Posts: 12
Joined: 7/1/2004 Status: offline
To the one who said i blocked you, i haven't blocked anyone to the best ok my knowledge. If i have it was in error only nothing more. everyone has a right to their thoughts and ideas. About asking each Domme, the idea of the question was to get the thoughts and ideas of each Domme, that was interested in posting on this topic. This is not so that i can pretend to be something im not, more so rather to learn. i do not pretend or have any interests in trying to understand how a Lady thinks, that would cause serious brain damage to any male lol, kind of a joke. I prefer to do my best when i am posting to anyone, as it shows that i wasn't lazy in my writing, or disrespectful. This is not to judge anyone here, as this is my feelings toward myself not others. i most often over look misspells and mistakes, because that doesn't mean that person is stupid, or a looser. it really don't bother me, and most times i don't even notice more so because of habit of ignoring it. As far as i am concerned in my ways and acts, i refuse to pretend to be someone that i am not. i am me, and i will always be me, and that is what makes me different from others. everyone is different, and no one person is alike. i like the world this way, its much less boring. As i have stated before in this thread. i invite your criticism, and corrections. if you find something wrong, or offensive then please tell me so that i can change or better address things so that i don't offend anyone. i am here in the forums mostly to learn, and pick up on some good behaviors, and ideas. i choose to be a slave, because in all truth that is what i am, and feel most comfortable with. i cant be a Dom, nor do i desire to be in any way shape or form. i can not inflict pain upon others, not on purpose anyway, and i cant stand the idea of doing so. having pain inflicted upon myself is rather enjoyable at times, and sometimes even more when done by someone else. i am a very straight forward person, i don't bullshit or like to be bullshited. i am honest in my feelings, and try my best not to hurt anyone in expressing them. i believe in love, honor, respect, trust, forgiveness, and loyalty more then a lot of people that you will find today in the world. i came from a shitty childhood, yet i don't hate anyone, or wish to blame the world for a life that they didn't choose for me. not everything that happens to you is the worlds fault, not everything is your own. but you should never give up, and never stop fighting for what you believe is right, and just. "A winner is a looser, that keeps on trying". Never give up, never give in. if you give up, and you wont even try, you have no one to blame but yourself. Be well All/all.. - slave tony
< Message edited by Desires2BeOwned -- 7/7/2004 1:58:37 AM >