can exert my oh SO BIG dominance.

But two comments, and a snarky (thanks, Michael) question:

Comment 1:  LaT talks about setting someone up to fail.  I wonder how often that has happened -- how often has the OP's owned property failed in her tasks, and what happens when failure becomes the order of the day (as I think it must, for the reasons so well illuminated in the replies).  I predict that eventually the owned property checks out, physically or emotionally.  But hey, I'm snarky too.

Comment 2:  Valyren!   Discipline that little tart RIGHT NOW for her level headed, intelligent remarks on getting into an outfit to gratify ME on my demand NO MATTER WHAT.   I AM THE OWNER!  THE OWNER, DAMMIT!  WHAT I SAY GOES!   When I say I want the skin-tight Warrior Princess outfit with the 54 hook and eye bustier and the thigh-high patent leather boots (AND THEY BETTER BE SCUFF FREE) when I meet you for your 20 minute lunch break I MEAN I WANT IT OR ELSE, bitch.  And if I call 10 minutes before and tell you I've changed my mind, meet me in the full double robed Geisha outfit with the three ornately tied obi and the ceremonial tabi NOW, I don't want any whining about responsibility or sick patients or paychecks.  IF you were any sort of real owner, Val, you wouldn't allow your property such impudent thoughts, let alone the time to WRITE them.  ASSERT YOURSELF NOW AS ANY "true" Owner would do!

(Uh....what was that about setting the girl up to fail and fail again?  hmmmmm.)

3.  The snarky question:   Did anyone else catch this from the OP:  I have asked julia to post it because I want her to read it and tell me where she has been going wrong recently.  I this is all one long object lesson for your girl, is it?  And we are all just random play partners to help you show her "where she has been going wrong".   Its not really consensual, I mean we all read it, and we all posted (dammit!)  But it still makes me feel like I need a shower after reading the "rules".


darkinshadows -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:01:27 AM)

Just because you and your partner are that compatable, doesn't mean you are less a slave - it simply means you have a healthy and well communicated dynamic where his wants and desires are mirrored by yours - that the conformity is there, you just strive for it anyway. (Does that make any sense?????[8|])
If he considers you slave, that is what you are.  It doesn't come down to what a slave 'is' to everyone else or the whole definition thang. If what you do is what he wants in a slave, that is what matters.  And yes, it makes you darn lucky that what you submit to, you find is right and fun.  But you can be both lucky and a slave.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:06:18 AM)

But what if I shut down the possibility of relationships with others as a slave because that "fabulous luck" isn't there?

darkinshadows -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:16:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

But what if I shut down the possibility of relationships with others as a slave because that "fabulous luck" isn't there?
Is it that you know that the  'fabulous luck' not there already - or is it the fear that it won't be?

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:21:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows
it that you know that the  'fabulous luck' not there already - or is it the fear that it won't be?
So far it's because it's "not there."  The sense of what they want seems stifling or sour in some way.
So then I say "Am I just spoiled?"  And I know I am in a LOT of ways.
Not that I've seriously considered being a slave to someone since being with my partner, perhaps if something really serious came along I'd have better answers.  So far this is MOSTLY just thinking exercises.

imthatacheyouhav -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:21:47 AM)

I read the OP, and some of the replies...
Holy Smokes!! thing that jumped out at me was about the frequency and harshness of punishments....i was raised getting punished often and wasnt as effective as my mom hoped i'm sure...because it was like ...* well ok...i'm gonna get my ass beat again...wooo....or i was gonna have to stand in the corner holding books in each hand for hours...or....blah blah get the idea. so it almost became meaningless....however , when i became a parent i did something a tad different...i corrected my kids when they needed it...and they needed it almost daily...LOL...when they REALLY screwed up...i would punish them accordingly...and that wasnt very the punishment had a very definent meaning and impact.... There are numerous other things in the OP that are worth addressing however i know it would be an excerise in futility.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:26:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

But what if I shut down the possibility of relationships with others as a slave because that "fabulous luck" isn't there?

you'll get plenty of support from the community, you'll have more "subbie-sisters" than you can shake a stick at that will commiserate with you about all the almost perfect relationships they could have had, too...if only He/She wouldn't have been a smoker, etc...
community-speaking, isn't the main difference between slave or submissive and the obvious unhealthy-unable-to-make-informed-consent-doormat-person the insistance of that "fabulous luck"-feeling, or some other socially accepted construct of health/fulfillment in a relationship yardstick that the Master or Dominant must measure up to, or forget it and move on.....?

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:37:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
community-speaking, isn't the main difference between slave or submissive and the obvious unhealthy-unable-to-make-informed-consent-doormat-person the insistance of that "fabulous luck"-feeling, or some other socially accepted construct of health/fulfillment in a relationship yardstick that the Master or Dominant must measure up to, or forget it and move on.....?

Har har :)

It doesn't help that this question never would have entered my head BEFORE this relationship.  I pretty much didn't think it was possible to be this lucky/compatible or have this sort of total change in perspective.

And even more, I didn't EXPECT it going into this relationship.  In fact I often beat myself up for how many times someone else COULD have come in and changed course and how long it took me to realize how great we are. 

But now that I've got THIS, if other relationships don't have it, then I don't seem inclined to entertain them.

Is this any different than a person who's had happy vanilla relationships that just didn't work, then "discovers" M/s, and from then on just doesn't even seriously consider a vanilla relationship?  Did I "discover" vanilla for myself? Or did I discover "my partner"?

darkinshadows -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:45:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross
So far it's because it's "not there."  The sense of what they want seems stifling or sour in some way.
So then I say "Am I just spoiled?"  And I know I am in a LOT of ways.
Not that I've seriously considered being a slave to someone since being with my partner, perhaps if something really serious came along I'd have better answers.  So far this is MOSTLY just thinking exercises.

In that case I would just say you haven't met anyone else you can offer your slavery to.
Not just because it's stiffling, but because it just isnt 'there'.
As for being spoiled - yeah if you think it you are, you probably are.  And I don't believe that is a negative nor a bad thing.  I know I am spoilt.  But then I am a big fan of the belief that submission and slavery are completely selfish acts.  I am allowed, by Darcy, to worship him, and worship him is what make tick and I want to do it.  It makes me feel yummy and boosts my confidence because to me, Darcy is hot and yummy and cool.
I like think exercises but theres a problem you can get wrapped up in the thinking instead of letting the happening that place.  For ages I went through the whole 'am I a dominant?' - thought thang because I didn't conform to the submissive 'image'.  And all these people I couldn't submit to who had offered interest who were considered the cream of BDSM dairy products who I knew were great teachers, people I could trust, people who knew the difference of their nine tails to their flogger, people with years of experience - but the submission just wasn't there.  So I kept thinking why?  Am I really not a submissive?  How can I even consider myself being a possible slave?  I even drifted out of a LTR because I couldn't and wouldn't submit as fully as I wanted to and intended to.  Then I met Darcy and it just happened at the point where I had given up on submission.  I am not poly and so submitting elsewhere just isn't an option to me.  But I know my place with Darcy, because it just clicked.  Everything that went before, now made sense.
Thinking exercise helped me understand what happened in the now but sometimes, the thinking exercises at the time made me understand less coz I thought I knew what I actually didn't at all.
Blergh - if that makes sense...[;)]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:52:35 AM)

It's not terribly troubling to me- that would be pretty much the height or neurotic wouldn't it?  Allowing your fabulous relationship to cause you to get upset and anxious?

But it is something I seriously consider and try to work through.  Can a spoiled fabulously happy youngster in a non-Ms based relationship who sours at what generally otherwise appealing masters have to offer because it feels as if it would be conforming or repressing in some way STILL call herself a slave?

Or rather, can I?

darkinshadows -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 9:55:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

But now that I've got THIS, if other relationships don't have it, then I don't seem inclined to entertain them.

Is this any different than a person who's had happy vanilla relationships that just didn't work, then "discovers" M/s, and from then on just doesn't even seriously consider a vanilla relationship?  Did I "discover" vanilla for myself? Or did I discover "my partner"?

See this to me, comes down to the fact that I know you are a person who doesn't do 'settle'.
That doesn't make you any less slave, it just means you know what you can offer someone, and you know what makes you tick and you have that and tasted that and anything else is just McD's since you have had a kick ass Filet steak.
Besides, settling wouldn;t be being true to yourself hey.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 10:47:38 AM)



Can a spoiled fabulously happy youngster in a non-Ms based relationship who sours at what generally otherwise appealing masters have to offer because it feels as if it would be conforming or repressing in some way STILL call herself a slave? 

What would you tell someone who didn't feel slavelike to ALL dominants?  You would laugh at them or at least chide them a bit.  And the key is "otherwise appealing." Just as you see issues with another's choice in partner based on your greater experience you have just discovered another reason to be more discriminating.

That is why despite many opportunities, I almost always go to bed alone and am willing to deal with a 3,118 mile long distance relationship.  While there are many "otherwise appealing" women, there is only one to whom my heart pines for, my soul cries out for, and my mind races for. 

farieanne -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 11:29:09 AM)

my Master says that in regard to the OP; One it must NOT be working or His julia would not be "going wrong recently".
Second, He says that in the OP it is stated that "I adore control - it is the very centre of my being". However it doesn't seem like He wants control at all.
Example: If He tells me to go do the laundry and i go, but while i am doing it the washer breaks down. He knows i can handle it. He knows i am fully capable of calling a repairman or finding the receipt and warranty and making the calls to have the repairs done. The point is He WANTS to do it, He WANTS to control it. He wants to make sure the repairman He approves of comes and that if there are problems with the repair or the warranty that He is the one they come to. He wants this because He is a control freak and wants to control it. my Master says the OP sounds more to Him like He is just lazy.

AquaticSub -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 12:52:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Emperor1956

Comment 2:  Valyren!   Discipline that little tart RIGHT NOW for her level headed, intelligent remarks on getting into an outfit to gratify ME on my demand NO MATTER WHAT.   I AM THE OWNER!  THE OWNER, DAMMIT!  WHAT I SAY GOES!   When I say I want the skin-tight Warrior Princess outfit with the 54 hook and eye bustier and the thigh-high patent leather boots (AND THEY BETTER BE SCUFF FREE) when I meet you for your 20 minute lunch break I MEAN I WANT IT OR ELSE, bitch.  And if I call 10 minutes before and tell you I've changed my mind, meet me in the full double robed Geisha outfit with the three ornately tied obi and the ceremonial tabi NOW, I don't want any whining about responsibility or sick patients or paychecks.  IF you were any sort of real owner, Val, you wouldn't allow your property such impudent thoughts, let alone the time to WRITE them.  ASSERT YOURSELF NOW AS ANY "true" Owner would do!

Humbly and in my unworthiness, I shall ask him to read this comment. [:D]

MadRabbit -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 3:29:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth




ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


She understands the terms and exptactions prior to starting this and knows what she will have to conform to them.

I've been having a lot of mental debates with myself over whether "conformity" in some way is a necessary element of a Ms relationship...or can there be a situation in which everyone is just so darned well matched and so darned lucky, that no one really needs to conform to anything...they just fit perfectly and happily and no one twists or conforms?

I don't mean training or growing- I mean conforming or changing or repressing.

I haven't come to an answer yet, just things I'm mulling over. 

I would say the two elements, conformity and submission are very often linked, but not certainly tangible. I would say submission is the goal and conformity is the process and work to get to that goal.

Hence, if someone were so well matched, it would still be dominance and submission. I lead and she follows. There would be just no work or process needed to achieve what is already there.

Aww...if life were that easy...

For some, it is just that easy.
Master leads, His slave follows...He didn't have to train this slave to submit, it wasn't a process, work, struggle or something this slave had to "learn" was already there, and has been since this slave can remember.
the mantra of "if it is easy, it isn't worth as won't be appreciated...etc" doesn't apply to everyone.  there are indeed folks who appreciate and value things that aren't necessarily "easy" for everyone.
to this slave...submission is a word to describe the way she responds, reacts and interacts with the world, not a role to play, title to own, goal to reach or kink to fulfill.

Well...let me try and clarify some more what I meant.

This part right here was really poorly thought out and didnt communicate at all what I meant.


I would say submission is the goal and conformity is the process and work to get to that goal.

So lets forget that and I'll try and reexplain.

The girl I am seeing now...its basically that easy as far as the "He leads, she follows". The dynamic is simply there...even if there is those certain moments.

What I mean more by conformity is change to all my individual standards of how I do things and what I expect from her.

If she already meets those standards in every way from how I like my coffee made to my clothes folded, then I dont have to do any work to get her to change (hence "conform to my standards").

When I say submission is a goal, I mean more in the sense of getting past human boundaries. Some people wont give you a ride in their car if your a stranger. Some people wont have sex for at least a month. Someone wont let you have access to their bank accounts for who knows how long...

To expect anyone to obey any order within a short span of knowing them to me is farfetched and I would be weary of someone who had such a lack of boundaries (or even boundaries at all)

LafayetteLady -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 4:43:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

It's not terribly troubling to me- that would be pretty much the height or neurotic wouldn't it?  Allowing your fabulous relationship to cause you to get upset and anxious?

But it is something I seriously consider and try to work through.  Can a spoiled fabulously happy youngster in a non-Ms based relationship who sours at what generally otherwise appealing masters have to offer because it feels as if it would be conforming or repressing in some way STILL call herself a slave?

Or rather, can I?

You can of course call yourself anything you want, it is how you define yourself.  While many people who "are" slaves feel they need to serve anyone who "is" dominant, you know that this is not how everyone thinks.  The bottom line is that we all are here, living however we are living because it makes us HAPPY.  So when you look at those "others" and you see something wrong, you are seeing ways that they would not make you happy.  Not a thing in the world wrong with that.  As we go through life and age, we tend to occasionally re-examine our lives and see the differences.  Where we were yesterday, where we are today and where we want to be tomorrow.  Sometimes, the answer is the same place, other times you find it changing.  I'm sure that where you are NOW is vastly different than where you were when you first started this journey.  I will even say that it is probably not where you expected to be.  I know I'm not thinking or feeling how I thought I would as time passed.  Sometimes when the current path we have chosen is so different than the path we had planned to choose, yet it makes us happy,  we stop to ask ourselves "How the hell did I get HERE?  This wasn't what I was looking for, but..."

My suggestion, if you are happy, stop trying to figure out WHY you are happy or if someone else will ever make you happy.  It DOESN'T MATTER.  Sit back, relax and enjoy being happy now.  "What if", "Who am I" type if thinking too much just takes too much time away from happines.  Enjoy it and be well!

Sinergy -> RE: Thoughts on owning a slave - By My Master (6/5/2007 5:45:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

However, punishing someone for NOT seeing the mistake YOU made in your orders and thus failing to seek "clarification" is just wrong.  You made the mistake, deal with it.  Rewarding them for finding it is going to bite you hard in the ass in no time especially since it doesn't look like you are giving much reward for anything else.

On a related note, I used to coach children's (football) soccer.  When I was taking the "how to be a coach" course offered by the local AYSO, the guy teaching it stated something that has always stuck with me.

As near as I can recall:

"A lot of people go out to coach soccer with the attitude that if the player is not doing what he/she/it wants them to do, then they are somehow wrong.  The approach I use is to have the attitude that if the player is not doing what I want them to do, I have not been effective in explaining what I want to have happen."

What this says to me is that any misunderstandings or issues are my responsibility.  This seems to follow with my general attitude that I am the one in control, hence, I am the one responsible for what I want to happen actually happening.

Additionally, I would find going through life with an attitude that my submissive "fucked up" and should be punished to not work for me.  I want us both to succeed, and I have seldom seen many positive outcomes from punishment.

I prefer to reward the positive and allow the negative to wash away.

Just me, could be wrong, etc.


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