RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (Full Version)

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SadisticMan -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/5/2007 5:53:19 AM)

No need to "fire" him.  Fire him up.
String his ass nice and secure from the ceiling and introduce him to
some serious punishments, at whatever level that may take.
And then leave him stand there for an extra hour chilling out and thinking.

Mercurialdame -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/10/2007 6:36:24 PM)

It sounds as though, you wish to use a play scene, to deal with a relationship issue?
Personally, id not chose that route. So can not advise on how.

Lying, is generally, by mosts standards not acceptable. You seem to have a issue with it for instance.

But lying could be, he said he liked a particular form of play, and you have later found out he has told another he doesnt like it when you.............
Lying could be, he has told you he has not played with another, and you find out he has.
Such a huge load of possible situations. Some id end my relationship stone cold dead for, others i would call for some plain open discussion to clarify where you are both coming from and if you can negotiate a path through it, that is of mutual benefit to you both.

Part of your original post, touched on the fact that you are larger than your sub. That you fear causing real harm.
Asking him to stand on one leg, until told to do otherwise, is not using your size, but your dynamic. He puts his foot down, and he gets whacked. Eventually, his own body will let him down, and his foot will touch the ground and you get to punish him. And have fun as you watch him try his best, to please you.
"stand absolutely still" neither uses strength, nor gadgets for bondage. But he is still standing where you put him. Bound by mental bondage you have put in place.
Try thinking outside of the square a little. Let your creative devious mind play around with how to punish him.
For real punishment, not being spoken to for 10 mins to 2 days, works wonders. With some written work on what they have done wrong. Depends on your dynamics as to what punishment would suit.

a bit all over the place, but you get the drift?

MasterFireMaam -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/10/2007 10:28:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: princessjenjen
I want to really teach him to respect me and obey me, and to be honest with me.

He's an adult. If he's not doing these things, its because he's not choosing to. You can't make him respect you, no matter how much you "punish him". You can't make him want to obey, either...and you can't make him be honest. I'd say you deserve better.

But, if you insist on going down this road, NEVER HIT IN ANGER. That's abuse, not BDSM.

Master Fire

lesbman -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/11/2007 3:25:08 PM)

If I were you, I would acquire some time with a professional dominatrix, go talk to her about this, and do at least three sessions. You will learn a great deal of knowledge, this is where I went to investigate how lesbian domination works, best investment I ever made in my life.

kinkbound -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/16/2007 10:23:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: princessjenjen
He's been lying to me and I know I can get him to come clean with me.

I have a hard time understanding why a woman would see a liar as worthy of her time or energy.

Seems to me that she should be thinking of this one word in these situations:


laurell3 -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (9/20/2007 11:47:57 PM)

You can't "teach" someone to respect you and if you want to hurt someone to get even you may want to rethink this.

TheInstrument -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (12/24/2007 4:00:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joyful007

Lying is never acceptable. In fact it is one of the most severe offenses one can committ in a relationship. I agree do not punish while angry. But when you do, don't hold back. Punishment should be feared by your sub. To me, the real punishment starts when the tears are flowing. Punishment should hurt and it should hurt a great deal. Enough so that your sub has no desire to repeat the offense.

Schedule it a week in advance and do not miss the date.

Nothings worse than the beating you've time to anticipate.

liketophoto -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (12/24/2007 4:10:22 PM)

This sounds like a question for Jerry Springer...

erebus -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (12/24/2007 6:28:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joyful007

Lying is never acceptable. In fact it is one of the most severe offenses one can committ in a relationship. I agree do not punish while angry. But when you do, don't hold back. Punishment should be feared by your sub. To me, the real punishment starts when the tears are flowing. Punishment should hurt and it should hurt a great deal. Enough so that your sub has no desire to repeat the offense.

Schedule it a week in advance and do not miss the date.

This might work, but it has to be explained to your slave.  You should make an impression on him so he fears lying to you again.  I trust you would enjoy doing this; that would help, as you need to not hold back.  Since you've indicated that you want to punish him, that would seem to fit in with how you want to handle the situation. 

Once you get into it, anger might be present.  Just keep yourself under control.

ligar59 -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (12/30/2007 11:49:15 AM)

As I am sure you have already been told, if you can't control your anger, you have no business attempting to punish.
Do you honestly think that by punishing him, it is going to stop the lying. And what of you? Will you not always have those nagging doubts of whether or not he is lying again. Now is not the time to be punishing, now is the time to really find out why your sub felt it necessary to lie to you.

unforegvn -> RE: fairly new domme wanting to punish (12/30/2007 1:45:54 PM)

How long has this been brewing within?  Have you done suspension yet?  Suspend him, in a barn put him up on a bale of straw.  Put away all your sticks and stone - use your wit and intelligence to get him.  Revenge is best served COLD -

1.  It is cold outside right now, blast him with ice water from a hose - actually put a sprinkler wand in front under him and let him stew for a couple of hours put him in a cage for a few days play music he can't stand 24 hours a day until he begs to be released or he has come to his senses.

2.  It is hot outside, cover him with cow poooooooooooooo head to toe and leave him dangling on his tip-toes for a little bit, let him down putting him in a cage over night or until he begs to be released.  Feed him dry oats and honey with buttermilk.

3.  liar liar pants on fire... burn all his pants

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