RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (Full Version)

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angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 7:19:20 PM)

Actually, Ken i am one that is in complete support of her through e-mail.  i know first hand the FBI and the police do absofuckinglutely nothing.  First, most police stations except for in very high profile areas such as NY or Boston do not have enough man power to have an 'internet department'; the FBI is way too busy trying to catch the online predators.  They do nothing. Sure there is a form that you can fill out... wanna guess how many of those they get every single day?  

Lordandmaster -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 7:28:30 PM)

Having dealt with an internet stalker myself, I have to object to this.  Sure, police departments may vary, but I can vouch that some of them do take cases like this seriously.

There's also too many details about the OP's case that I don't understand.  So I'm reserving judgment.  I'm not saying I don't believe it, but I'm still stuck on the statement that the police told her to go to Circuit City and have them trace the suspect.  That sounds really bizarre.


ORIGINAL: angelic

Actually, Ken i am one that is in complete support of her through e-mail.  i know first hand the FBI and the police do absofuckinglutely nothing.  First, most police stations except for in very high profile areas such as NY or Boston do not have enough man power to have an 'internet department'; the FBI is way too busy trying to catch the online predators.  They do nothing. Sure there is a form that you can fill out... wanna guess how many of those they get every single day?

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 7:38:36 PM)

LAM, it does not surprise me in the slightest that she was told to take it to Circuit City.  i live in a suburb of Seattle; and here there is simply no manpower.  Hell the police here did not even give me the satisfaction of telling me to take my pc somewhere.  They simply told me there was nothing they could do without proof, took my name down wrote down his name... that was that.  He still is able to get into my pc, i just do not give a rats ass that he does it. 

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 7:54:42 PM)

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 7:59:36 PM)

This is the one I find most interesting.

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:05:13 PM)


I can agree that what they told me sounds insane.  You should have seen our faces when he said it!  He was only one officer of many I might have gotten and he was clueless.  But as far as they were concerned my situation/call/needs were met with that.  They did their job so to speak.

The FBI man I talked to was more on the ball... but he felt that since this man had not spoken to me and threatened me in months... that negated all other aspects of the situation.

It is just like reporting on domestic abuse many years ago... one agency would take it seriously and were prepared and others were not.

Listen... would it help if I brought a couple of the people whose computers were messed with to vouch for my sanity, honesty, etc?

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:09:34 PM)

Naw, Lockit those that do not believe you will only accuse you of creating new profiles to 'be your friends'.  You do not need to prove anything (imo). 

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:12:04 PM)

lol... true... very true...

Guess I am doomed to be an emotional and mental mess with a fantasy life that includes a lot more than kink... damn... I am good...

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:15:18 PM)

Yes, but hell it is not boring! ;)

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:15:45 PM)

Well Dakota wasn't just created... his computer is now being worked on because of all this... maybe he can get on a work computer and all that... but then... he could just be sticking up for me because I ordered him to... damn... I am doomed...

What really bothers me is that my ethics and honesty is in question and I might one day want to come back here.  I respect a lot of people here and some that are questioning me.  Wouldn't it be fair to say that is a reasonable concern... wanting people I respect to have some sort of respect for me when it comes to honesty and sanity at least?

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:38:49 PM)

Of course.  Remember though, the only person who has to look in the mirror is you.  Sometimes it is difficult for people to believe things when they have not happened in their world or they happened differently.  Some just do it to get a rise out of you, to see if they can get to you.  The friends that know you, know you and know you are being honest and ethical .  The others well maybe they were not friends to begin with... and do you really care what they think?

When it was just starting to happen to me, you would not believe all the crap i got when i tried to elicit help.  Some people were helpful, others simply said what i was saying was happeneing.... couldn't happen.

Well all i can say to them is b  u  l  l  s  h  i  t

i was living it, i knew it was happening.  Just because they didn't think it could happen in their world did not mean that it was not a real living terror in mine.

The difference in our situation is mine merely watches what i do, he never did any damage to my pc or to any of my friends pc.  You need to get 'him' out of your pc and keep him out.  Since we have pretty much established that there is not much the authorities can do, you need to put your resources to either getting a new pc or getting him out of your current one.  (Personally i vote for the brand new, clean from top to bottom, pc).  Install a good firewall and staying the hell off of Yahoo messenger and msn or hotmail messenger. 

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 8:49:39 PM)

I fully intend to do that! lol

Also someone just emailed me with a suggestion... I am going to go for that big time!  It is doable!  If he wants to say what it is... he can... but otherwise I won't say anything.  I never would have thought about something like that!  It is all legal and a very wise answer to all of this.  I can only hope it will work!  If not I have gotten enough from this thread and further searching out there and should be able to secure my computer and self.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 9:25:53 PM)

No, you don't have to prove anything to me.



Listen... would it help if I brought a couple of the people whose computers were messed with to vouch for my sanity, honesty, etc?

caitlyn -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 9:29:10 PM)

Deleted ... because I didn't read the whole thread anyway ...

Lordandmaster -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 9:33:19 PM)

Caitlyn, Mod 11 already asked people to stop suggesting illegal measures.


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Fortunately, in America, there is always a solution!!!!!
You know where the guy lives. In any major metropolitan area, there is someone that will happily kick the shit out of someone else, if only you will let them nail you.

proudsub -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 9:33:49 PM)



There was a site that someone linked in another thread, and it's for on-line harrassment.  I can't remember where I saw it.

This might help:

DomKen -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 10:05:31 PM)

This is so unbelievable. I have worked with FBI and US Attorneys on a number of network intrusion cases. There are specially trained agents in every one of the FBI's offices around the nation specifically to investigate these crimes. Since what the OP describes is multiple federal felonies I am positive she didn't contact the FBI.

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/13/2007 10:35:28 PM)



This is so unbelievable. I have worked with FBI and US Attorneys on a number of network intrusion cases. There are specially trained agents in every one of the FBI's offices around the nation specifically to investigate these crimes. Since what the OP describes is multiple federal felonies I am positive she didn't contact the FBI.

This is just as unbelieveable... and we are supposed to believe you?  Why?  Just cuz you said so?   Delusions of grandeur maybe? [8|]

stella40 -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/14/2007 1:01:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Petronius

Let's look at reality.

I know of no authoritative reports that messenger services have the holes in them that Lockit so casually claimed. I've never read a single account of this by Hotmail or AOL or Yahoo. I've never read a single report of some security breach by hackers around places like 2600 Magazine or security people around groups like L0pht [sic] Heavy Industries. I've never seen a single article on it in industry magazines like PC or in technical web sites like Slash Dot.

And like, you think that these are the only sites and places for hackers?

Oh, and if you like, I can send you a program which cracks an Instant Messenger program - would you prefer C or Python?


If one could use a messenger service to control a computer the genius hacker who discovered this would target employees of major banks who improperly use the service from work. Then, having gotten control of the computers, would simply rip off the banks for millions of dollars.

I'm sorry, but your reality here is starting to look very fictional.

Hackers do target banks and other institutions, constantly, and the banks and institutions welcome this because they employ their own teams of hackers in IT to handle all security and network issues and these professionals do all they can to encourage and attract hackers. This is what really happens, it happens anywhere where there's a network, sensitive information and computers.

These provoked attacks show up security issues which are then handled by network administrators so that there are no real security issues lasting anything more than a couple of hours.  


The genius hacker would hardly waste all of his time with somebody like Lockit.

And how do you know that this is a genius hacker? You don't need to be a genuis hacker to be able to hack, just a live Linux CD, average programming knowledge (I'm talking here for a geek, not for the average person) and a network connection.

She simply presents a paranoid fantasy of almost classic style.

One aspect of paranoia is the almost-inhuman genius attributed to the evil nasties coupled with an ostensible action that is utterly out of proportion and incomprehensible to normal rational thought.

Now are you writing here from authority of some sort? Or is your knowledge like your 'reality' of the IT industry which looks just as much a fantasy as what you're suggesting from my perspective. Is this something you've read in a magazine or even googled as you were writing your posting?


Space aliens don't travel jillions and jillions of miles to give Mr. Smith a secret anal probe.

I wouldn't know, I haven't come across anything which proves the existence of space aliens, and besides I thought you were basing your arguments on facts and not stories about little green aliens.


The CIA didn't secretly take over all the leftwing groups in the US so that years later they could later misdirect a probe into the Kennedy assassination by Mrs. Jones, an otherwise simple housewife from Dry Throat, Arizona.

What's this got to do with anything?


And a genius hacker who could discover a loophole in messenger services undiscovered by every security expert in the world would not waste time using it to stalk Lockit.

Up to this point I only suspected you're talking wet, now I know you're talking wet. (wet= 100% BS)

Now do you expect me to believe that Yahoo! MSN, Google etc are all secure? Why of course, you were only a moment ago writing about little green space aliens travelling 'jillions and jillions of miles'. So what now? Are you going to introduce Santa Claus to the debate, or should I start writing about the Loch Ness Monster?


I'm not indifferent to Lockit's experiences.

I'm glad about that.


But I'm far more interested in the real victims of real stalking and real harassment who must, in addition to the real crimes against them, deal with the wild tales and technological nonsense posted by Lockit and people like her. They deserve a public educated about reality, not miseducated by wild narcissistic and paranoid claims.

Oh here we go again with the use of 'real' and 'reality'.

Well I really do hope you are a real, genuine medical doctor because if you aren't, from what I can see you've just libelled a fellow CM member and broken the Collarme TOS.

I certainly hope they are not like your IT credentials - and here's a clue, why would any self-respecting network administrator (or genius hacker, because that's what you've got to be to get any network administration post in the IT industry) read a magazine or even be bothered what Yahoo! or MSN have to say about security issues? Oh and another thing, you failed to mention the one website ALL hackers go to check for any current security issues on any website or application using a network.

Oh and what with the little space aliens, it strikes me that you have issues differentiating between fact and opinion, and even fact and fiction. This is my humble opinion, based on what you wrote in your posting.

It's a pity really, I might have enjoyed debating this further, I enjoy a good healthy debate, but it seems you're not up to it.


The solution to Lockit's problems seems to me to rest not with Windows Task Manager or Norton's security programs; it rests with psychotherapy.

I'll leave this for a moderator to comment on.


I've also found that the paranoid person who can instantly invent principles attributed to science, history, and the like, is able to denounce people who actually know something as "ignorant" or uneducated. So it is with Lockit in this area as well.


[Petronius's] ignorance of opinion is just that.  Tell your line of crap to those who might fall for it… for I am not the only one that has been stalked and hacked into and there are others who have mentioned it here on this thread and many have emailed me.

Pot, kettle, kettle, pot....

So what about these space aliens 'jillions and jillions' of miles away. Distance in space is measured in light years, not miles. I've never heard of space aliens. I don't know what a jillion is.

Now I know what Einstein meant when he said "Imagination is more important than knowledge."


Nobody on this thread has written about being hacked by a hole in a messenger service. While I can't read minds, I strongly suspect that not a single person has written Lockit confirming it. I equally suspect she simply invented the claim.

Well I can send you programs and scripts which will hack into an instant messenger program - you can have them either in C or Python.

Therefore I'm confirming it.


I also suspect that she has no idea of what the security services from companies like Hotmail or Yahoo are "unlikely to investigate." I can't imagine something that would trigger a faster investigation than a security hole of the size Lockit claims.

I also suspect that Lockit has never heard of groups like 2600 Magazine or L0pht or Norton where one could get accurate information.

And you my friend are clearly not an expert, or even knowledgable that much about what you are writing. And that website? And you seriously believe that Yahoo! and Hotmail are really going to jump to investigate every security issue, especially when it's well known that the majority of viruses and spyware come from people such as..... Microsoft and Yahoo!? Go figure.  


She wrote that "They say anything can be traced...." I strongly suspect that she can't name a single reputable security person or group who made that claim. Those familiar with modern computer security in both the universities and the street state that public key cryptography coupled with a chain of anonymous remailers is untraceable.

Because anything can be traced. I'm writing on the basis of having translated a 22 chapter 250 page manual for network administrators on up to date computer security.

Software is written by humans (programmers) in various languages, C, Perl, Python, etc and translated into machine code to be read by a computer, errors can and do occur therefore NO program, application or website can ever be 100% secure.

Your public key cryptography with a chain of anonymous remailers sounds wonderful.. pure science fiction.

However anything and everything sent through a network is broken into packets which all contain TCP/IP headers and checksums etc which can be traced. Now are you trying to tell me you cannot trace something through a checksum?


Other technical farces in her claims were, I thought, well presented by DomKen. While I personally like to use more established terms like "paranoia" and "narcissism" I must admit there's a certain amount of street truth in DomKen's conclusion about Lockit:


Finally you defend yourself by claiming that people support you by email. The classic defense of the net loon.

I wouldn't normally have come in on this, but you appear to have a strong interest in putting Lockit down for some reason, your arguments well.... don't add up to much, in fact you cannot argue your way out of a paper bag with a hole in it.

proudsub -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/14/2007 1:10:57 AM)

Here's another site that might be helpful:

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