RE: War on Drugs. (Full Version)

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sugardaddyforme -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 12:49:32 PM)

Wow...I just read thru all of that and I have to say a few things here...
1) It is well documented that our 'forefathers' smoked, grew and utilized the hemp plant in many different ways...ways that if we used them could turn the environment around.
2) allergic reation to pot is, in most cases, at least that I have heard of, due to panic attacks...paranoia being one of the side effects. I have never seen any one DIE from it.
3) TCH is a natuarl chemical that is produced by the body. If you do some reading on urine tests you will find that the federal threshold for tests had to be changed a few times, due to some people over producing that chemical.
4) Some states have already begun to legalize the use and possession in small quantities and many more are on the way, so argue all you want names all you feel like you have to, to make yourself look superior, it's not going to matter.
5) Medicinal pot use has been around for a very long time, and in fact if you look, there is a recipie for making an oil out of high grade hydro for serious cancers.
6) pot is NOT physically adictive, and only mildly psychologically so, I know I smoked for about 12 years, and I quit with no problems...yeah I wanted to hit one the first day or so...but I didnt kill any one, I didnt puke my brains out, and I didnt go crazy...
7) You can not in anyway compare pot and crack. Get real.
8) you can legally grow pot, you just have to get a pot stamp to do so.
9) there are no "breathalizers" per say, but being from a state where pot is our cash crop, tho not on paper, I can tell you the cops here can take one look at you, and they know to take you for a drug test.
10) Propganda and bull shit half told lies are the reason that the public has such mass misconceptions over the use and possession of pot. I can remember when I was a kid, commercials with a surgeon over a were viewing from the person under the knifes view...and the doc took a hit and help up the scalpal...the announcer goes..."YOu wouldnt want this guy taking out your spleen now would you?" No...I like My spleen thank you...noone is getting it. Not even a doc on nothing.
11) Pot does not cross the blood brain barrier, as alcohol does, and the only way to kill the brain cells is by crossing the blood brain barrier.

[8|]----this is your brain
  ----- this is your brain on ignorance.

Before you go spouting more than one web page...ask a doctor...take a class...and maybe ask a pot head...what they go thru...

Ive smoked I said..I smoked multiple times daily for YEARS...I am a product of two people that smoked daily for years...I have all my functions...all my fingers and toes...I can add beyond 2 and I produced two healthy beautiful children.

If you dont like it...write your legislator.

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 12:56:28 PM)




Thank you so much for the quick response!  I will surely be googling today!

James Madison was a relative and had the same symptoms I have.  He spent nights unable to sleep, awake and writing the constitution.  I am glad he had some comforts and his work didn't seem to be hindered, but enhanced even though he was ill with some unknown disease [at the time] and smoked. [smile]  What I find interesting is that many who have the right to argue both sides of this point, don't realize they have that right because of persons who could have actually been high [lol] when they served to give them the rights. [What does that say about some research?]

Thank you for the info... and some new interest to check into... I guess my medicating doesn't harm my interest levels, my ability to research and conclude reasonable conclusions... of course that would be determined I am sure by those who don't know me and would prefer to go on hard research that says I must be an idiot if I medicate.

You are most welcome. beth is the real advocate though and very much out there on the front lines in the fight for increasing awareness of the benefits of using marijuana for medical conditions such as yours. If you would like any further information feel free to contact her on the other side of the thread.

Meanwhile - have fun researching your ancestors. The funny thing about researching ancestry is that everyone hopes to find royalty or fame in their family history. Most of us discover we have more pawns than kings in their family chess set. Keep in mind that George and Martha Washington had zero children. On the other hand, it's speculated that ~8% of men in Asia or ~5% of the current world population have direct patrilineal descendants of Genghis Khan. (Source: )

South Dakota huh? Wow! What's the current status regarding medical marijuana there?

Hang in there and best wishes to you!  

SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 1:06:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears


I've been curious though as to why marijuana is considered a deadly drug?

Because it's a stepping stone to other drugs and also because dealers (on all levels) lace it with pcp, heroin, formaldyhyde, etc...  The pot heads who want it legal will argue that it isn't, they have a vested interest in spreading their "rhetoric" that it is harmless.  It is also dangerous because they are conducting studies and finding that the earlier one smokes it the more at risk it puts you for developing a psychosis later in life, specifically schizophrenia.  Not all pot is laced, not everyone will get psychosis but people should know the risks involved. Not one person has answered a very important question i have asked several times - How would the authorities control our highways and test for those driving while under the influence. A breathalizer at least gives you a specific reading and if you are above it your butt goes to jail, your licence is yanked and you pay a hefty fine. This does prevent a lot of people from drinking and driving. How will pot heads be prevented from smoking and driving?  No one will answer that question because they can't. Simple as that. Legalizing pot is a lot more complicated than everyone assumes and they talk of individual freedom and rights - but they could give a shit less about anyone elses. 

there are so many folks that want marijuana legalized....not just "potheads".  doctors, therapists, hell a cobbler a baker and a candlestick maker too i bet. 

taking a few hits off a joint does not impair your driving abilities.  it does not make you a raging lunatic with no sense at all, unless you were one before you took a toke.

there are field sobriety tests that are more reliable than any mechanical means to determine ones impairment.  those tests will work on someone drunk, stoned, on rx drugs, or just having a medical problem that affects their abilities.

i dont know ANYONE who used pot as a stepping stone to a lifetime of drug addiction.  and i know lots of folks that smoke and have since they were teens.

now ask me about the drinkers i about a bunch of dumbasses that let a man made chemical screw them up..........

now i feel i should sing kumbayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mah lawddddddddddddd for some reason[sm=banghead.gif]

edited to many folks that never smoked pot developed schizophrenia?  how many mentally ill have never done any type of drug?  saying pot causes mental illness is like saying.....well......i cant even think of a comparison....but it makes no sense at all.....

kumbayaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mah lawdddddddddddd[sm=banghead.gif]

BeachMystress -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 1:13:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears

also because dealers (on all levels) lace it with pcp, heroin, formaldyhyde, etc... 

I have a problem with your facts. Why would someone lace something as inexpensive as marijuana with something as expensive as pcp or heroin?  Yes there are crazy people out there who will decide that the damage to people outweighs their monetary input (witness the cyanide laced Tylenol capsules from the 1982 drug tampering case) but that is rare. states that most lacing is done by the END USER. And while they also go on to say "it is important to remember that with unregulated drugs such as marijuana, the user has no way of knowing what other types of substances have been added." that is also true of herbal remedies, including Saint-John's-wort. Not only are the ingredients and amounts not regulated in your Saint-John's-wort, but Saint-John's-wort can actually decrease the effectiveness of digoxin and warfarin (heart drugs),9171,1625175,00.html There are risks to even trying to improve your health.

As for formaldehyde... guess what.. do you drink beer? Soda Pop? Tobacco cigarettes? Use Latex paint? Household cleaning products? Cosmetics? Fingernail polish remover? Paper towels? You're exposing yourself to formaldehyde! It is a preservative used to kill bacteria If you wish to actually educate yourself on the subject, visit the FDA website and search on Formaldehyde or Google "formaldehyde food"


ORIGINAL: velvetears
It is also dangerous because they are conducting studies and finding that the earlier one smokes it the more at risk it puts you for developing a psychosis later in life, specifically schizophrenia. 
Wow, kinda like regular tobacco! Are you also up in arms about the use of that drug? Cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, esophagus.. Chronic bronchitis... Emphysema... Strokes... Heart disease...  Personally, I'd rather be schizophrenic than die of lung cancer.  I find the statement from the World Health organization especially chilling. The bolding of the word combined is theirs. "In North America, tobacco use is responsible for more deaths than alcohol and other drug use, car accidents, murders, suicides, and AIDS combined." Perhaps you're crusading about the wrong drug.

 Do you think that the drugs your doctor prescribes are any safer than marijuana? If so, you're deluding yourself! Look at the list of side effects on one of your own medications. My favorite, which I've personally seen on several common prescriptions, lists sudden death. We aren't talking about people who take too much or who don't follow the prescriptions. We're talking about people who take these prescribed drugs exactly as their Dr tells them. Marijuana on the other hand doesn't cause death. It may not be harmless, but it is no more risky than any other medication!

On the personal level, while I do not use marijuana myself, I DO espouse the rights of others to use it more strongly than I do "regular" tobacco. I am from California and was one of the people who voted for legalized use of medical marijuana. Having a sister with leukemia and a mother who died from metastasized lung cancer, I advocate the right of people to treat pain. Marijuana is good for that and I am very saddened that we weren't aware of that when my mother was suffering so badly. Legalize it! Regulate it! I'm all for that. Just don't try to pretend it is evil and other things are good because they are legal.

Now, please note that I've backed all of my assertions with sources.  It would be nice if in the future you list yours so we can all read them and make our own judgements.

Also note that I never said that marijuana was harmless or good. I said it has uses and is no more dangerous than many other substances.

HottLicks -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 1:17:20 PM)


I don't yet know about SD, because I just moved here.  But from what I hear, it seems most states even if the voters approved medical use, they aren't really free to use because of continuous fears from the medical profession fearing priscribing and such.  I was in CA. when we voted on it and it took a while to get to the place things are today.  I was in another state... same thing... not yet where CA is.

I will surely be in touch.  This is something I have had to live and I will do all I can to support something that has given me some quality of life without the side effects approved things cause.

Thanks so much!

farglebargle -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/29/2007 3:48:36 PM)




ORIGINAL: farglebargle

Actually, breathalizers are being dismissed from testimony because their computer software isn't available for inspection by the defense, and therefore cannot be cross-examined in any meaningful way.

That aside, the NYC Vehicle and Traffic law thoroughly covers operating while ability is impaired for any reason.

Interesting. It sounds like someone needs to send the D.A. office back to 9th grade science class or something. A breathalyzer is just an overpriced explosive gas detector. There is no "software" to be examined but the provenance records on the calibration of the machine and the provenance of the use results would have to be available and in order to stand up to legal review.

No. Software is cheaper than hardware. Pretty much ANYTHING with a LED on it has a microprocessor running the show.


Some of the more interesting excerpts from the Base One report:

1. The Alcotest Software Would Not Pass U.S. Industry Standards for Software Development and Testing: The program presented shows ample evidence of incomplete design, incomplete verification of design, and incomplete “white box” and “black box” testing. Therefore the software has to be considered unreliable and untested, and in several cases it does not meet stated requirements. The planning and documentation of the design is haphazard. Sections of the original code and modified code show evidence of using an experimental approach to coding, or use what is best described as the “trial and error” method. Several sections are marked as “temporary, for now”. Other sections were added to existing modules or inserted in a code stream, leading to a patchwork design and coding style…

It is clear that, as submitted, the Alcotest software would not pass development standards and testing for the U.S. Government or Military. It would fail software standards for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as commercial standards used in devices for public safety…If the FAA imposed mandatory alcohol testing for all commercial pilots, the Alcotest would be rejected based upon the FAA safety and software standards…

4. Catastrophic Error Detection Is Disabled: An interrupt that detects that the microprocessor is trying to execute an illegal instruction is disabled, meaning that the Alcotest software could appear to run correctly while executing wild branches or invalid code for a period of time. Other interrupts ignored are the Computer Operating Property (a watchdog timer), and the Software Interrupt.

6. Diagnostics Adjust/Substitute Data Readings: The diagnostic routines for the Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters will substitute arbitrary, favorable readings for the measured device if the measurement is out of range, either too high or too low. The values will be forced to a high or low limit, respectively. This error condition is suppressed unless it occurs frequently enough…

7. Flow Measurements Adjusted/Substituted: The software takes an airflow measurement at power-up, and presumes this value is the “zero line” or baseline measurement for subsequent calculations. No quality check or reasonableness test is done on this measurement…

10. Error Detection Logic: The software design detects measurement errors, but ignores these errors unless they occur a consecutive total number of times. For example, in the airflow measuring logic, if a flow measurement is above the prescribed maximum value, it is called an error, but this error must occur 32 consecutive times for the error to be handled and displayed. This means that the error could occur 31 times, then appear within range once, then appear 31 times, etc., and never be reported…

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