Mod Three has a face! (Full Version)

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topcat -> Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 5:07:45 PM)

and kinda cute, too<g>.

ModeratorThree -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 5:14:05 PM)

Oh my.. topcat said I was kinda cute...

*shivers all over*


MistressKiss -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 5:45:24 PM)

I wonder what he would say if your face shot turned into a full body nude shot.....grins

You could get into this whole picture exchange thing with him....

*shudders* too....grins

Poor Lawrence....there are some things we never live down, aren't there?

ModeratorThree -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 5:55:16 PM)

I was thinking of asking him if he wanted to relive his submissive side, and ya know call it a learning exp. ;) ;)


iwillserveu -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 6:56:00 PM)

Geez, Lawrence, Two nude snowangels and the Dommes go ga-ga. Bottle it. [:)]

proudsub -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 7:04:59 PM)


I was thinking of asking him if he wanted to relive his submissive side, and ya know call it a learning exp. ;) ;)

I think you just want to see his ass[;)]

ModeratorThree -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 7:25:16 PM)

I think you are a psychic [;)]


LadyBeckett -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/28/2004 9:35:50 PM)

Lawrence, I'm not asking for preferencial treatment, really I'm not, but would you please email me the snow angels? I keep reading about them, iwillserveu has promised me links, and links, and none of the "links" led me to any snow angels...I'm beginning to feel a bit snow angel deprived here. *sniff*

Oh, Mod Three, aren't you lovely! [;)] It goes with the personality!

topcat -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 5:26:58 AM)

M. Beckett-

If that doesn't work, I'll email them. Let me know

Stay warm,

topcat -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 5:32:39 AM)


yes- definately cute<g>.

And no sorry- while there are two days a year when I bottom, If it's requested by a partner. Other than that, I think perhaps I'll flip over when I achieve ultimate dominance. Which at this rate, should be right around my 100th Bday<g>.

but thanks-

Stay warm,

topcat -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 5:33:51 AM)

midear Iwill-

bottle it? hell if I could just figure out how to _work_ it I'd be happy<g>.

Stay warm,

LadyBeckett -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 5:56:19 AM)

Lawrence, you have a bit of snow on, come here let me warm you up. Oh My My!

Voltare -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 9:33:07 AM)

Damn! I saw her post on another thread, and thought "wow, she's cute!" So I was a little shocked to see I had been beaten to the punch in the same forum I was about to post to. (laughs.)

Guess Lawrence and I have good taste in women.


(avoiding the obvious jokes that go with that line.)

baileythorne -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 7:53:55 PM)

M'dear Lawrence,

How about some birthday spankings? :-)
Pretty please?


topcat -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/29/2004 9:27:09 PM)

midear Bailey-

Birthday spankings I only bottom to for those who have reciprocated.

We'll see........

stay warm,

baileythorne -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/30/2004 1:42:57 AM)

Dearest Lawrence,

So what's the other day a year you would consider bottoming?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Right Mod3?


topcat -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/30/2004 5:16:03 AM)

My very dear Bailey-

the roolz are simple:

It's only open to someone that submits/bottoms to me.

they must guess the days (there is a reason or signifcance for each). no clues

So far, ever, only two have guessed. Neither actually took advanage of it.

Stay warm,


iwillserveu -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/30/2004 6:24:28 PM)

I thought I showed you the thread. And what do you mean

iwillserveu has promised me links, and links, and none of the "links" led me to any snow angels

One link which you never told me did not work. Besides, should not a Dominant not tolerate promises she feels are broken?

LadyBeckett -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/30/2004 6:59:31 PM)

You seem a bit upset, iwill. It's all well and good now, I've seen the "snow angels" and as reputation has it they are quite...*ahem* nice. [;)] Truthfully, at the time you sent me the links (and you sent me two btw), neither one of them worked, but it wasn't really a big deal at the time (no offense, Lawrence) because I was busy with other things. However the more I heard about them, the more curious I became, and I finally asked the man himself. [;)]

Regarding "promises, hmmm...I've always heard that promises were made to be broken, but when someone gives their word, now that's a different story. I don't make promises.

baileythorne -> RE: Mod Three has a face! (6/30/2004 7:07:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: topcat

It's only open to someone that submits/bottoms to me.
they must guess the days (there is a reason or signifcance for each). no clues


Your birthday. Her birthday.

Any restrictions on the implements, other than it must be something you have used on her?

just curious... <giving my very best innocent look>


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