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Aneirin -> Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:22:39 PM)

Longlocks,long hair,I love it,especially dark brown,black or red hair.I am not sure if it is a fetish,though the sight of does offer attraction.As for me,I am growing mine out again,memories of another playing with my hair I want again,I love it.

For those that feel similarly,or indeed those that have a hair fetish,how does it affect you?Do you incorporate it into BDSM play?

chellekitty -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:30:16 PM)

hair bondage is fun too

angelslave77 -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:32:20 PM)

I am growing my hair for that very reason

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:33:01 PM)


offer attraction.As for me,I am growing mine out again,memories of another playing with my hair I want again,I love it.

For those that feel similarly,or indeed those that have a hair fetish,how does it affect you?Do you incorporate it into BDSM play?

I used to associate my hair with a sense of power and security...but then I realized I was actually using it as a sheild from my insecurities.

I've let it grow down to my butt and cut it back to my chin 4 times now. 

What really matters to me is the style, functionality and practicality.  A lot of people in the scene get into long hair and that's fine- as long as they keep the ends clean.  It pains me to see people who just let them get all stringy and scraggly. 

I did know a hair fetishist once...spent a few afternoons in his chair having some really great spa experiences.

And, contrary to popular belief, I find a half inch of hair is more than sufficient to do a good hair pull.

I will use my hair in play as another form of sensation, but that's it.

curvyslavegirl -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:33:21 PM)

I love long haired Dominant men.
They're super sexy :)
It doesn't really come into my play...unless you count drooling over it from a cage.

DrkJourney -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:35:35 PM)

Me, ...I love guys with long hair...especially brunettes....it's so cool watching it move across their back while arms are suspending and they are getting spanked or whipped.....er ....um....did it just get hot in here?......LOL

bamabbwsub -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:38:17 PM)

I have long hair for the express purpose of having it pulled while engaged in sex. :)

BlackKnight -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:41:50 PM)

Call me samson, chewbacca, cousin It, no strike that last one I'm too tall.

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:48:56 PM)

I love my long hair and LOVE having it pulled.  One day I hope to have that experience of having (fill in the blank with the name of future owner) grab me by the hair and put me on my knees....... and all of that other hot and steamy stuff that goes along with that.  [;)] 

HCWT1 -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:49:04 PM)

I usually plait in one long string,placeing a two inch metal ring in the end and let the dom of the moment decide how to use it.Can be real interesting.

LadyHeart -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 5:52:10 PM)

As a sub, one of the things that really pushes my buttons is having my hair pulled. When Master seizes a handful of my hair and pulls my head back with it, I just melt. Something else that really turns me on is when he has me kneel before him, then stands on my hair to keep me still. Mmmmm. (I'm growing mine again at the moment too.)  There's a pic on my profile of me with Master - he braided my hair into my chain and led me around all night like that. I think anything involving control and hair is a real turn on.


NakedOnMyChain -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:12:00 PM)

I used to have very long hair a few months ago, and part of me misses it.  But, alas, it doesn't suit my face shape and I look much better with shoulder length hair.  Long hair that is well taken care of holds a natural beauty to me, in both men and women.

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:14:23 PM)

I enjoy havng my hair brushed. Angel does it for me as often as we can. It also has a nice effect when I look down and him, and it brushes across his face.
Id like him to grow his longer, though he keeps it buzzed fairly close.

mystralfire -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:20:55 PM)

I'm trying to grow my hair long, not for any specific purpose, but the idea of having it use in that particular way is interesting to me. And I completely agree with curvyslavegirl.. it's just so much fun to look at!

daddyscherry -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:21:57 PM)

i'm with L.A. that my hair is my shield. This works on a few levels, partly because in the vanilla world it CAN look quite obnoxious and keeps those i want away from me at arms length. Obviously the fact that it is very long can also aide in hiding my face, tears or whatever else.

i also think i look way better with very long hair.

my Master/Daddy also has long hair and i go crazy for it and always have for long haired men.(my Daddy's hair is special as far as i'm concerned though as it is like silk YUM)

i've never been tied with my hair or used it in play in any way but i do get it caught under me and it pins me accidentally all the time. (anyone with really long hair can relate i bet to having your hair under you and not being able to move off of it)

SubinMaine -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:28:26 PM)



As a sub, one of the things that really pushes my buttons is having my hair pulled. When Master seizes a handful of my hair and pulls my head back with it, I just melt.

i have to second that [:)] 

i also love long hair on Sir...mmmmm....nummy

MstrssPassion -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 6:48:22 PM)

I have long hair.... it is waist length. Its beautiful, I get compliments on it all the time & when I go in for trims, it seems every person in the beauty shop freaks out "your not going to cut it off are you??!!"

I've used it in play before. Many subs enjoy brushing it or washing it. I've wet it before & used the ends as stingy whip. I wrapped it tightly around a person's throat, gagged them, even cuffed a person to me while I slept...

Trouble is... its beginning to be more trouble than its worth. I've been thinking about cutting it. It's bone straight. I only have few choices on how to wear it... ponytail or leaving it down, twist it up into a bun, braid it or spend an hour or more with a curling iron (plus loads of styling products)

I've spent countless hours scanning the net looking for hairstyles but can't find anything that interests me. Recently I've experimented with color to see if this creates some new interests.

petdave -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 7:08:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: DrkJourney

Me, ...I love guys with long hair...especially brunettes....it's so cool watching it move across their back while arms are suspending and they are getting spanked or whipped.....er ....um....did it just get hot in here?......LOL

Is okay, air conditioning is on, you can continue [:D]


ORIGINAL: daddyscherry

i've never been tied with my hair or used it in play in any way but i do get it caught under me and it pins me accidentally all the time. (anyone with really long hair can relate i bet to having your hair under you and not being able to move off of it)


It's an unfortunate fact of life that one cannot both: A) have extremely long hair, and B) be a really cool mechanic. No matter how carefully you bondage your hair, it will eventually end up wrapped around the wheel of the creeper, leaving you trapped and removing any question of your cool mechanic status.

Lashra -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 7:36:57 PM)

I love long dark hair or red hair. My sub had the most beautiful shoulder length dark hair but had to cut it off due to his employer. [:@] But he still looks handsome[:D]


winterlight -> RE: Longlocks (7/11/2007 7:50:10 PM)

hair bondage? sounds interesting. My hair was long and i had it cut and donated so a um can have a wig due to disease (cancer, alopecia)

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