RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (Full Version)

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IronBear -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/20/2005 8:41:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: slavedesires

I just said on another post, i have bottomed for a few doms who dont like to receive bj's.
Which makes me think of the other threads on the desires of submissives.

I desire to fully please with my best talent, that is deepthroating.
When i negotiate to play with a dom/top, i have no issue allowimg them to use me for what ever form of pleasure they want, as long as they understand i am NOT a masochist, but my Dom requires that i use my best talent.
When they do not follow the guidelines of my dom, i will NOT play with them again.

If i negotiate to submit for a session, i will do so. But i do negotiate based on my best talent, my Dom's wishes, demands and needs......
but so often, i have found the top does not keep to the negotiations.
My Dom would allow me repeat sessions with a dom who respected my Dom and the fact that i do know how to deepthroat well and please a man that way.

But NOT all men enjoy a deepthroat. And i think, well...maybe... i might have found the only 2 doms who dont....or are there more?


I guess the bottom line is that we are all different with different wants and needs as well as differing likes and dislikes….. Some Doms like a Head Job but don’t like Deep Throat; some Doms like both and some Doms probably have never been blessed (so I love it when I get it) with ever having Deep Throat… Not hard is it?

stormsfate -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/20/2005 11:16:11 AM)


If i negotiate to submit for a session, i will do so. But i do negotiate based on my best talent, my Dom's wishes, demands and needs......
but so often, i have found the top does not keep to the negotiations.
My Dom would allow me repeat sessions with a dom who respected my Dom and the fact that i do know how to deepthroat well and please a man that way.

I must have missed this the first time through, but when someone quoted a portion of it, I started wondering. Certainly the person you are being loaned to should follow the guidelines your owner has set forth, but why would either you or your dominant assume that everyone would measure your talent in this area in the same way your owner does? Everyone has different preferences and different opinions on what doing something well means... so while one may think you deepthroat as well as Michaelangelo paints, others may feel Michaelangelo paints like a toddler.

best regards,

pinkpleasures -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/20/2005 7:10:34 PM)


Well, you're not my slave, so your preferences aren't relevant to me. It's between me and her--no one else. Frankly, I am starting to get pissed off that strangers think they have a right to an opinion about my private relationships.


O Lam..i am terribly sorry. i never meant to offend You. Please accept my apology. i react badly to the word in question but should have gone to greater lengths to make it clear that i was not disrespecting You.


I guess the bottom line is that we are all different with different wants and needs as well as differing likes and dislikes….. Some Doms like a Head Job but don’t like Deep Throat; some Doms like both and some Doms probably have never been blessed (so I love it when I get it) with ever having Deep Throat… Not hard is it?


(The incorrigible, irrepressible and irreverent Bear)

Jai a keh'ra greshak tahem jula. Jan di ashe drena kanta vethuk lina

(in reply to slavedesires)
Report | Post #: 81

Can i ask what a Head Job is? Nothing whatsoever comes to mind. Thank You.


Thats your opinion and you're welcome to it. I do have a question for you though fillepink/pleasureforhim/pinkpleasures. Why do you keep registering a new account with a new avatar and font style every week or so?


Sure Tormentius. I had a nick when i 1st came on-site, pink20nails, that i lost to a is still around. He changed it into a slave/kajira profile and i could not persuade the site to return control of it to me. Since then, i was "shyster" for quite awhile, mainly warning P/pl about hackers and giving away personal information, etc. in the Lobby. Eventually, for a variety of reasons, i grew tired of being the Lobby de facto attorney..and did not feel "shyster" reflected my wants/needs well. One nite at about 3am, two friends re-nicked me "fillepink" and that was ok...but not quite right. Still i stayed "fillepink" for quite awhile; then shortly after i began posting, a girlfriend and i re-nicked me "pleasureforHim"; which was an improvement, but still not quite right. Recently, a dear Master friend re-nicked me "pinkpleasures" and this seems to feel right..but only time will tell.

My nick is very's my "name" in CM..and all others nicks are deactivated. i want/need one that feels like nature. It has taken me a bit longer to find one than most, i suppose.

i hope that answers Your question Sir.


LaMspeach -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/20/2005 8:06:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: pinkpleasures

Well, well. Hummm. i want a Man with good manners, so that He would not be calling ANY woman a "bitch", period. Certainly not me, whom He loved and treasured. i also want/need a Man who wants/needs SEX....f**king; blow jobs...muff addition to the metaphysicality of D/s. If a Man i was interested in truely did not want SEX i would not be able to consider Him as a Dom or Master; but we might become friends.

i am a bit taken aback at the Men who have posted here that They do not like blow jobs or are indifferent to them....i sort of expected P/pl interested in BDSM to be a bit oversexed....another expectation blown all to hell. *sigh*


In the D/s lifetsyle a slave being called a "bitch" has nothing to do with manners. It does not mean a Master/ dom does not love and cherish his slave ... To me it does mean that the slave belongs to the Master and he can call her anything he wants to. Most Master i have meet (that have the same kind of understanding of the lifestyle that i do) have impecable manners and are true gentlemen. They open doors for thier slave, help them carry bags, ect, ect and are still always very much in control.

i personally dont see the relationship between oversexed and BDSM-D/s relationships.
D/s (for me ) is about control not how often you fuck ....

IronBear -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/21/2005 5:48:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: pinkpleasures

Can i ask what a Head Job is? Nothing whatsoever comes to mind. Thank You.

Head Job is another term for a blow job, giving head; going down on a male.... Giving oral sex to a male

pinkpleasures -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/21/2005 10:43:18 AM)


In the D/s lifetsyle a slave being called a "bitch" has nothing to do with manners. It does not mean a Master/ dom does not love and cherish his slave ... To me it does mean that the slave belongs to the Master and he can call her anything he wants to. Most Master i have meet (that have the same kind of understanding of the lifestyle that i do) have impecable manners and are true gentlemen. They open doors for thier slave, help them carry bags, ect, ect and are still always very much in control.

i personally dont see the relationship between oversexed and BDSM-D/s relationships.
D/s (for me ) is about control not how often you fuck ....


Well; i am still new..still learning..and do appreciate instruction..ty Lamspeach.


Head Job is another term for a blow job, giving head; going down on a male.... Giving oral sex to a male


Sir; is a "Head Job" a variety of blow job? Could You please explain? (Or not, if i am annoyingly ignorant.)

stormsfate -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/21/2005 11:28:37 AM)

Its "another term" as he mentioned...not another variety.


LaMspeach -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/21/2005 7:38:10 PM)


Well; i am still new..still learning..and do appreciate instruction..ty Lamspeach.

I'm glad i could help, Pink. If you have any questions my email is always open.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/22/2005 12:08:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: domtimothy46176
Just out of curiosity, what bothered you so much about being vomited on that it makes you wary of triggering the gag reflex. I ask because I find it incredibly erotic to hear a woman gagging. If she vomits, I'll give her an opportunity to blow her nose but it's not going to stop the action. It's not something I look forward to, but not something I allow to interfere either. Is it the ~idea~ of vomiting or something more tangible, like the smell?

ROTFLLL [sm=lol.gif][sm=lol.gif][sm=lol.gif] You are committed to your oral sex, when you can state in such matter of fact way it vomitting doesn't stop the action.. M

MstrHellsFury -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/23/2005 7:11:06 AM)

this isn't the forum to make cyber boasts so all I'll say in reply to the orginal thread is this...due to having a rather larger than usual member...notice the suttle way I put that...I have rarely encountered anyone who can perform this act..but on those very rare occasions when it was possible...I enjoyed it because it's always a new experience when it can happen...


FangsNfeet -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/23/2005 2:13:42 PM)


It's not something I look forward to, but not something I allow to interfere either. Is it the ~idea~ of vomiting or something more tangible, like the smell?

Why do I not like triggering a gag reflex and induce vomiting?
Because I hate puke. I deal with it a work all the time with patients. Sure, I'm immune to seeing and smelling it but I'd rather not deal with it at home. My pet is not one of my patients unless I have my needles with me.

If you're one that puke dosen't bother, then by all means enjoy it. If your sub is puking out the window or over the toilet and you feel the erge for some doggy or anal then go for it. It's just a little to much for me and something I find to inconcederate to have done on my pet. Most ppl who vomit would like to brush there teeth, catch there breath, and try to take in some water as they become somewhat flushed and dehydrated.

IronBear -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/24/2005 10:01:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: pinkpleasures


Head Job is another term for a blow job, giving head; going down on a male.... Giving oral sex to a male


Sir; is a "Head Job" a variety of blow job? Could You please explain? (Or not, if i am annoyingly ignorant.)

No pink, its just a colloquialism for oral sex given to a male.... specifically, it refers to the head of the cock being sucked etc. [:)][:D][;)]

MasterHyde -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (7/24/2005 2:18:30 PM)

What's with all this fuss about the "bitch" word? I thought the question was whether we like to be deepthroated. [:)]

Count me amongst those who do. In fact, it's rather important to me that a girl can service ALL of my cock when she's performing oral sex on me. Given my size and girth, that seems to be a problem for some girls. I am definitely pleased when I find a girl who can take all of me in her mouth, and stimulate the entire shaft as opposed to just the tip and the upper third.

chgodomcouple -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (10/29/2005 7:21:30 AM)

OH wow surprising i never met a men who didnt like a girl that could deep troat it nicelly
Daddy loves it when i do it!


pinkpleasures -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 6:27:15 AM)

Isn't this "bumping a thread"? Considering the flame war that occured on this thread, it's not one i'd have picked to revive.


swtnsparkling -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 8:14:08 AM)

My ex Master loved BJ's but i didnt give him one every time we were together. When i was allowed to it was as a reward not just the nornal ok blow me. i like having some thing i enjoy being held back and given as reward it becomes more exciting and pleseing for me anyway.
i'd never been allowed to bottom for another Dom, but if i had been a BJ would be a limit. My ex felt that was something to be shared by only Him and i.

SirSix72 -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 8:21:39 AM)

Well I was told by other submissives that me calling them little one was derisive.......and I told them it was better that I call them that then what you were referred mixed up now lmfao

Master Six

swtnsparkling -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 8:22:31 AM)


LaM answered "I can take it or leave it, but do it on occation to prove to the bitch that I can."


it's obvious that he didn't make a blanket statment, or one to the OP. He refered to someone he is with, in a situation where he has the control."

i read it the same way. no offence taken here

Wildfleurs -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 4:09:10 PM)

I'd say that my owner enjoys deepthroating quite a bit, especially when he is so deep in my throat that breathing becomes difficult if not almost impossible (yes I know about rhythmic breathing and such - but at some point it does become impossible and you just learn to cycle between breathing and not breathing). It took a long time for him to enjoy it, a lot of it was because he isn't the kind of person that likes to get blow jobs until he seriously has some period of time and comfort established. I wasn't allowed to give him a blow job until about a year and a half into things and now eight years in I'm allowed to give blow jobs more regularly depending on his desire for it. And even after I was allowed to give him a blow job it really became something I had to earn through constantly improving the quality of the blow job.

For us I'm not remotely in control during the blow job - even if its the lazy type where he lays down and allows me to do cock (and sometimes balls and ass) worship. It almost always involves him sexually manipulating me in some way and inevitably involves me begging him for sex repeatedly. These days most of the times blow jobs involve a lot of deep throating, face fucking, and swallowing vomiting (the key to giving a good serious deep throating is also the ability to control the gag reflex and if necessary swallow your own vomit).

I would say at first glance my owner would potentially appear to not be largely into blow jobs or deep throating but its a function of 1) quality of blow job 2) whether the person has gotten to the point where they'll be allowed to do it. But Iwould say he is definitely in the camp of dominants who enjoy them.


Wildfleurs -> RE: do ALL doms like to be deepthroated? (11/1/2005 4:13:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet

Why do I not like triggering a gag reflex and induce vomiting?
Because I hate puke. I deal with it a work all the time with patients. Sure, I'm immune to seeing and smelling it but I'd rather not deal with it at home. My pet is not one of my patients unless I have my needles with me.

If you're one that puke dosen't bother, then by all means enjoy it. If your sub is puking out the window or over the toilet and you feel the erge for some doggy or anal then go for it. It's just a little to much for me and something I find to inconcederate to have done on my pet. Most ppl who vomit would like to brush there teeth, catch there breath, and try to take in some water as they become somewhat flushed and dehydrated.

There are ways to control or adjust so that the gag reflex doesn't happen so much. I've found that a blow job on a full stomach (particularly if I'm in a crouched position where my knees are against my stomach) is a sure bet for my gag reflex coming up strongly. Also certain angles have more of a tendency to hit my gag reflex, so sometimes just shifting the angle of my head or where I'm sitting or laying helps a *lot.*

And even if you vomit the trick i've found is to swallow it back down before it comes up the throat.

It is something that can be worked on if you want to, if you don't want to then its no big deal.


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