RE: Damn Lefties... (Full Version)

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SweetDommes -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/30/2007 5:56:53 PM)

My brother is left handed ... and yes, we made him sit at the corner of the table so that he wasn't hitting any of us.  I eat left-handed (also known as eating like a German ... ) so eating next to him is no problem now.  I'd probably be ambidextrous except that I got hit in the head with a baseball bat when I was about 4 years old.  That kinda messed things up.  He had a couple of stupid teachers try to make him write "correctly" ... but mom put a stop to that by going in and throwing a fit about forcing kids to do things that they aren't wired for.

bandit25 -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/30/2007 5:59:25 PM)

Nope...happened to me also and my mom did the same thing.  Went down to the school and pitched a fit until they left me alone.

winterlight -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/30/2007 10:36:13 PM)

i am a lefty. I had a girl from Italy come to this country and get very upset with me cos i am a lefty and tried to fix me. This was in Jr. High School!

I write left handed, bowl, fence (used to), and played tennis. Right handed was golf and baseball. I do NOT do these things any more due to physical problems.
I had in some ways a fun time growing up.

Termyn8or -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/30/2007 11:32:42 PM)

My buddy Jim Watt ( a righty but tolerant, and dead now ) used to call joints "left handers"

Y'know I've read though all this, and took it in, but so much of it is superflous. I wonder just how deep this runs, as in a prejudice, or even a bigotry. And I wonder how many people are aware of it.

But of course if you don't wonder about things you don't learn shit.

It starts there.


philosophy -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 9:05:26 AM)


...ergonomic means right handed.....bastards......

LaTigresse -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 9:21:11 AM)

I am seriously left handed in most anything requiring fine motor skills. I have adapted for a few things, computer mouse and calculator being two of them.

I never felt persecuted for being a lefty, just special..........[;)]

Crush -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 2:24:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

I hate to dehumorize a thread, but I didn't start it.

I read a long time ago that left handed people are right brained. Dunno why but the left side of our brain controls the right side and vice versa.

It has to do (theoretically) that we evolved opposite side control at the neck so that if we were attacked on our right side of our head, then the left side of our brain could control the right side arms and legs as defense, etc.

BossySSBBW -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 2:53:14 PM)

Southpaw who was born and raised in the South to  I do find I am a bit more creative at times than some right handed people my age. 
Note: I said at times and at my age.... don't yell at me.  please.

Honsoku -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 10:43:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

My buddy Jim Watt ( a righty but tolerant, and dead now ) used to call joints "left handers"

Y'know I've read though all this, and took it in, but so much of it is superflous. I wonder just how deep this runs, as in a prejudice, or even a bigotry. And I wonder how many people are aware of it.

But of course if you don't wonder about things you don't learn shit.

It starts there.


Oh, there certainly is some prejudice or bigotry as with anyone who is "different". Though since being left-handed is difficult to spot, one generally does not experience it directly. It's mostly minor aggravations (like short pen chains), asinine generalizations, with the occasional thing which actually is easier to handle left than right (driver side doors) thrown in. I would say that it runs pretty deep as it is ingrained into the language, product design, and cultural habits. While it may run deep, as far as I can tell there isn't a major chasm in treatment. Although I can't say that I have ever had the experience of someone trying to "fix" me. Nowadays, if anything, lefties tend to be placed on a bit of a pedestal (in the U.S.).


P.S. The original post really was intended to be humorous. I don't actually hate "righty", it isn't anymore than a minor aggravation at most, and there isn't a secret organization planning to take over the world and enslave all you inferior right handed people. Nope. Nada. Not one bit. <whistles innocently>

Phin -> RE: Damn Lefties... (10/31/2007 11:06:21 PM)

pedestal my ass....

the first computer I used was a mac... so one button, no setting to screw with, but I heard so much shit because some lazy ass righty had to move the mouse that I finialy had to learn to use the mouse with my right hand. I 10-key with my right hand because it is on the right hand side of the keyboard.

You should see me use that right handed can opener... I have had people laugh at me... Right handed gear shifts, right handed sissors, you righties can kiss my ass...

and why does lefty equipment cost so much more? why do you think I never learned to play guitar...

the term "southpaw" came from baseball because of the way they laid out the stadiums in the 1800s a pitcher's left hand would be to the south.

seeksfemslave -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/1/2007 5:14:54 AM)

It is odd how the left/right side of us "works"
I am a poor pianist but can "sorta" play a bit so long as the left and right hand "slot in" together.

When trying to play something like Bach where the left/right frequently go their own merry way I just cant cope at all.

Marc2b -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/1/2007 7:12:04 AM)

There are only three things that I use my right hand for:  wiping my ass, whacking off and, of course, shaking hands with people.

RubberWitch -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/1/2007 8:05:53 AM)

in that order?

Marc2b -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/1/2007 1:17:02 PM)


in that order?

Usually. Not necessarily, but usually.

bandit25 -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/1/2007 1:20:47 PM)


HotFaerieMama -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/2/2007 12:23:10 AM)

i use my left hand for everthing except for
computer mouse
and bowling

i use a right handed can opener yes it looks weird but it works..
spiral notebooks are a pain.
binders are too damm them.
and damm the school for using
those lame wooden desks for so many years

being as i grew up in a righ handed family we have had our fair share of moments

oh and i really hate cooking.. my mom comes in the kitchen and turns the pot handles in the opposite direction
( very annoying i stir with my left thus i would hold the handle with my right she still says i'm backwards )

growing up my mom would say ' give me your right hand/foot/etc" and i would raise my left ( of course)  and she'd go " no your other left"

and doors are a pain.. they all should be doors that move both ways or slide .

jesiul -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/5/2007 2:57:47 PM)

I am a lefty and if you can believe it I was sent to a special class in Kindergarten to be taught to use the correct hand to write with…. Yep my right hand. Now days most people can hardly spot the fact that I am a lefty, having become ambidextrous.
Most of the things I do with my right hand are because the person teaching to was a right hander and I am good mimic. The plus side is that anything that requires two hands such as typing, piano I am equally skilled in both hands

HypnoticDan -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/5/2007 4:08:41 PM)

Now if only we could get liberals labelled as "right wing" and conservatives labelled as "left wing".

RubberWitch -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/5/2007 11:55:35 PM)

um... no.

Phoenix2raven -> RE: Damn Lefties... (11/6/2007 6:26:15 PM)

Okay, any righties out there, take your left hand - put it out in front of you, and spin it in a circle about the size of a dinner plate counterclockwise, now spin your right hand the same way, clockwise.

I don't think righties can do it! Buahahahaha!

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