RE: "Gift of Submission" (Full Version)

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colouredin -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 7:34:12 AM)



I think calling submission a "gift" is something that some subs do in order to feel good about themselves.
When doms approach me with this sort of nonsense "your precious gift of submission", it signals to me that they are not a dominant that I am interested in getting to know because it makes me understand that we hold different views about the lifestyle and submission.

I think you hit the nail on the head there to be honest, its all about personal choice, some people like it some people dont it all depends on what you view as a D/s relationship, how you view your Dominance/submission. its like anything in life its all subjective there is no right and wrong way, if you dont like it then find someone else who is more on your wavelength.

MistressNoName -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 7:35:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: imthatacheyouhav


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady


ORIGINAL: imthatacheyouhav

I hope i didnt sound's just in my own life i view my submission as an agreement...a commitment...much like my marriage....its a relationship...i do feel like knowing Him (my Master) is a gift...and i'm glad i have it....

The problem with this logic is that is appears you view it as HIM giving you a gift, and it sounds as though your submission isn't "worthy" of being a called a gift. If I am misreading it, I'm sorry. It just came across that way to me.

There have been some valid points on both sides made. I believe that it is a "gift" on both sides. Not necessarily one that each gives the other, maybe a gift from the fates or whatever that each was lucky to find the other and thereby find happiness.

It would seem that the concept that one gives the "gift" of submission may have gotten started to sharpen the point that it isn't something that everyone in the room gets, but just that special one. A way of protecting oneself from those who would think that a submissive should be submissive to everyone? Just a thought, haven't researched it. I, like so many others, feel that if the people involved in it being a "gift" are ok with it, what right does anyone else have to snicker and say it is a crock?

No...i do not view Masters domination over me as a gift...nor do i feel i am giving Him a gift by submitting....its an agreement we have together...a relationship we have both entered into...i am hoping i have alot to offer this relationship...i feel as though i do.I think if you want to wear tights and call it big time wresling thats fine...if it works for you great... i comment giving my own personal opinions....i didnt say anyone was wrong.... So perhaps you may have misread things just a little...thanks for your input.

I have not read this entire thread, just got drawn into this one. I agree with this statement. The D/s relationship is an agreement between the persons involved. No more, no less. I have thought alot about the idea as submission-as-gift and I believe that if submission is a gift so is does not exist without the other. And while it is true that a submissive or a slave or bottom (whatever) gives a great deal when they submit, likewise a Dom/me, Master, Top (whatever) also gives a great deal. - They are not just taking, else I suspect the submissive would leave the relationship.

Just my opinion.


addicted2it -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 8:06:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: mpnaleksandra2

Good evening everyone,

I am certain that this topic has been discussed sometime in the past, but I just have to bring it up.
For some reason today I came across at least 2-3 profiles that refered to submission as a "gift". I disagree, and wanted to know what others think.

When someone refers to submission as a gift... it almost makes it sound as if they are doing their Dominant a favor by submitting to them. I always thought that submision was a need that some people experience, a need that they are driven to fulfill. You are not obligated to submit, nor are you doing anyone a favor by acting on your needs and desires.

Both dominants and submissive have needs and desires that they fulfill within a relationship. One is not doing the other one a favor and vice versa.

I just had to get this out.

Have a great day everyone!



I used to use the sig line, "Submission is a gift, and not an excuse to abuse someone," but a frequent contributer to this Forum almost immediately began using the signature line, "Submission is not a gift."   (And you know who you are!)

At first, I took it as an offense and a challenge; but when I really began to think about it, I came to the realization that we as submissive give a dominant our energy in exchange for theirs.  So, in essence, we give something and we also receive something in return.  And if we didn't receive anything in return, there wouldn't be a payoff.


LafayetteLady -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 10:19:45 AM)

Calling submission a "gift" obviously works for some and not for others.  The thing that gets me is why some people feel that because it differs from their personal views that those who believe it are arrogant, trying to maintain control, or just plain stupid?  There are a great many things that some people in this lifestyle believe, practice and enjoy that are not necessarily my "cup of tea".  It doesn't mean that one of us is right or wrong, it means they like things I don't.  In the most simplest example, I am heterosexual, some are homosexual or bisexual.  I don't believe that being homosexual or bisexual is wrong, just different from me.  As long as no one tells me that I must become homosexual or bisexual and I don't tell them to become heterosexual, life can go on as usual for me.  It is one thing to say, "this is how I view submission", quite another to imply that "your way" is the only way and any other way is wrong.  THAT would be arrogance.  We make the natural assumption that people in this lifestyle are more "tolerant" than the "vanilla" world, yet time and time again, it appears that many people in this lifestyle are far LESS tolerant.  It all comes back to the who is "true" and who is not based on their personal preferences.

mstrjx -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 12:49:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: mpnaleksandra2

When someone refers to submission as a gift... it almost makes it sound as if they are doing their Dominant a favor by submitting to them. I always thought that submision was a need that some people experience, a need that they are driven to fulfill.

I usually don't get into the tail end of discussions, and certainly this has been said before, but I'm being lazy.

The 'submission as gift' expression can be as hotly debated as 'SSC' can be (and is).  Oddly enough, it doesn't matter to me personally how anyone feels about these expressions.  I know what expressions I use and why, but I could probably argue myself until I'm blue, and either side would win.

What I wanted to point out about your post that might make that way of thinking relevant.  While a submissive might have a 'need' to submit, they don't feel compelled to submit to the world, rather to an individual.  Their free will selects that person most likely to keep their submission best fulfilled in any number of ways.  To that person, it would be a 'gift'.  It could have been the next-door neighbor instead, or somebody two streets over.  No, it was to that person's d-type.

From the dominant perspective, think of a submissive 'voting' for the dominant.  In an election, there could be a lot of people on the ballot, but only that one dominant was selected.  Could you argue that they 'are' doing that person a favor by voting for them?  Sure, why not?


addicted2it -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:04:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

Calling submission a "gift" obviously works for some and not for others.  The thing that gets me is why some people feel that because it differs from their personal views that those who believe it are arrogant, trying to maintain control, or just plain stupid?  There are a great many things that some people in this lifestyle believe, practice and enjoy that are not necessarily my "cup of tea".  It doesn't mean that one of us is right or wrong, it means they like things I don't.  In the most simplest example, I am heterosexual, some are homosexual or bisexual.  I don't believe that being homosexual or bisexual is wrong, just different from me.  As long as no one tells me that I must become homosexual or bisexual and I don't tell them to become heterosexual, life can go on as usual for me.  It is one thing to say, "this is how I view submission", quite another to imply that "your way" is the only way and any other way is wrong.  THAT would be arrogance.  We make the natural assumption that people in this lifestyle are more "tolerant" than the "vanilla" world, yet time and time again, it appears that many people in this lifestyle are far LESS tolerant.  It all comes back to the who is "true" and who is not based on their personal preferences.


You are the voice of reason. 

People are often flamed for expressing their own point of view, and eventually it turns into a feeding frenzy and a battle of egos.  It hasn't happened here recently, at least to my knowledge, but it was bad enough to caused me to leave the Forums for a while.

I do not understand why there is so much dissonance and discord between people here who should really come together as a unified force in the persuit of establishment of credibility and right to practice our beliefs within mainstream culture, or at least be allow to coexist, along with the mainstream.

People in our community should try to refrain from being judgmental of others, because I think we are better than those outside who regularly point a finger and condemn us for our beliefs.

- Phil

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:08:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: addicted2it
I do not understand why there is so much dissonance and discord between people here who should really come together as a unified force in the persuit of establishment of credibility and right to practice our beliefs within mainstream culture, or at least be allow to coexist, along with the mainstream.

Cuz we're people just like everyone else and we all draw the line at what we consider acceptable in different places.

People in our community should try to refrain from being judgmental of others, because I think we are better than those outside who regularly point a finger and condemn us for our beliefs.

A) I think people should learn and practice making good judgements all the time

B)  We obviously are NOT better than anyone, inside or out, because we condemn eachother all the time

Why would wanting to be kinky or in a particular type of relationship make us any better than anyone else?

darkinshadows -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:11:53 PM)


People in our community should try to refrain from being judgmental of others, because I think we are better than those outside who regularly point a finger and condemn us for our beliefs.

This in itself is a judgement.
So is that bad?
Judging isn't bad - it is just a healthy way of working out what is right in personal circumstances.
When people force it on another and claim to be 'better' than someone else, is when the problem occurs.

velvetears -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:12:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: stella40

Gift of submission? Hmmm. No, not really.

Oh yes (and I admit I have thought this way myself once) the gift of 'twue' submission, so precious, so valuable that you bestow your 'gift' on your Dominant in much the same way as the Queen bestows a knighthood on a citizen. Poppycock!

This is nothing more than arrogance from the side of the submissive, the big favour. No it isn't. There are no favours. Just two people, two roles, and an agreement to take on one or the other role.

Don't get me wrong, submission when it is genuine and real and comes from the heart is precious, it is valuable and to be appreciated, but so too is the time, attention, effort and feelings etc invested into any relationship by a Dominant. And nothing to me can be ever as valuable as the chance or opportunity of the right Dominant for you to show your submission.

IMO submission cannot be a gift. A gift, is something like a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, a watch, it is complete, whole,and finished.

Submission to me is a process. It is where you take all those promises you made to your Dominant and you work at fulfilling each and every one. It is opening up yourself to your Dominant, it is laying yourself bare and vulnerable, so that your Dominant can come into that vulnerable part of you and take control.

It is working on the relationship to make it possible, to make anything your Dominant wants possible, and it is showing your Dominant that not only do you accept their control and their authority but you are also worthy and deserving of their attention.

Calling yourself Mistress X or Master Y doesn't make you a Dominant, and neither does calling yourself a submissive or a slave make you a submissive. Words can be very beautiful and pretty, but they come cheap and nothing is as precious in a relationship as actions which back up those beautiful words.

Words can arouse interest and open a mind, but it's the actions behind the words which are the currency which is needed for the precious commodities of friendship, trust and confidence needed for a successful relationship.

Yes, submission can be truly precious and valuable - when it is sincere and honest and genuine. The gift of submission isn't a gift at all but an empty promise, and rather like a good wine, a malt whisky or even a tree, submission grows with time and becomes more precious and valuable the longer it lasts.

Submission to me is nothing more than a choice, in that I can choose who I can be submissive with.

Therefore I feel 'choice' of submission to be a far more accurate term.

Thank you for stating so eloquently and succinctly how i feel on the matter - it mirrors my own thoughts to a tee. 

lateralist1 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:22:38 PM)

If a man is nice and kind and thoughtful to everyone but will accept my domination because he wants to please me more than he wants to please any other woman  Then he is giving me the gift of his submission. However if he acts in a way towards me which is not acceptable in my eyes on purpose so that I will get angry with him or tell him off  or punish him physically then he is not giving me the gift of his submission at all. What he is doing is using me to gain his own pleasure. He will do the same with any woman. So why should I want him?

velvetears -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 1:25:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

When I give a gift to someone, whether I made it, bought it, grew - whatever - I give this 'gift' without wanting anything in return.  I don't need thanks.  I don't need to even see the smile on their face.
That is why submission isn't a gift to me.  Because its s elfish act that wants something in return.  To be owned, to be loved, to be taken care of - whatever the reason there is still a reason.

i have a different spin on it - but similar in a way. If i give someone a gift i feel i am doing something "special" for them, so i do expect some recognition of my effort even if only a thank you in return. i don't expect a gift in return and after that gift is given they can do as they please with it. i hope they enjoy whatever it is i gave them but if they throw it out it is of no real consequence to me - i don't put expectations on the gift. 

If i give over my submission to a dom i will do so with expectations .  i care very much what he does with my submission and depending on how it is handled will make a big difference to me - unlike the gift which once given i can't take back and have no control over  how it is being treated.

windchymes -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 2:05:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Wrong.  Anyone who refers to it as a "gift" is violating the very clear rules laid down the the Big Book of Everything.

Why are people so poorly informed?


ORIGINAL: windchymes

I don't see anything wrong with a Dominant feeling as though he has received a gift, or a submissive feeling as though she has given a gift if they both choose to feel that way.  Everyone is always free to perceive it any way they wish to.

Damn.  This cheap-ass library down here only carries the Big Book of A Lot Of Stuff.

welshwmn3 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 3:21:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: stella40

IMO submission cannot be a gift. A gift, is something like a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, a watch, it is complete, whole,and finished.

I will respectfully disagree with you on this.

Gifts can be as intangible as time taken to accomplish something as well. 

Lets say, person A (kinky or non-kinky, doesn't matter) has gotten into a relationship with person B (and gender of the two people don't even matter).  Person A doesn't really know how to cook, but decides they want to learn and make a really nice, romantic meal for B.

So A either goes to the Food Network and watches all the shows and experiments until they perfect something, or they take a class at a local adult education facility, and learns how to cook.

Finally, after weeks of watching through tons of shows that had nothing to do with what they wanted (but showing the basics of cooking, flavor mixing, kitchen skills) or a semester of class time teaching hands on all of the same things, A is finally ready to make "Chicken Limone" with  baby asperagus covered in a mild butter lemon sauce and rice pilaf, and for desert a Boston Creme Pie (or whatever).  Obviously, all hand made, including all the sauces and the cake as well as the custard filling and then chocolate ganache frosting.

The gift really isn't the 4 hours the dinner took to cook.  Or, it isn't the totality of it.

The real gift was the time and money that A took for however many weeks to learn to cook to make a wonderfully romantic dinner for B.

In that way, I see submission as being a gift.  My time is just as valuable as anybody elses.   If I do something that makes life easier for my Sirs, then I have given them a couple of 'gifts'.  First of my time (which I've already said is valuable) and a gift of time for them (as they now have more time to do what they want, whether that is working on a hobby or playing a computer game or watching the baseball game). 

But then, I also don't believe that one uses the "gift" (whatever it is, even something tangible as candy) as a way to control somebody else.  I'm not into "If you don't do what I want, then I can take my gift back." Because, then the person saying that hasn't given a gift.  They've given a codepenant lifestyle of passive-agressive controling.

IMO, of course.

stella40 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 3:26:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: octavia

Ok fine.
So if this is the whole point of "gift of submission", can people please just let us noobs have this one and not be so hoity toity and judgemental about us using the term? (not implying that you were MadRabbit)

And why does everyone seem to think that "gift" has to be about presents with ribbons. I happen to have a gift of dance too, it was given to me by the universe.. i earned it through practice... whatever. The bottom line is, I have the gift of dance, and if your lucky, DAMN lucky, I bestow that one on you tooooooo. [;)]
*see, I get the point you all are making, but still I hold that some of us are using that term, but not in a manipulative manner*

I'd like to come back on this. I have the gift of writing, writing stage plays which is a gift I share with others. The plays I write give actors and actresses opportunities to bestow their gifts of acting talent on a willing audience who have come to see the play.

I have also had to practice and sacrifice this 'gift' to develop it. Offering this gift to someone doesn't guarantee that it will be accepted, and thus I have also had to deal with rejections. But it is also accepted.

I also direct my plays. But this is not a gift but a skill, and unless I am directing a play or running workshops voluntarily I expect to get paid for my work. Do I get paid for being a director? Yes.

Do I get paid for my plays? No. Not at the moment. I am not a Broadway or West End playwright, my work is not literature or classic, my plays are my gifts and like anyone else with such a gift I hope for acknowledgement or recognition of my gift. Just like anyone who gives someone a gift would expect that person to say thank you. A round of applause would be nice - I have had one or two occasions where the play didn't receive a round of applause (two maybe three times) but the play always receives a round of applause, but I would rather the applause is for the actors rather than my play. When there has been no applause I console the actors. Not having any credit for my play doesn't bother me. It was a gift. And at least it reached the stage and not the waste paper basket.

Do I bestow my submission on a Dominant in the same way? No. It is different, because I am entering into a relationship, into interaction, and expecting something in return. Therefore my submission, whether promised or real, is nothing more than an opening gambit as part of a transaction or exchange. I am hoping for more from the Dominant than just acknowledgement or appreciation, I am seeking domination.

And this is what makes my submission more part of a transaction than a gift.

Politesub53 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 4:20:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

When I give a gift to someone, whether I made it, bought it, grew - whatever - I give this 'gift' without wanting anything in return.  I don't need thanks.  I don't need to even see the smile on their face.
That is why submission isn't a gift to me.  Because its s elfish act that wants something in return.  To be owned, to be loved, to be taken care of - whatever the reason there is still a reason.

i almost agree with this, but what about the gift of a submissives trust ?

darkinshadows -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 4:35:17 PM)

Again, I would have to say that trust isn't a gift either - because there is something desired/wanted in return.

darkinshadows -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 4:38:30 PM)

'Expectations' is a good word/thought... much better than how I put it.  I may 'steal' that in the future!
And thanks for teaching me something cool.

Politesub53 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 4:48:26 PM)

i guess whatever word we use expects something in return. expectations sounds as though one seeks fulfillment of said expectations... [:D]

As with all word based threads, we could be here all summer and never agree.

darkinshadows -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 5:01:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

i guess whatever word we use expects something in return. expectations sounds as though one seeks fulfillment of said expectations... [:D]

As with all word based threads, we could be here all summer and never agree.

I do expect fulfilment - I wouldn't enter a relationship that I didn't think would be fulfilling![;)]
I never settle.
We could be here all summer - but like I said - if I give a 'gift' - I never 'expect' a return.  I give purely because I can.  I don't need a thank you or a smile.  I don't even need to know there is happiness.  If I did, then my name would be all over the gift - but if you can find expectation from giving a gift and it works for you - is all good.
It just isn't how it works for me.

Politesub53 -> RE: "Gift of Submission" (6/7/2007 5:11:02 PM)

It was just a play on the word expectation, no more no less. For me the gift of anything doesnt mean i expect something back. Which is just as well come christmas. [;)]

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