RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:31:37 AM)

If you look at the facts, mistoferin, you will see that intact D&E is commonly performed on fetuses that are so damaged they will die anyway.

If I was pregnant and learnt at six months of pregnancy that the fetus was terminally ill, and that intact D&E was the safest way to terminate the pregnancy, I would do it. My heart wouldn't sing, but most medical interventions are there to patch things up. You also need to know that the procedure is far less messy than a traditional D&X; and that it preserves the body of the fetus, thus making it far more civilised for all concerned (I am holding a flame-proof brolly here, so fire away, peeps).

This isn't Disneyworld. Thankfully.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:33:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Hmmm... here's what happens to a large majority of women who need abortion (and I was one of them): their contraception fails them. It's not 100% secure.

A Plan B is good. I also like to have a Plan C and D and E...etc.

There will be no unwanted pregnancies in my household. Absolutely not.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Thank you, however, for sticking  to your beliefs whilst acknowledgeing our rights. It truly is much appreciated :-)

Yeah, it's great when people choose for themselves and allow others to choose for themselves also.


Give me five [8D] .

mistoferin -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:35:06 AM)

I am fully aware of the facts. As I said, I do see the need for abortion to exist. However, I can not be supportive in any way of partial birth abortion.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:38:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

I am fully aware of the facts. As I said, I do see the need for abortion to exist. However, I can not be supportive in any way of partial birth abortion.

Perhaps if politicians hadn't grabbed on the issue of D&E and renamed it that (partial birth...), you wouldn't even be aware that it existed. One of the points is that the government used this necessary medical procedure in order to turn the tables of opinion. I'm just sorry they succeeded so well.

I respect your opinion: I'm just glad your opinion doesn't rule my world. At least, not yet.

Satyr6406 -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:39:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

 We take all precautions we can and yet, a life is conceived.

Michael, the Christian philosophs will tell you that you did have a choice. Nobody forced you to fuck about on a one-night stand and that besides sex is a crime [:(].

And you could have taken matters into your own hands and used prophylactics. But once again: it's besides the point.

I think prophylactics are covered in that statement.
Peace and comfort,

SugarMyChurro -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:41:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci
*A bunch of nonsense went here*

It's sad to me that you can't contextualize language.

This is from the Oxford English Dictionary:


Crackers, pred. a.


Crazy, mad; infatuated.

[1925 Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 65 To get the crackers, to go off one's head. Mad.] 1928 Daily Express 21 Jan. 2/2, I shall go ‘crackers’ (meaning mad) if anything happens to Ted. 1928 E. Wallace Flying Squad xxv. 286 That old boy's crackers if ever there was one! 1938 G. Greene Brighton Rock vii. viii. 343 ‘You're crackers,’ Dallow said. 1940 in Harrisson & Madge War begins at Home viii. 183 This war is driving me crackers.+ I'm bored to death. 1941 N. Marsh Surf. Lampreys xiv. 207 She's gone completely crackers, it seems. 1943 ‘E. M. Delafield’ Late & Soon x. 142 He's crackers about Primrose. 1956 L. McIntosh Oxford Folly 77 Only the thought of my thirty bob an hour keeps me from going crackers. 1959 Daily Tel. 5 Nov. 21/4 Liberal Party is ‘crackers’, says Ld. Morrison of Lambeth.


Reread my comment to mean:

"I think those in disagreement with her views are [crazy/mad/insane/etc] and don't know how to mind their own business."

So thanks for the hatchet job on what I wrote above.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:45:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Satyr6406


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

 We take all precautions we can and yet, a life is conceived.

Michael, the Christian philosophs will tell you that you did have a choice. Nobody forced you to fuck about on a one-night stand and that besides sex is a crime [:(].

And you could have taken matters into your own hands and used prophylactics. But once again: it's besides the point.

I think prophylactics are covered in that statement.
Peace and comfort,

It was covered (literally!), and I offer you my humblest apologies for being a hothead and reading you too fast. Thank you.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 10:48:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro


ORIGINAL: slaveluci
*A bunch of nonsense went here*

It's sad to me that you can't contextualize language.

This is from the Oxford English Dictionary:


Crackers, pred. a.


Crazy, mad; infatuated.

[1925 Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 65 To get the crackers, to go off one's head. Mad.] 1928 Daily Express 21 Jan. 2/2, I shall go ‘crackers’ (meaning mad) if anything happens to Ted. 1928 E. Wallace Flying Squad xxv. 286 That old boy's crackers if ever there was one! 1938 G. Greene Brighton Rock vii. viii. 343 ‘You're crackers,’ Dallow said. 1940 in Harrisson & Madge War begins at Home viii. 183 This war is driving me crackers.+ I'm bored to death. 1941 N. Marsh Surf. Lampreys xiv. 207 She's gone completely crackers, it seems. 1943 ‘E. M. Delafield’ Late & Soon x. 142 He's crackers about Primrose. 1956 L. McIntosh Oxford Folly 77 Only the thought of my thirty bob an hour keeps me from going crackers. 1959 Daily Tel. 5 Nov. 21/4 Liberal Party is ‘crackers’, says Ld. Morrison of Lambeth.


Reread my comment to mean:

"I think those in disagreement with her views are [crazy/mad/insane/etc] and don't know how to mind their own business."

You also have 'crackpot' [:D].

CuriousLord -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:00:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: mrbob726


Republicans are pro-life. Republicans are evil.

Be careful with generalisations - I might consider anyone under 21 (CL for example) to be totally ignorant about life, and too stupid to be posting on a forum like this, regardless of IQ. That being said, I'm a Republican, and proud of it, proud of most of the general stated views of the Republican party.

While I can entirely excuse the fact that you mistook my age through relying on my profile, using it as a basis for such an immature insult, I am at a bit of a loss for how you may have missed such blantant sarcasm.

domiguy -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:04:03 AM)

If you are against abortion you better have prepared measures to deal with all of these unwanted children....Higher taxes...and on and on and fucking on!  It would be nice if everyone would keep their nose out of a woman's womb....If there is a God won't she have to deal with the repercussions?....Isn't that enough?  Or is your faith not quite that strong?

domiguy -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:05:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord


ORIGINAL: mrbob726


Republicans are pro-life. Republicans are evil.

Be careful with generalisations - I might consider anyone under 21 (CL for example) to be totally ignorant about life, and too stupid to be posting on a forum like this, regardless of IQ. That being said, I'm a Republican, and proud of it, proud of most of the general stated views of the Republican party.

While I can entirely excuse the fact that you mistook my age through relying on my profile, using it as a basis for such an immature insult, I am at a bit of a loss for how you may have missed such blantant sarcasm.

CL you are a twisted fuck....I have to admit you are starting to grow on me....Is this a good thing?

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:07:48 AM)

Well, that sort of goes without saying, but I'm sure you know better than to address a message about faith to me, domiguy :-) After all, God IS dead.

DomKen -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:22:14 AM)

I'm really very very tired of the adoption argument in the abortion debate.
According to the oh so fair and balanced Focus on the Family website in 2002 117,000 children were in foster care and eligible for adoption.  The anti abortion crowd better get cracking with those kids before banning abortion.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:24:52 AM)

The truth is that until the anti-abortion lobby comes out with a fee for laying sprogs they don't have a single economic leg to stand on.

domiguy -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:39:40 AM)

It was a fast reply....Nothing to do with you kittin...We know that God is dead.

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:47:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy

God is dead.

Let's hear it again.

I am curious: how many people on this board actually believe abortion is criminal because they are christianally inclined?

domiguy -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:50:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: domiguy

God is dead.

Let's hear it again.

I am curious: how many people on this board actually believe abortion is criminal because they are christianally inclined?

Is that...Christian...analy inclined?...I'll fuck any Christian woman out here in the ass.

Edited....I lied.

slaveluci -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 11:52:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro


ORIGINAL: slaveluci
*A bunch of nonsense went here*

It's sad to me that you can't contextualize language.

This is from the Oxford English Dictionary:


Crackers, pred. a.


Crazy, mad; infatuated.

[1925 Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 65 To get the crackers, to go off one's head. Mad.] 1928 Daily Express 21 Jan. 2/2, I shall go ‘crackers’ (meaning mad) if anything happens to Ted. 1928 E. Wallace Flying Squad xxv. 286 That old boy's crackers if ever there was one! 1938 G. Greene Brighton Rock vii. viii. 343 ‘You're crackers,’ Dallow said. 1940 in Harrisson & Madge War begins at Home viii. 183 This war is driving me crackers.+ I'm bored to death. 1941 N. Marsh Surf. Lampreys xiv. 207 She's gone completely crackers, it seems. 1943 ‘E. M. Delafield’ Late & Soon x. 142 He's crackers about Primrose. 1956 L. McIntosh Oxford Folly 77 Only the thought of my thirty bob an hour keeps me from going crackers. 1959 Daily Tel. 5 Nov. 21/4 Liberal Party is ‘crackers’, says Ld. Morrison of Lambeth.


Reread my comment to mean:

"I think those in disagreement with her views are [crazy/mad/insane/etc] and don't know how to mind their own business."

So thanks for the hatchet job on what I wrote above.

Ok.  I stand corrected.  If everyone else saw "cracker" to mean what you intended, no hatchet job was done at all.  And, as you said in the last line of a previous post on this thread: "respect".  If I misinterpreted, I apologize.  But calling what I said a bunch of "nonsense" and a "hatchet job" is overreacting as much as I apparently did.  It was obviously a misunderstanding but I'm not totally crazy for assuming such a thing would be said as it has occurred more than once around here lately.  My apologies for misunderstanding what you wrote.  But, in order to show that "respect" you expect from the rest of us, I still wouldn't call anyone "crackers" who doesn't agree.  Respect goes in ALL directions...........slave luci 

kittinSol -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 12:00:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: domiguy

God is dead.

Let's hear it again.

I am curious: how many people on this board actually believe abortion is criminal because they are christianally inclined?

Is that...Christian...analy inclined?...I'll fuck any Christian woman out here in the ass.

Edited....I lied.

Don't know whether to feel grateful or relieved or sad that I'm Jewish and agnostic rofl!

PS: oh, and if we all got fucked up the arse, well, no question about it... huh. Domiguy, why do you always make the subject matter turn to scabrous talk?!

slaveluci -> RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion (7/16/2007 12:05:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
I am curious: how many people on this board actually believe abortion is criminal because they are christianally inclined?

Well, you can take this with a grain of salt as I am a "crackpot" who believes that God is very much alive[8D] but........I am a Christian who does not believe that abortion should be criminal.  Unlike many rabid, conservative Christians who would see fit to legislate all areas of people's personal lives, I believe that each woman should have the right to decide whether or not she will give birth. 

I do think it makes sense to take all measures to insure you won't get pregnant in the first place if you don't want a child.  But, birth control methods fail sometimes and we don't live in an ideal world so people occasionally mess up and make huge mistakes - getting pregnant being one of them.  Should she then be forced to carry the baby full term and have it?  That, to me, has to be an individual choice. 

So many times, people have a tendency to make it out like women are just running around having one abortion after another, laughing all the way to the clinic and back like it's having a hangnail removed or something.  I think it would be very rare indeed to find many women who have not suffered in some way whether it be physically or emotionally from undergoing the abortion procedure.  It's not like it's a fun thing to do.  I know some women who have done it and it's not something that ever stops haunting them in some way really.

So, from this Christian's viewpoint - while it is a very grave decision, it is not one that anyone besides the pregnant woman in question should make.  And, just a side note, just because a lot of these overzealous jerks claiming to speak for all Christians make it out like those who have abortions are absolutely hell-bound, that does not mean all Christians feel that way.  I happen to think that Jesus has as much mercy in His heart for someone who has an abortion as He does for those who commit any other sin - an endless supply.  Just my take on things...............luci   
***edited because I left out a couple words***

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