RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (Full Version)

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Dragonzaymaster -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/3/2005 7:04:26 AM)

zaynab is my sub. For those of you who believe DID is an excuse or a ploy to get attention, how sad your limited thinking is. It reminds me of the TV series all in the family and an archie bunker mentality. The legal system in ohio agreed with the diagnosis in aquitting billy milligan in the many minds of billy milligan. A now Dr. who was a sucessful business man who writes about his journey Dr. cameron west in when the book first person plural. In addition to the published data I am intimately aware of DID living with zaynab and having the disorder myself. In professional publications there have been studies done that most ( and that is a segment sample) women into the BSDM lifestyle have some form of abuse in their backgrounds, usually sexual abuse. The occurance of true sexual abuse to mainly women and girls in the world is in my opinion alarming. At this point in my education and experience with DID I can look into the eyes of someone and see the fervency. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Ancient Asian philsophy. I can go on with pseudo intellectual blather but the bottom line is DID is very real, it is NOT a mental illness it is a defense mechanism to protect the pysche just like post traumattic distress syndrome, and many women especially and men in fewer numbers have this DISORDER. zaynab will come under considerable attack for her outspoken feelings. Not only do I admire her dedidication and commitment I will champion her in this matter. A phrase from a film comes to mind " everyone in the world is walking around asleep and there are a few who are awake and look on in total amazement" I am not perfect, I am awake.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/3/2005 11:06:09 AM)

Exactly whom are you referring to? I didn't see a single negative post in the entire thread. THIS looks like an excuse or a ploy to get attention.


ORIGINAL: Dragonzaymaster

For those of you who believe DID is an excuse or a ploy to get attention, how sad your limited thinking is.

Dragonzaymaster -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/3/2005 9:46:57 PM)

LordandMaster this refference alluded to other comments in other threads and some chats. I did not mean to offend anyone. I tend to be pre-emptive regarding this subject due to experience with judgemental people.

tinkJH -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/4/2005 12:49:21 PM)

Just a comment from a girl who was in the chatroom during the "innappropiate topic".

1) no one said it was an inappropriate topic.

2) no one yelled at her for comming in and starting talking about DID.

However, many people, myself included and even a few who are licensed in therepy (as least I think) did not believe her and did infact believe it was an attention ploy. She was "challenged" so to speak on the subject of DID by a few others in the chatroom who did happen to know much of the disorder/illness. She seemed to proove more then once that she knew very little on what she was talking about and the more further she went on trying to "give examples of her DID" the more she sounded like a little girl that just wanted attention. Most the room wrote it off as someone that has seen Identity too many times and then dropped the subject.

"No, DID is not a illness it is a mental disorder, I am not sick I do not need a doctor or medication because I am in control" (or something.. right.)

BlouLady -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/4/2005 8:46:08 PM)

what exactly is DID ,and what are the symptoms?

Dragonzaymaster -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/12/2005 7:45:27 PM)

for tinkjh. All offense meant I will follow the guidelines of the Doctors ( real diplomas on the wall) instead of a name typed in a chat room. If you choose to follow professional the advise of the chat room folk good luck. Many of the folk i have read here are judgemental bigots. To quote dark,tal,and witty as close as possible the blistering of fools is music to the intellect. A note saw the movie identity 2 years after diagnisis. If you can read read current books "when the rabbit howl" "first person plural". There are no pictures in thse books. The professional you refer to is not a Doctor. Certianly the dom i spoke to is more a rabble rouser.

For bloulady, DID means dissocative identity disorder formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Like the movie sybil. It is a result of severe childhood trauma usually sexual abuse before the age of 12. Many professionals believe the bulk of people mainly women in BSDM are afflicted with it. The symptoms are long lapses of memory, extreme personality changes, erratic behavior changes, some depression. My opinion as i stated in another thread is most people discount the diagnosis due to the fact they themselves are abusers or cant face the abuse done to them. If you feel there are times you do not remember, clothes you dont remember buying, people addressing you with a different name and this is confucing and causes anexiety seek professional help. There are many excellent clinics that specilize in this and can direct you if you are not colse to one.Good luck.

Gideon147 -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/14/2005 11:08:34 PM)

The more intense the society gets, the more intense the people that live in that society get.

Someone here might have the answer you're looking for. They're a great bunch of people.


stef -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/15/2005 6:15:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Dragonzaymaster

Many professionals believe the bulk of people mainly women in BSDM are afflicted with it.

What did you mean to say here? Was it that the bulk of people with DID are women in BDSM or that the bulk of women in BDSM have DID?

Either way, I would love to see some information on it. Can you provide any reference(s) regarding the professionals that feel this way?


Tormentius -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/15/2005 8:59:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Dragonzaymaster

Many professionals believe the bulk of people mainly women in BSDM are afflicted with it.

If you're going to actually expect people to regard this as anything but rambling bullshit then provide some valid and credible references.

Gideon147 -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/16/2005 5:03:26 PM)

Almost everyone has DID to some extent, in as much as dissociation occurrs in event. However, some people experience DID in extremes. Mood and personality swings, extreme loss of time, are indicative of those that do have extreme and more rare cases of DID.

For the average person, dissociation often takes place while driving. Where the person knows that they left point A, that they drove to point B, but can't recall the actual trip. The mind just went "out to lunch," so to speak.

Here's a link that might be helpful to those that are interested in the ramifications of DID/BDSM:


Tormentius -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/17/2005 5:01:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gideon147

Almost everyone has DID to some extent, in as much as dissociation occurrs in event.

My answer to this is the same as I stated above. The link you provided had no supporting evidence and didn't even list why the author should be considered remotely credible. Before making sweeping generalizations about a community how about looking up some solid proven facts from credible sources in order to back your position. Until then, its simply more bullshit posted on a forum.

Dragonzaymaster -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/19/2005 7:31:22 PM)


You are truely an asshole!

Tormentius -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/19/2005 10:19:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dragonzaymaster


You are truely an asshole!

I still don't see any references to credible sources posted. If you're going to making a sweeping assumption about 85% of a community having a mental disorder then be prepared to back up your claims. If you can't do something that simple then you look like a jackass who doesn't really know what he is talking about (which is what I'm betting on).

By the way, thanks.

zaynab -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 5:23:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I've been following these threads but haven't written anything because I don't know jackshit about DID.

But comments like this one make me wonder whether you're serious. You're going to let your alters talk to each other? How exactly does that work? How are you going to know about the conversations afterwards--do the alters keep a written record? And what happens if things get out of hand and your alters do destructive things? I assume you're not in control while your alter is talking, right?



ORIGINAL: zaynab

anyway...... i have one new friend who messaged me who has alters and i'm going to see if we can let our alters chat with eachother......

the two alters we were going to let talk are both our bitch alters so i can't wait to see what they come up with for their first chat..... lol ~ zay

Hi Lam Sir,
when i was diagnosed, my therapist told me that the best way to handle this is to facilitate communication between myself and the alters, and between the alters themselves...

this makes the connection between these different parts of my psyche, the connections that non-DID people have naturally, because they didn't splinter up psychologically when they were a child.

what is that like? well, like right now, in my mind, i can hear one of my alters say,
"some of the people on here that message are real @ssholes"... (not referring to you or anyone on this thread) this is not my own thought because i don't view ANYONE in that manner... and i did not originate that thought in my mind....

so i will consciously think "it may seem that way, but everyone is at different levels of maturity".

then i will hear "maturity! oh my god! they're acting like total jerks!"

then i reply "that may be your opinion, but i don't think like that, maybe YOU need to mature!"

stuff like that, although i will admit that i can hear the voices also. it's typical for a multiple to hear someone calling their names. many times, i would hear someone calling my name and would yell out "What?" and one of my kids would say, "no one called you, mom"....

my family is so relieved to know that this is just my psyche that's been "disordered" and not a true mental disease as in illness...

a good example is 4 people in a car... the driver is me (the host), the others in the car are the alters... sometimes, one of them will shove me into the passenger seat and drive, while i watch in horror (laughing) at what im doing.... if im shoved into the back seat, im not aware of whats going on in the front seat (subconscious) and when im back in the drivers seat, i frantically look around to see if that alter wrecked the car or not that day...

sometimes people will talk to me about something and say we discussed it at great length just the day before, and i say "sorry, wasn't me, what did we talk about?"

it's wierd but fun too.... most of the time... alters can and do bad things, which is very, very scarey for me.... we're working on this but its difficult as i have to rely on the alters to cooperate and mostly make deals with them to behave.... *sigh

tinkJH -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 5:48:07 AM)

*Removes the post she was making because her Master would not approve, and it would be beneath her to sink to such a childish and immature level as zaynab and her "Master".*

on a second note... Isn't zaynab the name of the alien character on the Wiggles? (Kid's TV show.)

zaynab -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 6:00:24 AM)



Just a comment from a girl who was in the chatroom during the "innappropiate topic".

tink... to answer your comments individually...

1) no one said it was an inappropriate topic.
i did not say that someone else said it was an inappropriate topic.... i myelf was asking if it was an inappropriate topic based on the response that i got when i threw it out that i have DID and asked if anyone else in the room had it...some people don't mind admitting it and i wanted to talk with those people about it...

2) no one yelled at her for comming in and starting talking about DID.
not to get semantic here, but "yelling" in a chat room is determined by the use of capital letters only, as it assaults the eyes on a busy chat room screen and also averts everyone's attention to the person using the caps... so in this example, the person who spoke to me the most about this was indeed, "yelling".

"However, many people, myself included and even a few who are licensed in therepy (as least I think) did not believe her and did infact believe it was an attention ploy."

i have no problem if someone doesn't believe me, what would it matter to me? what made me upset was that being a new person in the room, i threw out one question and a Dom not only yelled that i was bullshitting, he kept on about it for quite some time.
i decided to view this as a "challenge" instead of an insult so it would be easier for me handle communicating with a person who treats others in that rude manner. as for the people who are licensed in therapy, if they truly WERE professionals in that field, they would never make a judgement on another person's mental condition simply by a 15 minute chat on a chat room screen while the new person is being verbally attacked by another. As professionals, i would hope that they would also not state to the person claiming to be a multiple that they are making it up, as that would very damaging to a multiple who was trying to share this info with others.

"She was "challenged" so to speak on the subject of DID by a few others in the chatroom who did happen to know much of the disorder/illness. She seemed to proove more then once that she knew very little on what she was talking about and the more further she went on trying to "give examples of her DID" the more she sounded like a little girl that just wanted attention. "

On the contrary, what i recall is that i gave current DID information that is freely available to all to read on the internet and IS on most of the DID websites. The fact that others were denying this information showed me that they were not up to date with their information so obviously do not even read easily accessible public information on this topic, let alone "study" it, especially as a profession.

as for your comment "as she went on.... the more she sounded like a little girl that just wanted attention...."

Duh! FYI, an attacked multiple who gets increasingly upset may switch to a child alter.... or didn't you know that about DID? that is a basic fundamental principle of this disorder, ya know.

"Most the room wrote it off as someone that has seen Identity too many times and then dropped the subject. "

i have no problem with skepticism... and as a side note.... for anyone who watches that movie, alters killing themselves to become integrated is totally incorrect (as that movie portrayed), facilitating communication between the host & the alters is the correct therapy for a multiple... inner worlds (which the town was) are much bigger than that (at least mine is)... and there was something else about that movie that was incorrect but now im getting mad and forgot what i wanted to say. *laughing

""No, DID is not a illness it is a mental disorder, I am not sick I do not need a doctor or medication because I am in control" (or something.. right.)"

you are quoting me and yet you add (or something...right)? that's not a quote then.
what i said was DID is not a mental disease, it's a disorder. my mind is not "sick", there are no medications for DID but they do perscribe a med for anxiety which is only an effect from having DID.... and i don't remember the word "control" ever coming into the conversations at all.

i'd also like to add that i did not view anyone in there as "attacking" me on this, except for one Dom, and again, i didn't mind what he was saying, only that he kept repeating on and on that i was "bullshitting" instead of saying it just once, and he refused to acknowledge almost all of my answers to his questions, he also refused to answer many of mine.

treating a newcomer to the chat room in this manner, was, in my opinion.... wrong. i believe i did quite well with how i handled the situation considering the lacking social skills this person has and also that it was making me very upset as it dragged on... i ended up feeling sick for about 4 hours afterwards.

zaynab -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 6:14:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tormentius


ORIGINAL: Gideon147

Almost everyone has DID to some extent, in as much as dissociation occurrs in event.

My answer to this is the same as I stated above. The link you provided had no supporting evidence and didn't even list why the author should be considered remotely credible. Before making sweeping generalizations about a community how about looking up some solid proven facts from credible sources in order to back your position. Until then, its simply more bullshit posted on a forum.

i'll take the time to find the supporting evidence because i've read some of it myself.... "time is not my friend" but i can see that you are truly interested to read about this and i don't mind doing it... will post it on this thread soon... ~ zay

zaynab -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 6:25:00 AM)



*Removes the post she was making because her Master would not approve, and it would be beneath her to sink to such a childish and immature level as zaynab and her "Master".*

on a second note... Isn't zaynab the name of the alien character on the Wiggles? (Kid's TV show.)

*laughing... that's so funny! isnt that the show where the 4 guys dance around for kids?
that show really amazed me.. what folks will do for money but im not knocking their idea, because it's working for them! (if that is the show you are referring to)

my name zaynab was given to me by my Dom because the main character of a book called "The Love Slave" was sexually trained to be a love slave... and many of the things that she experienced were things that i had experienced as a child.

i loved the character from that book, so i asked my Dom if i could give it to my main queen alter and he said yes. She and i are co-conscious most of the time, thank god, so i feel very comfy using her name as mine on this website. *smile

junkyard -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 6:38:15 AM)

I went to the proffered link and found this quote: "It is estimated that up to 85% of the people involved in the D/s BDSM lifestyles are 'survivors' of physical, mental, sexual, spiritual, verbal, emotional or other violent abuse and assault experiences."

Um...spiritual abuse or assault? What's the data on that one? How is emotional abuse different from mental abuse? How is verbal abuse different from mental abuse?

Sounds like gibberish to me.

I agree that this topic might be acceptable *IF AND ONLY IF* some kind of sound medical or psychiatric information could be brought to bear on the subject. As is, it does seem like attention getting.

Personally I have no interest in anyone that claims to have a disorder that is itself the perfect defense against ever having to behave responsibly.


ORIGINAL: zaynab
sometimes people will talk to me about something and say we discussed it at great length just the day before, and i say "sorry, wasn't me, what did we talk about?"

it's wierd but fun too.... most of the time... alters can and do bad things, which is very, very scarey for me.... we're working on this but its difficult as i have to rely on the alters to cooperate and mostly make deals with them to behave.... *sigh

Yeah, lol...funny. You know how funny this really is: not at all. You have the perfect excuse to behave in any fool way you want and then fall back on this claim of a disorder that is causing you to behave "inappropriately" (as suggested by your subject line).

I am not the expert on this subject, but this all part of a long debate on false memories and so on. The science is not on your side of it. I could dig up better sources, but this one's a good start:

zaynab -> RE: Inappropriate Topics?! (7/20/2005 6:38:26 AM)

have to add this... as soon as the Dom i'm referring to above, and his side-kick licensed therapist friend began insisting that i prove i have DID by emailing both of them the real life contact information for my DID therapist so they could verify that i have it.... i disregarded them as ever being credible as people well balanced enough for me to communicate with in a serious manner.

i do have DID, but i'm not insane! lol

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