RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (Full Version)

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NControlofU -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/22/2007 7:17:14 PM)

Actually, my slave loves all the things that I make her do.  Everything I have ever told her to do, she has done and enjoyed.  Even when she chokes and gags on the piss I flood her throat with sometimes, she smiles and thanks me.  As long as she does what I want, I have all that I want from her and dont need to push her to do something I dont want just to try to find something she doesn't enjoy.  I don't need to waste my time trying to come up with some test to try to prove she's really my slave.  Trying to get her to do something I dont give a shit about just to see if she would do it for me would be a waste of my time and energy and would be nothing more than ego trip.  Unless she does something to disprove it, she's my property.   

I wasn't looking for someone that I could make into my slave.  I was looking for soemone who wanted to be my slave.  I wanted a slave that wouldn't give me a hard time about doing what I want and I found her.  When we first started talking I told her exactly what would be required of her and she agreed.  She's doing what she was brought here to do and that's all I need.  As long as she continues to do what I say, she's my slave and I have no reason to doubt whether shes my slave.  She was told she would be my property and nothing other than my property, not my girlfriend or wife or lover or anything other than my property and that's what she agreed to and thats what she is and she knows it.  Unless she gives me some reason to start doubting her, I don't need to worry whether she is really my property or not.  If she decides she doesnt want to be my slave anymore or no longer wants to do what I tell her to do then shes free to go.  I wouldn't bother myself with a slave that doesn't enjoy doing what I tell her to do. 

Keshia1969 -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 12:30:12 AM)

Greetings Master's,Greetings Mistress's.greetings slaves

this one wanted to reply to this subject for she is new to this online.

A slave is property.  she can be treated however the Master, decide's, even if that means being thrown into a pit of wild animals. I was always pushed to be made into the best possible slave, I can be. I was cherished, loved, and treasured. I was owned, and I am therefore made free to be who I am. I take the greatest joy in expressing myself and being as pleasing as possible.I know that if I were to have refused  my ex  Master's order without a seriously convincing explanation, no matter how small or big, I could be simply tossed out. I decided to accept this in my life. It is terrifying and freeing at the same time.I won't get into personal motivations for this ,but it is an extremely fulfilling relationship and difficult to understand without experiencing....but  to make it short yes you can be owned if you are not treated like property.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 8:06:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: kyraofMists

From Taggard's many posts on this board, he does not strike me as an insecure person and I see his need and desire for tangible proof of ownership as his need and desire to build security within his relationship.

I think that is right, though I might have to spend some self-reflection time to verify it.

For the most part, I desire (which is different from need) to test my slave because it makes me quite happy (and even more than just a bit horny) when they pass.  It thrills me to see them act like I think a slave should act.  The proof also makes me more secure in my relationship...and it bonds me tighter with my slave, but that is big head thinking...sometimes I just opt to let the little head get its way. *smile*


TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 8:08:39 AM)


I wouldn't bother myself with a slave that doesn't enjoy doing what I tell her to do. 

A bit further in this thread, I refined my thoughts and changed the "doesn't like to do" to "wouldn't do voluntarily".  Does that change your response?


BeingChewsie -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 8:45:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty


I wouldn't bother myself with a slave that doesn't enjoy doing what I tell her to do. 

A bit further in this thread, I refined my thoughts and changed the "doesn't like to do" to "wouldn't do voluntarily".  Does that change your response?


I guess what I'm not clear on is you don't just use a slave for the things you need done or are into you keep upping the ante until you find something they balk at? My question is if those things they finally balk at or hesitate on are things that force you to violate your own ethics will you go that far? Is it that important to you to have them do things that you would of never even considered having them do if that is what it takes to get that "rise" out of them?

NControlofU -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 3:35:57 PM)

Yes, this does change my response to, I wouldn't bother myself with a slave who wouldn't voluntarily do what I tell her to do.  She voluntarily became my slave and she voluntarily remains my slave and and she voluntarily serves me in the way that I want to be served.  That's all I want and need from her.  I don't need to force her to prove her comittment to serve and obey me.  She proves it by doing it every minute of every day.  I'm not interested in forcing anyone to do anything.  Its too much work to have to force someone to do something and too much drama.  I rather save my energy and watch her crawl to me on her hands and knees, naked and with my flogger in her teeth and wait there until I tell her to hand it to me so that I can make some lovely stripes across her skin.  I want an easy slave and thats what I got.  I looked long and hard and found myself a slave who loves pain and humiliation and being bound and gagged and cleaning up after me and cooking for me and drinking my piss and licking my ass, and doing everything I tell her to do.  That doesn't mean that I don't have my slave do things that are unpleasant, but I don't force her.  She willingly does what I tell her to do whether or not its something she thinks is pleasant.  I tell her to do something and she knows not to balk, bicker, refuse, or hesitate.  And, she better thank me afterwards.  I would never put up with anything less and she knows it.  She knows she can leave anytime she decides she doesn't want to be my property anymore.  She gives me no reason to doubt that she wants anything less than to be owned and used in any way I choose.  She's a good slave for me.  Maybe we just got lucky with each other.  We both got what we wanted.


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty


I wouldn't bother myself with a slave that doesn't enjoy doing what I tell her to do. 

A bit further in this thread, I refined my thoughts and changed the "doesn't like to do" to "wouldn't do voluntarily".  Does that change your response?


Mercnbeth -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 3:58:57 PM)


A bit further in this thread, I refined my thoughts and changed the "doesn't like to do" to "wouldn't do voluntarily". 
Damn Taggard, if I had to keep track of what I have beth doing and determining my level of dominance by which stuff she's doing because she likes to do them, and which she "wouldn't do voluntarily"; I'd start to consider the whole process as work. Everything she does comes under one major heading - stuff that I want, need, and feel like; doing, seeing, and experiencing. beth's safety and general well being are always in consideration, but that limits her influence regarding the decision. 

Should I want a potato as a side dish for dinner I ask for crispy french fries because I like them. I won't have her make twice baked or au graten just because they are more difficult to make. her preference doesn't come into play.

kyraofMists -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 6:29:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty


ORIGINAL: kyraofMists

From Taggard's many posts on this board, he does not strike me as an insecure person and I see his need and desire for tangible proof of ownership as his need and desire to build security within his relationship.

I think that is right, though I might have to spend some self-reflection time to verify it.

For the most part, I desire (which is different from need) to test my slave because it makes me quite happy (and even more than just a bit horny) when they pass.  It thrills me to see them act like I think a slave should act.  The proof also makes me more secure in my relationship...and it bonds me tighter with my slave, but that is big head thinking...sometimes I just opt to let the little head get its way. *smile*


For myself, I have noticed than whether his motivation is to build security or his motivation is to just enjoy himself it ends up bonding us closer together.  But I am a firm believer that a playing together can strengthen a relationship.

This has been a really good thread and I am glad that you started it.

Knight's Kyra

NControlofU -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/23/2007 8:32:37 PM)

A good point, Kyra, and along the same lines of what I was just thinking in terms of mutual growth and benefits of my relationship with my slave.  I do push my slave but not to prove anything to me.  Its to prove to her that she is capable of much more than she realizes.  She limits herself through her own doubts about what she is able to do and take and give.  Its part of my function, as her master, to help her overcome her self-doubt and expand her understanding of her capabilities. 

When we first met, she had never been fisted and she was scared, especially when she saw the size of my hand.  Now, she no longer fears being fisted and actually asks when she can be fisted again.  I pushed her past her self-imposed limits but not against her will, just against her fear.  The experience of me pushing and her growing is a mutually beneficial one.  Its not for my pleasure or ego, alone.  Its for hers as well and for our relationship to grow. 

We share a common desire to have a master/slave relationship with as much intensity as we can possibly have and with a bond that is unbreakable.  We each have a shared investment in having our relatinship grow stronger, not weaker.  To do that, we each need to grow stronger within ourselves and for each other.  I push, she doesn't push back, she stretches, and we grow together in this way.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/25/2007 12:15:16 PM)



Yes, this does change my response to, I wouldn't bother myself with a slave who wouldn't voluntarily do what I tell her to do.

You are not really getting what I am saying...

The point I was making bother, if you don't get it at this point, you probably won't ever get it.


TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/25/2007 12:23:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: BeingChewsie

I guess what I'm not clear on is you don't just use a slave for the things you need done or are into you keep upping the ante until you find something they balk at?

My dominance is very closely tied to my sexuality, so I am going to reprhase this in sexual terms.  If I have a slave who takes some effort to climax, would I "up the ante" to get her to come, even if it meant doing things I might not otherwise do?  Of course I would...I think orgasm is an important bonding element in a sexual relationship.

When I put this back in pure M/s terms, I ask myself if I would "up the ante" to take my slave to that point of service that is "beyond what she would voluntarily do"? Again I answer, of course!  Why? Because I feel that that point of service is an important bonding element in a Master and slave relationship.

My idea of slavery is not a one way street.  Masters (at least in my view of M/s) have an obligation (Noblesse Oblige, anyone?) to their slaves that goes beyond "do what I want or hit the pavement."  It means doing things I would not normally do to enhance the bond between my slave and myself.


TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/25/2007 12:26:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Damn Taggard, if I had to keep track of what I have beth doing and determining my level of dominance by which stuff she's doing because she likes to do them, and which she "wouldn't do voluntarily"; I'd start to consider the whole process as work.

Some people like to work at their gives them something to do. *smile*

But I think my philisophical ponderings have led you to think that I am actually thinking about this stuff when I interact with my slave.  It is more of a "I know it when it happens" sort of thing that gives a certain interaction just a bit more of a jolt.  I know that Kat doesn't want to clean the kitchen, so when she does it, with a smile, it makes me happy.  I don't make her clean the kitchen because she doesn't want to, I just enjoy it more.


kyraofMists -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/25/2007 2:46:47 PM)

I know that you asked this of Taggard specifically, but I thought I would also add my perspective since I am in a relationship with someone who sometimes likes to have me do things just because it squicks me, is hard for me, I don’t like it, it challenges me, etc.  I am deliberately not using the word suffer because our definitions are incompatible.


ORIGINAL: BeingChewsie
I guess what I'm not clear on is you don't just use a slave for the things
you need done or are into you keep upping the ante until you find something
they balk at?

No, I am not just used for things that he needs or things that he was into prior to meeting me.  Prior to the relationship with me he had little interest in needle play.  What sparked his interest was my reaction to a picture I saw from someone on CM with needles in their breasts.  It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull and he was just waiting for the opportunity to learn the basics.  His interest in the activity grew out of my discomfort and fear of needles.

The simple fact that I don’t like something appeals to the sadist and is sometimes enough for him to gain an interest in the activity.  On the other hand he will sometimes do things with me that he has no interest in just because it gives me pleasure and he wants to give me pleasure in that moment.  It isn’t a lot of work; life presents him opportunities regularly to either challenge me or give me pleasure and he takes advantage of them when he wants.

He does not search for things that I would balk at; it is not looked at from that perspective because he knows I am not going to refuse a direct order.  However, my struggle to obey and jump whatever hurdle he sets for me provides great satisfaction for his sadistic desires.  His sadism is not limited to the physical infliction of pain.

These things are very gratifying for him and even though it is a challenge or struggle and may cause me emotional distress, the end result is also gratifying for me.  It is a dichotomy that is just part of my submission to him and in many ways is a necessary part.  I need to know that my wants and desires do not limit him in our relationship.


My question is if those things they finally balk at or
hesitate on are things that force you to violate your own ethics will you go
that far? Is it that important to you to have them do things that you would
of never even considered having them do if that is what it takes to get that
"rise" out of them?

These questions are a variation of a question that often arises out of a limits thread when a slave states that they do not impose limits on their master.  The question is generally along the lines of what if he wants to kill you, maim you, etc.  Usually whatever activity is listed is beyond the moral/ethical boundaries that many people set for themselves. 

Many times when the question is asked some take exception to it since it goes to extremes and they wouldn’t be in the relationship with the person if they were the type to do those activities.  I think it is an interesting question to consider even if only done privately within the relationship or before a commitment is made.

For my Lord, his guiding principle is, do his will but harm none.  He will not have me do something if he thinks the risk of harming me, himself, the relationship or anyone else is too high.  Violating his moral/ethical boundary would harm him; violating my moral/ethical boundary would harm me.  This is the boundary he sets for our actions but it leaves quite a few squicky, unappealing and discomforting things for me that he can delve into and relish.  If this boundary did not leave areas for him to exercise his sadism in this way then we would not be compatible.

Knight's Kyra

TopinPa -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/25/2007 4:48:04 PM)

I don't currently own a slave but if I did I would not loan her out
I also don't loan my car, TV set, cloths, books, etc... all property of mine btw
That's just me; I'm selfish like that

BeingChewsie -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/26/2007 7:25:49 AM)


If this boundary did not leave areas for him to exercise his sadism in this way then we would not be compatible.

Thanks kyra, this part answered my question.

kyraofMists -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/26/2007 2:17:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: BeingChewsie


If this boundary did not leave areas for him to exercise his sadism in this way then we would not be compatible.

Thanks kyra, this part answered my question.

My pleasure.  Too bad I had to think of that sentence last  *g*

Just kidding; I had fun writing it.

Knight's Kyra

ELUSIVE1 -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (8/3/2007 6:18:54 PM)

I have never been physically branded or marked...but my first Master DID leave his MARK on me...he 'lent me out' and treated me as his property, and there was never a question in his mind that I was his, or in my mind that he owned me...each of my d/s relationships have left 'marks' whether it was learning to love D/P because his best bud liked to hang out with us, or just experiencing wild new things because he said we are doing this, like it or not...and yes I did learn to love most things...and tolerate others...his 'brand' was inside me, not anywhere anyone could see it...

HardnRuff -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (8/4/2007 12:59:10 AM)



I have never been physically branded or marked...but my first Master DID leave his MARK on me...he 'lent me out' and treated me as his property, and there was never a question in his mind that I was his, or in my mind that he owned me...each of my d/s relationships have left 'marks' whether it was learning to love D/P because his best bud liked to hang out with us, or just experiencing wild new things because he said we are doing this, like it or not...and yes I did learn to love most things...and tolerate others...his 'brand' was inside me, not anywhere anyone could see it...

Very nicely stated elusive .. I Liked that alot .

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