RE: Equal Education For All (Full Version)

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seeksfemslave -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 11:23:35 AM)

Agh, a common social prejudice, professional parents can do now wrong lol.
Second of all I wasn't offering my diagnosps of the children as such, I justified what I believe to be true with what I had observed  in the modern book, ie a sensible TV documentary programme.

Such programmes usually strive to be unbiased but it is quite clear, IMO anyway, what is the message being transmitted .

Anyway "bad parenting" is a loaded term and can just as easily mean unconscious error. such as say an emotionally absent father whose behaviour makes both the wife and the children unhappy but he cant see it because he needs to relax and unwind after a hard day providing a good standard of living for a family that is disintegrating before his eyes.

julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:15:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweetnurseBBW

In NC where I live there is a shortage of special needs teachers. In one county alone 87 positions have gone unfilled for the start of the school year for special needs teachers. It's very sad and the children are the ones that suffer.

If my parents weren't getting up there in years, my youngest wasn't in high school and there were good programs for the 19-26 year olds in NC so that my daughter could continue her education, I'd be there in a minute. Oh wait...My Master would have to go too, and my friends, and my children's friends, and ...

*sigh* I'll have to stay here.


julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:25:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: JerseyKrissi72

I have a son with autism as many people already know. When I was growing up I had alot of emotional issues and was in a special class to deal with them for a few years- now, most public schools here do not have the means to teach special needs children within their schools..why is this? I think every school should be equipped to meet the needs of ALL their children...

It SERIOUSLY pays to know the ins and outs of IDEA 2004 and all the requirements placed on schools. Then get a good lawyer and fight for the rights that the law has provided for your child. You'll not only be fighting for your child but for every other child that comes through those doors that needs the assistance of your special education department. When you're learning about IDEA 2004, make sure you read the the summary and analysis of this law at

Also, access your state's department of special education and look up their comments regarding the reauthorization of this law so you can see how your state has interpreted it. (there is room for local (state) interpretation within the law and this can be important when it comes to the services your child receives.

You can also contact your state's PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) to find other information that will help you get your son the things he needs. Every state is required to have a PAC.

In addition, contact your state's bar association to ask for an attorney who specializes in special education law. They're out there. If you win, it's the districts who pay attorney fees.

Schools are required by law to provide their parents with information about the law that protects and provides for their children, but we're under no obligation to help you understand it - unless you ask. That's why, at every IEP meeting you attend, you receive a copy of the procedural safeguards for parents. Furthermore, remember that we're not attorneys, we're employees of the school district where your child attends school. So, be aware, that the information you receive will always come with the unspoken codicile of "as long as it fits budgetary constraints" and get an attorney. They're really the people who will be working for YOU and your son. 

Good luck


JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:33:33 PM)

This may be a bit off the subject but sometimes, my son's autism doesn't seem like a disability..for example, he sat in the backyard for over an hour with me today just picking weeds and telling me which insect was which...I wish I could get quality quiet 'alone time' with my older kids..he gives me so many hugs n kisses..he's an angel![:)]

julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:34:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: JerseyKrissi72

This may be a bit off the subject but sometimes, my son's autism doesn't seem like a disability..for example, he sat in the backyard for over an hour with me today just picking weeds and telling me which insect was which...I wish I could get quality quiet 'alone time' with my older kids..he gives me so many hugs n kisses..he's an angel![:)]

You're very lucky. Many times, hugs and kisses are a wished for but more often unfulfilled desire of parents with children who have autism.


julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:36:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: nyrisa

My son also was misdiagnosed as ADHD for several years before the correct diagnosis of Asperger's was reached. Since few in the school system are familiar with Asperger's, I printed up an information packet about the syndrome and gave one to each of his teachers in middle school (he had 5 teachers per day; that is a recipe for disaster in itself, for an aspie child).

First parent teacher conference......everything on the list of the teacher's complaints about his school work was a symptom of the Asperger's, and had been addressed in the information packet. Not one of them had bothered to read the info or be informed about the child in their care. Once again, I gave them the info, and discussed the learning issues he faced and the help he needed.

Second parent/teacher conference, same scenario. They were blaming him because he was not responding to their teaching techniques; but their techniques were based upon ADHD children, which did not help him and had little relevance for his situation. AGAIN I gave them the information packet, and asked them to read it.

Third parent/teacher conference: I printed up a pop quiz about Asperger's syndrome and brought it with me, to see if any of them had bothered to learn about his diagnosis. They failed miserably, and I pulled him out of that school the next day.

Although each child's special needs may not be completely accomodated in a special ed class, the minimum that you can expect would be that the teachers would at least bother to read information hand delivered to them, in order to have the basic knowledge to help the child, or at least, to avoid harming him.

Do you know all the ramifications of IDEA 2004 and how they apply to your child? Have you read the procedural safeguards that are provided to parents at least once a year? Can you quote it? Can you use it? If you haven't, if you can't, why would you expect more from the teacher of your child than we expect from the parent of that same child?


JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:37:44 PM)

Because Chris has Asperger's syndrome (hope i spelled that right) he is able to express feelings much better. He is six years old and probably on a 2-3 yr old level in most ways. He tells me "Ron is in Heaven" alot now and "I feel sad in my heart"...he is trying so hard to build sentences and learn new words..he gets stuck on the WORD OF THE WEEK lol...this one is "remember"...he will say "do you remember this?" and "do you remember that"? all the time ...he is very oganized almost obessive compulsive.

Alumbrado -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:39:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

ADHD: Wouldnt this be better described as...
My parents have got very little idea how to bring up children and no idea at all of the need for firm fair consistant discipline.  I live on chips (frenchfries) sweet drinks and hamburgers. which I enjoy OK?
When my behaviour becomes wild uncontrolled and  irrational gullible self serving highly paid professionals then say I've got ADHD.

Only if you wanted to derail the thread on school age children with autism.

A debate on ADHD overdiagnosis should be a seperate thread.

julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:42:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: JerseyKrissi72

Because Chris has Asperger's syndrome (hope i spelled that right) he is able to express feelings much better. He is six years old and probably on a 2-3 yr old level in most ways. He tells me "Ron is in Heaven" alot now and "I feel sad in my heart"...he is trying so hard to build sentences and learn new words..he gets stuck on the WORD OF THE WEEK lol...this one is "remember"...he will say "do you remember this?" and "do you remember that"? all the time ...he is very oganized almost obessive compulsive.

LOL..MAN! What I wouldn't give for an organized high schooler!!

Like I said, you're very lucky.

My daughter has Down Syndrome and we have a lot of the moments you've described as well. And then there are the times I say "can I have at least just ONE minute of quiet time? Just ONE?"

One time I said that and she made it to about 30 seconds before asking "a minute yet mom?"

Sometimes, you just have to laugh.


JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 12:57:37 PM)

Chris's thing to say  "does the elephant drive the school bus"..then he will scream "NO!"...then he will replace it with another animal and another long as Mommy is laughing and smiling...he knows how to cheer me up...last night, i let him stay up with me watching tv because he actually lay there for over an hour without moving...I had to make sure he was ok lol..he is a squirmer

nyrisa -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 1:29:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: julietsierra

Do you know all the ramifications of IDEA 2004 and how they apply to your child? Have you read the procedural safeguards that are provided to parents at least once a year? Can you quote it? Can you use it? If you haven't, if you can't, why would you expect more from the teacher of your child than we expect from the parent of that same child?


I do not pretend to know ALL the ramifications of IDEA 2004. But I have read the procedural information, in detail. I also did quite a bit of research into the information available, as well as into special education in general, and what interventions were likely to help.

His IEP was reviewed yearly at a conference with us, but it was not adhered to in the classroom. I did not expect the teachers to be an expert on the diagnosis of every child that might cross their threshold, but when specific information is offered to them and they neglect to even open the folder, then yes, I DO expect some effort from them in order to be prepared to meet his needs.

I am not bashing special ed teachers in general, Juliet. The teacher he had in elementary school was wonderful, and we grieved when he had to promote to middle school. It was the teachers in this school who were so bad.

I am a nurse, and I can tell you, when you go into the hospital, the people who care for you had better quickly educate themselves about your condition, even if it is rare. To fail to provide proper care for you, and to allow your condition to worsen, just because they are busy, or because the majority of their patients have conditions X and Y, but not Z, but giving the same care should be good enough for Z, too, would be a malpractice lawyer's dream.

To me, the teachers he had in this middle school were the equivalent of educational malpractice. However, they do not have to worry about the same degree of scrutiny, so the harm that is done to the individual child is easily disregarded. Except by the child.

julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 4:10:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: nyrisa


ORIGINAL: julietsierra

Do you know all the ramifications of IDEA 2004 and how they apply to your child? Have you read the procedural safeguards that are provided to parents at least once a year? Can you quote it? Can you use it? If you haven't, if you can't, why would you expect more from the teacher of your child than we expect from the parent of that same child?


I do not pretend to know ALL the ramifications of IDEA 2004. But I have read the procedural information, in detail. I also did quite a bit of research into the information available, as well as into special education in general, and what interventions were likely to help.

His IEP was reviewed yearly at a conference with us, but it was not adhered to in the classroom. I did not expect the teachers to be an expert on the diagnosis of every child that might cross their threshold, but when specific information is offered to them and they neglect to even open the folder, then yes, I DO expect some effort from them in order to be prepared to meet his needs.

I am not bashing special ed teachers in general, Juliet. The teacher he had in elementary school was wonderful, and we grieved when he had to promote to middle school. It was the teachers in this school who were so bad.

I am a nurse, and I can tell you, when you go into the hospital, the people who care for you had better quickly educate themselves about your condition, even if it is rare. To fail to provide proper care for you, and to allow your condition to worsen, just because they are busy, or because the majority of their patients have conditions X and Y, but not Z, but giving the same care should be good enough for Z, too, would be a malpractice lawyer's dream.

To me, the teachers he had in this middle school were the equivalent of educational malpractice. However, they do not have to worry about the same degree of scrutiny, so the harm that is done to the individual child is easily disregarded. Except by the child.

First of all, I'm not bashing you at all.

Since you brought up the part about "in a hospital" let me ask you something. We all like to think that in our given professions, people will, on the whole, behave in a professional manner. However, if there weren't the threat of life and death; if there weren't the continued and ever-present threat of malpractice, just how many of your professionals would continue to act in a professional manner?

It is all well and good to read IDEA with the idea of what sort of interventions schools can provide, but the thing to remember - never ever ever ever forget - is that your individualized educational plan is a LEGAL DOCUMENT - even if the teachers your child has are ignoring that fact. Because it's a legal document, every SINGLE thing they put in it - in writing - they are expected by a court of law to follow through on. If they don't, the ball is in your court. THAT'S why you're given the copy of the procedural safeguards yearly. If you are NOT given those safeguards - IN WRITING, they are non-compliant. If you go to your school and request another copy of the procedural safeguards and they don't provide one to you, again, they are out of compliance. Look them up on your individual state's website (they are provided there), follow the guidelines and make a complaint.

Believe me, NOT ONE OF US wants our individual state board of education on our asses!! The thing to also remember and do research on is that there is case law out there - at the FEDERAL level (so applies to all states) that held individual teachers (general education as well as special education) PERSONALLY responsible for neglecting the IEP guidelines. I wish I knew the name of the plaintiff so that you could find it easier, but it's in my files somewhere. This time of the year though, those files are always in chaos.

The very FIRST thing to do this year is to get proof - in writing - from your child's special education teacher that the general education teachers have been informed - in writing - of the ramifications of his disability and how to handle them in the general education classroom. Keep notes of every single conversation you have with ANYONE at the school. Probably the scariest thing a special education teacher can see is a parent with a notepad and pen taking notes on the conversations. Make them slow down. Read back what was said "so, you're saying......" Do this with every single person you talk to at the school - from the secretary to each of his/her teachers to the janitors and bus drivers - every single person is responsible for living up to the language of that IEP. Provide copies of behavior plans and supplemental services to every single person that comes in contact with your child. Then follow those procedural safeguards and hold them to their plan.

And if they don't....file a complaint at the state level and if need be, get an attorney.

I make each of my general education teachers sign a receipt saying that they received information regarding each of my students. If they don't comply, it's not going to be my ass!!

And above all, stay in constant contact with your school. Drop by. Ask questions. Quiz the teachers over and over again. Remind them each time that they are required by law to provide services whether they are general ed teachers or special ed teachers - and never ever ever let up.

It's a pain in the ass, and you shouldn't have to do it, but the other side of that coin is that the general ed teachers are under their own gun regarding state standards and AYP. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and the oil is what helps your child  be successful. Develop a thick skin and fight like you've never fought before.

And as a parent, I follow this guideline. The special education teacher is my friend as long as services are delivered. The principal is my adversary because he or she is called upon to defend his/her teachers. General ed teachers are, depending on their willingness to provide services, either a friend or an adversary and I treat them accordingly - always polite, but always on my guard - and I'm IN this profession.

Good luck.


julietsierra -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 4:54:35 PM)

When it comes to special education students, teachers indeed CAN be held personally responsible - to the tune of thousands of dollars if found non-compliant. There IS a level of scrutiny and isn't it nice that we even provide you with the means of insuring that scrutiny? But you have to READ what's provided to you. You have to ask questions. You have to seek out answers. We're nice. We're not that nice though.

As an aside, I found it kind of humorous that I put my daughter's special ed teacher on a behavior plan. I didn't like how things were working. I went to the principal, said she's not doing my daughter any good. I want her to do this, this and this. In a month, if my daughter's behavior hasn't changed, then I will presume the teacher is unable to do her job and I am requesting a change in who her teacher is.

The teacher couldn't do it. My daughter has a new teacher.


nyrisa -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/22/2007 7:24:55 PM)

I did a whole lot of research during this difficult time in my son's (and our whole family's) life. I was actually considering homeschooling him. This was as an absolute last resort, because, although I am a very good nurse, I suck at teaching.

In pursuing all the threads of information I could find about homeschooling a learning disabled child, I found out that Florida offers the McKay plan. Sponsored by a senator who had a handicapped daughter, this plan allows a parent who feels that their diagnosed LD child is not receiving an appropriate education in the public school setting, to transfer to a participating private school. The funds that would have been allocated to the public school for that child, will instead be issued to the private school. If the cost of the private school is higher, the parent must supply the difference.

I researched all the private schools in our area. Most did not offer any particular special education services, and in fact, most pushed for accelerated learning and performance, and did not welcome LD children at all. I did find two schools which specialized in LD kids. One was not acceptable, but the other one was much better.

The director's background was in clinical psychology. When I stated that he has Asperger's, without missing a beat, she outlined the types of interventions that would best help him learn and cope in school. The classes are very small, and since each child is there because of their own issues, there is not the bullying and teasing and actual physical abuse which he faced from the general student population in a big public school.

He has been going there for three years now, and the difference it has made for him has been incredible. I am so thankful Florida has this program. And I discovered it by accident as I was doing the research. None of the doctors or psychologists who treated my son had ever heard of it. (They know all about it now, I made sure of that, so that any other kids in my son's situation can have this option, if they wish.)

You are correct. A parent can never stop being their child's advocate. They can never accept dead ends, or settle for the unacceptable. Sometimes the lucky break, the vital piece of information they need, is just around the corner.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/23/2007 1:47:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

ADHD: Wouldnt this be better described as...
My parents have got very little idea how to bring up children and no idea at all of the need for firm fair consistant discipline.  I live on chips (frenchfries) sweet drinks and hamburgers. which I enjoy OK?
When my behaviour becomes wild uncontrolled and  irrational gullible self serving highly paid professionals then say I've got ADHD.

What this describes is the shallow view of someone who has not had to contend with ADHD in their personal life.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/23/2007 4:58:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

Such TV programmes would soon be the subject of public censure if they presented untruths distortions or deceptions.

THAT'S your rationale?  It's on TV so it MUST be true?

The appeal to authority is a basic fallacy in logic.  The appeal to TV strikes me as a perversion of logic.

servantheart -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/23/2007 7:23:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

I said nothing whatsoever about deafness, cerebral palsy or even the common cold for that matter. Pay attention missy and address the "ishew" lol

I offered an opinion which is almost certainly true, that ADHD is spurious as an identifiable mental aberration and is almost certainly the result of bad parenting.

If the cap fits you then wear it. OK ?

If you say how do you, ie me ,know then I will say that I have watched TV programmes where the parents are clueless and the children are very unhappy and running wild as a result. Such behavior can be turned around in a very short time. An almost certain indicator that nothing is basically wrong with the children

Such TV programmes would soon be the subject of public censure if they presented untruths distortions or deceptions.

You know, this kind of attitude never ceases to amaze me.  I, too, have a high functioning autistic child and guess what?  Not too long ago, autism was considered the result of a "frigid" mother.  I promise You, I am in NO way "frigid" towards my children, or anyone for that matter.  In addition, I have another child with severe ADHD, and also have the diagnosis myself.  Just b/c there are no definitive medical tests (yet) for ADHD, please do not assume those who suffer from it are victims of "bad parenting".  My Dad, who raised my sister and I mostly by Himself, was an excellent, albeit imperfect, parent.  Also, until You have to live and struggle with the effects of a disorder such as this on a daily basis, please do not insult those of us who do by implying that it is a fictitious disorder made up for the convenience of lazy parents.

seeksfemslave -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/24/2007 11:05:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112

ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave
Such TV programmes would soon be the subject of public censure if they presented untruths distortions or deceptions.

THAT'S your rationale?  It's on TV so it MUST be true?
The appeal to authority is a basic fallacy in logic.  The appeal to TV strikes me as a perversion of logic.

It is certainly true that to justify a debating position by "appealing to authority" is not a valid method of argument, but note that this approach is used  when justifying the existence of ADHD because concerned medical professionals who frequenty have a career/financial interest, proclaim it  as an identifiable medical condition.

I certainly do not belittle the consequences of the behaviour of family wrecking, hysterical, totally out of control children. I say it is caused by "bad parenting" in the broadest sense of that term, not necessarily malicious, just not appropriate.

My point about responsible TV documentaries was that they are subject to a peer review of the viewing public who can and often do complain to the broadcasting regulatory authorities. Such complaints are often upheld.and the programme producers are censured.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/24/2007 11:39:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112

ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave
Such TV programmes would soon be the subject of public censure if they presented untruths distortions or deceptions.

THAT'S your rationale?  It's on TV so it MUST be true?
The appeal to authority is a basic fallacy in logic.  The appeal to TV strikes me as a perversion of logic.

It is certainly true that to justify a debating position by "appealing to authority" is not a valid method of argument, but note that this approach is used  when justifying the existence of ADHD because concerned medical professionals who frequenty have a career/financial interest, proclaim it  as an identifiable medical condition.

A medical professional asserting ADHD is not an "appeal to authority".  The technical term is diagnosis--aka, doing his job.


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave
I certainly do not belittle the consequences of the behaviour of family wrecking, hysterical, totally out of control children. I say it is caused by "bad parenting" in the broadest sense of that term, not necessarily malicious, just not appropriate.

To make a blanket statement like that is an insult to all parents, good as well as bad.  I have raised an ADHD stepson; I know from direct experience the challenges involved with such a child.  Moreover, I myself contend with ADHD in its adult form; the reality of the condition is a part of my daily life.

Your dismissal of ADHD as being someone's pharmaceutical fiction is ignorant, bigoted, and patently offensive.  ADHD is real.


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave
My point about responsible TV documentaries was that they are subject to a peer review of the viewing public who can and often do complain to the broadcasting regulatory authorities. Such complaints are often upheld.and the programme producers are censured.

What wonderful circular logic.  TV Documentaries must be true because if they weren't people would complain.  Since they are true, we have no reason to complain.  Since we don't complain, they must be true.

Documentaries are as susceptible to hype as any other mass medium.  The information can be wrong, can be taken out of context, can mislead in a myriad of ways.  A documentary is the beginning of research into a phenomenon, not the end.

seeksfemslave -> RE: Equal Education For All (8/24/2007 3:37:31 PM)

Celticlord: you are traducing my position and I hope to be able to get you to admit that.
Do you believe that all parents by definition are capable and possess insight into the skills necessary to foster the well being of children?
If you do then there is nothing more to be said.
If you dont then it is fairly obvious IMO that you must admit that lamentable parenting skills can produce anything from a not well adjusted but coping preteen to one who is bordering on the phsychotic (sp)? and whose behaviour may be characterised as exhibiting ADHD.

If you deny that a medical professional may well take a position that is at root designed to bolster his professional status than I just think you are wrong. Many examples exist where treatment was recommended which when examined from a disinterested point of view was found to be ineffective.
Massive invasive surgery to treat female breast cancer is one.

We live in a world where holding people responsible for their own behavior/failures  is NOT the done thing and hence when a pre teen begins to exhibit totally inappropriate not to say dangerous behavioural patterns certain types cast around for any excuse rather than face the truth of the matter, that the pre teen has been "taught" to behave in such a way.

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