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People over 35 should be dead

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People over 35 should be dead - 6/22/2007 10:20:54 PM   

Posts: 5
Joined: 11/29/2006
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People over 35 should be dead People over 35 should be dead. Here's why:

 According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, or even maybe the early 70's probably shouldn't have survived.     Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint.     We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets, ... and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking.)     As children, we would ride in cars with no seatbelts or air bags.
Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

  We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Horrors!
  We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing.
  We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this.
  We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes.
After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

  We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.
  No one was able to reach us all day. NO CELL PHONES!!!!! U n t h i n k a b l e !
  We did not have Play stations, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, DVD's, surround sound, personal cell phones, personal computers, or Internet chat rooms.
  We had friends!
  We went outside and found them.
  We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball would really hurt.
  We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents?

  We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it.

  We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and ate worms, and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes, nor did the worms live inside us forever.

  We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home and knocked on the door, or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them.
  Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment!
  Some students weren't as smart as others, so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. Horrors!

  Tests were not adjusted for any reason. Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected.

  The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law.
Imagine that!

  This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever.

  The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. good!
Please pass this on to others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before lawyers and government regulated our lives, for our own good !!!!! 
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/22/2007 10:28:00 PM   

Posts: 5333
Joined: 7/30/2004
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This is brilliant, thanks for sharing!
Damn its great to be an old playa!


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(in reply to DLord227)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/22/2007 10:40:18 PM   

Posts: 4253
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when i was a kid, we used to have battles with bb guns (set at half strength of course), we had a bike track that had a big dip in it and we would ride as fast as we could, propelling ourselves high into the air (some of us actually making some of the lower branches of trees), i also used to have a cheap chemistry set and love making things that fizzed, smoke or popped...nothing major though. we also used to light our fireworks ourselves, especially bottle rockets, we had cherry bonbs and such. for a long time, it used to be safe to go trick-or-treating without parents looming around. life used to be fun...a long time ago


Are we having fun, yet?

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 1:03:00 AM   

Posts: 2768
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WOW this is a very interesting and true read. I was born in the early 80's (1984) me and my older brother used to walk around alone in the mall where our parents had their shop I was 3  he was 6 everyone knew us and we where fine to play alone in the mall. At home I would follow my brother around and the kids on our block and us used to walk around build forts in the trees and play all day. This all ended the around 1990 after my youngest sister was born. Things started to get to scary for my parents and me and my brother had to stick around closer to home we couldnt wander as much to the point now where we ALL have cell phones and keep in touch as often as possable. I think my younger sisters missed out a lot on the simple fun me and my brother and the other kids on the block used to have and its a real shame!!! Though I dont think things changed untill the 90's and not in the 70's as the OP said but I can relate to what it is saying!!

Magik's slave


If you’re going through hell keep on moving
don't slow down
if you’re scared dont show it
you might get out
before the devil even knows your there.

-Rodney Atkins-

(in reply to michaelOfGeorgia)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 1:10:37 AM   

Posts: 1246
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From: Maryland
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How about the cars of the 60s are parents use to drive us around in, most had no seat belts and all metal inside, no padded nothing, except the seats. Its a good thing people over 35 are alive, otherwise who would the yonger generation mooch off of.


(in reply to MagiksSlave)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 1:26:10 PM   

Posts: 59
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From: toronto
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i am always looking for other friends to "play" with.

i loved sharing soda pop with many friends too ... but i never built a go kart, just a canoe, and it just didn't work.


i am already deranged .. just waiting for CM to catch don't think of me as a "newbie"

i am mlady the one!!! the only!!!! the original! erm .. just not on this site ...

(in reply to ElectraGlide)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 8:39:43 PM   

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(in reply to DLord227)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 8:54:28 PM   

Posts: 824
Joined: 5/22/2004
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Hmmm...I still have some fond childhood memories of a 1963 Volkswagen my parents had and that car survived deep snow banks and mountains.  This car required very little maintenance, too.


ORIGINAL: ElectraGlide

How about the cars of the 60s are parents use to drive us around in, most had no seat belts and all metal inside, no padded nothing, except the seats. Its a good thing people over 35 are alive, otherwise who would the yonger generation mooch off of.

(in reply to ElectraGlide)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 8:54:42 PM   

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Well, I might be a bit younger than that but I didn't have alot of things other kids had and I went outside and played with my cousins and I was still overweight...but anyways, where I grew up it was safe and still parents let me stay at home alone since I was like 7 but I lived right next to family on a dead end road so nothing to worry about since no strangers ever came around...


Only when you see the invisible can you do the impossible.

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/23/2007 9:23:22 PM   

Posts: 1941
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From: Cali
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Part of that {the OP} came from a song.. to the OP you are violating copywrite laws, give credit where credit is due.. here is the WHOLE song...

Artist/Band: Covington Bucky
Lyrics for Song: A Different World
Lyrics for Album: Bucky
A Different World
Bucky Covington

We were born to mothers who smoked and drank
Our cribs were covered in lead based paint
No child proof lids no seat belts in cars
Rode bikes with no helmets and still here we are, still here we are
We got daddy’s belt when we misbehaved
Had three TV channels you got up to change
No video games and no satellite
All we had were friends and they were outside, playin’ outside

It was a different life
When we were boys and girls
Not just a different time
It was a different world

School always started the same every day
The pledge of allegiance then someone would pray
Not every kid made the team when they tried
We got disappointed and that was all right, we turned out all right


No bottled water, we drank from a garden hose
And every Sunday, all the stores were closed



It was a different world
edited to add.. this song started playing on AOL Top Country immediatly after I copied this.. {giggles} 

< Message edited by slaverosebeauty -- 6/23/2007 9:30:49 PM >


"Friends live on in our hearts, regardless if they are here or not."

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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/24/2007 12:28:38 PM   

Posts: 1830
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Maybe the song came from the same source as the OP's? I remember reading this type of thing several years ago. I think the song version is rather new.


A true lady takes off her dignity with her clothes and does her whorish best. At other times you can be as modest and dignified as your persona requires. Robert Heinlein

The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is still on my list.

(in reply to slaverosebeauty)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/24/2007 6:54:46 PM   

Posts: 221
Joined: 4/16/2007
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I was born in 85 ... I am a 90s child. I loved punky brewster, and red rover, and all the games that all us kids made up. I miss the plays we used to put on for our parents and I miss making a big batch of mud and putting on leaves and putting the leaves on the back of the wooden shed in the yard.
I miss when my brother (whom I was supposed to watching) decided to take off on his trike around the neighborhood, or climbing in and out of my bedroom window so I wouldnt have to hear "You come in one more time and you stay in".

I miss the times when it was SAFE for a bunch of ten year olds to stand at the corner of a busy street yards away from their apartment building and sell lemonade with NO PARENTAL SUPERVISION AT ALL TIMES!! ( O my god they'll get murdered!) And when that random guy came by to take our names and picture for the local paper actually was from the local paper and it was ok with our parents when the saw our picture.

I remember it being ok to for us to have pinics on the grass of the phone company where we weren't really supposed to be but we weren't hurting anyone or anything so it was ok... I remember not being rushed to the hospital when I fell over a bunch of tree roots and split my chin open on the cement walkway. A band aid and some alcohol worked just fine... and i remember having to walk to my house when my tire front fell off my bike as I riding it as fast as I could (probably will no helmet) and busted up my knee on the pavement... let a parent today attempt that and the cops would probably be called on them.

I remember being slapped upside the head, have my ass beat with a belt, and being grounded (wait whats that word.... grounded... you mean no tv no computer... no phone.... no video games!!! OMG!!!) to my room.... no nothing.... and I could only come out for meals and to use the bathroom. It didn't do me any harm... I am actually probably a more responsible person for all that....

I agree with Magicslave.... Things didn't change until the nineties because I remember the freedom of staying out all day and going in and out neighborhoods houses and back and forth to the town park and store and etc....

(in reply to nyrisa)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/24/2007 7:35:30 PM   

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OMG....I remember doing all that and more...playing baseball in the summer in the church yard up the street...picking raspberries off the bush and no worrying about pesticides...had a male babysitter of Me and My 2 older brothers without worry of molstation(who knew)....swinging on the rope swing into the lake in the was great being a kid,I feel sorry for kids there days...thay wont get to have half the fun we did,sighs...oh yeah...and blowing My allowance in a Saturday morning at the penny candy store.....

(in reply to goodgirl85)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/24/2007 8:48:04 PM   

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Well the cars back then were like tanks so you'd haveta hit something pretty damn hard for it to do real damage. Today you just tap something and the car dents. I agree people stress out over everything way too much today =/

(in reply to LadieofShadows)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 9:36:30 AM   

Posts: 5279
Joined: 9/28/2006
From: Warm Springs, GA but i live in San Francisco.
Status: offline
i remember metal slides, where if you didn't get cut up on the way down you'd get burnt by the metal in the august sun

i remember going to Flat Rock park, where us kids (and a few adults) would go and slide down these rocks into a tiny little pool created under the ledge of some other rocks before streaming off further down hill... kids got scraped up and some broken bones slamming into that ledge after sliding at top speed down these rocks, and it was all OK; we'd learn the hard way and go back next summer when our bones healed

i remember city parks with actual rock in the playground and seeing who could jump the farthest from 15 foot high swings, sometimes accidentally going straight up (20-25 feet) and straight down

i remember leaping from a tired old rope (which was maybe replaced every 5 years) 30 feet into the chattahoochie river (which was only slightly calmed in this area) down river from atlanta; i remember being caught by undertow when we went too deep and coming back up 100ft down the river after it slowed in some shallows at a bend (and thinking it was great fun); not to mention swallowing all that polluted water... i remember girls showing off their boobs to the guys who jumped really far and kissing us like we were heroes, i remember calling the guys who were afraid to make the jump "pussies" and "wimps" and "faggots" and not worrying about being politcally correct or hurting each other's feelings

i remember riding my BMX 5 miles from home at 9 years old to get to a worn out field of red clay for dirt biking (with no helmet) and "mud wars" in the wet clay during and after a good rain, and getting beat with whatever mom had in hand [(for getting my clothes all dirty, as georgia red clay doesn't come out) and even while sniveling over the wire marks on my butt, and back and hands if i squirmed or tried to block] and standing naked in the front yard as dad hosed me off before i could come in; and accepting it all as an acceptable consequence of such a great day

i remember a gang of us kids running around all night in a field to catch fireflies in glass jars, with no adult supervision

i remember 12-16 year old boys and girls going skinny dipping, with alot of touchy-feely and groping (and underwater experimentation); and no one being called gay or going home with hurt feelings or worries over molestation... and even the little girls parents (everyone pretended that their kids aren't doing the same things that they did at that age) weren't worried, and thought it was a normal and healthy part of growing up

i remember fist fights and schoolyard scuffles that didn't have knives or guns, and no one was expelled or sent to jail for it

i remember summer nights when the doors and windows were open and the screendoors were even unlocked all night, and the only worry was a stray mosquito getting in

i'm only 31 and was born in 1975, this wasn't that long ago... but things changed fast

i remember watching my daughter jump on her own home-made bike ramp (she had a helmet and pads) that wasn't even a foot off the ground, i remember watching her climb the tree in the front yard; i remember biting my nails and holding my breath praying she wouldn't get hurt

i remember locking all the doors and windows at night in the same small town neighborhood, missing that cool draft we used to have in the good old days

i remember not even letting my little girl go out in our yard without me or her ma, or some trusted adult watching and making sure she's safe

i remember being immortal, and i remember when i realized i wasn't

and i remember the first moment that i sat regretting that my daughter will never be able to have the childhood that i did

edited: because the phrase "and kissing us like we were herpes" just gives a totally different image than "and kissing us like we were heroes"

< Message edited by darchChylde -- 6/25/2007 9:47:52 AM >


I'm the man your mother warned you about...
if only to keep me to herself.

I'm a male dominant switch whose experienced as a poly sub to a dominant woman
Where the fuck do I post?

Proud Owner and Protector of chyldeschylde.

(in reply to ManInTheBox)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 10:47:19 AM   

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You like country music too, huh?  Bucky Covington has a song out that says pretty much what you've posted here. :)


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to DLord227)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 10:52:26 AM   

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In addition to, emails like this that have been circulating for at least 10 years. Before that Paul Harvey and Andy Rooney on 20/20.

Copywrite, smarpywrite.


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 2:15:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: goodgirl85

I was born in 85 ... I am a 90s child. I loved punky brewster, and red rover, and all the games that all us kids made up. I miss the plays we used to put on for our parents and I miss making a big batch of mud and putting on leaves and putting the leaves on the back of the wooden shed in the yard.
I miss when my brother (whom I was supposed to watching) decided to take off on his trike around the neighborhood, or climbing in and out of my bedroom window so I wouldnt have to hear "You come in one more time and you stay in".

I miss the times when it was SAFE for a bunch of ten year olds to stand at the corner of a busy street yards away from their apartment building and sell lemonade with NO PARENTAL SUPERVISION AT ALL TIMES!! ( O my god they'll get murdered!) And when that random guy came by to take our names and picture for the local paper actually was from the local paper and it was ok with our parents when the saw our picture.

I remember it being ok to for us to have pinics on the grass of the phone company where we weren't really supposed to be but we weren't hurting anyone or anything so it was ok... I remember not being rushed to the hospital when I fell over a bunch of tree roots and split my chin open on the cement walkway. A band aid and some alcohol worked just fine... and i remember having to walk to my house when my tire front fell off my bike as I riding it as fast as I could (probably will no helmet) and busted up my knee on the pavement... let a parent today attempt that and the cops would probably be called on them.

I remember being slapped upside the head, have my ass beat with a belt, and being grounded (wait whats that word.... grounded... you mean no tv no computer... no phone.... no video games!!! OMG!!!) to my room.... no nothing.... and I could only come out for meals and to use the bathroom. It didn't do me any harm... I am actually probably a more responsible person for all that....

I agree with Magicslave.... Things didn't change until the nineties because I remember the freedom of staying out all day and going in and out neighborhoods houses and back and forth to the town park and store and etc....

Yup, you and me are from the same time, and reading this I was like... yeah I did that!! LOL like I said I think they got the time line a little off!!

Magik's slave


If you’re going through hell keep on moving
don't slow down
if you’re scared dont show it
you might get out
before the devil even knows your there.

-Rodney Atkins-

(in reply to goodgirl85)
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RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 2:25:18 PM   

Posts: 2768
Joined: 9/11/2006
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ORIGINAL: darchChylde

i remember metal slides, where if you didn't get cut up on the way down you'd get burnt by the metal in the august sun

i remember going to Flat Rock park, where us kids (and a few adults) would go and slide down these rocks into a tiny little pool created under the ledge of some other rocks before streaming off further down hill... kids got scraped up and some broken bones slamming into that ledge after sliding at top speed down these rocks, and it was all OK; we'd learn the hard way and go back next summer when our bones healed

i remember city parks with actual rock in the playground and seeing who could jump the farthest from 15 foot high swings, sometimes accidentally going straight up (20-25 feet) and straight down

i remember leaping from a tired old rope (which was maybe replaced every 5 years) 30 feet into the chattahoochie river (which was only slightly calmed in this area) down river from atlanta; i remember being caught by undertow when we went too deep and coming back up 100ft down the river after it slowed in some shallows at a bend (and thinking it was great fun); not to mention swallowing all that polluted water... i remember girls showing off their boobs to the guys who jumped really far and kissing us like we were heroes, i remember calling the guys who were afraid to make the jump "pussies" and "wimps" and "faggots" and not worrying about being politcally correct or hurting each other's feelings

i remember riding my BMX 5 miles from home at 9 years old to get to a worn out field of red clay for dirt biking (with no helmet) and "mud wars" in the wet clay during and after a good rain, and getting beat with whatever mom had in hand [(for getting my clothes all dirty, as georgia red clay doesn't come out) and even while sniveling over the wire marks on my butt, and back and hands if i squirmed or tried to block] and standing naked in the front yard as dad hosed me off before i could come in; and accepting it all as an acceptable consequence of such a great day

i remember a gang of us kids running around all night in a field to catch fireflies in glass jars, with no adult supervision

i remember 12-16 year old boys and girls going skinny dipping, with alot of touchy-feely and groping (and underwater experimentation); and no one being called gay or going home with hurt feelings or worries over molestation... and even the little girls parents (everyone pretended that their kids aren't doing the same things that they did at that age) weren't worried, and thought it was a normal and healthy part of growing up

i remember fist fights and schoolyard scuffles that didn't have knives or guns, and no one was expelled or sent to jail for it

i remember summer nights when the doors and windows were open and the screendoors were even unlocked all night, and the only worry was a stray mosquito getting in

i'm only 31 and was born in 1975, this wasn't that long ago... but things changed fast

i remember watching my daughter jump on her own home-made bike ramp (she had a helmet and pads) that wasn't even a foot off the ground, i remember watching her climb the tree in the front yard; i remember biting my nails and holding my breath praying she wouldn't get hurt

i remember locking all the doors and windows at night in the same small town neighborhood, missing that cool draft we used to have in the good old days

i remember not even letting my little girl go out in our yard without me or her ma, or some trusted adult watching and making sure she's safe

i remember being immortal, and i remember when i realized i wasn't

and i remember the first moment that i sat regretting that my daughter will never be able to have the childhood that i did

edited: because the phrase "and kissing us like we were herpes" just gives a totally different image than "and kissing us like we were heroes"

This was very well writen, also brought a tear to my eye because I know when I have kids the world will not be their playground as it was ours and it just isnt fair!!

Magik's slave


If you’re going through hell keep on moving
don't slow down
if you’re scared dont show it
you might get out
before the devil even knows your there.

-Rodney Atkins-

(in reply to darchChylde)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: People over 35 should be dead - 6/25/2007 2:31:01 PM   

Posts: 1220
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You forgot to mention the jungle jim that was held together with rusty bolts & cemented into the ground.


People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. J. Morrison

(in reply to MagiksSlave)
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