Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (Full Version)

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ChicagoSwitchMal -> Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/26/2007 7:03:36 AM)


wilfulcontrol -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/26/2007 8:59:11 AM)

Floyd Mayweather Jr better not get a hold of those in case they ever have a rematch

LaTigresse -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/26/2007 11:45:00 AM)

somehow I think Floyd has been running copies of them...........

michelle69 -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/26/2007 11:47:29 AM)

no boxers judt want to have fun

sundownhawk -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/27/2007 1:07:24 AM)

OMG! That really is him!

iammachine -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/27/2007 1:39:59 AM)

ha! that's great! he's got nice legs for heels, too! ^_^

twistedwillow -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/27/2007 2:04:43 AM)

He makes a pretty lil boi,  though I don't want to be the one to tell him to his face!


ChicagoSwitchMal -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/27/2007 7:17:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: twistedwillow

He makes a pretty lil boi,  though I don't want to be the one to tell him to his face!


Im guessing he wouldn't mind if you did.

LaTigresse -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (9/27/2007 3:14:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: twistedwillow

He makes a pretty lil boi,  though I don't want to be the one to tell him to his face!


I would, but then again I am fearless............or something.

farmslave100 -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (10/1/2007 1:29:13 PM)


The photos were a hoax.

MistressDolly -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (10/8/2007 10:30:10 AM)

The size of his head said it all...

MistressDollysub -> RE: Oscar De La Hoya is a little kinky. (10/8/2007 11:23:14 AM)

It is obvious that that the De La Hoya story was a complete fabrication.My personal take on this is so what if it were true? Because a man has a macho  occupation does not in any way indicate what his sexual preferences may be.Would  any logical person believe that if a boxer was a crossdresser that this would someway diminish his character or his in ring accomplishments?
It is precisely this kind of ignorance that forces many people who embrace a lifestyle outside of the preceived norm to remain in the closet.
What gives anyone the right to pass judgement on anothers sexual preference .
If a boxer is a great boxer and he is a crossdresser, then he is still a great boxer. T he same holds true for  a doctor , a teacher , a police officer etc...
I realize that a person with celebrity status attracts greater curiosity and scrutiny that the average person , but to make something like this into a news story indicates a severe lack of priorities. There are soldiers dying in Iraq, the Bill of Rights is under an attack not seen since the the implication of the Alien and Sedition Act , New Orleans is still inperil .We have homeless and hungry in every  city in the United States.
I say lets address these problems (and many others ) and forget about the boxers clothes.
Just my thoughts.

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