RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (Full Version)

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iwillserveu -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/27/2004 8:14:10 AM)



Hello collarme_nickname,

I have read your profile and would like to speak with you further, if you are willing to grant me this honor. I apologize if I have not referred to you in the manner which you wish to be addressed as, and would hope you would forgive me and provide me with the proper form of address.


You are expressing your sense of being troubled by not knowing how to refer to the person you are addressing, and asking them politely how to refer to them.
- Sinergy

Wrong. If you insulted her with "Hello collarme_nickname" there is a good chance she will not read further. Don't get me wrong. Your attempt makes sense and I would not want an idiot who judges me not worthy based on only "Hello collarme_nickname".

However, she can afford to be a jerk because of the ten to one male to Female ratio. (HNGs flood the ranks of submissive males, but I can ill afford to toss away even an unreasonable one I felt was good enough to write to.)

If she takes the time to actually tell me how to address her, that not only alleviates my problem but allows her to delet the many e-mails she gets from HNGs that obviously have not read her profile.

Sinergy -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/27/2004 8:03:34 PM)


Wrong. If you insulted her with "Hello collarme_nickname" there is a good chance she will not read further. Don't get me wrong. Your attempt makes sense and I would not want an idiot who judges me not worthy based on only "Hello collarme_nickname".

I get a sense that no matter what response I give as an attempt to be helpful that you will pick it apart and tell me it is not possible. I am unwilling to ride that merry-go-round, so enjoy!

From my perspective, a person who nitpicks to that level would be somebody I would not want to have in a relationship with.

But that is just me, and I could be wrong.


Ladylove -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/29/2004 6:10:25 AM)

There is no such word as Dominative.

WatchDogg -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/29/2004 11:23:55 AM)

LoveLady is right. There actually is no such word as Dominative. It could be that the original one who posted the message referring to this may have meant Dominant, Dominating, or Domineering. Even so, the meaning of the post is easily understood despite the grammar.
Having said that, I would go on to say this. All people are different, coming from different regions, backgrounds, upbringings and experiences. Far too many of the ones who gravitate toward the BDSM lifestyle really have no clue as to what the D/s lifetyle really is, just as it is the same with ones who are repulsed and stigmatized it and those of us who live this way. The fact is, those who truly are dedicated to the lifestyle we have chosen understand this and try to "overlook" or to enlighten others who are not educated to the level of knowledge and understanding that many have. I freely acknowledge that I don't know all there is to know and never will, but I do strive to learn more and educate Myself every day.
I have recently met and am currently envolved with a very sweet, albeit "bratty" sub and I consider Myself very fortunate in that regard. I like brattyiness in My
We met for the first time and started out in a vanilla environment just to get better aquainted and "feel" each other out. The others in that particular establishment didn't quite know what to think because W/we openly discussed D/s and our own thoughts and opinions without shame and were quite comfortable with each other before W/we went home. There has been little play so far since W/we are both still building the level of trust and respect which will be comfortable for U/us to progress further and that works for those who are not into D/s just for kicks or kinks. For others less knowledgeable, just going out to try and find someone to dominate or be dominated by, works, but it's dangerous and unpredictable, and I doubt those people truly "live" in a D/s relationship full time or want to.
To say that a peofile is too Dominant or not Dominant enough reall boils down to personal preferences, or what an individual percieves BDSM to be in the end. The truth is, one cannot be forced to submit to another unless she or he chooses to if they've done their homework and educated themselves. Please, people, the only way to obtain the knowledge required for anything in this world is to seek it out, study it, experience it, and decide if it's what you really want. But be careful what you ask for. You may just get it, and then what?
Just My two cents

Sinergy -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/29/2004 11:37:32 AM)


There is no such word as Dominative.

I actually was under the impression this was true, so I went to and plugged it in and viola...


dom·i·nate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dm-nt)
v. dom·i·nat·ed, dom·i·nat·ing, dom·i·nates
v. tr.
To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power: Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
To exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over: Ambition dominated their lives.
To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in: a drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.
To overlook from a height: a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley.

v. intr.
To have or exert strong authority or mastery.
To be situated in or occupy a position that is more elevated or decidedly superior to others.

[Latin dominr, domint-, to rule, from dominus, lord. See dem- in Indo-European Roots.]
domi·native adj.
domi·nator n.


It is the adjective form of the verb To Dominate.


iwillserveu -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/30/2004 5:49:19 PM)


I get a sense that no matter what response I give as an attempt to be helpful that you will pick it apart and tell me it is not possible. I am unwilling to ride that merry-go-round, so enjoy!

Actually, Sinergy, it was you who started this by telling me there is a good way to contact a person who will get upset if I adress them wrong.

There is not.

Yes, I will tell you everything you come up with is wrong if it is. Sorry if the truth is inconvenient. (I hate it when that happens.[:)])

No matter what anyone says about it being too dominant, if she says, "address me as Miss Bonn-Bonn or the message will be deleted unread" it will save a heap of guesswork on my part.

(Yes, Ladies, I'm not proud. I'll take any help you would give.[:)])

Sinergy -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (6/30/2004 6:47:19 PM)


Yes, I will tell you everything you come up with is wrong if it is. Sorry if the truth is inconvenient. (I hate it when that happens. )

Fair enough, you know more about and have more experience with what you are trying to do than I do.

I do wish you success in your endeavors.


angelthighhighs -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/15/2004 3:50:42 PM)

i agree with you sub4hire...only when i read profiles like that. i usually laugh and say good luck.

Laura -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/15/2004 7:38:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: iwillserveu
If "Mistress Jane" will delete anything not adressed to "dearest La-La" I want to know that. I've been told I'm disrepectful for not using "Mistress" and I've been told "I'm not your Mistress!!" Any help from her is appreciated.

I think titles should be discussed later and not assumed, as you have said here. Not every woman I know would like the title Mistress. I used to be Governess in a long online relationship. I was ok with it but it wasn't me.

MzBerlin -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/16/2004 2:15:33 AM)

Hey, Y'all-
Just wanted to put my ten cents in. I will not respond to form letters, letters which address me in a submissive tone, one liners or letters where the dude (and sometimes dudette) go crazy with the caps. (My, Y/you, U/us). That drives me bonkers. What drives me even more bonkers is the Pornographic letters I recieve. It seems disrespectful when I havn't even gotten to see a picture of they're face or hear what they think about Ayn Rand. Or Pink Floyd. Or Bob Dylan. And especially cats......
Anyhoo- I respond to these letters by hitting the block button. Life is too short to spend on people that don't read my profile in it's entirety, and people who are disrespectful. I will also block anyone who sends me a nude picture. I don't want to see a picture of you in the buff before I even know your full name and adress. Now, some people go for it. I'm just telling y'all my personal MO and hopefully it will help ALEXEI (and everyone else out there) out a bit.
As Always-

angelthighhighs -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/17/2004 1:03:08 AM)

it is my opinion that if someone is so concerned about how others address them that don't even know them, i perhaps wonder if they need that certain address to asure themselves that's who they are. for myself i prefer one that gets to know me as a person before we get into titles. there are those i call Sir, Ma'am because i've had a chance to get to know them a little, to know what they are like, to have gained respect for them. while common courtesy requires me (my own choice) not to call them hey you or doesn't require me to give them a title that in my opinion, they haven't earned yet.

if they're so concerned about what title you call them instead of you, who you are...why would/should you worry about having a second chance with them? i'd shrug and thank the gods that i got out of that one safe...lord knows what they were like. titles mean nothing unless they're backed up and without knowing that person, i dont know if they deserve that title.

topcat -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/17/2004 12:04:02 PM)


or hear what they think about Ayn Rand. Or Pink Floyd. Or Bob Dylan. And especially cats......


(in a very masculine, dominant manner, of course<g>)

MzBerlin -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/17/2004 4:57:01 PM)

*I love making men do that!!*
As Always-

PS- I have never caught one when/if they gave in and passed out.

afmvdp -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/17/2004 8:11:58 PM)

I would say just be genuine in your profile with your desires and your statements about yourself. If you appear to Dominant to them then you likely are too Dominant for them, if not then great. Being direct is a great way to keep from wasting time.

iwillserveu -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/18/2004 5:42:02 AM)


I would say just be genuine in your profile with your desires and your statements about yourself. If you appear to Dominant to them then you likely are too Dominant for them, if not then great. Being direct is a great way to keep from wasting time.
- afmvdp

You recommend honesty? With women?[&:][:D][:)]

(For the emoticonically challenged, the reason I can't keep a straight face, am laughing and smiling might be sarcasm.)

MizSuz -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/18/2004 8:25:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: topcat


or hear what they think about Ayn Rand. Or Pink Floyd. Or Bob Dylan. And especially cats......


INDEED! (although I know that Lawrence probably swooned more for the dylan and for me it was rand.)

topcat -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/18/2004 1:26:14 PM)


Indeed- funny thing is, that though I hate rand with a passion bordering on madness, I love love debating her.

Stay warm,

topcat -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/18/2004 1:27:36 PM)


I have never caught one when/if they gave in and passed out.

In that case:


Stay warm,

MzBerlin -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/22/2004 4:07:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: topcat


Indeed- funny thing is, that though I hate rand with a passion bordering on madness, I love love debating her.

Stay warm,

*heavy Southern accent*'
As Always-

MzBerlin -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/22/2004 4:08:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: topcat


I have never caught one when/if they gave in and passed out.

In that case:


Stay warm,

AA- Berlin

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