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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 6:43:47 AM   

Posts: 2943
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how a person writes
how they express theirselfs
on a board shows who they
are to Me. Sumone tempting
to tell Me to spell correctly
is like sumone comming up
to Me in person and telling
Me the see thru blouse I wear
in public is not acceptable.
Do you know what I would
tell the person whom would
tempt to come up to Me and
tell Me what I CAN and CANNOT
wear? Even in the USA according
to the * LAW I could walk around
naked * IF I was not doing it to
provoke anything sexual AND doing
it in a Expression of ART. Alltho
most do not do it.
My point here is that online We are
very limited in how We can express
Our selfs and even sumthing such as
spelling and sentance structure and
fonts and colors and how We say what
We say has meaning. Now if everyone
of Us gramatically corrected all of Our
mistakes or wrote all the same way with
the BILLIONS of people on the net I ask
you just what would distinguish Us from
One another? Just Our Name?? HAHAHA
How many MistressDREADS do You think
are Out there in the W.W.W. right now?
Do a Name search and see and then You
might get a better understanding of who
I am and what makes Me different from
the others and what I am sure will show
anyone thats been here for any lenth of
time what My personality is and My way
of writing is which shows Me to be Unique
and different from ALL the other MistressDREADS
out there.
the question is what is most desirable
to a Mistress.
its being able to show Me what sets you apart
from others and if that does include you writing
your lil heart out and not bothering to spell check
sentance structure and words then I say cudos to U!!
I am far from a perfect Person but My Perfections do
not lie in My spelling My grammer nor My speach but
in other aspects which actually effect My WORLD.
Trust Me after 16 years in school if none of the Teachers
or Professors in them could get ME to conform to whats
concidered right in writing, none here will either and this
is just another way that I show My nonconformist ways
and ohhh yes by the way I like slaves whom are nonconformist
as well and realize that nothing in this world is perfect and
not to waste time on such issues which have no need nor end
that will be of any benifit. We are not here to lets say put Our
best face forward as if applying for a job. We are here to present
Our selfs as We would like to be accepted. For Me that
includes ALL of My well what sum would call flaws but what I call
My nonconformist ways and attitude. And yes I do have em and so
do all of You. To tell the truth Id rather be told that a slave
knows the perfect way to lick a icecream cone. iwill I totally
understood the two words you wrote and what they ment so what
were you trying to show? I think that everyone here gets My jist
of what I write when I do or should I say [ Mi tinks dat evrybdy gets
da drff.] And as I have said befor English is My third language but
even My first and second ones I write the same way I do My english
soooooooooooooooo even if I was speaking in another language
if you knew My ways of spelling and speach and sentance structure
you would be able to know and say heyyy I know that MistressDREAD
I recognize how She writes and misspells!!! And I do on occation when
I feel it nessisary to spell check and post items correctly but not when
I am just writin for Me in a Forum such as this. I hope that answered
your question proud??

(in reply to MsMoriahStCyr)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 7:41:35 AM   

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In forums such as these messageboards, absolutely.

(in reply to Estring)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 10:20:27 AM   

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From: Washington
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I am just writin for Me in a Forum such as this. I hope that answered
your question proud??

Yes i understand what you're saying and i no longer have any problem with your posts MistressDread. But if i were seeking a Dom i would give more credence to the ones who made an effort to correct their spelling and grammar and displayed some level of education. I think doing so shows that they care to make a good impression. Just my opinion.



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

"You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts"--Alan Greenspan

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 4:01:09 PM   

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ha thats a good opinion proud
and you have come a long way
from sumone whom thought
they would always have a problem
with My posts LOL

Ill remember when I am ready to
make an online impression to hire
My editor for just such a job and let
him write My words for Me to impress
that person here online Im suppose
to be giving an opinion that Im edumacated.
Hell if I had to depend on My schooling
to be the successful Person I have been
I would of been shit outta luck a long tiime
People I admire whom dident know how to
read and write or learned late in life or had
a disability that kept them from doing so
properly but were quite successful as
human beings : I think they would of failed
to give you a good impression of their selfs
here online..........Just My opinion
Harriet Tubman
John Wesley Powell
Frank Roosevelt
Frida Kahlo
Audre Lorde
Judi Chamberlin
Tom Wiggins
Wilma Mankiller
Harilyn Rousso
Judy Heumann
Helen Keller
Jhamak Ghimire
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Stephen Hawking
George Patton
Nelson Rockfeller
George Washington
Woodrow Wilson
Whoopie Goldberg
Hans Christian Anderson
Tom Cruise
Charles Schwab
Sandy Duncan
Jose Feliciano
to name a few.......


(in reply to proudsub)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 6:18:30 PM   

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From: Seattle, Washington, USA
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I am alright with the boy who may have used the wrong word, it was a common mistake. But people who don't make the effort to be understood (ie; poor spelling, grammatical errors, syntax from hell, etc.) I just skip their posts altogether, not worth the eyestrain/brainstrain to decipher it.

I've been posting on boards for years and by their words... YOU WILL KNOW THEM. I prefer to communicate/converse with people who have a better than average grasp of their native tongue, assuming it is English. Laziness with writing and speech, I just don't cater to.

Famous pet peeves: Discrete (having to do with electrical wiring) = Discreet (regarding discretion, being hush hush). Know the difference. Granted the only people who use this word anyway are generally married/otherwise engaged and trying to cheat but that's another thread.

That/who (major annoyance). Some people don't grasp that people are not "thats", they are "whos". Any boy seeking my personal position had best know the difference, because I'll check his profile and if it says, "I'm looking for a Mistress that...(insert whatever)" I am gone, and he'll probably get a response regarding his grammatical errors along with a scathing assessment of his intelligence. Dumb boys need not apply.

Your writing whether you know it or not, is your face in the web world and a direct reflection to the care you give yourself and others. Slacking grammatically does not bode well for anyone, it's simply laziness. Excepting of course those who have bonafide disabilities.

My .02, make of it what you will.

< Message edited by MistressZanthia -- 7/4/2004 6:19:06 PM >



(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 6:29:59 PM   

Posts: 88
Joined: 7/2/2004
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
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Oh... and boy, I am sorry your thread was seemingly hijacked, in answer to your question:

Ask the Mistress in question. What may be desirable in a slave to one lady may completely offput another. Regardless, it is best to just be yourself... always. Anything else would base your potential relationship on deception/falsehood, etc, and be viewed as trying to cater to Her whims, which though it sounds nice, in reality isn't a relationship at all. It's sychophantic behavior and no one admires/adores/cherishes a brown noser. Just be yourself.



(in reply to MsMoriahStCyr)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 6:37:21 PM   

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why did you block me. I tried to answer your latest questions, but I could not. If you would like me to answer you please unblock me or send me an email address.

(in reply to MissJenny)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 7:46:59 PM   

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allready got
booted out
the door did
ya hrdsub.
[looks around
for Miss Jennys
Post hmmmm]

There is as many
different Dominant
Woman as there are
days in a year and
what each One finds
desirable the Other
finds repulsive. Thats
why it is so important
to know what you seek
in Dominance and what
you will accept in your

Zanthia in the ASSumption
that those whom choose
not to be grammatically correct
are lazy and that it does not bode
well for anyone as I am a part of
that anyOne and You do not determine
for Me what My actions nor words will be
or how I present them nor know Me to
know what My abilities are or are not
nor if how I choose to speak or spell or
grammatically repose anything if and when
it is done is done to My Specifications and NOT
Yours. But good try. hahahahaa My KINK is
not Your KINK but My KINK is just as EQUAL
and VIABLE as Your KINK.
One need not be dis abled to choose to write
how they so choose nor lazy. Sumone lazy
wouldent waste the time to write. LOL
if a dumb boy can follow direction, slave and
suplicate to Me totally and adore his Mistress
Ill take em hell not only does he NOT need know
how to spell or write he can even not be able to
speak or hear or see and Ill still take him if he
can totally give of his self to the best of his abilities
to Me in his suplication 100%.
takes the two cents and throws it back over the track.
{Here Ya might need it sum day and besides if no
One dident tell Ya Collarme is FREE! ~giggles~}

One more thing
Intelligence is measured
not by your writing skills
but by your genes and brain
power in general such as IQ
your verbal skills your logical
and mathematical skills and
fluid intelligence and how they
are applyed to different contexts
an physical tasks and how you
can use them towards advantage
Intelligence is sumthing concidered
a gift and a talent that not everyone
has but this makes them no less a
person, just sumone with a different
way of thinking and doing thats all.
[Sticking with the old norms of perfection
will certainly raise our estimates of the
prevalence of very high IQs AND we
will think Ourselfs quite Intelligent but will
provide less and less accurate words of value
and used information and everyone will know
everything and be perfect but what it will be
applyed to would value to about nothing.]
hahahahah !!
I know I lost sum here with those words but dont
let it bother ya. Its not of importance anyhow.

(in reply to hrdsub)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/4/2004 11:13:13 PM   

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The word "discrete" also describes a singularity of something.

It is the root of the word "discretion" which generally means picking something from
a group of many.

Discreet is the word which describes something you dont want to view on CNN.



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(in reply to MistressDREAD)
Profile   Post #: 29
Thank you for all replys - 7/7/2004 1:50:14 AM   

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To the one who said i blocked you, i haven't blocked anyone to the best ok my knowledge. If i have it was in error only nothing more. everyone has a right to their thoughts and ideas.

About asking each Domme, the idea of the question was to get the thoughts and ideas of each Domme, that was interested in posting on this topic. This is not so that i can pretend to be something im not, more so rather to learn. i do not pretend or have any interests in trying to understand how a Lady thinks, that would cause serious brain damage to any male lol, kind of a joke.

I prefer to do my best when i am posting to anyone, as it shows that i wasn't lazy in my writing, or disrespectful. This is not to judge anyone here, as this is my feelings toward myself not others. i most often over look misspells and mistakes, because that doesn't mean that person is stupid, or a looser. it really don't bother me, and most times i don't even notice more so because of habit of ignoring it.

As far as i am concerned in my ways and acts, i refuse to pretend to be someone that i am not. i am me, and i will always be me, and that is what makes me different from others. everyone is different, and no one person is alike. i like the world this way, its much less boring.

As i have stated before in this thread. i invite your criticism, and corrections. if you find something wrong, or offensive then please tell me so that i can change or better address things so that i don't offend anyone. i am here in the forums mostly to learn, and pick up on some good behaviors, and ideas.

i choose to be a slave, because in all truth that is what i am, and feel most comfortable with. i cant be a Dom, nor do i desire to be in any way shape or form. i can not inflict pain upon others, not on purpose anyway, and i cant stand the idea of doing so. having pain inflicted upon myself is rather enjoyable at times, and sometimes even more when done by someone else.

i am a very straight forward person, i don't bullshit or like to be bullshited. i am honest in my feelings, and try my best not to hurt anyone in expressing them. i believe in love, honor, respect, trust, forgiveness, and loyalty more then a lot of people that you will find today in the world. i came from a shitty childhood, yet i don't hate anyone, or wish to blame the world for a life that they didn't choose for me. not everything that happens to you is the worlds fault, not everything is your own. but you should never give up, and never stop fighting for what you believe is right, and just. "A winner is a looser, that keeps on trying". Never give up, never give in. if you give up, and you wont even try, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Be well All/all..

- slave tony

< Message edited by Desires2BeOwned -- 7/7/2004 1:58:37 AM >

(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/7/2004 1:56:58 AM   

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From: Sacramento, California
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I stopped using spell checkers after I would discuss (for example) peurile antics and it would tell me that peurile was mispelled and not offer any suggestions as to the correct spelling for that words.

The only thing more irritating than that is when a grammar checker tells me there are no such thing as peurile antics.





My projects of love:

(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: Thank you for all replys - 7/7/2004 10:47:09 PM   

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In regards to spell checkers. i make web sites, and i do a lot of programs as well. the last thing i want to do is put out a program with all kinds of misspelling. to Anyone/anyone that is interested You/you can go to and download a program called "EditPlus". this is great for Anyone/anyone that needs a great spell checker, and also for Anyone/anyone who does their Own/own HTML/PHP/VRML/Etc.... even supplies a view of what the page will look like to work out bugs and so on. The trail version has nag screens, but the full version is great.

- slave tony

< Message edited by Desires2BeOwned -- 7/7/2004 10:48:41 PM >

(in reply to Desires2BeOwned)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/8/2004 9:32:57 AM   

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Above all else, I value someone I can laugh with. I want to have him tied up and in dire straits but smiling and laughing on the inside, knowing that however hot and bothered things get we are still having a good time, together.


Bait & Switch - Adult column

(in reply to Desires2BeOwned)
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RE: what is most desirable - 7/8/2004 9:42:55 AM   

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I do like good spelling, grammar and punctuation. But, I overlook mistakes on boards and such which are less formal. (I make mistakes of my own even though I usally check before posting). No one is perfect, no matter what they demand you believe.

But, in an email to a Domme (something as formal as an introduction especially) I expect subs to take extra care and pay attention to their words. Your typos become part of my first impression.


Bait & Switch - Adult column

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