RE: How do Dominants keep "White Knight" syndrome in check? (Full Version)

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Bobkgin -> RE: How do Dominants keep "White Knight" syndrome in check? (10/4/2007 6:32:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: camille65



What is so ironic about the "white knight" syndrome is how much attention and sympathy it generates for their target.

Bad enough seeing ten or fifteen people following  a single individual, attacking him/her at every opportunity. We all tend to feel sympathy for such an individual as most of us have witnessed such "swarmings" in school yards.

Bad enough these ten or fifteen people must resort to the worst, and most obvious, forms of propaganda to make their 'point'.

Bad enough these ten or fifteen people attack every thread where their target appears, ruining the discussion for everyone else in their zeal to get their target.

Bad enough these ten or fifteen people contribute almost no on-topic material, if indeed they contribute any, while attacking a thread to get their target.

Bad enough these ten or fifteen people must flaunt their immaturity over and over again.

But because of their antics, they generate more traffic through their target's profile than he'd likely get any other way.

And what's worse, it is not at all infrequent that someone writes their target to compliment him on his profile.

One lady even said it was the best she'd read in the three years she'd been here.

Net result of "white knight" syndrome?

I leave the math to the audience at large.

Removing the personal angle, and the white knight angle your left with the complaint of a group of posters that continously repeat behaviour.

I agree with much of what was posted here. There are some posters that even without reading I can guess the gist of what they are posting. It can be tiresome and irritating but there is nothing I personally can do about it, so I usually stay silent on it.
Bob, you now fall into that catagory. Your views and stance do not change, you are unwilling or unable to accept anothers way of thinking/being.

I'd disagree with that last bit.

I've no trouble accepting that the way another thinks/lives is right for them. That doesn't make it right for me.

I've had many many years to work out what I believe, who I am, what I seek in life. I've just had over ten years of non-stop experience in the most intimate of relationships to learn and grow even further.

Life is a learning process, there is no end to it this side of the grave.

That doesn't mean changing one's opinion willy nilly just because a group of white knights have made it their mission in life to harass you.

There is that old adage: "If everyone jumps off a cliff, will you jump too?". I've never been prone to peer pressure, nor to the tactics of propaganda.

As long as these are the 'proofs' offered to change a position, they mean nothing to me.

Aswad, Submittous, Prop, and Prinsexx have done more to change my mind through civil and intelligent discussion than all the propaganda of the white knights, and thus will it ever be with me.

You would think those who claim superiority would have noticed this simple fact by now. It's been obvious for some time.

CuteIrishM4F -> RE: How do Dominants keep "White Knight" syndrome in check? (10/5/2007 3:40:52 AM)

Dear all and Susan ofO,

Fundamentally, I have to disagree with you all. I think that the term ‘hero’ should be replaced with that of ‘chivalric’. That done, you can see that this isn’t a question of insecurity or a Dominant/submissive thing. I do not presume to speak for everyone when I say this, but my feeling is that it is, moreover, a male/female thing. As such, it shouldn’t matter whether the male is dominant or submissive, he has a responsibility to behave in a certain way towards the female. She in turn can expect certain ritualised performative gestures. This is the way I would approach this topic. It isn’t about ‘rescue’ or ‘white knights’ and ‘damsels in distress’ per say, just certain needs I think are in all of us.

Feel free to disagree with me ;)


Bobkgin -> RE: How do Dominants keep "White Knight" syndrome in check? (10/5/2007 6:13:18 AM)

A, I must say you have a unique point of view on this issue. [;)]

The "white knight" syndrome is not a form of "Age of Chivalry" role-playing. It is a problem where someone tries to force others to accept "help" when genuine help is neither needed nor desired.

Perhaps I've misunderstood your contribution. If so, I hope you'll elaborate so I can better understand the points you are making.

Owner4SexSlave -> RE: How do Dominants keep "White Knight" syndrome in check? (10/5/2007 7:29:20 AM)

Many Doms have the "white knight" in them.  To protect their sub/slave and others they care about.  Keeping it in check, is to know when others don't need this help and are taking advantage of it.   Also from experience and wisdom from having played the white knight enough time to know, when to do or not.

There is nothing wrong with one playing "White Knight", a Dom/Master can grow from doing so.  It's learning process in life.  Those who play "White Knights" often become the best type of "White knights", knowing exactly when and how to help somebody.   They come to know their own limits in how far they can humanly go.  

They gain a higher understanding of themselves and other people in the process.  The concept of "White Knight" is bantered around like it's bad thing, when in reality it is not.   How far one takes it is up to them.   This is a personal experience and path that is unique to an individual.   Mistakes will be made along the way.  However the insight, wisdom and experience gained is priceless.  Even when a "White knight" goes past a thier own limits and encouters consequences of their own actions.

You've got to play the game to be any good at it. 

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