Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/19/2007 11:27:56 PM)

So far I've enjoyed it in the juice left over from top raman, and I've enjoyed a scoop full in lima bean soup, and now I tried adding cheese to it, and a seperate time a dash of molasas. All extreamly tasty treats, Now if I could only convince Daddy it's a tasty way to eat it:P

CollegeConundrum -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 12:46:01 AM)

Sour cream is indeed very delicious but Top Ramen broth?  Quite disgusting

mya75 -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 12:48:13 AM)

Ramen meaning those oodle of noodle thingys? Yuk in my opinion ..but Sourcream is great with doritos as a dip.....

ownedgirlie -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 1:28:01 AM)

I agree with the "no thanks" to sour cream and Ramen broth, but sour cream is indeed yummy.  I have it on any mexican food, black bean soup, eggs, gazpacho, chips (great for making onion dip), baked potatoes....mmm, good stuff. 

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 2:09:04 AM)

yeah top roman is the package of noodles with beef or chicken packets and you add to water. no noodles just broth. Ironically enough if you put it in the broth of lima bean soup, the way I've had the soup, it's extreamly creamy and good.

Owned I like it on crackers strait up sometimes, can eat a wh*ole package of crackers that way lol.

camille65 -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 2:37:18 AM)

I've a much healthier alternative to sour cream and cream cheese. You can flavor it easily as well. Take a carton of plain fat free yogurt. If you want to flavor it (chopped chives, cilantro etc) stir it in at this time.Using a piece of cheesecloth doubled OR two coffee filters, dump the yogurt in and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for a day and you have sour cream, refrigerate for a few days and you have cream cheese!You get the benefits of no fat, and the benefits of live yogurt cultures. I use it in dips and any other recipes calling for sour cream and honestly I have never ever had anyone guess it was plain yogurt strained!It is sooooo much healthier and I think it tastes better. Oh oh, I have also mixed in a powdered dip recipe before straining it with great results. A thick flavorful dip, voila!

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 10:05:46 AM)

camile, I'm not to worried about how healthy sour cream is or isn't, I just like the fact I can rip it open spoon it out and be done with it, and it's delicious lol.  Ease of use is the main factor in my snacks, though I'll maybe try the reicpee one day, it sounds like it'd be good.

It's also good on those lays potato chips that are to salty. By the way has any one who's ever said it was disgusting actually tried the food or just going on visual perception alone, because while visual perception is a lot, you can't tell if something is disgusting or not unless you've actually tasted it. I don't think any one would be none the wiser what kind of broth it was unless you're told hey btw this is such and such a broth.

As evidence with other foods that look horrid but don't taste horrid lol.

sophia37 -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 1:47:42 PM)

Well, you could always buy fat free sour cream. So theres your diet alternative. lol

mya75 -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 1:51:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

camile, I'm not to worried about how healthy sour cream is or isn't, I just like the fact I can rip it open spoon it out and be done with it, and it's delicious lol.  Ease of use is the main factor in my snacks, though I'll maybe try the reicpee one day, it sounds like it'd be good.

It's also good on those lays potato chips that are to salty. By the way has any one who's ever said it was disgusting actually tried the food or just going on visual perception alone, because while visual perception is a lot, you can't tell if something is disgusting or not unless you've actually tasted it. I don't think any one would be none the wiser what kind of broth it was unless you're told hey btw this is such and such a broth.

As evidence with other foods that look horrid but don't taste horrid lol.

True but a boullion cube filled packet is hardly broth ...I cant see me laying sour cream in anything liquid just thinking of the appearance is scary to me.....

marieToo -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 1:54:42 PM)

Chunks of oranges dipped in sour cream is delicious.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 6:20:16 PM)

I guess that can be true. My mom puts chives and other things into the top raman so, the remaining juice has a lot of personality already, the sour cream was something I was curious to try, I also want to know what sour cream and pumpkin pie filling from a can is like too, may find out tomorow:D




ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

I don't think any one would be none the wiser what kind of broth it was unless you're told hey btw this is such and such a broth.

As evidence with other foods that look horrid but don't taste horrid lol.

True but a boullion cube filled packet is hardly broth ...I cant see me laying sour cream in anything liquid just thinking of the appearance is scary to me.....

Gwynvyd -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 6:56:52 PM)

Google Chicken Paprikash. The stuff is devine! It is always a big hit at potluck dinners I make and take. It has a ton of sour cream in it.

I also love Camile's Grecian Yogurt. It is how they did it back in the day.

I sadly add sourcream to just about anything I can. But the low fat stuff. The no fat stuff is like wall paper paste. Nasty!

I am also addicted to butter. The real stuff.

But then so are my honeys.


YourhandMyAss -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/20/2007 7:32:58 PM)

Gwn, is it spicey, I abhore spicey stuff, I am so sensitive even pepper bothers me. Not horridly, but I do dislike it.



Google Chicken Paprikash. Gwyn

orfunboi -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/22/2007 3:50:50 AM)

Try some with spagetti or chili.....

orfunboi -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/22/2007 3:55:04 AM)

Seems like a lot of work to go through. I find it hard to believe that the health benefits would really be worth it.

orfunboi -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/22/2007 3:57:55 AM)

If the appearence becomes scary, stir it up real good, and it will get creamy.

Level -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (11/22/2007 4:25:06 AM)

Fat (in the absence of carbs) is healthy and essential, most non-fat foods are loaded with sugar, which is not healthy. [:D]

Sour cream is delicious.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Sour cream is quite the wonderful little condiment! (12/3/2007 11:33:58 PM)

that reminds me of a huge pet peeve of mine, Foods that are labled healthy, or all natural, and are anything but. like those fruity granola bars for kids chocked full of chocolates and marshmellows and caramel, however they have some grains in them, so they're marketed as healthy. Or those kids fruit smoothies w/ith no fruit in them just fructose flavoring. Or how about healthy choice tv dinner's with 400 calories and 600 grams of salt.


Fat (in the absence of carbs) is healthy and essential, most non-fat foods are loaded with sugar, which is not healthy. [:D]

Sour cream is delicious.

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