Eradicating women. (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 7:46:22 AM)


In modern-day India, sex selection, the all-too-common practice by which female foetuses are terminated before birth, conforms to a very different and disturbing calculus: increased wealth brings increased access to prenatal ultrasounds and sonograms. New and more widely available technology, the engine of India's relentless economic growth, is also fuelling female foeticide.


Only last month in the state of Orissa, the skulls of 40 female foetuses and newborn girls were discovered in an abandoned well. More distressing still, sex selection is worst in the most affluent parts of the country: Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat.
In northern Punjab, for example, there are just 798 girls under the age of six for every 1,000 boys. The national average is 927.

mnottertail -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 7:49:10 AM)

Oh, calumny!!!! But who will suck the cocks?

kittinSol -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 7:49:56 AM)

The other cocks.

cuddleheart50 -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 7:51:22 AM)

That article was very sad and disturbing to me. 

Level -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 8:38:50 AM)

Yes, tragic in a number of ways.

SugarMyChurro -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 8:44:48 AM)

It's been going on for years and years and's just that now they go peacefully from the womb rather than being choked to death at birth. In a sad way, this is progress.

An unwanted child is an unwanted child and I firmly stand behind these kinds of reproductive rights. If some couples would prefer to abort than have a female, or downs syndrome, or autistic, or whatever type baby - then more power to them.

It smacks of eugenics to a certain degree, but I won't make the argument that we must force unwanted children into the world.

Blinkz -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 8:49:55 AM)

I remember reading a similar article about it happening in China a few years back, but I never knew they did the same in India.  And Indian women are so gorgeous. O.O  Never mind the fact that it takes a certain kind of evil to be willing to kill any newborn, let alone your own.

kittinSol -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 9:13:58 AM)

Terminating an unwanted pregnancy isn't evil in my opinion. The problem with India is the dowry system. The trouble in many societies is the stronghold of patriarchal values over everything else. The horror here is that women are considered to be a hindrance on society: it's not that families don't want the children. It's that they don't want female children.

FangsNfeet -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 9:33:15 AM)

I don't see why India just can't eradicate the dowry system. It sucks to be put to death just because the parents think they can't afford a dowry when they marry you off to someone they didn't want to be married to in the first place.

feastie -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 9:41:30 AM)

China has been so focused on having a male child, that female children are often abandoned, given up, etc. due to the governmental restriction of having one child per couple.  They are now projecting that there will be a detrimental lack of women in China and that Chinese men will have great difficulty finding a mate.

Apparently, India is going to have the same problem.

I see no solution other than a sweeping and vast deprogramming and re-education of these societies at large, but that could be generations in the making.  Problem is, there may not be generations.  Very troubling.

slaverosebeauty -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 9:53:48 AM)

I think I am going to be sick. [:'(]
Murder is murder, no matter how you word it. I hope all those people burn in hell for eternity. I have heard of that stuff before, its just barbaric to the umteenththousand degree. If you don't want a child, then don't have sex. Pure and simple. If you want a child of a certain gender, then pray.

FullCircle -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 10:15:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: slaverosebeauty
If you don't want a child, then don't have sex.

So you have only ever had sex for procreation? 

LadyLynx -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 10:28:00 AM)

No, if you don't want children, then get "fixed"  As for India and China, well thats a trap and it will be long time to scrape themselves out of it, if they want to.  SugarMyChurro, I wish I didn't agree with your statement. [sm=river.gif][sm=river.gif]

winterlight -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 10:34:47 AM)

eradicate babies? girls? Down Syndrome.....hmmmm reminds me of Hitler...

MistressChloes -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 10:40:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Oh, calumny!!!! But who will suck the cocks?

The lowest slave.... the males will suck cocks!  I certainly don't lower Myself to that!

Alumbrado -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 11:02:16 AM)


In modern-day India, sex selection, the all-too-common practice by which female foetuses are terminated before birth, conforms to a very different and disturbing calculus: increased wealth brings increased access to prenatal ultrasounds and sonograms. New and more widely available technology, the engine of India's relentless economic growth, is also fuelling female foeticide.

Actually it isn't increased wealth that had brough the ultrasounds, they are widely available in India for a pittance. And advancing technoogy isn't behind this, centuries old cultural biases are.

LotusSong -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 11:02:39 AM)

Didn't China find it's population decreasing because of the one child per family with the preference for the child to be male, now realizing it wasn't such a good idea?
Such idiocy.  Hopefully they'll learn.

Termyn8or -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 11:19:31 AM)

I've heard of this before, and it still makes no sense.

I've also read that the Eskimos (Aleutians or whatever) used to put the baby girl out on the ice to freeze to death, but this when she is firstborn. Part of this may have been survival, but beliefs had something to do with it. Did they think that it would be impossible to teach a girl how to hunt and fish ?

There ae many barbaric practices among the human species, as there are among wild animals. We like to think that we have outgrown those animal instincts, but many have not. Animals sometimes eat their young. We are animals.

Take a look at, and plenty of other sites. There are Orientals actually eating babies. So how far have we really come.

Even myself, I mean I don't even swing my arms when I walk, as a sign that I am a Man not an animal, and in the same breath I tell you abortion is murder, plain and simple, and I am all for it. I am not really for it, I would never allow my child to be aborted, if the Woman did that, I would kill her and not lose a moment's sleep over it. But others are others.

There is a large contingent of people who think their primary purpose in life is to fuck. These people tend to get pregnant. They have no brains, no skills, no money and very little to offer a child in the way of personality or honor. As far as I am concerned, it is cheaper to whack the kid in the womb rather than 18 years later on the street.

When we become human, and no we are not born human, we are born homosapien, we gain a sort of empathy. It doesn't happen to some of us until our forties, others seem to get it sooner. It seems to be the same with real intelligence, when we come to appreciate being corrected, criticised and counseled.

In some societies this never happens due to the circumstnces. Sometimes that is overpopulation, but then there is the desire for sons, which is partly illogical.

However, things have a way of righting themselves, and it shall pass concerning this issue as well. Let that overpopulated country kill the girl babies all they want, that'll surely cure the overpopulation in time. Let it be known in the world for Women "DO NOT GO THERE", you'll never have a daughter. A country of all Men is not going to have alot of people, just by attrition. Let it happen.


susie -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 11:21:28 AM)

It's true that these things have been happening for many years and not just in places like India and China. I recently chatted to an old lady who had been a midwife for many years delivering children at home. We were talking about how many more children these days are born with "disabilities". Her comment was that, actually there are no more born now than before but that people have different expectations regarding the outcome of children being born with some issues. Although she did not come out and say so, her inference was that many of the children born with disabilites were "peacefully dealt with". All this was being discussed as happening in the UK.  Sounds terrible but sometimes I wonder if it not kinder that way.

Politesub53 -> RE: Eradicating women. (8/19/2007 11:31:12 AM)

India has only recently stopped throwing wives on the husbands funeral pyre. The country may have modern technology, outside of the mains Cities though they are still practicing primitive beliefs.
It`s easy to talk of using birth control but thats not available in many parts of the world, especially rural areas.

The Chinese government exacerbated the problem, back in the late 80`s when the decreed all families could only have one child. Most prefered a boy, so when he was older he could work and care for his parents. Thankfully in around 2001/2 both China and India started helping families with the cost of bringing up a girl.

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