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RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 11:49:44 AM   

Posts: 2933
Joined: 6/19/2006
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poke a pussy

That gave me images of a carnival with people throwing darts at a pussy bullseye with a carny screeching *poke a pussy here five dollars for three chances".... or maybe instead of those clown faces you fill up with water to bust the balloon it could be a pussy and you pop the condom?


Religion is for people who are scared of hell, Spirituality is for people who have been there

(in reply to xoxi)
Profile   Post #: 161
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 11:53:25 AM   

Posts: 1066
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I'm the thought of playing with girls to me is sort of like spreading their lips and poking around...not quite sure what to do but enjoying the squishy feeling regardless

(in reply to velvetears)
Profile   Post #: 162
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 11:55:02 AM   

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OMG, now you've got me snort laughing here!!


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to xoxi)
Profile   Post #: 163
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 12:36:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: chellekitty

if i had a therapist a condescending as you, i'd tell her to get fucked...and spread the word...this is not the first time i've had this opinion of your posts....

You're entitled to have whatever opinion you want and please do spread the word about me getting fucked.....


(in reply to chellekitty)
Profile   Post #: 164
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 12:58:30 PM   

Posts: 1335
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From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
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ORIGINAL: velvetears




ORIGINAL: velvetears

Sad thing about depression is that if it's not that severe you can live with it an entire lifetime.  Like Bob is doing. 

I wouldn't say it is "sad".

I could have retreated from reality through a drug-induced fog, or booze, or sex, or any number of distractions.

But I'd have had to do that for my entire life, never coming to grips with reality.

Reality may be depressing, but at least its real.

What i find sad is that you will never truly know if it is "reality" that is depressing you or your skewed interpretation of it because of an imbalance in your brain's chemistry.  There are things in this world no one can change, fact of life, why waste time being depressed about it - that sounds rather irrational to me.  The world is going to end one day, i am going to die one day - well hell what's the point in living, i might as well get depressed now over this inevidable situation.  Maybe for you your depression is worn like a badge of honor - giveing you a martydom status - Look how concerned i am for the world!  i don't know - but staying depressed  has some interest for you. 

Many who are depressed say the same kinds of things you say, only to find after they get treated with meds they see life as if looking through different glasses - like the lenses have been cleaned and they can finally see clearly.  You'll never know because you close yourself off to the possibility.

(stage whisper): God save me from arm-chair shrinks.

(out loud):

Yes, Velvet.

Whatever you say Velvet.

Mind-altering drugs cure -everything-, Velvet.

Are we happy now, Velvet?

And people wonder why America is the most over-prescribed population on the planet: Don't feel good about reality? Here, take a pill, and another, and another...


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to velvetears)
Profile   Post #: 165
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 1:08:26 PM   

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~Fast Reply~

Valyraen doesn't need any medication but I do sometimes. I required antidepressents for awhile, went off and found that I am lucky enough to control it pretty well on my own. We keep tabs on it. During tough times I see someone just to make sure things are going all right and if I need to, I will go back on them. Used to take medication for ADHD and god how it helped. Ritalin has been overprescribed but oh god how it helped me. The difference was like turning a light on in a dark room - I honestly can't say enough good things about what it did for me. Alas, because it was overprescribed the doctors decided that people who it actually helps shouldn't have it anymore. Been managing without it but things just aren't the same. None of the other medications work for me so I've had to manage college without it when I really shouldn't.

Valyraen really doesn't care about my conditions and needing the medication from time to time. My brain doesn't make the right amount of chemicals - big whoop. As long as I keep track on my depression, try to manage my ADHD the best that I can, and let him know when I need help and actually get the help I need... he just doesn't care.


Without my dominance you cannot submit. Without your submission I cannot dominate. You are my equal in this, though our roles are different.-Val

It was ok for him to beat me but then he tried to cuddle me! - Me

Member:Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 166
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 1:09:34 PM   

Posts: 4584
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DBG is DefiantBadGirl...someone was playing matchmaker on another thread with her and Bob...and considering he's looking for 2 slaves I see no reason this can't all work out.  I know Prinsexx is into chicks too...and I'm sure DBG would poke a pussy if her master told her to...

Ok I'll be honest....being matched with Bobk has somewhat taken my mind off chelle's apparent rejection....and I did have to go out a get a cup of tea with a firend because any thread on mental illness and expecially depression really hits home....there's absolsutely no ultimate solution even though many of the doctors and drug companires simply wantt there to be because it's actaually big business and not altogether pure altruism for doctors (sweeping statement I know) even though what motivates a career is 'to help and heal'.

publish with Chipmunka publishing because I love their ethos ...which is to promote as writers those who have sufferred from mental illness. They are not a profit making concern and fellow writers there are some of my personal heroes and heroines not because they shout about their fame from the hill tops but because their writing is for the most part their salvation.

Having spent a great deal of my life terrified with the guilt of feeling different and having internalised and taken onboard others' and mostly my mother's terrifying fear of anything vaguely sexual (how I came into being god knows according to her) a forum like this can be both fun but also at times truly supportive.

I was in women's refuge's on five occassions and fled peniless with two small babies across Europe to flee a man. IVillage Uk and their abuse support boeards were, in my social isolation, a life-saver and yes, even though the firends I made were on-line they were at that time the closest friends I had as i was literally too afraid to step outside my door....was two years in group therapy myself and in intensive cognitive behaviourial therpay dealing with crushing low self worth.

BOTH therapy and medication is very valueable at different times for different people.  It's so terrible trying to deal with a diagnosis and it's also terrible dealing at times with a judgement and ejection let aloner abuse.

Personally i think a little love goes a long long way and do and will continmue to find it difficult to spend any length of time in a d/s or s/s or any other combination of a realtionship that was loveless. To me there are two pills that are the sweetest pills of all; love and respect.

I apologise if that sounds condescending but I am truly not quite sure of what condescending means...if it mean that I look down on anyone in anyway either within or outside of an s/m relationship that is certainly not the case and never has been. And those who are needy, impaired, crazy, despairing, addicted......truly have been my greatest teachers and inspiration.

(in reply to xoxi)
Profile   Post #: 167
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 1:25:19 PM   

Posts: 428
Joined: 3/12/2005
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ORIGINAL: GoldStallion




ORIGINAL: GoldStallion

I would always want to know about the health problems of any prospective partner - and pretty early on. Like before I start a physical relationship. It wouldnt be grounds for elimination (metaphorically or, probably, literally) as long as they wanted to sort themselves out ie get to the point where they are healthy without any tablets. Even if thats a long haul for them, as long as they are up for taking that journey I'd be OK. We are all mentally ill, there is not one perfectly balanced person alive or in existence now or ever; its just a matter of degree. Health does not come from a medicine cabinet. Health comes from how we deal with who we are and from taking part in objective reality and living life.

I added the bold.

I find this statement incredibly ignorant.  Someone taking medication to combat any type of illness should not stop taking said medication if that medication is necessary.  Suggesting to a diabetic that you would be happy to have a relationship with them as soon as they quit taking their insulin would never be suggested.  However, suggesting to a bipolar person that they quit taking the medication that corrects an imbalance in brain chemicals is some how acceptable.

I suggest that folks look into some of the illness they are talking about before they do all the judging based on false information or prejudice.


I am baffled by your response here. As you are calling me ignorant, then its ok for me to call you illiterate I assume? read the bold you put in there - where does it say I would not start the relationship if they were ill? I would want to KNOW THE SCORE before starting the relationship is what I said in the previous two sentences. The bit in bold means that their problems wouldnt necessarily mean I was going to eliminate them from consideration, so long as they were willing to work on their problems and ideally to the point where they no longer need their pills.(Its called healing)
Wickad, please answer
1. Where does it say I think they should stop taking the medication if that medication is necessary?
(What I actually say is they should stop taking the medication if they can get to the point where it is not necessary.)

2. And where do I suggest that I would only be happy to have a relationship after they had stopped taking their medications?
(What I actually say is that I would want to see that they had a desire to sort themselves out, even if that was a long process (and usually its hard work, with no shortcuts and often with crap advice ))

I know what you are trying to say, and I agree with your points. However, you have not understood me at all. What you have done is put a slant on my post to suit your view of what I am saying, without actually looking at the facts ie what I have actually written.

As I said, baffled.

PS you think I am prejudiced as well? Explain that one too if you reply. I get to call you another name for that: Muppet.


Note: I am not about to get into a long running debate on this topic, thus, if my answer contained herein is does not answer your questions ... well, to bad - lol.


You have stated that you would not preclude a relationship with someone on medication " long as they wanted to sort themselves out ie get to the point where they are healthy without any tablets."  The point I was making is that you would never have this same expectation of people who were taking .... ohhh, lets say insulin.  The reason for this (and this is a presumption mind you) is that insulin is necessary for the diabetic person to ... ohhh, live.  Without insulin a diabetic will wither away and die.  Without proper medication, many people who suffer from mood disorders would ... well, jump off a bridge, engage in risky behaviour, or simply lie in bed until they die.  In both cases the person is dead.  These folks, diabetics or those suffering from a chemical mood disorder, will always need to take some form of medication (ie: a tablet) or they will not survive.   Both the diabetic and the person suffering from a chemical brain disorder will never "...get to the point where they are healthy without any tablets."  For this reason I believe you are speaking about something you do not know anything about and thus speak (aka type) out of ignorance.

ig·no·rance [ig-ner-uh ns] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

No place in your original post do you ever state "(What I actually say is they should stop taking the medication if they can get to the point where it is not necessary.)".  This is only brought up in your second post.  If I have misunderstood your position then I suggest you re-read your original post with a critical eye and see what is actually in it as opposed to what you thought was actually in it.  In fact what you do say is,

"Health does not come from a medicine cabinet. Health comes from how we deal with who we are and from taking part in objective reality and living life".

Though I may agree that health is not solely derived from medications (ie: a medicine cabinet), for some people a large part of them maintaining and being healthy does come from some form of medication.  To get back to the insulin dependant person, I doubt any form of exercise, meditation, balanced lifestyle choices, stress management, etc is going to effect their life as much as insulin.  The same can be said for persons whose disorder is of a brain chemical nature that manifests itself in a mood disorder.

I hope this has cleared this up for you and any other reading this thread.

As someone else has commented on ... I hope the mods close this thread very soon as it is simply a re-hashing of previous threads on people 'being crazy' and is really leading no where.


(in reply to GoldStallion)
Profile   Post #: 168
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 1:51:14 PM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

To me there are two pills that are the sweetest pills of all; love and respect.

{Stands on chair, applauds}: BRAVO !!!!

{aside}: It is said the pharmaceuticals are working on it. Viagra is only the tip of the ice berg.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 169
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 2:19:17 PM   

Posts: 14
Joined: 9/24/2007
From: Los Angeles, CA
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Is your partner on behavioral medication? 
No, my curent partner is not, but I have had partners in the past that have been on meds, everything from Paxil to Lithium.

Should someone on these meds declare their situation up front? 
I think that they should declare these meds if there could be some sort of problem. Certain medications, such as Lithium, have adverse reactions when the body is exerted, or there are chemical imbalances. One must be aware of this, should the person have a reaction during a scene, so that they are able to properly respond to the situation.

Is it fair going into a new relationship, not knowing the full extent of someone's medical history? 
If the medical history is relevant, and especially if it could have consequences during a scene, whether they be physical or psychological.

How safe is play, when someone is heavily reliant on these types of medications? 
That really depends on the medication. Not all disorders are created equal. You would need to discuss that with your partner, and use the information they give you and your sense of intuition regarding the information to make that decision.

Should the reason for our partner being on theses medications be looked into a little deeper?
That is really the decision of the partner who is on medication. You can, of course, make a suggestion if you feel they are incorrectly medicated, but ultimately the decision is theirs.

(in reply to TheEnglishDom)
Profile   Post #: 170
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 2:22:17 PM   

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Dear Bkgin.......

Please get off the chair sir, otherwise I might be forced to switch and then where would we be.....

anyway some lyrics for you from The Mating Game album by Bitter Sweet....

~Sit up straight
With your head held high
Start your day
With a random act of kind
Don't forget
To brush your teeth before you rest
And remember to take two blue
Now goodnight

It's your life
It's your life
Yours to do with what you choose
to keep in stride

Heard you say
You're not feeling fine
Why not have
Some more of that nutritious wine
Doctors say
Take two more blue and you'll be ok
See, now don't you feel lovely?
Now goodnight

It's your life
It's your life
Yours to do
with what you want........~

sweet dreams.........

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 171
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 2:42:51 PM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Dear Bkgin.......

Please get off the chair sir, otherwise I might be forced to switch and then where would we be.....

anyway some lyrics for you from The Mating Game album by Bitter Sweet....

~Sit up straight
With your head held high
Start your day
With a random act of kind
Don't forget
To brush your teeth before you rest
And remember to take two blue
Now goodnight

It's your life
It's your life
Yours to do with what you choose
to keep in stride

Heard you say
You're not feeling fine
Why not have
Some more of that nutritious wine
Doctors say
Take two more blue and you'll be ok
See, now don't you feel lovely?
Now goodnight

It's your life
It's your life
Yours to do
with what you want........~

sweet dreams.........

Thank you.

I'll return the gesture with one from Pink Floyd's "The Wall":

Comfortably Numb (Gilmour, Waters)

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home?
Come on, now,
I hear you're feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again.
I'll need some information first.
Just the basic facts.
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I cannot hear what you're saying.
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.

Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good.
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go.

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 172
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 3:21:56 PM   

Posts: 1066
Status: offline
aw shit get a room you two.

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 173
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 3:29:47 PM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline


aw shit get a room you two.

I do believe you're jealous


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to xoxi)
Profile   Post #: 174
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 3:53:38 PM   

Posts: 126
Joined: 3/14/2006
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ORIGINAL: velvetears



I have what I consider a healthy disrespect for psychiatry, mostly because of all the times they got it wrong: frontal lobotomies, electro-shock therapy, sadism, masochism, homosexuality, tranquilizers for house-wives, etc.

I challenge the 'science' because it can only work with statistical averages, not with objectivity (such as exists in math and physics).

Humans are the most adaptable creatures on the planet. How do you define "normal" for such a species?

Do you have a healthy disrespect for doctors because they used leeches at one time? 

Velvet, I think the differences between Medicine and Psychiatry suitably obvious that intelligent people can distinguish between the two.

Even so, doctors still make mistakes in diagnosis and in surgery.

How do you feel about doctors, medical doctors making psychiatric diagnosis, and prescribing psychotropics for their patients, when they are an internest or a GP?

And this is a true story in my life.  My most recent GP saw I was fat, was complaining about lack of sleep, and a couple other things (for which I had a couple of physical diagnosis that explained everything) and decided I was depressed and tried to put me on anti-depresants.  Against my wishes and continued refusal to go on said drugs.

I am currently seeing a clinical psychologist, have been for almost as long as the GP has been trying to force anti-depressants on me.  The CP has no problems with me not being on anti-depressants.  The GP keeps trying to get me on them.  Well, kept trying to get me on them, until I stopped going to see him, that is.

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 175
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 4:18:50 PM   

Posts: 6577
Joined: 5/5/2005
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ORIGINAL: Prinsexx



I have and do suffer from chronic depression.

I've had it for decades, and long ago learned to deal with it without meds.

What you are willing to bet on is immaterial to the discussion. I have asked questions and made statements about my experience, my doubts, and my thoughts on this issue.

I am not telling anyone to avoid seeking helping. But neither am I telling them to walk in with eyes closed and to treat everything a shrink says as gospel.

I've yet to hear anyone say this is bad advice.

Well said. This is why many therapists work 9here at least) outside of the stranglehold of they use alternative methods in situations where they would be expected to medicate.

I am of the RD Lainge generation don't forget......and love, love is all you need still rings in my ears......

my question is the face of effective medication why is therapy necessary/?....
answer? because people are lonely and isolated and desperate for other reasons than their so-called 'comdition'....

jeeeeeez I'll talk myself out of a job one day.......

What kind of a therapist are you?  The medical model treats symptoms, therapy treats the underlying causes.  Unless one really has a straight physiological condition, therapy is necessary to actually learn to deal with the problem and change behaviors. 

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 176
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 4:40:53 PM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
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ORIGINAL: welshwmn3




ORIGINAL: velvetears



I have what I consider a healthy disrespect for psychiatry, mostly because of all the times they got it wrong: frontal lobotomies, electro-shock therapy, sadism, masochism, homosexuality, tranquilizers for house-wives, etc.

I challenge the 'science' because it can only work with statistical averages, not with objectivity (such as exists in math and physics).

Humans are the most adaptable creatures on the planet. How do you define "normal" for such a species?

Do you have a healthy disrespect for doctors because they used leeches at one time? 

Velvet, I think the differences between Medicine and Psychiatry suitably obvious that intelligent people can distinguish between the two.

Even so, doctors still make mistakes in diagnosis and in surgery.

How do you feel about doctors, medical doctors making psychiatric diagnosis, and prescribing psychotropics for their patients, when they are an internest or a GP?

And this is a true story in my life.  My most recent GP saw I was fat, was complaining about lack of sleep, and a couple other things (for which I had a couple of physical diagnosis that explained everything) and decided I was depressed and tried to put me on anti-depresants.  Against my wishes and continued refusal to go on said drugs.

I am currently seeing a clinical psychologist, have been for almost as long as the GP has been trying to force anti-depressants on me.  The CP has no problems with me not being on anti-depressants.  The GP keeps trying to get me on them.  Well, kept trying to get me on them, until I stopped going to see him, that is.

Good for you

I don't know enough about a GP's training to say in all cases XYZ.

But it does sound like you had the support in place to stand your ground with someone trying to push pills at you.

Imagine what would have happened had you not that diagnosis or that psychologist.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to welshwmn3)
Profile   Post #: 177
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 4:50:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: laurell3

What kind of a therapist are you?  The medical model treats symptoms, therapy treats the underlying causes.  Unless one really has a straight physiological condition, therapy is necessary to actually learn to deal with the problem and change behaviors. 

First of all i ws an artist. Then I lectured. I then re-trained as a hynotherapist and registered as such in 1997. In that year I continued with my training and now am a registered hypno-psychotherapist. I am also a regiestered teacher and specilialise in working one to one with those with learning difficulties and/or medical-psychiatric conditions. I am not licensed to prescribe and I am happy not to but I do not exclude the medical model and work in tandem when and if it permits. For the last three years I have turned my professional development to sexual issues and work now more with sexuality than ever before.
I work eccelcticially and predominantly with a person-centred approach and combine five major approaches or pespectives. i am publishing both in my field and as a writer of eriotica under two nom de plumes.
Mu own sexuality informs what I work at as a therapist. I am a single mother also of three kids/young adults and they are my most difficult job....difficult because there is a right  time and a wrong time to ease them into what they know of my predilections......

just a woman really...........
P. xx

(in reply to laurell3)
Profile   Post #: 178
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 4:57:28 PM   

Posts: 4584
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I'll return the gesture with one from Pink Floyd's "The Wall":

Awww thanks...........*takes a bww*
I saw the Floyd (in strobe lighting or maybe that was in my head lol)  in 1968 with the beautiful Steve Barrett....insanely beautiful and beautifully insane.......

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 179
RE: "Partners on behavioural Meds..." - 10/3/2007 5:21:27 PM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Prinsexx



I'll return the gesture with one from Pink Floyd's "The Wall":

Awww thanks...........*takes a bww*
I saw the Floyd (in strobe lighting or maybe that was in my head lol)  in 1968 with the beautiful Steve Barrett....insanely beautiful and beautifully insane.......

Would that be the Hastings Piers concert?

I've never seen them, tho' I loved what they did in the seventies as well as Meddle and Ummagumma. Every now and then I've heard something from Waters, but nothing like they were doing before he left the group.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to Prinsexx)
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