Hair or not (Full Version)

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Domspaintoy -> Hair or not (7/2/2007 2:44:54 PM)

Inspired by another recent thread by littleone35, i wanted to start this one,

i love men who have long hair, a past partner and my first love started this particular love, He had very long, silky, well kept baby blonde hair and after a year and a half together we split and i was devastated when He got it all cut off. His reasoning for this was He was sick of it! He was a biker, He wore leather, (also started my thing for leather) oh the memories He instills (we stayed close up until he was sadly killed in a RTA 4 years ago).

My past partners have had long hair with goatees and Master was the 1st man in my life to be different.

Master who is another love of my life is bald has been for a long time and i never thought i would say so but i love the fact He is bald, and cannot imagine Him with hair although i have seen many pics of Him with hair i struggle to put the two together.

My point being (i get there eventually) .....

Which do the women, subs/slave/Dommes prefer in their men? i have found a deep attraction to men with either very long well kept hair or men with no hair at all, men in between really dont hold any attraction for me.

i know individual tastes change but have you noticed a theme to your partners hair or lack off past and present?

im just curious.


dpt. [:D]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 2:57:23 PM)

99% of the time, I prefer short, cropped, neat hair.

1% of the time, I dig the musketeer look, in gold or dark chestnut.

I can't stand ponytails on men- they just scream "I dunno what to do, but I don't want to/am too lazy to get it cut so I'll wear a ponytail and that will cover up my utter lack of hair sense."  And I know some great men with very nice and neat ponytails, it's just how I feel.

And I generally dig the bald look also.

countrygirl69 -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 3:02:17 PM)

for me i like short neat hair long hair turns me off always has ,lately i love bald totally bald yum and a gotee just adds to it

marieToo -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 3:10:44 PM)

I don't mind a bald head at all, and I happen to have a major weakness for a goatee, which looks great with a bald head, or with hair for that matter.

Hair wise, I don't like long hair on men at all.  It's just a huge turn off for me and I would not want to feel it on my body any more than I'd want to feel a spider crawling on me.  Not railing on long haired men, its just a personal hang-up for me.

obis -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 3:22:32 PM)

I think shaved heads with goatees are sexy. And so should you! :)

Casie -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 3:45:02 PM)

There are very few men without hair I'm attracted to. Althought there have been a couple, and I found myself insainly attracted to them. I really love long dark hair (probably why I adore peter steele YUM). My partern has a mohawk and a goat and I love it!!  

MissyRane -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 4:02:33 PM)

Short or completely shaved

MagiksSlave -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 4:17:20 PM)

I happen to like facial hair... Master knows this and we have had the discution as he does at this point have a full beard and mustache, but has been playing with changing it. It just reminded me of when I was 3 and my dad shaved his off and I wouldnt even talk to him till it grew back, I guess growing up with my dad wearing one I find comfert in it. For the most part Im just teasing Master that I wouldnt talk to him if he shaved it off, Honestly if he did it would be ok and id get used to it, i wouldnt be thrilled as it is for what ever reason a comfert thing with me, Id get used to it eventually, Though i dont see it as a problem becuase Master likes his facial hair and is rather unwilling to get rid of all of it. He just gets ansy now and then and needs a change. And even if he did shave it all off his hair grows really fast!!!

Though Master did just get a hair cut, his hair used to be down to his upper back and now its just to his shoulders, but I really like the new cut it makes his hair look fuller, and its cute because it curls a lot more now that its shorter, but no one tell him I called it cute LOL

Magik's slave

SoquilisGirl -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 4:25:39 PM)

Long hair. Definitely. When Daddy and I go to the Ren Faire I do his hair up in dozens of braids the night before (while it's wet from the shower) so that when we take them out he'll have sexy curls to go with his pirate outfit. Yum!

ready4srvce4all -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 5:35:52 PM)

God created very few perfect heads on men.  The rest were covered with hair.

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 5:43:54 PM)

most of the men i've dated (nillas and in BDSM) are professional  so long hair does not look good with the Armani suit. i love the short, cropped and clean shaven look that Daddy gets every 2 weeks at his stylist.

Lashra -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 6:04:09 PM)

I prefer men with semi long hair,goatees and a earring in their ear. That is how my sub was when I first met him. But his job now requires short hair so there went his beautiful longish dark hair[:o] He asked to get rid of the goatee because he had it for a long time and felt he wanted a change, so I allowed it.

He still looks handsome and he still has the earring[:D]


MagiksSlave -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 6:51:14 PM)



I prefer men with semi long hair,goatees and a earring in their ear. That is how my sub was when I first met him. But his job now requires short hair so there went his beautiful longish dark hair[:o] He asked to get rid of the goatee because he had it for a long time and felt he wanted a change, so I allowed it.

He still looks handsome and he still has the earring[:D]


I always thought Master would look really good with an earing!! he doesnt have one, but it is something to talk to him about LOL!!!

Magik's slave

julietsierra -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 7:03:40 PM)

short hair, goatee and that look in his eye that just screams desire, control and the quiet confidence that turns me on to no end.

There you go... thanks for making my night hotter than it already was. Just contemplating him does it for me every time.


sublimelysensual -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 7:09:21 PM)

I think for me it largely depends on the man..some men look awesome with long hair, some..well..not so The same thing goes for totally shaven, or bald. It just depends on the person, confidence plays a huge role in it as well, I think...
*equal opportunity slut, lol*

slaveish -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 7:23:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: MagiksSlave



He still looks handsome and he still has the earring[:D]


I always thought Master would look really good with an earing!! he doesnt have one, but it is something to talk to him about LOL!!!

My first husband had (still has?) Each ear pierced twice. He wore hoops in them. Awesome hot. He was a professional musician so it fit with his career, and he grew his hair "longer" but it wasn't down to his shoulders. He had a goatee. Looked good on him.

Generally speaking, I like short hair on men but not overly coiffed. I like the messy look, I like the neat look, but I don't like the "I just spent a half hour on my very short hair" look. Bald is great. Goatees are great. Clean shaven is great. I don't care for enormous beards or long hair.

YourShyPet -> RE: Hair or not (7/2/2007 7:43:20 PM)

I've only been attracted to two males beyond friendship.... both of them... bald... with grey goatee's.

CrazyC -> RE: Hair or not (7/3/2007 12:23:42 AM)

Short professional hair, but not too short that i feel like i am back in the military life. Goaties seem to turn me on. My GF and I use to say goaties just seem to enhance And some bald men can make me drool.

But long hair does bother me. If well taken care of i have been able to over look it.

becca333 -> RE: Hair or not (7/3/2007 12:40:38 AM)

I love the look of guys with long hair.  But bald is really sexy on some men.  And short, neat hair is great too - it all depends on the person.

I really love men with hair - all over.  Love furry men.  I love the feel of it against my skin.

pussinbootz -> RE: Hair or not (7/3/2007 3:42:00 AM)


I really love long dark hair (probably why I adore peter steele YUM)

MM looks very much like pete Steele when he dyes his hair black... yummy!!!!

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