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We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such

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We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 7/16/2007 12:33:02 PM   

Posts: 1031
Status: offline
We decided to start up an online business and are getting it set up.  I just wanted to offer a coupon code to our fellow denizens at good for 10% off the purchase price.    A little way we can give back here to those that "understand."

If you decide to purchase something on the website, just enter the following in the

Promotional/Coupon Code:  4713098411672007

Oh, the website is:

And if there is something special you don't see, let us know and we'll find out if we can get it for you.


The "Crushes"

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RE: We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 7/18/2007 7:28:44 AM   

Posts: 2
Joined: 7/2/2007
Status: offline
Hi!  I makedevices and would love it if you carried some of them on your website.  I make everything that you can imagine.  Everything from hand forged stainless posture collars to slapers made from an old timing belt.   I too am just starting out and don't want tomanage a website but just want to make things.  let me know


(in reply to Crush)
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RE: We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 7/18/2007 3:08:21 PM   

Posts: 1031
Status: offline
Sounds workable!  I'll find out what I need to do to possibly add you as a supplier.


(in reply to painpet4)
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RE: We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 7/26/2007 9:05:40 PM   

Posts: 136
Joined: 12/8/2005
Status: offline
You might try FetishAuctioneer , its a dot com. They sell alot of that cheap imported stuff. We tried to sell on their site but what we offer is high quality and they dont really attract the people that know quality or have money. So it did not work for us.
But the low end stuff sells well on their site. I know of one guy (who is a real clown in FL) that sells alot of junk through them, and I mean junk.
You have the packaging that attracts many buyers regardless of quality.
As an eBay power seller I would bet you would do well on that site. Its slick packaged product. And that helps sales.
Best of luck on your new business. And remember that it takes 6 month to a year to find out if a business will work. And if sales are slow..its not you. They are just not buying right now...but they will.

(in reply to Crush)
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RE: We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 7/28/2007 5:49:19 AM   

Posts: 95
Joined: 10/16/2005
From: Hemel Hempstead
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: EgosumDominus

You might try FetishAuctioneer , its a dot com. They sell alot of that cheap imported stuff. We tried to sell on their site but what we offer is high quality and they dont really attract the people that know quality or have money. So it did not work for us.
But the low end stuff sells well on their site. I know of one guy (who is a real clown in FL) that sells alot of junk through them, and I mean junk.
You have the packaging that attracts many buyers regardless of quality.
As an eBay power seller I would bet you would do well on that site. Its slick packaged product. And that helps sales.
Best of luck on your new business. And remember that it takes 6 month to a year to find out if a business will work. And if sales are slow..its not you. They are just not buying right now...but they will.

or you could try my free kink freindly auction site -
as said, its free to buyer and seller, so wont cost to give it a try?



Let Me unchain your mind and your sexuality will follow.

(in reply to EgosumDominus)
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RE: We've started a webstore for S&M Supplies and such - 8/5/2007 11:40:50 AM   

Posts: 1031
Status: offline
We've closed the store.   Mods, you can delete this thread if you like.


(in reply to TheChastiser)
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