Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 12:28:42 PM)

ok, so there's been supposition that you shouldn't have ageplay parties where kink is allowed, allbeit downstairs away from non kink inners, because you might attract pedophiles,  and you shouldn't hold parties that might attract "dreggs of society", and how do you know, that the parties not being attended by pedophiles, Well lets turn it around. How about bdsm parties. Should you not have bdsm parties because people who're not safe players might show up. How do you know that the "dreggs of society" aren't going to show up mascarading as, bdsmers?

Should you not have themed parties cause, well what if your party is a rape fantasy party, and by the logic above rape fantasy parties are only going to attract vile rapeists.

toservez -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 1:04:01 PM)

Regardless of the reasons people you invite to parties should be people you like/respect that are interested in the type of party you are throwing. I seriously anyone has ever invited a person they thought was bad at their core just because.

The rest of the post is just filled with fear mongering stereotypes that do not stand up to the light. It is like asking should I have my young nephew at my wedding because I will be married by a Priest or I am going to home school my children because pedophiles are attracted to jobs like being teachers. You can literally paint anything into something bad using worse case scenarios.

sub4hire -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 1:23:31 PM)

I have never heard of such opposition to age play parties.  About the only opposition for any sort of party I have come across was breath play.  That really wasn't opposition, they just get busted quite often.

I know several into age play, none of them like the smaller types.  They like big, annoying baby types as long as you don't poop your diaper.

Do you hear of the opposition a lot?

orfunboi -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 4:10:15 PM)

"ok, so there's been supposition that you shouldn't have ageplay parties where kink is allowed, "

I've never heard that before. Doesn't make a lot of sense either, why would a ped want to go to a party that was composed of all adults? I have never been to anything ageplay related where there was sex involved so what exactly would they get from it? Even if sex was involved, it would still be adults and again why would a ped want to be around adults?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 4:52:43 PM)

yes. I see a lot of people on here who think ageplay and mixing of kinks means you're pedophiliac and or that ageplay is sick, in fact in the announcement event, I was told it's quite wrong to mix age play and sexuality by someone claiming to have pychological training.

I don't care however, because I know that people will think what ever they will about any old thing, It was just an interesting concept going on in my head.

Funboi, the theory was I guess that mixing people running around pretending to eb minors with sexual play, or kinky play, would then somehow be sick. and could invite the wrong types of people to come.


ORIGINAL: sub4hire

I have never heard of such opposition to age play parties.  About the only opposition for any sort of party I have come across was breath play.  That really wasn't opposition, they just get busted quite often.

I know several into age play, none of them like the smaller types.  They like big, annoying baby types as long as you don't poop your diaper.

Do you hear of the opposition a lot?

camille65 -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 4:56:52 PM)

You are referring to the thread in 'Upcoming Events' right? If so yes you are right, there are some folks in that who take a very dim view of age play [&:]. I don't know how to link in a thread or I would do it for reference.

popeye1250 -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 5:00:10 PM)

Well, in the first place you don't invite people in off the street.
I'd want to *know* just who's comming to my house!
Or if a friend will "ok" a friend of theirs who I don't know.
If you're the one having a party you're responsable!

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 5:14:08 PM)

Popeye, PArties at public places,do just that, well perhaps not off the street, but you advertise a party for a public space like SF Citadel dungion, It's on a calander on every bdsm site like SOJ, and another announcement lists. Any old body is allowed to come, that's the joy and perhaps downside to public dungion like SF

CuriousLord -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 6:46:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss
ok, so there's been supposition that you shouldn't have ageplay parties where kink is allowed, allbeit downstairs away from non kink inners, because you might attract pedophiles,  and you shouldn't hold parties that might attract "dreggs of society", and how do you know, that the parties not being attended by pedophiles, Well lets turn it around. How about bdsm parties. Should you not have bdsm parties because people who're not safe players might show up. How do you know that the "dreggs of society" aren't going to show up mascarading as, bdsmers?

So, what?  You should ensure that pedophiles don't show up so their sexual frustration draws them into actually molesting a minor?  Whoever told you that really should be beatten with a good, perferably metallic, bat.

Pedophilia's a subject I have strong feelings on; I've known too many girls who've been molested.  A lot of girls have been molested in their childhood.  (Oddly, not that many guys have been.  Apparently, adult women looking for play partners tend to have an easier time finding conscentual ones.)  But, in any case, I feel society's calling these people sick (which, don't get me wrong, they very well may be; jury's still out on that one) and not offering any constructive help.  Instead, they're offering repression which, I assure you, I've seen the empircal evidence to know it's not effective.  If they can excerise their kink with other consenting adults, what the hell could possibly be better?  [/rant]


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss
Should you not have themed parties cause, well what if your party is a rape fantasy party, and by the logic above rape fantasy parties are only going to attract vile rapeists.

Yeah, pretty much the same.  Kinda nice to be in a society where those who just really feel this strong drive to rape can get their fix without actually having to rape.  Sure, it might not be as sexually thrilling as the real thing, but, for many, it's probably enough- balance this with the absense of guilt and the fear of consquences, along with the pride of being someone others enjoy instead of hating, and it's easily likely to be the perference for many would-be rapists.  This is one of the reasons I really wish BDSM as more.. publically known.  Also a reason I hate the closet-promoting tenants of many religions*.

*For the record, I hate religions for many reasons.  This is just one of the reasons that I hate some of them.

murmur -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 8:25:06 PM)


i dont believe pedophiles would be attracted to an ageplay parties cause there would be *no child* at said parties.......
adults arent sexually interesting for them, even if they are playing a child.

*shrugs* seems pretty simple to me.

Owner59 -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/14/2007 9:47:42 PM)

This is one strange ass OP,IMO.

Alumbrado -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/15/2007 8:04:46 AM)

As already said, the OP's 'supposition' makes no sense. It is like saying that one shouldn't have a Monopoly party because it will attract bank robbers.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/15/2007 8:06:51 AM)

Alum, yeah I just used those examples to state how silly it'd be not to allow ageplayers to have parties, I mean cause if you insist dreggs of society will come to it simply cause it's ageplay, why not insist every kink shouldn't have a party, because it'd attract undesirables.

pahunkboy -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/15/2007 9:19:50 AM)

i recall yrs ago a nieghbor being stabbed to death for crashing a party.

parties = booze = fights. i have a knack to leave before things get out of hand. there is always at least 1 that cant hold the liquor and turns an event into an ordeal.

i prefer a quiet walk along the river or out in nature. but then that is me. :-)

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/15/2007 9:21:27 AM)

pahunk the parties at the citadel and most play spaces don't allow alchol at their events. There is one group here that the swinger's party goer's are allowed to bring their own drinks, but it's regulated and any one who's out of hand gets told to leave.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Lets turn a concept around, interesting thought in my head right now. (9/15/2007 2:42:40 PM)

Makes as much sense as going to a 'lifestyle' party at a club and being worried about whether any 'sadists' or 'masochists' will show up.

Last year on the last night at the Folsom Fringe beth's attire consisted of a diaper/bib and her hair in pig tails. Couldn't tell the difference between the pedophile-type looks versus the 'normal' looks.

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