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a story my Mistress Tracey made me write....

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a story my Mistress Tracey made me write.... - 6/24/2004 6:38:57 PM   

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Joined: 5/6/2004
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“I'm imagining 6 or even 12 implements of punishment… whips, paddles, floggers, dildo, gags, riding equipment, slappers……. my dear Michael” said Mistress Tracy reaching for her glass.

The afternoon sunlight shone though the break in the curtain, it seemed to brush her torso and legs with a luminescent gold…. and the exquisitely tiny hairs on her sinuous belly shown magically.

Mistress Tracey is five feet nine and one half inches in her stocking feet and cut a magnificently statuesque figure in her red pumps. “Umm….. yummy!” She said sipping the chardonnay….” Would you like a sip, Mikey honey? I’ll bet you would, you really do buy me the loveliest wines, Michael. And you know the best part… you just always think of sweet things like that without a peep from me, thank you sweetheart.”

Mistress Tracy is my

I’d describe part of her as part Veronica Lake. If you’re not old enough to know what that means…. She’s like the sexy sexy cartoon woman in Roger Rabbit or like Camrez Dias in Mask. Tall, that type of hair and mystery about her. That’s one part. There are others equally alluring.

“How ‘bout some right from Mommy, sweetheart? Open for me now” and with that Mistress Tracy’s head moved towards mine, her mouth puckered slightly and out of her mouth trickled the wine, glancing off my face, nose and upper lip and mostly on to the hardwood floor where my shoulder already rested uncomfortably as I was cuffed and bound at her feet. “Show Mistress how you can suck that up nicely off my floor so there won’t be any stains sweetheart, OK?

I knew that a moments delay could bring a change in temperament. I wriggled from spot to spot apparently doing the job sufficiently well to get a still chilled, half mouthful directly falling several feet from her mouth as she bent slightly and dirbbled the wine to mine. Mistress Tracey had helped me right my head with a firm grasp of a handful of hair. “Now what year is that Mr. Connoisseur?” She laughed.

My Mistress Tracy went on to tell me what her fancy with me was this warm spring afternoon of our session.

“I’ll choose my way in which I’ll have you roll the dice since yours are …. indisposed … designate …the…. particular instrument.” As She spoke She pulled a chair closer, spit wine one the floor, kicked off her pump and I knew it would only be a few moments before I’d be cleaning her wine soaked toes with my mouth and being tested regarding listening well to her instructions.

“Maybe I'll bridle you up and ride you, sweet horsie. Maybe a good beating back at the barn to look forward to will give you some giddieup! …. I want to feel some power from those big footballer thighs, Michael, when my crop says …g’it up those hills!’ She erupted with a loud laugh...

Mistress Tracey prefers to use me in her apartment.

I’ve been meeting her in her apartment where everything is, where I can clean and take care of things for her first then please her. If we’ve been together three years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting at her apartment for about one year.

“The foliage is out enough, I suppose, to keep us from being seen cutting through the Miller’s place on the way back… it would be a shame if they saw me riding a naked man all nicely bridled up… you know what they’d say” and She tossed her head back with great self satisfaction…. “They probably say I’m aging gracefully, maybe even calming down in my middle thirties! Sorry, darling, they know me and if they haven’t seen me already ……somebody else has. I’ll doubt they’ll make you out with those blinders on though. You’d better hope they can’t recognize you from the steam room at the club”

She giggled as She brought her hand to her chin, tilled her head back to think.

”I’d save some energy for that field sprint darling, if you can sprint with your balls like that”. I have a chastity device around my cock and balls which is locked and Mistress Tracey is the only one with the key. The lock is plastic so that it’s doesn’t set off airport security devices. I can break it if need be, the consequences didn’t need to be explained to me, however. Eleven days I’d not been able to relieve myself.

Her words so excited my confinded cock and I could tell drips of cum were forming at the tip. Mistress Tracey’s stream of consciousness script for our afternoon started to flow from her more easily….

“Then you’ll roll again for the number of lashes, OK Michael? You’ll be thinking, pondering ….ponder.... will She hand me, hmmm 1 die or.....maybe….TWO! The thought of 2 dice and a possible 12 whollops scares the hell out of you, I know darling......but it just pleases me soooo…I can practically feel the fear running through your balls as I pull on them.... and besides, maybe 12 really fucking hard ones on each cheek will get me off!
If I’m feeling good and randy from my ride, I’ll bet it will. You know it’s a nice day but I wish it were hotter. I love it in the hay loft in July and August when I can leave you there for a swim and you’ll be sopping wet with sweat for my return. We’ll have that to look forward to sweet Michael. But today you need to grow….. you’ll look in my eyes and smile sweetly at me my darling….that’s your focus for today…I don’t want to see your silly fear…. Very sweetly, please don’t bore me with terror, I need loving acceptance from you today darling, OK? And make your legs quiver again, that was ever so exciting for mummy darling. Make mummy happy with that for today!”

I only get to see my Mistress Tracey infrequently and her usual wont had become incapacitating me naked and thinking out loud about her pleasure with me that day. This afternoon was no different.

"I’ll tell you how’ll I’ll decide the cheek issue, Michael …whether the strikes you roll get delivered on EITHER side or BOTH sides.…you know how darling, I’m sure you do…..based upon … how you perform and please me, of course.” Mistress Tracey went to where She had made me arrange all the hitting instruments and picked my an old platform tennis paddle, an old heavy, leather gripped cluncker with lots and lots of square holes in it. She knows it is the one I fear the most. I know She likes numbers, number of this, the number of that. It’s how the dice game got started. I’ll tell you….

Mistress Tracey loves number games. She keeps track of “Mikie’s lucky numbers” as She calls them to the stoke, the location, harshness and even the number of squares which lre left imprinted on my ass from that paddle.

Briefly Mistress Tracey’s private lottery for me works like this. Worst case, I could receive up to 144 lashes or blows in a session by rolling doubles sixes to begin with and every successive time I roll to determine the number of strokes I’d receive from Mistress Tracey with that particular instrument. With 12 rolls and and double sixes on each roll, 144 strokes is possible but hopefully unlikely. So if She desires to play, I roll once to determine the number of instruments She will use on me. That I know from the beginning, thanks to her kindness. Mistress Tracey asked if I wanted to see my initial roll or not. She kindly offered me the choice of knowing or not knowing how may instruments I would be trained with that day. After our first session of my knowing, Mistress Tracey cleverly understood the flaw. She would know too. She thought this might influence her strictness with me. Mistress Tracey wisely devised a way for me to grow and for her not to be overly influenced by her knowing where she was in the process, …….. but more on that later…..

“Don't worry, Michael, it will all be over soon enough either way darling” She said admiring the old paddle in her hand, smelling the belting leather handle warn from use, lightly touching my right cheek with it. “You can take it...... I know you can, even when you cried tears, such lovely tears, the last time. I was so so proud of you …those were first time crocodile tears with you… first really big tears from you sweet Michael… and those nasty ol’ marks kept you from showering at the club for 6 weeks. You did so lovely. That was a break-through for you but you were so scared, I don’t want terror in your eyes, darling, I want to see your love this time. Terror will tell me you didn’t learn a thing and I’ll just have to address your fear again and that won’t be all good. You can understand it’s not going to help your tennis game and I want that trophy this year. I love the head table near the orchestra and besides it’s free to the winner darling, so you can buy me a new summer party dress for Awards Night with what you would have had to spend on the dinner party”.

With that Mistress Tracey approached me with a kiss.... she’s getting ever so close, enjoying my the loving eyes I have for her...... She sweetly pull my chin down to open my mouth ....... globs of warm spit hit my nose, slid over my lips and fell into my mouth. "You’ll be able to take it for me , darling, I know you can.... for me…… just for me".

“Oh, I want another role sweetheart” She said putting the paddle down. “One roll for who!”

I didn’t really fully understand the meaning of one for who.

“For you my Mistress”, I said.

I’m caught completely by surprise! Mistress Tracey next tells me I must roll for WHO will punish me.

It had always been her, only Mistress Tracy. We’d never had another person Mistresses training of me. I’m informed I’ll roll the dice one more time to determine whether it will be herself or whether She will give me to other lady. I thought this was exciting but unlikely. Then I heard the plural, ladies then friends, plural again! Public I am not comfortable with and She know this very well. In the course of pondering and sipping chilled chardonnay, Mistress Tracey thought out loud. "Maybe we should have some fun u and I'll take you for drinks so I can leave early.".

Where did this come from I thought.

Mistress Tracey then started to threaten to take me out in the public. I had told her long ago how these threats of public humiliation excited me. I could feel my cock straining against my enclosure and tiny drops of cum starting to drip onto my leg. I indulged myself in thinking this would help me accept the pain with loving eyes as She had instructed me.

I hadn’t yet transitioned from where did this come from to, more importantly, where it was going. She spoke aloud some more. A closet door opened and I could see shoes were changed. Mistress Tracey had decided that we were going for drinks….. “with the ladies”. She was sorry to cut our session short, it had all been arranged and She couldn’t get out of it and I was to go along as her excuse to leave early. I was to escort her back so I didn’t have to worry about a thing.

I was released, obeyed, freshened myself with a 30 second shower shower, dressed and we left.

Arriving inside the bar, we were seated promptly amidst a sizable waiting line with a group of about eight women whom I had never seen. I was introduced in a perfectly social manner, we ordered drinks and the lively conversations continued. How-do-you-know’s, where-are-you-from’s, how-long’s, what-do-you-do’s along with several separate conversations occurred just as in any other of hundreds of new friends cocktail parties or bar meetings I’d gone to.

In the midst of the congeniality and laughter Mistress Tracey tapped her glass with a spoon, leaned forward to say a few friendly words to the group. “WHO WANTS TO FRESHLY BEAT MY SLAVE?

I’d completely forgotten and my hearted pounded….. Jesus. I started to stand up and She grabbed my hand. “Michael, sit down, honey, it’s all right, it’s all right. Sit down sweetheart”. I pulled away and I heard stern words “SIT DOWN” from Her. Also two of the ladies had put their hands out as if to stop me if I were going to be difficult.

My heart didn’t say it was all right, no not at all. I could hear it pounding in my ears!

Mistress Tracey asked “if any of the ladies would like to freshly beat the handsome slave I’ve seen you all eyeing”.

All eyes alternated between She and I. Lots of smiles and light hearted approval. Her fun loving associates thought its a great idea and order another round to celebrate.

“You have them roll our blue dice to see who goes first, please Michael” She said. “There's going to great delight for the winner, I promise you ladies!” She went on to say to their eager smiles and laughter..

Then came the onslaught of ideas. Lots and lots of ideas got bounced around while waiting for our second drink order. Amidst the happy hour guests, Tracey’s ladies were saying to me “say, Michael, come over here you hunk, let’s have a good look see at that bod". I had become the center of attention at what looked like a birthday party or welcome home party to the other patrons on the room. Heads are turning in the large seating area, people are wondering what's going on. “Don’t worry honey, they think it a party amongst great friends…. And it IS!” said Mistress Tracey.

More the more ideas that came out the wilder they became. "Let's have slave bukkake!" someone suggests. "Or lets do piss shots" pronounces another.

"How's THAT work" asks another.

The explanation of piss shots is short but clear from a very professionally dressed tall brunette woman.

"We order another round and disappear to the ladies room with our shot glasses" giggles the whimsical would be mistress. “We bring back our pee and line up the darling little glasses. It looks like a welcome back celebration for our dear friend, Michael. We've order him a shot from the waiter too. Michael must down a shot of ours and tell us whose it is!” The response is pure delight! “If Michael guesses correctly, that lady is out and another shot glass gets removed. If he's wrong, he belongs to the lady for pallet training."

"What's pallet training" asks a younger lady.

"Pallet training teaches slaves to recognize a lady's golden gift when he has it in his mouth...... and not to forget it again I might add” the woman said. “It's quite effective. Here's how it works" and she starts to tell the attentive group. "Michael will roll one dice while the mistress in question disappears with a beer glass to fill with her gift in the ladies room. She'll come back and present Michael with a nice mouth full of warm golden shower….. and … produce it rather quickly given our own drinking I would think” the brunette said to agreeing nods from the table of friends. “Everyone will think our sweet winning lady bought him a beer. He'll take a mouthful here in from of us all and go to the adjoining room with her. There he kneels, his pants go down and he receives the number of strikes which he rolled.. His mouth MUST remain wide open. He must look the mistress in the eye and swallow that portion after each blow. Six strikes, six swallows. On the final strike he must finish. If there is none left for the final swallow, he’ll have to come back and start again.”

Mistress Tracey easily got the attention of all from the brunette. “We could do it here, but it's a little too early for Oliver the bartender to allow binding him to the bar with spread hands and feet so the room could enjoy seeing his pants go down and his ass reddened in public” She calmly tell the ladies "the adjoining room is just fine for now, no problems and it’s just exactly what we ladies will ……do……for…… N O W!" Mistress Tracey said.

The ladies were giddy with excitement. “Oh, but ladies don’t worry….. but we can still HEAR ...... if the strikes are loud enough" She laughs and raises her glass with all the women at the table doing likewise. All delight and giggle at this, and contribute to detailed refinements they think would me so fun.

The fresh round of aperitifs appears in darling colored shot glasses, attached to a congenial waiter.

"You certainly seem to having fun here, is it a birthday or something?" the elder server asks.

"Indeed" Mistress Tracey saws wryly...... "let's just say it's a life altering beginning...... yes..... just like a birthday.... you're so right, dear Eddie!"

The ladies enjoy the private laugh, not so privately.

The waiter nods and winks at Mistress Tracy. "One of THOSE days, Tracey", he says with obvious familiarity. Old Eddie the waiter circles the crowd quickly with his eyes, a smile and leaves. "Well, is it piss shots or slave bukkake, ladies" Tracey asks aloud and the fun, and voluminous chatter and commotion continues.

"Gosh, am I the only person here who always has to ask?" demurs a Jackie, an accountant I’d been introduce to earlier.

More than several ladies appear not to know the meaning of bukkake and Mistress Tracey seizes the moment.

"Listen my sweet friends and you shall learn” She says deliberately while leaning forward.

Mistress Tracey leans in to teach the brood...... things quiet down and the ladies lean forward to engage the sparkle in Her dark blue eyes. They start to hang on ever word out of her lips.

A gasping "Jesus" in heard in delight upon Mistress Tracey’s conclusion.

"Eight, ten, twelve loads of cum spilling out of her mouth into a hospital tray?" asks Eileen, the attorney, in disbelief.

"Fuckin, fuck you, fuck me… are you funkin’ kidding me??????" chimes in a thin lady in a flower print dress with Peter Pan collar and the girls erupt with gales of laughter.

My darling Mistress Tracy then sets them up for the knock out punch. "Not just ten or twelve guys, in Japan the whole company department will cum in her mouth, sometimes hundreds... HUNDREDS! and then she has to DRINK IT!!!!!!!!"

Wide eyes find even wider eyes, filled with wonder and intrigue and astonishment and, and, and …… sexism!

"Now Ladies, does that sound entirely fair to you? Really now, is that fair. These poor, hard working women have to kneel there, rather nattily attired if I do say so myself, with cum stains all over their beautiful Hermes scarves and drink a quart or so of their male working associates cum. AND THEN FUCKING APOLOGIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Now I ask you sweet things, is that right? Is that FAIR????"

“Michael, you don’t think that’s right, do you?” asked Annette, a banker.

I had read the book the Godfather years and year before and never forgotten how I smirked at the notion of the blood draining from an entire live body and sphincter muscles failing to contain body fluids and excess.

No longer
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