How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 9:43:58 AM)

"I just found out my boyfriend (or husband, lover, etc.) is submissive. I really love him and I want to make things work. I just don't "get it" - what am I supposed to do?"

This question becomes more and more common on these boards and other discussion groups and I get it a lot via email (and from friends in real life who know that I am "considerably kinky").  The answers and advice people give are so broad - some people like to give lists of kinky things to do, others recommend books and resources (who has time to read an entire book to answer a simple question?  You don't need/want a degree in "female domination" anyway) and others tell you, "Oh, it can't be done. You either are dominant or you aren't - you can't fake it."

I think the biggest problem is that the advice people give is overwhelming, especially when they offer up suggestions for games to play, toys to buy, outfits to wear, or "scenes" to "enact."  Talk about complicating a simple matter!  I have a few strong opinions on the entire concept of female domination (for nervous beginners) and it comes down to a few simple guideliness and a very simple starting point to be off and running. In my opinion:

1) First things first. Your man has to back off and agree he will completely let you, the woman, take control of the pace, timing, and evolution of your femdom side.  No more hinting, no more buying you toys or outfits, no more pointing you to web sites or stories, no more "helpful advice."  To be empowered, you need to do this for one person: You.  So if he can agree to drop it and let you figure it out, and not pressure you, you have made it past step one.  Sadly, this is the most important step and the one that most couples cannot get past - the guy simply cannot drop it long enough to give the lady a litlte room to find her legs.

2) Forget everything you have read or heard about "female domination."  You probably have a preconceived idea of what "femdom is" - and I can bet it ain't pretty!  The stereotypical "dominatrix" with a whip and a bad sneer.  The guy in the gimp outfit crawling around or barking like a dog.  The pushiness that your husband/lover resorted to and nagged you with.  The bad "Jerry Springer" episodes, "My husband fell in love with his dominatrix!". Magazine covers like "Bitches with Whips."  Or the impossible-to-duplicate gorgeous, tall, blonde beauty with a cool demeanor and such sex appeal you know you could never pull THAT off.  Forget it all - erase it from your mind. It's all BULLSHIT!

3) Accept and really BELIEVE this one very important truth about female domination:  If your man really wants to submit to you (and he is not just a fetishist; trust me, he will know the difference if he has done his homework and he can be honest with you), you only have ONE thing to accomplish and do right.  Just ONE thing!  All the rest is gravy, and all the rest will fall into place for you once you accomplish this one thing.  That one thing is this:  Enjoy yourself and own your pleasure.  That's IT.  It sounds easier than it is, because it requires that two things happen - #1 and #2 above - you have to have a man who doesn't put expectations on you, and you have to give up those preconceived ideas about what female domination is.  Those both are harder than you may think.   When you start feeling uncertain, icky, uncomfortable, or resistant to the idea of dominating your man, it's because #1 is messing with your self confidence by putting expecations on you, or #2 you are putting expectations on yourself (both related to the above, as you can see).

4) Take control.  Play.  Frolic.  Delight in his reactions and soak them in.  This is the only "action" step in that it requires you to "do" something to your man.  But instead of giving a laundry list, instead of pointing you to books or "how to tie your man up" or "buy these toys" or "pretend you are a person you are not" I will say simply - take control, frolic, and delight in his reactions.  Snap your fingers and say "Kiss me here. No, right HERE." and when he does it, smile.  Adopt a sense of unpredictability - the mystery and uncertainty will play tricks with his mind and put him in that place that he needs to be.  He wants to be submissive; trust me, he will GO there, with just the slightest NUDGE from you.  So many women are trying to use a jackhammer to accomplish a task that requires a flick of her fingers.  Look him in the eyes, give him a command (that is directly related to your pleasure) and watch him follow through.  Tell him to give you an orgasm.  Direct his position during lovemaking.  Pull his hair playfully, give him a swat on the butt and smile mischeviously; do all the little, minor things that come more natural and with ease, and just watch how he reacts.  Marvel in how you can push his buttons just by adopting a more selfish, and self serving, self-pleasing demeanor.

Once you complete 1 - 4 on this list, you have the foundation for what will evolve into a comfortable, enjoyable, passionate femdom relationship - so long as you are free from pressure to perform and given the chance to experiment and grow.  The dynamic only requires a few things to grow - it requires a stress-free environment for you to thrive in, it requires that you ENJOY the premise of playful selfishness and control, and it requires that you are free from distractions that are usually related to stereotypes and expectations, both which can be eliminated if you are in a pressure-free relationship.

Of course, this is all my opinion; however, in my experience giving advice and helping friends, it seems the stumbling blocks are always the same.  Him being "shot out of a cannon" with regards to wanting/needing his desires met (by no fault of his own, quite often, it's just what happens when you have pent up dreams and fantasies for so long) and her feeling pressured, uncomfortable, nervous, and a little disgusted/put off by the "idea" of what "female domination" is.  By starting at square one, I think *most* women can find something exciting, erotic, and playful about being in control -- but most importantly, they get a charge out of seeing how their man reacts.  I speak about this as a woman who was "born" with the desire to dominate a man; it's never been about the acts, the toys or the scenarios -- it's *always* about seeing the reactions in a man I lust for.  You cannot deny the rush that comes from seeing what a little button pushing will do. I think this even rings true for "Susie Homemaker" or the most vanilla woman on the block.  And if she's willing to at least read this message board, she's got an open enough mind to learn to enjoy it.


MamaDomme -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 9:54:43 AM)

Fantastic advice!

YesMistressIrish -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 10:30:05 AM)

I second that! [:D]

AAkasha -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 10:34:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: YesMistressIrish

I second that! [:D]

Thanks! What other advice can femdoms add that is more about attitude, thought processes, overcoming anxiety, etc? I'm sure others have great ideas!


bipolarber -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 3:36:12 PM)


Again, you prove to me what a great writer you are. I need to send a friend of mine to this thread... she really needs to hear this.

TNstepsout -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 4:21:59 PM)

Wow- that's really great. Not just for novice Femdoms with a BF or hubby, but for ALL novices. (like me)

Zaraseeks -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 4:36:50 PM)

That is the most sane, practical, and sound advise I have heard in a VERY long time...I loved how You said "own your pleasure..." that is after all what it is really about, now isnt it?

sleuthingsub -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 4:46:18 PM)

Akasha, you're great.  A very firm handle on reality and psychology.

Shawn1066 -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 5:08:48 PM)


PrettyOHDomme -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 5:30:07 PM)

Akasha, this was fantastic...and might also be good advice for some of us who have been around the block.

I would only have one thing to add: get over your body issues. You are beautiful enough that your man wants to give you the gift of himself. He obviously finds you incredibly sexy, and taking the reins will just make you sexier. Understand and embrace the incredible freedom that this gives you.

slavekal -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/23/2007 7:21:05 PM)

Good advices.  I like to use the example of the holodeck from Star Trek, TNG.  I ask, if you could program the holodeck, and have a man (or men) totally obedient to you, what would you do, say, or have them do?  Let's see if we can apply that to real life then.
I would also recommend Mama Gena's books.  I believe it really started to come together for my lady when she began reading them.

Silky918 -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 7:12:09 AM)

That was great.  Wish I'd read that several years ago!


hardbodysub -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 10:58:35 AM)

I agree completely! So many women try to emulate the stereotypes they've been exposed to, and it comes across as REALLY bogus to me. I've used the term "Domme-In-A-Box" to describe the syndrome. I'd rather she act and speak naturally, and not try to put on airs. She can always explore and learn about techniques and such, but the only thing she really needs to do is take charge, and make it about her pleasure, as you said. The rest will fall in place if she stays true to herself.

Mlicious -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 2:22:57 PM)

I agree wholeheartedly with what Akasha has written. I have been a fan of hers for a long time. Her one sentence advising the woman to focus on her pleasure and her desires is dead on. That action alone is the essence of Femdom and no matter what method a woman uses to reach her goal, maintaining that concept will keep her on track. 

That one piece of advice is very Mama Gena. When a woman concentrates on her pleasure, she can pretty much make her own way when developing a method of dominating her man.

LadyAlexa -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 4:35:36 PM)

Very good advise for sure.  #1 is just so the right first step.  #2 right on, and making sure your own thoughts of your body are ok.  If someone wants to sub to you, they have their own image of your body in their mind.  Don't sweat it.

Don't give to to contrived 'older' thoughts of what a Dom should or shouldn't do.  When I was starting out, a local Dom told me I had to go by the 'book'.  I told him that I was going by my own book.

When I played with someone at his place, he told me that next time the guy would expect a blow job.  I told this 'Dom' that I would not ber 'servicing' anyone!  He thought I was nuts.  Now I know that this 'Dom' was thinking as a man first, not a Dom.  You can do a lot of fun stuff with a person that involves you having sexual fun; domestic service fun 'watching the butt sway back and forth while scrubbing out the bathtub'; but the chief word is FUN.

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 5:46:30 PM)



When I played with someone at his place, he told me that next time the guy would expect a blow job.  I told this 'Dom' that I would not ber 'servicing' anyone!  He thought I was nuts.  Now I know that this 'Dom' was thinking as a man first, not a Dom.  

Ah, this is it! 
In most instances, when a female is approached by her partner with the "I am submissive and I would love for you to dominate me" line, she is often confused.  Because it is "taught" to her how to be Dominant.  And it is his way.  What he wants when he wants it.
It doesn't matter if the expectation is a blow job, a spanking on his schedule or a request for  her to wear those sexy high heeled boots.  Most males who approach this idea do not understand the can of worms they could be opening.  
I have been asked on several occasions to "help" a Lady/partner.  When they realize that I am going to guide the Lady to take full control and gain personal confidence it is funny how fast they back away.  They had in mind that I would teach Her how to dominate him his way. Not Her way!  It usually boils down to them wanting Me to teach Her how to give a proper spanking or dress up for him.  I even had one boy who told Me that he had permission to play with Me while She was learning how to ge his Domina.  When I talked to Her, I found no such agreement on Her end!  And he was furious!  *Smile*
In every instance where I have been approached, the male partner has instigated the idea and  desire and I  have found the Lady to be very receptive to the overall idea of FemDom and learning to take gradual control of the household.  In every instance I have found the male to be less than receptive.  Kind of telling, isn't it?
Then biggest thing I see is that the Woman needs to be comfortable in taking control bit by bit at her speed and how she wants things.  I think there is a big fear of doing this, because our society, while no longer necessarily teaching that the woman is to serve the male, is geared toward the more egalitarian style of relationship.  So women are often afraid of overstepping their bounds, even though the male partner is claiming he wants this.  And often, the male partner only wants this on his terms and to his extent.  My personal experience bears out this fear.
It is obviously not My style to just teach someone to be a good sevice Top.  So why I am asked as often as I am, I have no idea! 
It is also imperative that She is happy and fulfilled.  Else all She is doing is servicing him.  
The trick is to make sure that the level and context (24/7, bedroom only, weekend fun, etc.) of domination is comfortable and fulfilling for both.  As they grow, it will feel more and more natural and right in their personal relationship. 
So boys, as I often careful what you wish for!  And don't come knockin' at My door, unless you want the whole package! 
Aakasha, good post...  

Zaraseeks -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/24/2007 10:59:42 PM)

Well GoddessDusty,  I must say the way You just explained mentoring a new Mistress is exactly what I want for my Mistress, i long for Her to realize it isnt about my kink, it isnt about how I want it to go, I want Her to find what pleases HER and see that She can take that from me, that I am indeed Hers, but I am not a male so *wink* Would You be open to speaking with Her?  I think the method of Her getting secure and comfortable is exactly what She needs, and I do try, and it has helped, but I dont know, I think it would be great for Her to talk to You, oh and She is such a great person to know in general!!!  And I am always careful what I ask for!!!  I love reading Your writings in threads also, You seem very wise and well balenced!

LadyOfTheRoses -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/25/2007 4:33:23 AM)

Fantastic advice!! Respect to you.

ricar00 -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/25/2007 11:17:44 PM)

I wanted to input a little into this.  i always respect Akasha's posts.  Maybe because i am in a situation with a younger and less experienced domme, but someone who is appreciative of my experience, i think that you can offer your domme something that will assist her without topping from the bottom. But i think you would really need to be sensitive and watch how and when to suggest things. My first long term domme always was interested in my input and thoughts, but always made it clear that she would make the choice and decide what and when and i respected that for her.
I do have to catch myself in terms of enthusiasm and patience,  i know that and freely admit that, but i do believe that my intentions are always to help my Mistress if she wants it.
The worst thing in my mind is to top from the bottom.  First it doesn't show respect towards your Mistress, secondly it doesn't give her the opportunity to develop that power exchange that i find most important, and thirdly, it is boring not to be surprised or experience her own creative dominance.

Action -> RE: How to become an amazing domina - it's EASY! Here's how. (10/25/2007 11:25:54 PM)

One thing I have to suggest as much as I like all this is that was briefly skimmed over is the fact she should look into the realty of weather her partner is a real sub or just some guy barking orders for his girl to "dominate" or want a girl on top. I think a little more detailing into the ifs and buts of submission.

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