flipping the switch (Full Version)

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rain -> flipping the switch (6/28/2004 7:22:53 AM)


i currently have a play partner who says that he is "mostly a bottom" but for some reason i bring out his dominant side, <eg>

While i greatly enjoy having him top me, we have, at the end of a scene switched roles, and i got to spank his ass! mmmmmmm

What i'd like to know is this, how easy or difficult is it to flip the role of a switch during play? What are some things your partner may do that would make you suddenly take the opposite position?


Mondschein -> RE: flipping the switch (6/29/2004 10:48:57 AM)

From my experience, I usually do not switch during play. If I start as a domminant I stay that way till the end, and vise versa. I think that I will only switch during play if I am not getting the pleasure I seek. For instance, if I'm the bottom and I get this big urge to top because bottoming is not giving me what I expected for that moment.

MistressEden -> RE: flipping the switch (6/30/2004 8:16:24 AM)

Flipping the Switch, I have to say that I like that quote[;)] For me ( and I admitt that I am new to a lot of this ) being a switch is something that I have fought myself on for a long time mostly because I always saw the Dommes out there that seemed (at least online) to be the ultra *itch's and I didn't want to be that myself. Recently I have found my domme side coming out more and more and I have been encouraged to let that happen while still keeping my sense of humor and enjoying it.

But to get back to the topic, I used to find that while bottoming to a top who didn't have the strength to control me I would then top from below or just take control out right. When I am in play as a bottom or sub I perfer to stay in that position thru out but if my partner in play can't keep the control then the play time isn't what it should be for either of us. It is then that my Domme side comes to force. Usually with a top or dom who hasn't the experience or strength to keep me in sub mode. To just flip for the sake of flipping I haven't done but I would think that it would be something that I would need to discuss with my partner and if it was something that we both had an interest in then just to let things flow and see what happens

Mondschein -> RE: flipping the switch (6/30/2004 7:33:55 PM)

Mistress Eden:
I agree with you 100%.

Laura -> RE: flipping the switch (6/30/2004 10:10:15 PM)

It's all about mood and the person I'm with, how they affect me. There is no taking turns as some people seem to see it.

I only once met a Dom who made me feel very sub. It was only online but still, I just wanted to curl up in his lap and be petted. It was nice. A change from the other 99% of the time when I feel that lightening flowing through me and I just want to make them rock hard and trembling for all sorts of reasons. Usually I like them under my thumb, controlled, cause that way I'm the one in control rather being vulnerable.

But, it was a real treat for me the few times it went the other way. It was just something about him though, not something I did myself.

pixieunleashed -> RE: flipping the switch (7/12/2004 8:20:19 AM)

In my experiences, there have only been two partners that have been "connected" to me enough to be able to experience flipping the switch with. In both those cases, it has been the bottom that does the flipping. For some reason...it has been with me, when I "flip" I take whatever I take and then all the sudden I get an evil look in my eyes and as soon as I look back they either punish me for being "uppity" (if they want to continue being Dom) or they get the "oh shit" look on their face and then I take over.

I tend to be a more submissive switch in that respect, however, I have never given up control myself once I have it.

In my experiences, "flipping the switch" is something that requires a lot of safety and closeness in the relationship. It is not condusive to getting the full sub-space ride, but it is a lot of fun for both partners to get some decent "top space" and makes for seriously wild sexual encounters.

thank you A/all for reading this post, I hope E/everyone has a great day :)



pixieunleashed -> RE: flipping the switch (7/12/2004 8:44:05 AM)

sorry folks :) just caught myself in a lie, and figured I would point it out and then explain what I was thinking of.....in this previous post, I said...I never give up control when I have it...in "scene" this is true........in another board...."so I am a switch so what?" I posted that I have gone from Domme to sub and from sub to Domme.....in that sense I was referring to playful conversation, even start up to a "scene", as I have had times where I will be talking and acting all big for my boots and then a few choice words from my Dom will put me kneeling saying I am sorry, Sir. Perhaps things are different when it is "them" that are tied up and helpless *eg*. Who knows...I just wanted to call myself on my lie, and point out that yes, I know I made two contradicting definative statements...I am working on that :)

I apologize for any misunderstanding, and for the big picture posted in my post, I was trying to put a cool little picture on the side of my name and wanted it to be one of my originals.

thank you for your understanding, again, have great days :)


trueneutral0 -> RE: flipping the switch (7/14/2004 8:00:26 PM)

being a switch is like being half crazy, you get all the get out of jail free and i want a check benifits and none of the hastles of actually being psycotic...

Sinergy -> RE: flipping the switch (7/15/2004 12:13:12 AM)


being a switch is like being half crazy, you get all the get out of jail free and i want a check benifits and none of the hastles of actually being psycotic...


I dont know if you identify as a switch, trueneutral0, but this particular post is completely incorrect.

Perhaps you should do more research before you make such infinitive statements about an entire group of people.


FistyMcfist -> RE: flipping the switch (4/4/2005 12:19:30 AM)

I've often found that I get "stuck" in a role. Switching mid-play is one of my favorite things, but it's hard to find a partner that I can flow that well with. I have had that "flipping the switch" experience, but I am still fantasizing about a more fluid relationship than I have been able to achive so far. I would love to be able to play without the roles being locked in at all, to behave submissively, and then dominate, and back, just taking and giving control without the traditional stereotypes demanding fulfillment. Oh well, one day.

MistressTrin -> RE: flipping the switch (4/10/2005 9:21:43 PM)


being a switch is like being half crazy, you get all the get out of jail free and i want a check benifits and none of the hastles of actually being psycotic...

I'm a switch and I don't feel half crazy.
I don't consider my life goal to be psychotic.
I'm not sure your understanding of the switch is complete, or even mildly accurate. Perhaps you could clarify the intention of this statement so I don't misunderstand?

As to flipping the switch. I have had one experience where my partner and I flipped throughout the scene. Everything was clicking and we flipped back and forth so effortlessly. I've never been that in tune with anyone and hope to have that again. We both emerged exhausted, scratched, bitten, bruised, sore, and thoroughly satisfied.


Caveat: woohoo! I'm no longer vanilla, I'm curious! [8D]

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