Gas Prices (Full Version)

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sub4hire -> Gas Prices (6/16/2004 1:57:42 PM)

Here at home gas is 2.02 a gallon right now at the cheap station.

I was in Blythe today it is 2.59 a gallon. Cross the border 3 miles away in Arizona and you get it for 1.88 a gallon.

Man california rips us off when there is no need.

dixiedumpling -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 2:35:10 PM)

I've been told that a lot of what a gallon of gas costs is in state and local taxes. Aren't taxes considered high in California? Paid $1.77 in Georgia last week and $1.81 in south Mississippi on Monday. The variability of the price within the state is what boggles my mind. Why should it be $1.88 at one station and $1.81 5 miles away? You would think they'd be getting it from the same refinery.

proudsub -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 3:07:04 PM)

It just dropped from 2.37 to 2.25 at my local station in WA, but varies a lot depending on location, and WA taxes are high on gas. Hubby and I were just talking this morning about how the gas companies now want you to think you're getting a good deal at 2.25, grrrrrrrrrr.

Estring -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 3:12:20 PM)

Yes we here in California get screwed. We have taxes added to each gallon of gas. Then we are taxed for that amount too! Plus we have to have a special blend of gas because of our pollution laws. Plus we have summer and winter blends that they charge us for each time they change over. All these taxes are supposed to pay to fix our roads. Yet we still have the worst roads in the country.

dixiedumpling -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 5:00:42 PM)

The worst roads in the country are in California? Been to Louisanna lately? They even have state signs that say, "substandard road next __ miles".

iwillserveu -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 5:22:32 PM)

In Massachusetts every gallon has about 44 cents of taxes. In California you have to support an even more bureaucratic state. (I doubt you have to fix potholes often.:))

iwillserveu -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 5:27:56 PM)

Roads schmoads. Pot holes filled with snow packed down to an extreme slipperiness and covered with a sheet of ice from freezing rain topped by offensive drivers who think 4 wheel drive gives them the right of way depite the fact the other people can't stop or manuever as they do.

One benefit of higher gas prices is morons will have to get front wheel frive like me.

ModeratorThree -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 7:04:56 PM)

I cross the state line(Missouri)to get gas, 7 miles away it is 1.65.

But here it varies from 1.79- 1.95 in a 15 mile radius.

When I was in Chicago a few years back, Illinois lifted the state taxes to ease the cost. I was still paying 2.44 then. When I got south and it was 1.29 I was appaled at the difference in the prices.


LDnHisRose -> RE: Gas Prices (6/16/2004 9:52:09 PM)



Yes we here in California get screwed. We have taxes added to each gallon of gas. Then we are taxed for that amount too! Plus we have to have a special blend of gas because of our pollution laws. Plus we have summer and winter blends that they charge us for each time they change over. All these taxes are supposed to pay to fix our roads. Yet we still have the worst roads in the country.

[:-] Estring- I think I'd consider moving just from all that Here in TX the prices have dropped slightly, I'm getting it at Kroger's w/ my plus card for $1.82 a compared to some stations where it's gone as high as $2.20 a gallon...

[:o]$2.37 proudsub??? You know the ones skimming off the top have extra padded pockets lately.[>:]

Happy gas frustrations! [:D]
~His rose~

Thanatosian -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 3:46:21 AM)


(I doubt you have to fix potholes often.:))

true - but can you boast a state park dedicated to ----- a pothole?
I can - about 20 miles from where I live is the Pennsylvania Pothole State Park - and get this - the dang thing isn't even in a road!!!! (not to worry - many of its brothers and sisters are) its just this big pothole out in the middle of nowhere. Our state taxes at work[:'(]

as a side note, I find it very interesting to follow gas prices and the complaints associated with it. people who would bitch about paying $2 a gallon for gas but dont blink an eye when paying $3 something for 1 ounce of whiteout - that works out to something like $384 a gallon

and from the cesspool of useless information I like to call my mind - the only reason Ford decided to use gasoline to run his engines? it was the cheapest thing available, as a natural byproduct of the (then) more important manufacturing of kerosene (little to no electricity back then - still using kerosene lanterns for the most part to light homes)

Thanatosian -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 3:50:53 AM)


Why should it be $1.88 at one station and $1.81 5 miles away? You would think they'd be getting it from the same refinery.

that depends on the affiliation of the gas station - i.e. Sunoco, Mobil, Texaco, etc. - stations with different affiliations usually have to get it from their 'parent' company refinery - which would help explain the difference in prices between, say, a Mobil station and a Texaco station - so I can understand varying prices between different affiliations, but when two stations with the same affiliation located just 4 miles apart have a price that differs by 7 or 8 cents per gallon is where my mind bogs down - and both offer full service, so that is not the difference - guess one owner just wants a bit bigger profit is the only conclusion I can come to

(edited to clarify point - shoulda used preview button[;)])

proudsub -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 9:59:10 AM)


true - but can you boast a state park dedicated to ----- a pothole?

I can too--in WA we have a Potholes State Park, but no one can afford to drive there anymore with our gas prices.[:(]

sub4hire -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 1:56:35 PM)

Well it was 2.29 a gallon today in Burbank. Yep, I get around.
I have'nt looked lately but in reality I think nearly .60 cents a gallon goes to taxes.
All they would have to do is lift them for a while. Of course that would take someone thinking in Washington though.

Sinergy -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 8:12:46 PM)

So I overhear two guys in conversation, one of them states rather wistfully "I am starting to lose faith in Bush."

*tries to imagine ever having faith in Shrub and fails*

Operation Iraqi Freedom was originally named Operation Iraqi Liberation until somebody mentioned that the acronym would be OIL and the Bush administration was trying to not make the connection between oil and invading Iraq.


ModeratorThree -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 9:23:16 PM)

In Illinois a few years back the state did in fact lift the taxes for a little while. Because gas had become so damned expensive. Each state adds thier own taxes on top of the federal ones. It can happen, but don't know what it takes to get a state to do so.


GoddessMarissa -> RE: Gas Prices (6/17/2004 11:24:28 PM)

Getting raped out here~at the most 2.60 a gallon

desire -> RE: Gas Prices (6/21/2004 7:04:41 PM)


Why should it be $1.88 at one station and $1.81 5 miles away? You would think they'd be getting it from the same refinery.

Okay, a subject I know a little about, finally. I work for a bulk plant that sells gas, diesel and propane to area stations, farmers and home owners here in Texas.

Number 1 is, yes, they are more than likely getting the fuel at the same refinery. But..... If the price drops 2 or 6 or 8 or even 10 cents (10 cents a day is rare, fyi) and one station got a load in with the price up and the other station was lucky enough to get a load in when the price was down, that is how it can be so different, even if they are located across the block from each other. Most, if not all bulk plants and stations make the same mark up on their products and have no choice but to go up or down as their demands dictate.

Number 2 is, if you have a place you prefer to get your fuel from and they are way above what the others that are close by, please keep in mind that it is not the station that is "screwing" you, but the high prices of crude oil and the companies that refine it.

Each state has their own taxes they tack on to the price of gasoline and diesel and perhaps that is where some "demands" should be made. The federal government has 18.4 cents on gasoline and 24.4 cents on diesel. Then each state has their own individual taxes tacked on. Texas has 20 cents per gallon, which, i've learned isn't bad compared to a lot of other states. After all, Texas does have some fairly decent roads to travel through.

Now consider this: The company i work for buys direct from the refinery and we transport our fuel to our various bulk plants for delivery. We have to pay for our fuel in 10 days as do almost all Transportation companies that deliver fuel. Almost all of our customers pay in 30 days, if not more. We have a credit line in order to do provide that service. Our markup is between 1.75 cents and 14 cents to our customers, not going over that 14 cents, depending on how much they want on delivery. A Transport holds between 7,000 and 8,500 gallons. If we charge 10 cents a gallon, which is rare, it is usually around that 1.75 to 5 cents a gallon max. But even on 10 cents a gallon, that is only $700.00 a load and we have to pay interest for the 20 to 60 days that a customer normally pays for delivery. Then the one that bought the fuel has to have some kind of mark up as well.

Okay, i'm rambling here and i apologize for that....But, it wouldn't hurt to look at the prices sometimes and realize that the money is not being made by the one's delivering it or the one's selling it to you but rather from the refineries. The ones that deliver it and the ones that sell it have the same markup always....they just have to go by what the price is to get it there for them.

Food or fuel for thought...... Stations and the ones getting it to the station don't control the prices and never have. They make the same no matter what the price is and compared to other commodities....they make way less per item (gallon) than all the rest.

How many other products out there make less than 10% on their product they are selling?


proudsub -> RE: Gas Prices (6/21/2004 7:37:45 PM)

Thank you for all the information desire. I do believe stations raise prices in wealthier neighborhoods though, because they can get it, or maybe because their lease and property taxes are higher. I know where I live gas is always about .05-.10/gal higher than in nearby lower income areas for the same brand stations.

MistressKiss -> RE: Gas Prices (6/22/2004 1:18:11 AM)

Agreed....I had not noticed the increase that much until just recently. Texas rocks. Ya'll move here!

ShadeDiva -> RE: Gas Prices (6/22/2004 1:49:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressKiss
Texas rocks. Ya'll move here!

Even though I was Texas born, no way in hell.

I'll visit but not move.

California has a LOT of things that suck true, but I'm far too spoiled with the BDSM communities in the bay area and northern california in general.

At least thats how I feel *now*. lol


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