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Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning after pill

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Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning after pill - 11/8/2007 10:38:36 PM   

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SEATTLE - A federal judge has suspended Washington state's requirement that pharmacists sell "morning-after" birth control pills, a victory for druggists who claim their moral objections to the drug are being bulldozed by the government.

In an injunction signed Thursday, U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton said pharmacists can refuse to sell the morning-after pill if they refer the customer to another nearby source. Pharmacists' employers also are protected by the order.

The emergency contraception sold as Plan B is a high dose of a drug found in many regular birth-control pills. It can dramatically lower the risk of pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/8/2007 10:45:37 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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Is this a good thing?

And victims of rape,what shall they do?

Go to another place,like Sen.Joe Lieberman(Conn), once suggested?

And if another place is to far to go,what then?

This is going to hurt women.

(in reply to cyberdude611)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/8/2007 11:05:52 PM   

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Do your fucking jobs, pill-monkeys!!!

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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/8/2007 11:43:24 PM   

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For the women of South Dakota: an abortion manual


It's not every generation that gets to watch a civilization fall. Looks like we're in for a hell of a show.

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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/8/2007 11:54:10 PM   

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Is this a good thing?

And victims of rape,what shall they do?

Go to another place,like Sen.Joe Lieberman(Conn), once suggested?

And if another place is to far to go,what then?

This is going to hurt women.

I believe, but not entirely certain, that such pills are available to women at the hospital just following a rape.

(in reply to Owner59)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 12:02:26 AM   

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According to this article from 2003, the pill was not readily available in pharmacies even then, due to lack of demand:

But that was 4 years ago.  No clue how much the demand increased and if the pill was made more available.  The new law may just be enforcing something that already exists anyway.

(in reply to ownedgirlie)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 1:06:47 AM   

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Know what ? Now you are keeping me up.

I say this. Man have sex with Woman, expect to be a Father or pay child support. Or not be found......

Woman wants abortion, Man does not. File injunction and pay everything. I mean all hospital bills, her rent or whatever, car payment, every bill she has at least in the third trimester.

Take child. Raise it yourself. Because YOU insisted you do not get child support, and there is no visitation, after all this broad was going to kill you, you don't want to see her. You get nothing. You pay for everything. Even possibly some post natal care for her if needed, but to a certain time limit.

Nobody else has a say in this, not Ron Paul, not Jesus, nobody. But those are your bills to pay.

If you, as a Man value your progeny, you do it. If all you wanted was a piece of ass, let her whack the kid. You don't want this. You get to be a single Parent and do it without any help. But if your moral code makes you do it, if you care enough, you can. It is not easy.

Give it a try ! Lose your house, your car, go rent and buy a $200 beater. Go without meat, go without beer (EEEEKK) go without everything for this platitude of virtuousity you need to portray to the world and you know what happens ? The kid hates you. Wonders where the fuck Mom is, smashes your cars, fucks up the house, gets into trouble.

Then might become an addict, maybe die young. Or wind up in prison.

You really want that ? Even when you signed into it willingly ?

(in reply to ownedgirlie)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 1:17:22 AM   

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From: South Florida
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Sounds like you speak from experience...You seem to have some anger issues regarding the subject.


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(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 1:17:24 AM   

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I'm not getting into a big argument about abortion, rapes, whether or not condoms should be supplied to the under 12's, blah, blah, blah, but if everyone having safe, consensual sex carried condoms, wouldn't that be a happy, happy thing?

Most of the women I know who have used the morning after pill have been pissed, got carried away or forgot to take the pill. FFS, these are potential pregnancies and human beings we're talking about. If that isn't important enough to make you really think about what you're doing and try to avoid it, I don't know what is.


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(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 1:24:15 AM   

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Um, I'm assuming you weren't replying directly to me, right?

Cuz I have no ex husband wouldn't let me have kids...and I lost the house...and he's getting spousal support...and so far I haven't had much say in it. 

Nah, you couldn't have been replying to me :)

But ya know, I agree with you Termyn8or.  It's fucked up in both directions.   Except I have known some of those kids.  They didn't end up in prison.  One of them is an awesome high school teacher, mentoring other kids.  That whole kid hating you thing tends to go away in their 20s :)

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 5:05:30 AM   

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This ruling is quite ridiculous, IMO. The pharmacist works for the pharmacy, if the pharmacy selects to sell the drug, then the pharmacists opinion is made when he took the job. His right is to quit or sell it. I don't understand the logic of this ruling which is pretty much saying an employee can select not to perform their job according to the standards specified by the company, because they don't believe its right. That quite frankly is stupid. The only way it would ever be valid was if the company wanted the employee to participate in something illegal, which is not what this case was about. You make these kind of decisions when you take the job you don't dictate to your employer about your beliefs afterwards. It's quite sickening.

I'm really losing all respect for the court system, it is a joke. (By the way since someone mentioned Ron Paul, for some unknown reason, that is his stated position as well on the subject (pharmacist opinion is irrellevant, it's the employers decision to sell the drug). I can find the video were he says that explicity if someone thinks otherwise. And as far as the abortion thing goes he believes it should be a states issue several videos available showing him explicity stating that as well. )

Anyway, that judge should be removed, their is no logic behind such a decision, unless we are going to say no one has to do anything their employer requires if they don't want to, based on any stupid belief they may have. Your beliefs don't matter at work, it's really that simple, unless the requested act is explicitly illegal. You quit or you suck it up that is the rights of an employee in this context. IMO.

(in reply to cyberdude611)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 5:26:20 AM   

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This is wrong they have a job to do and their own feelings should have nothing to do with it. If their belief gets in the way of them doing their jobs perhaps its time to find another profession. Yes this is a way of controlling people and I wonder, if a rape victim ends up pregnant is the pharmacist going to raise that child? It will force a woman to raise a child she most likely does not want or the child will end up in the system and the taxpayers can pay for it. Personally I think the morning after pill is much less stressful on the woman and after all it is HER body no one elses she should have the right to make the decision.



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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 5:30:21 AM   

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if a woman wants to get preached to about morality, she'd go to church not a pharmacy. their job is to give patients the drugs they need. the morning after-pill is for emergencies such as rape or incest, thats it's primary purpose. it's not a quickie abortion for the town slut. if a pharmacist disagrees with that, it's their right. many people disagree with something about their job, but they still work. the pharmacy shouldn't be any different. 

(in reply to cyberdude611)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 6:43:52 AM   

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The only thing I see in the ruling that makes it in any way reasonable is:

"...if they refer the customer to another nearby source."

The problem is I don't see the definition of "nearby" is that within 1 hour drive? within 60 miles? what is the defninition of nearby.
So the pharmacist refuses to provide but has to send you to another pharmacy 20 minutes drive away. OK I can see that as a reasonabele compromise
Same pharmacist refuses and sends you to another location that will that is in the next town 40 miles and 1 hour's drive that's getting a bit much.

Personally Id say if you work at my store you will fill the perscription or you can find another place to work. But that doesnt mean that every store would have that policy, and thus the potential fora local area having no access to the drug makes me a bit uncomfortable. I want to see the term nearby defined as it applies to this injunction.

(in reply to ameha21)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:06:38 AM   

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So if you are a cop and you don't believe in gun control or you think prostitution, drugs, hanging darkies, etc. should be legalized then it is okay to do that?

(in reply to ameha21)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:13:59 AM   

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If a pharmacy chooses not to stock a particular pill how is that different from the grocery store not carrying your perferred flavor of soda?  If you do not wish to procreate keep your legs shut or get fixed those are the only sure ways to prevent it.  I don't know about other places but around here if you spit you can here three drug stores without spinning around.

(in reply to SimplyMichael)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:16:17 AM   

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In cases of rape, hospitals have "rape kits" which the morning after pill is part of. So that's not really part of the debate.

The most popular reason women would get a morning after pill from the pharmacy would be if birth control failed. Like say if the condom broke for example.

There was recently a debate about the morning after pill about whether to make it over the counter. The FDA ruled against doing that because people are afraid teenagers would use it without their parent's approval and also because some believe it makes it harder for the state to identify incest or child abuse.

(in reply to Archer)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:22:09 AM   

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Don't forget people, the Republican nutjobs are the same ones who are preventing public funding for the vaccine against HPV, the virus that causes uterine cancer.  Why?  Because they hope that the threat of cancer will keep kids from having sex.  It is the high tech method of stoning women to death.

So when you hear them wringing their hands over things like not wanting the day after pill because it might make "incest and abuse" harder to find, realize they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING to return us to the dark ages of back alley abortions.

(in reply to cyberdude611)
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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:23:09 AM   

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The only thing I see in the ruling that makes it in any way reasonable is:

"...if they refer the customer to another nearby source."

What would we expect from a country that accepts words like terrorist into law?   Its all dimensionless bullshit that can be whatever you want.


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RE: Court rules that pharmacists can refuse morning aft... - 11/9/2007 7:27:14 AM   

Posts: 17033
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From: Dirty Jersey
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ORIGINAL: ownedgirlie



Is this a good thing?

And victims of rape,what shall they do?

Go to another place,like Sen.Joe Lieberman(Conn), once suggested?

And if another place is to far to go,what then?

This is going to hurt women.

I believe, but not entirely certain, that such pills are available to women at the hospital just following a rape.


I hope so also.

At time I heard Sen .Joe Lieberman ,say that rape victims could go to another hospital,he was running for office in Connecticut.There was a law passed(I think), where even hospitals could refuse Plan B/morning after pills,and he was defending that law.

My point was,what if a girl/woman couldn`t make it,or go someplace else,to be treated?This is just wrong.

Some can argue that anyone should be able to go somewhere else.Which is bull-shit.

It`s the most vulnerable people  (poor,incest victims,children,or anyone who can`t just go to another place),that will be affected.

There is no doubt that women will be hurt by this.If you can`t provide medical services or medicines,get the fuck out of the business!

(in reply to ownedgirlie)
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