Where do they come up with these things? (Full Version)

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WinsomeDefiance -> Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 7:25:53 AM)

I was having a conversation with my son (My first mistake!)

In the course of the conversation he said, "Well of course she's bitchy. She's a brunette."

When I told him that was just ridiculous.  You couldn't label an entire group of women by their hair color, he said "Well then why are blondes so slutty and stupid?"

I almost threw up my hands, then thought I was going to be smart and trick him so I said, "Well what does that say about your mother.  I'm blonde, are you saying I'm stupid?"

He said, "No, you are strawberry blonde, more of a redhead really."

This gave me pause, and while I was almost afraid to ask, I went ahead and took the bait asking him what that said about me, and my son answered, "That it is surprising you aren't an alcoholic."

I give up!

Saratov -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 6:12:47 PM)

I always thought red heads were just blondes with attitude. [sm=whoa.gif]

bandit25 -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 6:14:28 PM)

Sounds about right to me...course I'm a blonde so wtf do I know?

RosesHaveThorns -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:21:14 PM)

Tell the kid that as long as he holds these opinions of women, he can kiss his chances of getting laid good bye. Unless he is gay. (Add that part in as well for a reaction)

And then pester other children for grandchildren, stating that they are your last hope. If you have no such spare children lying around, mutter constantly about never having grandkids when he enters the room. Pretend to have just seen him and stop.

If he ever does get a girl friend, make sure that he is too afraid to ever bring her to the house. "Oh, my boy said that you are [Insert proper sterotype for her hair color]. I of course heard that you were a lovely girl. Do you want to see baby pictures of him now?"

Or toss as many male sterotypes at him. "Could you be a little LESS secure about your ego, maybe?" "Look, just admit you can't do it and get someone who can"

Sometimes, people say I shouldn't have kids

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:25:46 PM)

LOL, actually, I've been trying to convince my 3 oldest boys that they ARE gay so I can avoid the whole unpleasantness of becoming a grandmother!  They aren't buying the propoganda.   As for telling my son anything about not getting laid, too late.  He's a total manwhore, I'm afraid.  Girls actually flock to him.  He decided he didn't like what one of his friends wore so he went through her closet and threw out everything he didn't like and only left clothes for her to wear that HE found pleasing.  And she let him! 

MissMagnolia -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:29:17 PM)

YAY!!! My son actually IS gay, so I'm ahead in the granny stakes. It aint never gunna happen. LOL.

Obviously my hair is red, so I'll just be in the corner, chugging down the goon.[:D]

RosesHaveThorns -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:30:07 PM)

Have you considered therapy for these girls? The first man to touch my closet gets either kicked or bitten

cuffnspankme -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:32:18 PM)

I have you both beat. I have a daughter. Nuff said.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:32:56 PM)

No, but I have considered therapy for myself.  (move over Miss M! Share the hootch)  I think the kicked and bitten part would be foreplay for my son....but that falls under WAY TMI for me.  I'm definitely not asking.  He likes to embarass me as it is, by sharing entirely more than I want to know.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:34:10 PM)

My condolences, Cuffs!  Girls are scary wicked.  I'll take my 4 boys any day! 

cuffnspankme -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:37:44 PM)

TY Charlotte. Shes only 9 and yeah, will be lucky if I don't hurt her in big ways. Kidding, really, kidding, don't even hardly ever spank her.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:41:26 PM)



I always thought red heads were just blondes with attitude. [sm=whoa.gif]

You are probably right, Saratov!  Feisty wenches, those redheads. 

RosesHaveThorns -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:45:25 PM)

Bah! Who needs red hair to be feisty? Blonde here, and I don't think I've ever been called demure

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:50:19 PM)

That's right.  Fiesty comes from spirit..not hair color.  Now if only I can beat that into my son's head!

RosesHaveThorns -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 8:53:55 PM)

Wait until he is legal, and then hand him over to a domme?

"What was that about you saying that I must be dumb and slutty?"

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 9:07:18 PM)

He's 19, and for all I know, has been to one already.  But thankfully, he's opted not to share THAT with me.  I can se me now...with my hands over my ears chanting my clueless, I can't hear you mantra that sounds a lot like...LALALALALALALALA......

RosesHaveThorns -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 9:28:11 PM)

See, this is why parents need to be able to discuss sex with their children. To embrasses them horribly and scar them for life!

However, you can still ensure that his girlfriends will never step foot into your house. Baby photos to the rescue!

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/19/2007 9:33:10 PM)

Thank god for baby photos!    I just post them on the front door, in leu of No Trespassing signs. 

Duskwolf -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/22/2007 7:18:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: RosesHaveThorns

Tell the kid that as long as he holds these opinions of women, he can kiss his chances of getting laid good bye. Unless he is gay. (Add that part in as well for a reaction)

And then pester other children for grandchildren, stating that they are your last hope. If you have no such spare children lying around, mutter constantly about never having grandkids when he enters the room. Pretend to have just seen him and stop.

If he ever does get a girl friend, make sure that he is too afraid to ever bring her to the house. "Oh, my boy said that you are [Insert proper sterotype for her hair color]. I of course heard that you were a lovely girl. Do you want to see baby pictures of him now?"

Or toss as many male sterotypes at him. "Could you be a little LESS secure about your ego, maybe?" "Look, just admit you can't do it and get someone who can"

Sometimes, people say I shouldn't have kids

You'd be amazed. These days, not only are those stereotypes becoming more and more accurate, but people are willing to accept that attitude and overlook it in most cases.
I hold some similar opinions, but not entirely based on hair colour, more on age, mentality and things similar, though I avoid blondes, because my history with blondes has only ever left me saying that they were stupid, selfish, and generally not trustworthy. (But then again, thats the sort of person I used to end up with all the time)

But then on the other hand, while some of those stereotypes are true, there are those who completely blow them out of the water too.
My opinions on the matter are the same to a degree, but it's not really hair colour that defines it, it's more profession and mentality from what I've seen.

Still. Times change. Who knows what will happen next, seeing as everyone has become so accepting of the complete filth that some people put themselves through, the lack of respect they show themselves, I dread to see whats next.

On the other hand, you're talking about a teenage boy. Seen what they're exposed to on tv just about every day?
Girls are shown skinny model types in next to no clothing, and guys are shown that women are trophies and shouldn't be respected.

But thats my 2c from what I've seen over here.

RubberWitch -> RE: Where do they come up with these things? (10/22/2007 8:16:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance
He decided he didn't like what one of his friends wore so he went through her closet...

Erm.. sounds..just a bit gay to me

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