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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 4:54:18 AM   

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I don't mind the PIBs (people in black). I think back to the great Alice Cooper, then KISS, and laugh when people say Marilyn Manson is cutting edge! Many Raider National fanatics look like they belong in a KISS tribute band. Fun to watch.

I do have a sense of humor that starves for audience in out all to PC world. I saw a group of punk's, wild cerulean blue mohawks, purple bobs, and rainbow dreads, I turned to my friend and said they looked like a school of tropical fish!

As for droopy drawers, heard it said they use the look to conceal weapons, and can pack rifles this way. And about Darwining criminals in baggy pants, add those sneakers with LED's that are still popular (mostly in K-6 age) and I recall watching COPS and seeing a criminal running, one hand holding up his pants and the lights flashing light tracking beacons. The suspect almost escaped because the officers and cameraman were laughing so hard as the tried to use the darkness as cover. Now, I would like to see the COPS blooper reels!

Madom Aura

Guilty pleasures, COPS, Tabloids, and Cheese Whiz

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 5:53:46 AM   

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Thank god society dosen`t frown on women wearing black tights and biker shorts.....

Indeed! It's just a shame they wasted so much time inventing other forms of clothing


As for droopy drawers, heard it said they use the look to conceal weapons, and can pack rifles this way.

Rifles? Nah. If you want to carry a rifle (or a pistol-grip shottie), you rock a trenchcoat.

(in reply to Owner59)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 6:21:10 AM   

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I wish the way people dressed was the biggest problem we had in America. It is kinda funny to me to witness people on this board writing about the dress code. And getting all hot under the collar about it as well. lolol

Although I proudly announce my vanilla status, I do so because I feel thats the one thing on this board that would set me apart. If I really am vanilla, then I might say, vanilla people are more tolerant of people, than BDSM people. lol Although if we want to talk about rediculous attire, we could always start a discussion on Chastity belts for men and women. Now there's an area I could make fun of!

The thing is, at 48, I feel like I've seen it all. And the image that sticks out in my mind on this thread, would be Popeye driving around in his vehicle yelling out the window, at groups of kids who dress alike. lolol Fuck! lolololol Especially funny is him pointing to his crotch at every interaction. lol This is just too too funny to me.

So popeye, whats in those jeans of yours that you're so proud of? Wanna share?  lolololololololol xoxoxo Sophia.

(in reply to petdave)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 7:40:40 AM   

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I'm just as annoyed as the next person by the droopy  pants, and thankfully I've not had the problem with my own sons, although their pants do generally hang low enough to show an inch or so of boxers.   I love the fact that criminals are literally being tripped up by their ridiculous little fashion statement.  I've asked more than one young man to please pull up his pants.

Popeye,  do young people wearing black offend you so much that you  really do verbally assault them every time you see them?    We're not talking about people who are exposing themselves, so what if they wear black,  to what you or i might consider excess, what business is it of yours? 

I might have to agree with the poster who stated that vanilla folks seem to be more accepting  than  a lot of "alternative" types.    Popeye, no offense, but your comments usually support that theory.

< Message edited by spankmepink11 -- 8/14/2007 7:41:25 AM >

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 8:46:50 AM   

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When the parents are waddling around in leather pants, ponytails, piercings, and tattoos, the kids have to come up with something to offend old Archie and Edith, ... looks like drooping pants have done the trick. 

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 9:14:52 AM   

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Am I the only one who can barely resist the temptation to sneak up behind these people, yank their pants the rest of the way down and shove them so that they fall? Its not like they can chase you. Ohhh the temptation is growing every day.

(in reply to Alumbrado)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 10:01:04 AM   

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From: New Hampshire
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ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

I'm just as annoyed as the next person by the droopy  pants, and thankfully I've not had the problem with my own sons, although their pants do generally hang low enough to show an inch or so of boxers.   I love the fact that criminals are literally being tripped up by their ridiculous little fashion statement.  I've asked more than one young man to please pull up his pants.

Popeye,  do young people wearing black offend you so much that you  really do verbally assault them every time you see them?    We're not talking about people who are exposing themselves, so what if they wear black,  to what you or i might consider excess, what business is it of yours? 

I might have to agree with the poster who stated that vanilla folks seem to be more accepting  than  a lot of "alternative" types.    Popeye, no offense, but your comments usually support that theory.

Spankmepink, no, they don't "offend" me I just think it's funny.
It takes a lot to "offend" me and I'm not "politically correct."
If someone wants to dress up to look like Dracula in black on a 90 degree day and hang out in a parking lot (In Public) good on them but why can't I comment on it?
I was a hippie in the 1960's and I got plenty of comments, the finger, and beer bottles thrown at me.
I grew up in the Boston, Mass area and one of my friends was Dave Robinson who later went on to become the drummer for The Cars.
One time Dave got us a "gig" in Boston.
I played blues harp and sang.
We went into this place and they had drums on the stage so all Dave needed was his stix.
I didn't like the looks of it, real rough clientel.
The two other guys we were teaming up with were already there and they had long hair like us.
We started playing and the guys in there started booing.
"You fuckin' hippies!" "Get out of here!"
They were longshoremen and some of them had probably served in Vietnam.
Then the bottles started flying.
Dave said, "I think we better get out of here", so we ran out the door and beer bottles started smashing on the street right behind us.
I said, "Dave, how did you get this gig?"
He said, "Run Tom, run!"
So I did my turn.
But, I do stuff like that all the time.
One time when I lived in N.H. I got stuck right behind a school bus.
It was stopping at every third house and there were about 6 cars behind me and the kids at the back of the bus were sticking their tongues out at me.
So, I gave them the finger.
They started giving me the finger back so I gave it to them and mouthed "Fuck You" to them and they did it back to me.
All of a sudden the bus pulled off the road and stopped.
As I passed it I could see the driver going to the back of the bus.
The other cars behind me beeped and gave me the thumbs up.

Another time I was "test marketing" one of my "Politically IN-correct" bumperstickers.
It was on the back of my truck and said; "Can't Speak English? Get Out!"
I pulled into a shopping mall lot and this yuppie lady behind me started yelling at me and saying the sign was "ignorant."
I looked at her and said; "Hey college girl, if they can't speak english how're they supposed to read the bumpersticker?"
"Ah, ah, well.....ah."
My sister calls me "Uncle Buck."

< Message edited by popeye1250 -- 8/14/2007 10:19:11 AM >


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to spankmepink11)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 11:10:54 AM   

Posts: 1433
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Yup. Frickin Popeye. I mean, Frickin Uncle Buck. What an upstart. Think he stands out in a crowd with that mouth of his? lololol xoxo Soph

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 48
RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 11:31:28 AM   

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From: New Hampshire
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That carhumour site doesn't work anymore.
Some of my bumperstickers, "Hey Saddam, who's your Daddy!"
"Support the French War Hero Museum."
"Bin Laden Eats Bacon."
"Deport Illegal Aliens."
"Masturbation is Not a Crime!"
good for putting on a nasty neighbor's bumper.


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to sophia37)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 11:32:17 AM   

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i lived in the south bronx in the 80's i rocked a stetson levis cowboy boots. no one EVER made fun of me. maybe cause i looked like i would tear their heads off . the 007 blade in my pocket might have been a give away for that.
my kid wears emo/ goth clothes. i think she looks beautiful.
i wear clothes that are  way too young for me. they expect a 42 year old to wear mrs. cleaver clothes and hide her sexuality. HA!
my kids roll their eyes when i wear my leather collar and my stiletto boots out. their male teachers love it though.
let's not judge lest we be judged. ah fuck it i make fun of many .like the BBW at the gas station wearing bright orange stretch pants with matching sneakers. i said outloud to my friend, dont ever let me leave the house looking like that. of course i dont care if someone talks about my way of dressing, i dress for me and Master

(in reply to sophia37)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 11:41:56 AM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250
So Caitlyn, tell us about this "Goth Culture."
They have their own churches and stuff like that?
And is it one of the rules that you have to wear all black and dye your hair black?

I'm sure you can look it up, and get all sorts of information. I can really only tell you about the people I hung out with, which is a pretty small sample group.
Myself, I'm Catholic, so we didn't have an actual church.
Most girls opt for something like pink hair, although I did the black hair thing for a while. Black fingernails and dark heavy makeup was pretty much a must. The guys seem to opt for black hair, because the pink or blue hair was a bit too strange.
From my experience, Goth culture was mostly about music, attitude, and being a rebel. I got in to it, in a strange way. When I came here, I was a little over-weight, very quiet and lacked confidence. I wasn't very popular, and was largely outcast by the "cool kids." When you make fun of Goths, you kind of put yourself in the category of the kinds of people that make Goths what they are. At one point, I lost some weight and learned how to make myself pretty ... and poof, instant popularity. When grades and class rankings came out, I did pretty well (I'm not overly smart, unlike CuriousLord, but do get very high grades), and was mostly put back in the "not cool" category. I was a cheerleader for football, and that made me popular again, but the moment football season ended, some of my "friends" were not very friendly. It all seemed very shallow to me. I started hanging out with people that accepted me, for me ... even if "me" was a little off-beat.
What you may find, is that many Goths (at least this is my experience) are pretty smart and do well in school. There are certainly those that get bad grades as a form of rebellion, but in general, the Goths that were/are my friends tended to be straight-A students. Lots of Goths, poke smot.  Some do harder stuff, but in general, that's reserved for the "cool kids" and the general druggie losers. Myself, I don't smoke at all ... I just don't like it.
Goths get made fun of a lot. I didn't suffer this all that much, being a somewhat attractive Goth that tends to get along with everyone ... but in my pink hair and black makeup hay day, I guess you could say that I was the sort of chick that you dated (read: wanted to fuck), but never introduced to your parents. Goths tend to like spanking and light BDSM at a younger age than most. Very few High School girls will let a guy spank them ... and most Goth chicks will. Remembering my High School days, most of the "cool girls" were highly skilled at using sex and their sexuality as a weapon. Not so much with Goth chicks. Every Goth girl I ever men, was bisexual, althought I'm told it's actually pretty unusual in the Goth community at large.
Today, my interaction with Goth culture is limited to going to Goth clubs, which are lots of fun. The best dance clubs by far, are the Goth dance clubs, in my opinion. You might not think so, what with worrying about getting your neck bitten and all.  For the club scene, there are metal Goths, and punk Goths ... this mostly having to do with musical preference. I'm not big on metal Goth, because it's hard to dance to. A relatively new phenominon is the classical music Goth. I'm all over this. I love to listen to, and play, classical music.
I hope this helps.


I wish I could buy back ...
the woman you stole.

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 51
RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 12:01:49 PM   

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From: New Hampshire
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So it's all about what other people think?
Sounds like high school.
I don't care about their "culture" or anything like that I just like to get them going.
"Hey Dracula! Right here!"


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to caitlyn)
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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 12:03:18 PM   

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How old did you say you were?


I wish I could buy back ...
the woman you stole.

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 53
RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 3:34:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250

So it's all about what other people think?
Sounds like high school.
I don't care about their "culture" or anything like that I just like to get them going.
"Hey Dracula! Right here!"

I love it. "Hey Dracula! Right here!" "Frankensteing". LOL, Ah, I needed a good laugh. I don't know why but I'm laughing my ass off here.

If I pass through S. Carolina(believe that is where you are at). You got to let me drive along. I think I might die of laughter.

Seriously, besides it being funny to piss off teeny boppers. I personally only have a problem with dress styles that expose the ass and genitals. I don't want to see cock, and ass!.

Goths kids generally just think to much in my experience and reject the status quo. So, that's a good thing unless taken to extremes.

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 54
RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 3:50:59 PM   

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ORIGINAL: BruisedHick

I really do find it hilarious that so many here make fun of a certain group for their fashions.

Granted, there is a certain humour in rebelling by conforming to uncomfortable and inconvenient clothing

So it's humorous, but we're not supposed to make fun of it? What is this, some kind of test???

i don't look normal. Haven't for years. Have taken a bunch of shit for it. Stopped giving much of a damn about it.

So am i a hypocrite for making fun of droopy drawerz? No.
Why? Because i'm not upset by the idea that people don't like the way i look. They have opinions? Fine. i have opinions. Evvvvvrybody has opinions.

The fact that i engage in BDSM is irrelevant to my agreeing that the "seat of the pants" is referred to as the "seat" because you're supposed to sit on it, as in, it should be covering your ass. It's like saying that you think it's hilarious that there are people here who like to eat pizza.

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 3:56:12 PM   

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From: New Hampshire
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ORIGINAL: popeye1250

So it's all about what other people think?
Sounds like high school.
I don't care about their "culture" or anything like that I just like to get them going.
"Hey Dracula! Right here!"

I love it. "Hey Dracula! Right here!" "Frankensteing". LOL, Ah, I needed a good laugh. I don't know why but I'm laughing my ass off here.

If I pass through S. Carolina(believe that is where you are at). You got to let me drive along. I think I might die of laughter.

Seriously, besides it being funny to piss off teeny boppers. I personally only have a problem with dress styles that expose the ass and genitals. I don't want to see cock, and ass!.

Goths kids generally just think to much in my experience and reject the status quo. So, that's a good thing unless taken to extremes.

Needs, yeah, it's funny as hell, I yell, "Trick or Treat!" and they go right into "fuck you mode."
You'd think the dumb fuckers would recognise my car by now.
I don't go out of my way or anything but if I'm at the supermarket I'll say to myself; "I wonder If the zombies are hanging out today" and drive by that drugstore.
They really do look like they're dressed up for Halloween.
Black clothes, hair, makeup etc.
"Hey Dracula, suck on this!"


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 5:08:25 PM   

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ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Spoken like a man that wears John Wayne reject hats with white t-shirts.


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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 5:11:23 PM   

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My sister would never let my nephew (17) out of the house dressed like that. Maybe he dresses that way when she isn't aware of it, but I doubt it. He's a really smart, and very respectful. I think he probably thinks people who dress that way look kinda stupid, even if he might not say so out loud.

- Susan

Ya know...sometimes even smart kids like to be edgy.  To assume that how someone dresses represents their IQ is a little limiting.

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/14/2007 6:14:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: InnocentYoungSub


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Also when I drive by a certain drug store there's these kids who hang out there all dressed in black with dyed black hair.
Anytime I drive by and they're there I put the window down and yell out, "Trick or Treat!" to them.

So you go around making fun of those who are different? o_O

I dress in all black(for the most part). There is nothing wrong with it. It's a good color.

Well, to be entirely fair to other posters...certainly not to take away from your inherent is not in fact an actual is actually "the absence of color"...

(However, I suspect everyone understood the intent of your post).

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RE: Showing their skivies - 8/15/2007 5:19:11 AM   

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It's not about being politically correct Popeye, it's called maturity.  Or how about just treating others in the manner  that you would like to be treated?

< Message edited by spankmepink11 -- 8/15/2007 5:20:07 AM >

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