Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (Full Version)

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Owner59 -> Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:31:53 AM)

fun vid,from webpage

scifi1133 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:34:41 AM)

alright that second vid had me spitting coffee on my comp.

pahunkboy -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:36:57 AM)

Maybe the logic is they get the real thing?  That wont stop people from inserting every day products innn.

Owner59 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:37:44 AM)

 The Ron Paul vid is heavy,and not part of the article.My guess is that the site owner, likes Dr.Ron Paul.

Now how about that dildo vid?lol

pahunkboy -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:40:56 AM)

hint- when using a curling iron dont turn it on.

Owner59 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 6:43:22 AM)

 What does this say about our supreme court?Nothing good,IMO.

Thanks republicans.Worth shit in the war on terror,but alllll over gay marriage and sex toys.

God help us,through these "interesting" times.

pahunkboy -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:02:31 AM)

It is sad it has come down to this. People are going to do what they please regardless if it is legal or not.

DianeB269 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:26:42 AM)

Don't these idiot law makers have anything better to do?


PS; That vid was is very funny...[:D]

pahunkboy -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:32:31 AM)

when people stop showing up in ER rooms with coke bottles stuck in them; then ild say we are that provincial.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:35:27 AM)

Take away the freedom to purchase safe toys and more people are gonna end up with coke bottles in their asses.

DianeB269 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:37:02 AM)

Very true..........


GoldStallion -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 7:59:17 AM)

Looks like Diane would know, judging by her yahoo group.

Owner59 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:04:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

Take away the freedom to purchase safe toys and more people are gonna end up with coke bottles in their asses.

However,it`s only those devilish "sinners",that will end up in the ER.So for the puritans,it`s a win - win.

LadyLynx -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:24:45 AM)

**rolls eyes** Gods give me strength!  Doesn't Texas have a similiar law? A while back I was reading a Penthouse Forum, an article mentioned that. ( I don't remember which one.) I found it very amusing that they outlawed dildos and vibrators, but not floggers or whips. 

DianeB269 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:29:31 AM)

You think Alabama would lock me up and throw the key away if one of those law makes saw my group?


GoldStallion -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:33:48 AM)



You think Alabama would lock me up and throw the key away if one of those law makes saw my group?


No, dont let that happen!!! I have an idea: YOU lock them up and throw away the key - and charge the fuckers by the hour for the privelidge of being incarcerated by you.

LadyMorgynn -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:34:49 AM)

Yes, but it's the Puritans and politicians who are going to wind up in the ER's!!!! Us experienced sinners, know how to use Safe Pervertables... or pervertables safely ;)




ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

Take away the freedom to purchase safe toys and more people are gonna end up with coke bottles in their asses.

However,it`s only those devilish "sinners",that will end up in the ER.So for the puritans,it`s a win - win.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:35:41 AM)

They'd have to go through a hell of a lot of men to get to you.  You are adored by many.

DianeB269 -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:38:14 AM)

Thank You, Domin8tingUrDrmz....


LadyMorgynn -> RE: Alabama bans sex toys,wtf! (10/2/2007 8:40:12 AM)

I remember a few years back a story going around about Missouri... I forget the details, but some lawmakers were changing the old antisodomy laws, and basically the idea was to allow gay sex. But some other conservative lawmakers were making riders onto other, unrelated, bills that would invalidate the new laws allowing gay sex, and of course those bills went through too, with wide-ranging enough language, the ultimate result being that, for awhile there, interpretively, it was illegal to have sex in the state of Missouri!

I do wish I could remember the details.

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