slaves worst punishment? (Full Version)

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bisubsexme12 -> slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 1:51:34 AM)

hey fellow subbies!!
im very new to this life style and very curious
i love dicussing personal expierences
current question?
slaves/subs... whats the worst punishment you went through and how did you handle it?
lvoe allll

givemyall -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 2:59:51 AM)

He took my Gold Card off me.

How did I handle it?..... I didn't - I cried for a week [:(]

imthatacheyouhav -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 3:44:13 AM)

So far so good LOL i haven't really been punished yet. but i'm sure that won't be the case forever...LOL........... i KNOW me too well

jssubc -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 3:50:52 AM)

i was whipped once which, seeing as i don't like pain was pretty bad.
By far and away the worst punishment is being ignored by Mistress, i absolutely hate that and i handle it badly.
Thankfully these things happen rarely. *scratches head and thinks* i guess thats the point of punishment isn't it. *G*

countrygirl69 -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 6:38:59 AM)

i to have been the ignored route that is the worst for me .which of course is why he used it :)

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 7:21:38 AM)

when Daddy says, "ok, no communication for 24hrs" - you better believe the agony i go through when He abruptly doesn't talk and/or call me during that type of punishment. my whole day goes out of whack ...i count the hours down to the last minutes until my punishment is over.  it's a tough sentence but i do learn my lesson when He says "punishment is over"

GhitaAmati -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 8:15:21 AM)

I would have to say that being ignored is mentally the most agonizing punishment I have ever gone through. Physically, writing sentances is something I HATE with a passion. Most Doms wont use physical punishment, because often subs become bratty and try to do things just to get the punishment. incorporating "play" punishment into a scene can be fun ("oh you naughty boy.." that kind of thing) but I wouldnt consider that "real" punishment. removal from a Doms presence, cut off from communicating, banished to another part of the house...definantly the worst.

ghita amati

slaveish -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 9:25:13 AM)

I don't like being ignored either. I detest "I am disappointed in you."

I will have to say, however, that if I feel the punishment does not fit the crime (because I have such deep abandonment issues that can emotionally paralyze me despite several years in professional therapy), it can have the opposite effect, i.e. pissing me off instead of making me contrite.

angelic -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 9:32:20 AM)

he ignored me and lied to me one too many times, and i walked! [:D]

edited to add ~moral of the story:  If i screw up (which i do regularly), talk to me about it.~

michelleryder -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 10:46:21 AM)

I have a pretty high pain threshold but a thrashing in play is totally different to the one i'd be given as punishment i'd definitley not be bratting to try and get one.

I agree though that the words "you let me down" or "you dissapointed me" are awful to hear.

bisubsexme12 -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 10:53:48 AM)

thanks everybody i appreciate it
i wonder how ill take my first punishment? my threshold isnt very high so ill probably cry :(

FelinePersuasion -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 11:04:21 AM)

I sure wouldn't. Punishment is negative bad and destructive to my core and my emotions. Punishment is never equaled with play, or something to try to get.

ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

Most Doms wont use physical punishment, because often subs become bratty and try to do things just to get the punishment.
ghita amati

FelinePersuasion -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 11:23:35 AM)

If James decided to withdraw contact from me it'd be grounds for me leaving him. We both agreed in the beginning that it wasn't an acceptable way for us to deal with things. Having had a dominant who did decide to not call or tell me anything if he was miffed and had decided not to deal with it nor me, It would of been a deal breaker if James had not of  felt the same on that point.

Also when the x did come back to deal with me my behaviors were worse, I was emotionally withdrawn, I was hurt, I wasn't receptive to him, and it kind of just backfired all around. Not to mention the it would undermined any security I felt with him.

ORIGINAL: sambamanslilgirl

when Daddy says, "ok, no communication for 24hrs" -

BeingChewsie -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 11:34:21 AM)

Why when reading the below do I get the feeling that you are a guy snapping his carrot over the responses..


ORIGINAL: bisubsexme12

hey fellow subbies!!
im very new to this life style and very curious
i love dicussing personal expierences
current question?
slaves/subs... whats the worst punishment you went through and how did you handle it?
lvoe allll

GhitaAmati -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 11:50:40 AM)


If James decided to withdraw contact from me it'd be grounds for me leaving him. We both agreed in the beginning that it wasn't an acceptable way for us to deal with things. Having had a dominant who did decide to not call or tell me anything if he was miffed and had decided not to deal with it nor me, It would of been a deal breaker if James had not of  felt the same on that point.

Also when the x did come back to deal with me my behaviors were worse, I was emotionally withdrawn, I was hurt, I wasn't receptive to him, and it kind of just backfired all around. Not to mention the it would undermined any security I felt with him.

I think it is definantly one of those things that has to be discussed early on...but everytime the "time out" punishment has ever been used on me, there was a firm discussion about why it was going to be used, an exact time for the end of punishment would be discussed, and that exact time was "always" without question upheld. So I knew, no matter what, as awful as it was, he would be back to talk with me about my feelings and what happend to cause it, and what needed to be done to keep it from happening again.

ghita amati

litleone8620 -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 12:54:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

Most Doms wont use physical punishment, because often subs become bratty and try to do things just to get the punishment.

Being a masochist, pain as punishment doesn't really do anything for me. But there have been a few times, while I was being punished, I cried. He had that punishment mentality added to it, and had kept up a commentary ("I'm so disappointed in you"; "you know better" stuff like that)

But the worst punishment he ever gave me was denying me contact with him. Add that to "I'm so disappointed in you" or "You've disappointed me" and I'm a puddle of remorse and tears.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 2:37:32 PM)

Andrew never discussed why or for how long, he just decided to not call and then I'd be left wondering all day about it, and then later he'd call and be like I didn't feel like dealing with you so I didn't. I think that if it was discussed and he said well I need you to sit here alone for 5 mins and then I'll be back it wouldn't be a deal breaker than if they just didn't call.

ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

I think it is definantly one of those things that has to be discussed early on...but everytime the "time out" punishment has ever been used on me, there was a firm discussion about why it was going to be used, an exact time for the end of punishment would be discussed, and that exact time was "always" without question upheld. So I knew, no matter what, as awful as it was, he would be back to talk with me about my feelings and what happend to cause it, and what needed to be done to keep it from happening again.

ghita amati

starDF -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 2:48:22 PM)

hi everyone -

i'll admit i've experienced several different punishments both physical and non-physical and i have hated them all.  I have to say the worst punishment is what i put myself through before Master actually delivers His punishment.  i put myself through the ringer until he delivers the punishment then i finally know that the slate is clean and we can move on.

Darkness Fallens star

chiaThePet -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 3:22:35 PM)

Ah yes, the wicked anticipation of knowing that something is coming, but having
no idea just what that something is.

Mother used to make me eat evey last sliver of liver on my plate.

Oh the humanity!

Respectfully, chia* (the pet)

Politesub53 -> RE: slaves worst punishment? (6/24/2007 4:27:45 PM)

For me, i hate being ignored. Not so much for what i feel, but also knowing Mistress is also hurting because She cant talk to me for a day/week and i have been the cause of Her pain.

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