RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (Full Version)

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undergroundsea -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 1:05:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: GuidingLite
thats coz 99 point 9 percent of these 'subs' aint subs.

Can we slow down and take things one step at a time please? I have trouble taking your English seriously. Can we leave giving credibility to your math for, like, next year or something?

Sorry. Couldn't resist ;-)

Sure that is not nice of me to say in itself. Perhaps I am being an asshole. Perhaps it is me mocking and taking a shot in return at someone who has been trying to mock and take shots at me across multiple threads for calling her on her attacks. Perhaps it is a little bit of both.



undergroundsea -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 1:14:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess
My name is Kara, not Mistress.  One boy on the planet has the privilege of calling Me that

Fair enough :) I hope you can appreciate that the flip side of that applies as well. I do not wish to give my subservience blindly. So when a dominant woman with whom there is no dynamic does expect me to swallow whatever is sent my way, I feel similarly--that the dynamic has not been established to have such an interaction. I then respond as the average person might if a random person expected subservience of him.



GuidingLite -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 1:25:22 AM)

<<<<<<<oooffff>>>>>>>>> puleeze, you can never RESIST me coz you alwayz read and get moved by my posts and u know fully well I make you think and thats why you are so easily bothered by what I right. you are the biggest fronter on here and are a dom in sheeps clothing is what you are and i dont give a crap that you or anyone else thinks I am attacking you and the other fake subs on here. its the same 3 whinners. booo hooooo you gots a problem with strong ass womens. punkyboy. you cant handle inequality so then get the hell out of the submissive cateogry part and just ask them to give you a place called bottom-sub coz thats what you are big cry baby alwayz crying and saying boo hooo i wanna be equal to my dom. <<<<sigh>>>>>>> you dont nkow who u r all u know is u cant resist me and the guiding advise i offer and thats good u took my advise and u finally posted in another section to in bdsm section. its about time daddy. how come u alwayz spend time whinning nd complaining to these mystresses who most are to dam cool and u and the rest of the mens know it. you are the biggest front here. making up definitions to fi t you. you will never find a mystress who will think of u as an equal so stop crying shyt or then just look for a girl to dom you in the only place u can handle it. the bed. you want equality? what cha doing in here then?

GuidingLite -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 1:27:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess
My name is Kara, not Mistress.  One boy on the planet has the privilege of calling Me that

Fair enough :) I hope you can appreciate that the flip side of that applies as well. I do not wish to give my subservience blindly. So when a dominant woman with whom there is no dynamic does expect me to swallow whatever is sent my way, I feel similarly--that the dynamic has not been established to have such an interaction. I then respond as the average person might if a random person expected subservience of him.



<<<<<puleeze>>>> there aint no freaking women on here that be expecting blind submission. you know it aint even like that so stop fronting and crying like you alwayz see mystresses demanding ur submssion. they dont and you know it. u need to give some props to the womens here coz most of them are kool.

solitudesmiles -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 1:48:54 AM)

one of my journal entries from an unknown author maybe of some help tou this thread if not oh well but this applys to all subs via male and female

The submissive heart bleeds and grieves. It grows with the strength of dominants and fades with the lack of attention. It withers in isolation and blooms in the arms of love. It glows under observation and dims when ignored. When thrust into comparison with other submissive persons it fades, it bleeds, and it slowly dies. The submissive heart is fragile, yet in many ways strong. It can take many beatings in its evolution, continue to bleed and grow. Nevertheless, it does evolve. The tender submissive heart hardens, until the soul of the submissive either dies away and evolves into something not submissive. It may turn into a switch. It may even turn to the opposite, becoming a dominant heart. This is not done out of desire, for the true heart of a submissive wants to be a submissive, yearns to be a slave. The best dominants come from experiencing submissiveness mainly due to the fact they treat submissive persons in the way they wanted to be treated. Dominants often deal with their own insecurities, unsure of how to revive the wilting submissive heart. Far too often, the ability and chance slips through their fingers. The experienced dominant may tend to live in the past, looking to relive past events and emotions and not realize that he or she is letting the potential bright future in the submissive heart before him or her slip away. Inattention, lack of physical contact, absence of appreciation will cause the submissive heart to retract from view. In its place is often born the ability to take care of itself on its own, struggling to grow and strengthen, to cover the vulnerable spots out of protectiveness. Once again, the submissive heart bleeds and grieves.


The submissive heart bleeds and grieves.
when you stradle the fense you end up with unwelcome splinters in unwelcome places. ~from the depths of my mind

undergroundsea -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 2:03:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: GuidingLite

I am glad the time I give you makes you feel special and laud you for processing a negative exchange in a way that helps your ego. I hope you understand that being the object of negative attention is not a good thing. Or do you have posters of criminals on your walls?

I amused that you are stalking my posts and are not able to see the pattern amongst the different posts to draw any intelligent conclusions. And I notice you go silent when asked for intelligent reasoning behind your assertions. Is something the matter?

Not too long ago you were attacking a domme.Your attempt to flatter other dommes and rally for support does not change that your behavior is inappropriate towards other posters, dommes and subs. It seems you were slighted by my post that shows how you bicker with multiple people, and that your statements conflict with your actions. If it causes you slight, there is an obvious answer; treat others as you wish to be treated. I will respect you more if you extend the same respect to others. I have called you on your behavior because and when you attack people--myself or others. I will continue to call you on such behavior as my mood determines. I will post the history of your conflicts as the need arises. I hope you see that that history post undermines your credibility as it shows your conflict occurs indiscriminately, and that your actions are exact opposite of what you preach. I think you are aware of this much, which is why seeing that post causes you slight.



LadyPact -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 3:19:01 AM)

I debated for a while on whether I would start a new thread with My comments or just reply here.  It's early and the caffeine hasn't quite hit yet, so that may have influenced My decision.
Had I started a new thread, I was very specifically going to title it, "Rewarding negative behavior".  It seems to Me that this is exactly what We do in these types of situations.  It is very much along the same lines. 
I think most of Us would agree that one of the most unintelligent things We could do would be to allow a masochist to act up, and then 'punish' him by corporal means.  All this is doing is reinforcing the negative behavior, because he got exactly what he wanted by doing so.  The better idea in response to this action is to chose a much different reaction.  For example, stop feeding into the negative behavior. 
Yet here on the forums, We encourage a similar scenerio on rather a constant basis.  We have a few that seem to 'get off' by stirring the pot, treating others in a less than polite fashion, not being respectful, etc.  What do We do?  We end up doing the same thing as physically punishing the above hypothetical masochist.  We feed into the behavior by responding in kind, and the whole scenerio begins a vicious cycle.  Very much like the 'castration' guy from the other thread.  He has very much accomplished any other goal, rather than to actually be castrated.  He seeks attention, humiliation, etc., and We give it to him, just because of his behavior when he contacts Us, and even more often, when he doesn't.  Even as I sit here, I'm still giving him exactly what he wants, because I'm still talking about him. 
I will agree with a particular point that has been brought up repeatedly.  Through cyber world, My references to being a Dominant mean very little.  Very few on CM know Me any more than they do the next chick that walks down the street.  (A good point in that.  For all anyone knows, I might not even be female, if you get right down to it.)  Why should I deserve respect any more or less than anyone else someone didn't know?
Here's a possible answer..... and this is where it ties into the OP.  How about the way I conduct Myself?  It really has very little to do with the way anyone else acts.  If I can talk to others with respect, I might just get some back.  If the way I act today, without a submissive of My own, when I talk with others, or speak of My prior submissives, maybe that might incline someone to think I am worthy of their submissivion.  It goes the other way around as well.  Depending on how someone acts prior to, or being in their current dynamic, sheds a lot of light on how they will act should they be paired with Me.  Personally, I would want My submissive to be a good reflection on Me with others in the community.  I would want him to treat others, who deserve it, with respect and courtesy.  Knowing he can do this before he comes to Me, is a good indicator that he will do it once with Me.
Just a quick version of My opinion.  I'm sure I missed a many things.

joyinslavery -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 4:31:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: GuidingLite

<<<<<<<oooffff>>>>>>>>> puleeze, you can never RESIST me coz you alwayz read and get moved by my posts and u know fully well I make you think and thats why you are so easily bothered by what I right. you are the biggest fronter on here and are a dom in sheeps clothing is what you are and i dont give a crap that you or anyone else thinks I am attacking you and the other fake subs on here. its the same 3 whinners. booo hooooo you gots a problem with strong ass womens. punkyboy. you cant handle inequality so then get the hell out of the submissive cateogry part and just ask them to give you a place called bottom-sub coz thats what you are big cry baby alwayz crying and saying boo hooo i wanna be equal to my dom. <<<<sigh>>>>>>> you dont nkow who u r all u know is u cant resist me and the guiding advise i offer and thats good u took my advise and u finally posted in another section to in bdsm section. its about time daddy. how come u alwayz spend time whinning nd complaining to these mystresses who most are to dam cool and u and the rest of the mens know it. you are the biggest front here. making up definitions to fi t you. you will never find a mystress who will think of u as an equal so stop crying shyt or then just look for a girl to dom you in the only place u can handle it. the bed. you want equality? what cha doing in here then?

submaleforF -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 4:58:39 AM)

Lady Pact, brilliant post, and one that gives me, just starting to explore my submissive nature, great encouragement. Thank You.

undergroundsea...i dont know why you bother with Guidinglite. you may be sub, but you're superior in every way (it's not just your grammar).

slaveboyforyou -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 5:08:40 AM)

I am not addressing anyone in particular, but why are there so many angry people on the forums?  I don't understand why people come here and constantly complain about everyone else.  There are 445,484 registered users making posts here the last time I looked.  You are not going to convince everyone in that amount of people to like you or agree with you.  If you ask a question or make a comment, you have to be prepared for the possibility that you are going to get a response you don't like.  We all have stress in our lives, and I don't see the need to add to it by taking comments from people you don't know personally. 

I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I don't dislike anyone here.  I don't make up my mind about disliking someone until I actually know them.  I don't tell anyone how they should act in order to attract someone.  Everyone is different and everyone seeks there own idea of what they want out of this lifestlye.  It is childish to tell someone they aren't "real" or that they don't understand what this lifestyle is "really about."  If you think someone is a jerk, than don't talk to them.  It is highly unlikely you are going to convince them otherwise.  There is also no reason to tell them that they aren't going to find someone.  You and I don't know that.  There may very well be a dominant on here that is seeking a sarcastic, jerky submissive.  The only life you can live is your own.     

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 5:24:21 AM)

My view is, think about the first impression you are going to give someone. Very simply, if you are going t come off from the start as a "jerk" that is what is going to stick in someone's mind. There are several posters here, names will not be named, who could mail me in private and be the sweetest and most incredibly respectful people there... but after what I have read of theirs here in the forums, I would still have a colored view of them. It is the same with subs contacting Dommes for the first time, and on the flip side Dommes contacting subs. If you put yourself forth as aggressive, standoffish and rude, you run the risk of having that be the basis on which you are judged for your worthiness. If I am seeking someone, that is not going to turn my head.  You will get a polite "no thank you" and I will move on. Does it set you apart fro the crowd, certainly, in a good way, not always.  The same can be said about the amount of effort you put into your posts and emails, correcting grammar and spelling and putting foth the effort to look good with your communication instead of looking lazy and disinterested whether anyone else can read whats offered without major translation. Thats another point on which I will turn someone down without really much thought, if they cannot put effort into what I recieve then I am not going to put the effort back into them.
My 2 cents, early in the morning

chiaThePet -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 6:41:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: joyinslavery


ORIGINAL: GuidingLite

<<<<<<<oooffff>>>>>>>>> puleeze, you can never RESIST me coz you alwayz read and get moved by my posts and u know fully well I make you think and thats why you are so easily bothered by what I right. you are the biggest fronter on here and are a dom in sheeps clothing is what you are and i dont give a crap that you or anyone else thinks I am attacking you and the other fake subs on here. its the same 3 whinners. booo hooooo you gots a problem with strong ass womens. punkyboy. you cant handle inequality so then get the hell out of the submissive cateogry part and just ask them to give you a place called bottom-sub coz thats what you are big cry baby alwayz crying and saying boo hooo i wanna be equal to my dom. <<<<sigh>>>>>>> you dont nkow who u r all u know is u cant resist me and the guiding advise i offer and thats good u took my advise and u finally posted in another section to in bdsm section. its about time daddy. how come u alwayz spend time whinning nd complaining to these mystresses who most are to dam cool and u and the rest of the mens know it. you are the biggest front here. making up definitions to fi t you. you will never find a mystress who will think of u as an equal so stop crying shyt or then just look for a girl to dom you in the only place u can handle it. the bed. you want equality? what cha doing in here then?

And the second Award in the first Annual chia* ~PET~Awards

For Best Use Of The Least Amount Of Words To Convey A Point

In A Comedy/Drama Fiction Or Non

Goes To The Quick Witted And Hilarious joyinslavery!

i bow to your greatness, i rise in applause, i roll on the floor laughing

chia* (the pet)

chiaThePet -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 6:59:52 AM)

See Folks, isn't this great, i mean come on, really, we're talkin about it, woohoo!

Some would say, "We got another 'train wreck' here. <Slap> Snap out of it!

Good healthy spirited debate is quite the opposite of a wreck i must say.

Some would say, "These submissives got their nevrve talkin like they do".

i see passion, emotion, honest intention, and a wonderful sprinkle of humor here.

Ain't a damn thing wrong with any of it, it compels, uplifts, enlightens and reveals.

If we're all talkin about it, it's because it's on our minds, plain and simple.

It may not get solved here, most likely won't, but the fact that we share, stimulates.

And if even one heart hears a voice which brings greater understanding, we win.


chia* (the pet)

stella40 -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 7:18:09 AM)

Thank you both to Lady Pact and Diurnal Vampire... you've both inspired me to come up with the words I really wanted to say here. Very wise words indeed.

You know, words are very beautiful things. If they are put together with enough thought they can make us sound eloquent, articulate and informed. They can arouse thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, experiences, which can be pleasant, unpleasant, downright disgusting, funny, offensive or enlightening.

Words are also very beautiful because they are universally available and they come cheap. And words that aren't backed up by either reasoning, thought or action not only stay cheap, they become worthless.

I've read the OP a few times, and realise it can be taken in any number of ways. I've also read the responses and subsequent postings which confirms that the OP can be taken in any number of ways.

I have no doubts as to the veracity of what is being written, it's all true, and no doubt everything what has been stated are experiences which are first hand knowledge to any and every Domme who has a profile on Collarme.

I by my own unique position don't feel addressed by the OP. Despite falling into the submissive camp, my position here is neutral.

The OP disturbs me. It disturbs me for a number of reasons.

It disturbs me to think that what is being written about, all the situations, are the single most predominant ones in the experience of the poster. She is right, of course, in what she writes, and is also perfectly within her rights to post such views on this forum. However... also disturbs me that she has chosen to generalise, to attempt to classify male submissives in such a fashion. Yes there are many who no doubt fit these stereotypes, but I'm also sure that there are just as many who don't. There are those who have responded with the view that aside from the Domme they are forming a relationship with they don't have to defer to any other Domme. And do you know what? They do have a very valid point to make here.

But what is equally disturbing, if not more so, is how the OP poster sets herself up as the Spokeswoman For All Dommes. This is yet another generalisation, and one I feel that most Dommes here, including many of those Dommes who spend many hours here writing very interesting, informative and intelligent postings, don't need. And there are such Dommes, this forum on Collarme is so blessed to have so many of them in abundance, I've already given two such examples, and be sure I can come up with many more. I can also come up with another list of such Dommes who don't contribute to these forums, Dommes who have messaged me privately, who have gone out of their way to express kind words.

I could, if I wanted to, come up with a counter posting and write about the trends among Dommes who feel that all they need is a suitable title, a profile on Collarme with a suitable photo showing the suitable attire with a suitable flogger or riding crop to demand and expect deference from all and sundry, but I won't.

I won't because I know that for everyone BDSM is a learning curve, and that includes me. And yes, not just submissive men make those mistakes found in the OP, I guess all submissives at some point make such mistakes and I have been one of them. And I guess that many Dommes have also made mistakes too in their experiences.

I won't because I'm not here to preach to the masses, I'm not here to dwell on the mistakes of others, I come here looking for the good in others, and I am rarely if ever disappointed.

Therefore I'm not in anyway offended or upset by the OP, in fact I see it as a rant, and being honest I feel it's a very well written rant. Really. I feel the OP poster should have her own column in a national newspaper or Sunday magazine.

I won't also because I respect myself and through this I respect other people. Sure I've had disappointing experiences, I get abusive messages from time to time, but I find better than to rant and rave about such experiences to all and sundry I'd much rather say to myself 'oh well', let go, and move on. In my opinion people here come to read more interesting postings than me bitching and whining about other people.

But that's just me, who I am, and the way I feel. It doesn't necessarily mean that everyone has to be like me or even remotely similar.

There is no contract here in BDSM, there are people, there are roles, both dominant roles and submissive roles, and there are people who play these roles better than others. There is more than enough respect to go round for everyone, but as with love, charity, kindness and so on respect starts with the self, not with other people.

I may be mistaken, but I feel that respect, or lack of respect was the single most fundamental issue of the OP. Personally I feel that respect isn't tied to who you are, or even who you say you are or claim to be, respect comes through in the way you perceive yourself and project yourself to others.

Therefore if you feel that you are not being respected, rather than posting (as some people do on these forums) it may simply be better to pause for reflection and ask yourself why. Or just simply accept it as a part of the whole BDSM experience and move on.

KaramelGoddess -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 7:23:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess
My name is Kara, not Mistress.  One boy on the planet has the privilege of calling Me that

Fair enough :) I hope you can appreciate that the flip side of that applies as well. I do not wish to give my subservience blindly. So when a dominant woman with whom there is no dynamic does expect me to swallow whatever is sent my way, I feel similarly--that the dynamic has not been established to have such an interaction. I then respond as the average person might if a random person expected subservience of him.



Of course I appreciate that.  I don't expect anyone to submit to Me just because I spell My name with a capital K and identify as Dominant.  That's just silly.  I express My view and people can take it however they wish to.  I just don't appreciate it when people disagree with others in a rude, condescending tone and then expect to have polite, intelligent discourse.  Submissive or not, that just makes Me not want to interact with those people.  It's not just submissive men (although they do post here in the Ask a Mistress forum quite often) but this includes Dominant men, women and submissive women as well.  It seems to Me that more often than not on an Ask a Mistress forum, there are submissive men who DAILY try to discredit and demean Dominas, often rudely or with a condescending tone.  To Me that is inappropriate.  Yes, many of the Dominas (very few actually) come with complaints or to vent, but where else would you like us to do this?

GuidingLite -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 8:04:36 AM)

bottom sub boy. i read what s current in the thread and that aint stalking. you stalk my threads. dont get it twisted. you stalk mine coz you cant help yourself. i move you. i cause you to do things , searching under my name, cutting and pasting and all kinds of shyt. you make me feel so special daddy ands im so glad your actions prove what i already know that you read what i write and it bothers you and moves u to search my past posts and write. and i like to know im on your mind so much. hells yay. thats rite. oh and jist becoz you would like a reply dont mean crap to me. i reply when i want to. dom wannabe. you aint even special like that so jist keep on waiting, you passive aggression dom in sheep clothing who alwayz have to be having the last word puppet and with this non stops booo hoooing boy crying about inequality between mens and womens. your ego is to dam weak. your my puppet boy alwayz predictible. gettting a mystress is the last thing you need. shell only make u feel more inferior thans you already feel. stop fighting it coz u'll alwayz be here in the ask a mystress forum alone with no Woman. just look for a vanilla girl to be her bottom sub and have to cater to your handcuff kinks. u cant handle authority anywhere else but in ur bootybed and thats why u passively agressionly belittle ANYTHING TO DO WITH mystress authority. Take ur dazed and confused bottom-sub ass out of this section and then go into a new section for bottoms. you will be more chill and happiar happier there and u'll like the top service domms there better coz they are the ones that will cater to YOU. just like u secretely want. puppetboy.

oh and point my rudenss out all u want. i like it and i know all about it. and jsut keep reading my poisen and keep searching past posts and keeps on spending more time on me coz u just show me i can make u do anything. puppitboy.

GuidingLite -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 8:07:46 AM)

that op didnt say all subs and sure enough didnt say all mystresses. let her speak of her experience if she wantsl
why get all weired about it. she can say what she wants if she experiences it and she didnt say to all of them readers that she is speaking for all mystresses.

GuidingLite -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 8:11:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess
My name is Kara, not Mistress.  One boy on the planet has the privilege of calling Me that

Fair enough :) I hope you can appreciate that the flip side of that applies as well. I do not wish to give my subservience blindly. So when a dominant woman with whom there is no dynamic does expect me to swallow whatever is sent my way, I feel similarly--that the dynamic has not been established to have such an interaction. I then respond as the average person might if a random person expected subservience of him.



It seems to Me that more often than not on an Ask a Mistress forum, there are submissive men who DAILY try to discredit and demean Dominas, often rudely or with a condescending tone. 

thats passive agressive sea saw and his boyfriends who alwyz post here, and before sea saw puppet boy says i am rude2, check it: I KNOW.

LaMistressa -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 8:14:33 AM)

It's hard to take your posts seriously when the spelling, capitalization, and grammar are so bad. No offense, but this isn't text messaging -- if you're going to share your thoughts, why not take a moment to make them coherent? You're not being charged by the letter here.

As for the original post, I usually laugh (or ignore) when a submissive is snarky or trollish on a message board. I let it roll off of my back. But when they email me and have an attitude, I laugh and then use my "block" button - it's why baby Jesus invented it.  A bad attitude doesn't work with me.

littlesarbonn -> RE: Submissive's Lib (or, submissive jerks) (6/16/2007 8:15:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess
My name is Kara, not Mistress.  One boy on the planet has the privilege of calling Me that

Fair enough :) I hope you can appreciate that the flip side of that applies as well. I do not wish to give my subservience blindly. So when a dominant woman with whom there is no dynamic does expect me to swallow whatever is sent my way, I feel similarly--that the dynamic has not been established to have such an interaction. I then respond as the average person might if a random person expected subservience of him.



Of course I appreciate that.  I don't expect anyone to submit to Me just because I spell My name with a capital K and identify as Dominant.  That's just silly.  I express My view and people can take it however they wish to.  I just don't appreciate it when people disagree with others in a rude, condescending tone and then expect to have polite, intelligent discourse.  Submissive or not, that just makes Me not want to interact with those people.  It's not just submissive men (although they do post here in the Ask a Mistress forum quite often) but this includes Dominant men, women and submissive women as well.  It seems to Me that more often than not on an Ask a Mistress forum, there are submissive men who DAILY try to discredit and demean Dominas, often rudely or with a condescending tone.  To Me that is inappropriate.  Yes, many of the Dominas (very few actually) come with complaints or to vent, but where else would you like us to do this?

What I find fascinating is what NO ONE has actually really discussed in this thread about the rude submissives. And this post is probably a good one to use as the sounding board to bring it up (not that there's anything wrong with the post, but it does reflect the point).

With all of the negative and angry posts from submissive men, has anyone notice that the dominant women seem to focus on THEM alone. This whole thread has focused on the claim, then some examples as the perpetrators came in and did that, and then complete focus on the people who do what the dominant women here can't stand. What is missing is that those who remain polite, friendly and have never changed demeanor, actually get ignored. Use me as an example. I've posted in this thread, making what I thought were insightful comments, and that got ignored for the most part to focus on arguments with those who do the very deed everyone is complaining about. In other words, the dominant women here REWARDED those who piss them off and cast off the comments of those who have been consistent in trying to maintain the positive method of communicating.

So, to add to my previous comments, maybe there's another variable at work here as well. Maybe it's not just about attitude, but a realization that a snarky attitude is going to get actual responses while the desired attitude can be equated to being a "nice guy" who listens to a woman complain about all of the lousy guys but then continues to date them while stating she wishes she can find a nice guy "like him". Yeah, I know there's a lot of baggage behind that analogy, but I used it anyway.

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