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rain -> Hey there! (6/30/2004 9:20:59 PM)

Greetings everyone-

My name is rain, i'm a 31 year old, mostly submissive, bi-female, in Chicago.

Happily uncollared, just looking for friends and/or play partners.

i'm also a feminist, a cynic, sarcastic, and at times even amusing!

i'm a big flirt and am rarely, if ever shy- at least online!


~rain~ oh, and i like to put the little squiggles by my name, don't know why, but it makes me happy!

proudsub -> RE: Hey there! (6/30/2004 10:21:56 PM)


My name is rain, i'm a 31 year old, mostly submissive, bi-female, in Chicago.

About time you posted here rain[;)] So now you consider yourself bi, you must of really enjoyed that experience[:D]. Love your posts btw.

ModeratorOne -> RE: Hey there! (7/1/2004 7:36:14 AM)

Great to have you here!

MistressDREAD -> RE: Hey there! (7/1/2004 8:33:40 PM)

wait a cotton picken
moment here

theres juicie gossip about umm
concerning rain and being bi
and I havent heard the story
yet??? hrump..... ok spill it!!!

ooh yea hey rain [:D]

proudsub -> RE: Hey there! (7/1/2004 8:38:32 PM)


theres juicie gossip about umm
concerning rain and being bi
and I havent heard the story
yet??? hrump..... ok spill it!!!

It's here MistressDread:

rain is bi

MistressDREAD -> RE: Hey there! (7/1/2004 9:09:59 PM)

[mouth falls open as I gasp!!!]

You have GOT to be kidding!!!

[stares blankly at the screen!!]



rain -> RE: Hey there! (7/1/2004 9:54:29 PM)


yep, it's "official!" First i was bi-curious, now i'm bi friendly! [:)]

Women are so warm and soft and ummy <eg> mmmmmmmmmmmm

so enjoy making bottoms top me, too much fun!


ModeratorThree -> RE: Hey there! (7/3/2004 6:18:58 PM)

Glad you are here rain!!


LiTtLeOnE1066 -> RE: Hey there! (8/2/2004 4:42:27 PM)

Helllllllllllllllllllllllo there everyone My name is Littleone some call me El, babygirl
I am a sweet submissive who loves to make new friends not looking to get
involved in any deep relationships my plate is already full
I posted a thread earlier about hair bondage and was wondering if anyone had more info on it
I'm new here so if i don't respond right away please be patient with me
:::Big Grin:::::

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