Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (Full Version)

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akbarbarian -> Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 12:47:06 AM)

The name was removed to protect the person's identity, but this is the body of it.  I got flamed!  Have many others on here gotten hate mail by subs, or others who don't like the M/s thing?  By the tone what I read into it was "M/s is already terrible and your version is even worse you sickos!".  Does that sound about right?  And while we're on the topic, what's with subs anyway?  Their need to be controlled and all, tsk tsk isn't there somthing wrong with that?  How about Nazis?  They mostly suck, except for some cool uniforms.  Also coffee.  That sucks if it's from McDonalds.  I don't know, I guess being hated on makes me want to find others to hate.  Maybe that's how it starts...
I'm not typically one to pass judgement.  However, there are exceptions.  Perhaps I have know idea what I am talking about, I'm sure that you will think that regaurdless of if it's true or not.  I read  your profile, I think that if you have that severe of a need for control over a woman (and vice versa w/ her needing to be controlled) it seems to me that you both have some huge fucking underlying issues.  I'm not trying to be a bitch, and I don't know you or this girl Jodie that you claim to care for, but I will tell you, no woman - no fucking woman on earth wants to be treated as if her opinions about things don't matter.  It seems to me that in a Master/ Slave relationship opinions are pretty much all she has, and the least you could do is listen to them.  Who knows, you might even learn something.

onegoodgirl -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 1:04:18 AM)

Personally, I wouldn't take much offense to the response.. she has a lot to learn.. and she's in the right place for a rude awakening.

Depending on my mood - I might even write back "A simple yes or no would have sufficed" with my best regards.

I get flamed for the most innocent communique - lol. No worries.

RavenMuse -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 4:02:43 AM)

I have found that a number of those who are only suited for lower level dynamics DO seem to actualy resent those of us at the TPE lifestyle end of things (they are a minority but  a vocal one at times). Tough, thats their problem. Mostly their pathetic diatribes aren't worth the time it takes to read them. Block/delete/ignore

I've had the occassional similar diatribe. It says more about the character of those sending such than it does about Me.

And don't you just love the "I don't mean to bitch but.... " and then they go on to do exactly that LOL if it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be amusing.

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 5:58:34 AM)

Sounds like this person doesn't know what they are talking about and judging others in the lifestyle. I ignore these people and move on. They truly aren't worth the trouble.

ready4srvce4all -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 6:12:08 AM)

Your profile leaves no doubt what you are looking for, what you are about, and what your slave can expect.  The person who flamed on you could at least have complimented you on that.   I wouldn't get upset, I'd just respond back "to each their own".

YourShyPet -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 6:49:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: ready4srvce4all

Your profile leaves no doubt what you are looking for, what you are about, and what your slave can expect.  The person who flamed on you could at least have complimented you on that.   I wouldn't get upset, I'd just respond back "to each their own".

I agree your profile is very specific about what your looking for... not sure where the person or people who have flamed you are coming from... I get quite a few emails from people looking for a slave... which the majority of the time I shrug off as they are just spamming profiles... the only time I feel I get snippy with or about them is when they try to push the issue with me... In which my standard snippy response is.... please reread my profile... pay special attention to my journal entries... then sit back and comprehend my profile as a whole... I've only had one person come back again after suggesting that with a snippy remark back... and his was a simple... NO... I won't do that because I am me and will not change... when I read that response it was one of the few times I actually felt slightly bad for someone on here... because I had read thru his profile and it seemed to me to be intelligent... thought out... and he seemed to know what he was looking for... and is probably just killing any hopes of finding someone to suit by his bull headedness.

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 8:32:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian
Also coffee.  That sucks if it's from McDonalds. 

Hey hey hey!  Don't be hatin' on Mickey D's coffee! [sm=paddle.gif] It's actually purty tasty, unless you're a snooty coffee drinker [;)]..... and they'll make a fresh pot if you ask 'em. [:)]

As to your drive-by flamer...... I've never understood why people take the time outta their day to write such things to others.  Maybe she needed a hug, couldn't get one, so decided to lash out at you and your girl instead. 

Go have some Mickey D's coffee and don't give it another thought. [;)]

mnottertail -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 8:35:39 AM)

Why you wanna be hatin' on thinkin', girl?

MickeyD Dom

AquaticSub -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 8:42:38 AM)

I haven't gotten it here, but Valyraen and I RP a lot online. One woman decided that she couldn't RP with me because "submissives are always licking boots, wearing frilly dresses and wanting for a man to save them". She called me pathetic and blocked me.

Damn. If that is the path of the twue submissive, this means I have to burn my martial arts gear and buy a whole new wardobe.

Gauge -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 8:44:54 AM)

Why is it that you care what someone else's opinion is about what type of relationship you desire? Is it not your right to seek what you want?

I am not sure what is the more silly, the nitwit that wrote the letter to you or the fact that you actually allowed it to bother you. I am not diminishing your character in any way, but you have got to have a thicker skin than this to be on the Internet.

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 8:46:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Why you wanna be hatin' on thinkin', girl?

MickeyD Dom

Uh oh, I woke up Master Ronald McDonald!  [sm=hello.gif]

SubinMaine -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 9:13:32 AM)

i really don't understand the drive-by-flamer's logic....obviously, if "no woman" wanted this type of relationship, then the relationship dynamic, itself, wouldn't exist.

Sounds to me like maybe she had a TPE relationship in the past and had a not-so-nice experience, making it now a necessary part of her existence to dish the outrage out to others seeking/involved in a TPE relationship *nod*...

FWITW, i also read your profile...while your ideals are not what appeals to *my* sense of what's right for me, i found it to be well thought out, articulate and very honest in what you were wanting to accomplish with your search...because of that, i agree with Ready4srvc4all in that she could have at least complimented you on that. *smile*

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 10:36:51 AM)

I haven't ever gotten Ms hate mail...although I did get an email from a man from a foreign country warning me to stay away from men...because they will rape me...because they're MEN.

*rolls eyes*

Master Fire

MstrssPassion -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 12:07:07 PM)

{fast reply}
People pick the strangest reasons to not "like" another person online.
(or in life for that matter)

I've received hate mail because I had a personal profile & a couple's profile... this caused this person to believe me to be a fake. (or because I didn't reply they would continue to write hateful crap & call me fake) I've had hate mail because of my partner being TS. I've hate mail because I'm blond. I've hate mail because I ask people to not reply to me if they are married. I've had hate mail because people don't like my posts on these boards. I've had hate mail because I'm not a pro that accepts tributes or payment.

I've had hatemail because "fill in the blank".

Point is... there are a bunch of hatin' fucks on these sites & I don't give enough of a shit about their emails to waste one moment worrying over what they say.

Along with the vile & contempt I have received plenty of emails from people who write to me because they find my profile refreshing, because they really liked something I have said on the forum boards, because of the type of relationship I have being such a rare find or because they wish to tell me I have a pretty smile.

Those emails are worthy of a moment of my time & why I won't waste my limited time on the other kind. Most often those people are plagued with their own self-contempt  & inabilities to the point that the only way they can feel exoneration of their own failings is to target someone else. I feel sorry for those who have nothing better to do than to seek out & respond to the things that they feel are negative & wrong about another. Kind of sad if you think about it.

RaynaSub -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 12:16:22 PM)

I don't read the majority of my mail, and only one line if I don't like the tone of it.
Why read it and focus on it?
Delete and move on, we can't control nasty or crazy people online.
But you can ignore them and move on.

MagiksSlave -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 1:19:47 PM)

I dont think she was "hateing on" M/s, just your perticular ideas, which if you remeber where gone over in the last thread you started. Not everyone is going to agree with you, and haveing read your profile I personaly happen to agree with some of what the letter had to say. Now I would never go out of my way and e-mail you to tell you I didnt agree because truthfully If I dont like how someone thinks or what a profile says I just skip it and have nothing to do with that person. It is their choice to like what they like and my choice not to and there for not to ingage in any form of comunication with them. So I dont know I guess there is more of a problem with the fact that she said something not what she was saying. And this has nothing to do with a person beeing a Dom or a sub, I think the same thing goes both ways. If you dont like how a person pracitses their lifstyle you just ignore them. If what they are looking for is really all that unrealistic then they will find out on their own in due time!

Magik's slave

robertolapiedra -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 1:50:38 PM)

Hello arkbarbarian. I read your fan mail. What gives man, you have taken better hits than that on the threads? I think you are having an off day, or this came at you from left field or something.

In any case, you should take it as a compliment to your "uniqueness". Just dont go thinskinning on us, ok? This is BDSM, right? Ok, you are not adorable, at least you are not "ignorable". RL.

SirDominic -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 1:51:38 PM)


I don't know, I guess being hated on makes me want to find others to hate. Maybe that's how it starts...

No matter what the silly flamer said, this is no attitude to take. There's plenty of hate in the world without having to go looking for someone to hate. I'm hoping you are really above that.

As for myself, if I don't get flamed at least once in a while, I don't feel like I'm doing my best!

Namaste, Sir Dominic

crouchingtigress -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 2:27:35 PM)


I don't know, I guess being hated on makes me want to find others to hate.  Maybe that's how it starts...

yes. but luckily for the world, thats how it works with love too.

and what really really rocks is when you can choose love, even when the other guy chooses hate.

robertolapiedra -> RE: Is this typical hating on M/s couples here? (6/26/2007 2:53:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: crouchingtigress


I don't know, I guess being hated on makes me want to find others to hate.  Maybe that's how it starts...

yes. but luckily for the world, thats how it works with love too.

and what really really rocks is when you can choose love, even when the other guy chooses hate.

Hello crouchintigress. You are so right! RL.

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