The Secret Lives of Women (Full Version)

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subsnow -> The Secret Lives of Women (11/21/2007 1:52:53 PM)

This show is going to be doing an episode on different fetishes in January. I will be on the show to discuss my adult baby (AB) lifestyle. They will be looking at the lives of 3 other women as well. One of them burns her skin and eats it. One of them is a body builder and has men with muscle fetishes pay her to spend time with her. The last one enjoys having food rubbed all over her body.

I'm very excited about this but also very nervous. My family and friends know that I'm an adult baby and that I'm into BDSM but I just accepted a job in a daycare. If the parents or workers see the show, they might not understand and they might fear for their children's safety. I'm hoping to educate the public about this lifestyle so that we don't have to fear being called pedophiles.

If you're interested in watching, the show will be in January on the WE network. I'm not sure about the date or time yet but I'll post it as soon as I can. I'm not trying to advertise, just let people know about a show that talks about our sort of thing.

Rushemery -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (11/21/2007 2:35:03 PM)

burns her skin and eats it!!! Im not really sure thats what I would want to be lumped in with no offence ment and to each their own but I would be careful how they show you, that could really backfire. I think most nilla people would be totally discussed by the flesh eating thing and then look at you as someone bad because they are already grossed out

Bryan1 -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (11/21/2007 2:35:58 PM)

I'll be sure to watch it, but I think I might skip the parts about the woman eating her own skin. No offense to anyone that does this, of course. As far as the OP's fetish, I hope it does come across to her employers that her intentions mean no harm to anyone. I've spent a little bit of time understanding this fetish and know how important it is to people who have it.

bipolarber -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (11/21/2007 6:51:34 PM)

On the plus side, this show has been on for a while, and they seem to present us in a very non-judgemental light. The first fetish show, which featured a female slave, a pony mistress and a girl who has a mock canibalisim fetish, actually came off as rather touching. Certainly NOT the usual Jerry Springer "studio audiance kangaroo court" crap we're all used to.

To the OP: congrats on having the courage to put yourself out there! I hope it doesn't hurt your employment. (But, a lot of us have lost friends, family and jobs because of our involvment with the scene. So don't feel alone.)

ShellyD -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (11/21/2007 8:18:26 PM)

I suggest not allowing your full name or face to be exposed, if you didn't work with kids there would not be as great a kneejerk reaction. Personally, I commend you for educating the wider society, just have heard too many bad outcomes from people exposing their private life to the public.

subsnow -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/3/2007 6:11:40 PM)

I'm not entirely sure if that woman who burns her skin actually eats it or not. I was a little turned off by it too, just because it's not my thing. The producer was still learning about the woman when she told me about it. My boyfriend (Daddy) also thought that my "fetish" might be put in a bad light if people connect it with a woman who eats her flesh. Like bipolarber said though, the last fetish show that they did presented us in a very good light.

As for staying anonymous, I really don't want or need to. They can't fire me for having this fetish because that would be discrimination. They could, however, make life difficult for me. If need be, I'll change my profession. I'm still young so I have the time and energy. I'm not going to hide just because others don't like what I do. I'm going to be me and I'm going to be happy. I'll do my best in making sure that I don't offend anyone or make anyone too uncomfortable but at the same time, you can't please everyone. Some people say that I should keep my personal life private but I don't consider this personal. Being "childlike" is just a part of who I am. It's a part of my personality, always has been and always will be. 

Kaiynasha -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/3/2007 8:34:20 PM)

Eww burning her skin and eating it? I don't see anything thrilling about that. Not my thing at all.  Sounds more like a personal problem than BDSM. I can't even say to each her own. 

Argentopal -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 9:04:42 AM)

I have 2 eposides of this show "taped" and kept and have used it to show a couple of people.  One is the one mentioned about the slave, canibal and the pony girl.  The other was where wives discovered their husbands were cross dressers.  Both were well done and interesting.  I have watched many others but kept these two and I will be sure and watch this one.  Good luck doing it and I hope that it is an experience you have fun with as well as doing something good and informative.  BTW I thought the canibal girl on the 1st one was really cute and fun!

edited for really bad spelling

Missokyst -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 10:57:43 AM)

Where do you get the idea that they can't fire you for discrimination? 
An employer can dismiss you for any reason except the protected ones listed.  Being denied a job or fired based on sex, age, or nationality is far different than being let go for so called "aberrant behavior.
If I were you, I would insist my face not be shown.  Even if they present your kink as non-threatening, you are working with kids and I can tell you now that people tend to be reactionary to hot topics, rather than reasonable.

What Is Workplace Discrimination? Discrimination occurs when an employee suffers unfavorable or unfair treatment due to their race, religion, national origin, disabled or veteran status, or other legally protected characteristics. This group could also include employees who suffer reprisals for opposing workplace discrimination or for reporting violations to the authorities. Federal law prohibits discrimination in a number of work-related areas, including recruiting, hiring, job evaluations, promotion policies, training, compensation and disciplinary action.
This definition raises an important point: Unfair treatment does not necessarily equal unlawful discrimination. Treating a person differently from others violates Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws only when the treatment is based on the presence of a protected characteristic, rather than on job performance or even on something as arbitrary as an employee's personality. Keep in mind, however, that discrimination claims can be highly subjective.

ORIGINAL: subsnow

As for staying anonymous, I really don't want or need to. They can't fire me for having this fetish because that would be discrimination.

goodgirl08 -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 12:32:13 PM)

Whoa, what?? I would EXPECT to be fired for that. I really don't have any problem with your fetish but come on, do you really think people who are employing you to take care of other people's babies are going to be tolerant? A whole network of people has to be tolerant of it for you to keep your job. There's bound to be at least a few dissenters and I don't see how this WOULDN'T cause a huge ruckus.

goodgirl08 -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 12:33:24 PM)

Not that I think there should be a big fuss about it....just there it seems highly likely there will be.

thetammyjo -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 2:39:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: subsnow

I'm very excited about this but also very nervous. My family and friends know that I'm an adult baby and that I'm into BDSM but I just accepted a job in a daycare. If the parents or workers see the show, they might not understand and they might fear for their children's safety. I'm hoping to educate the public about this lifestyle so that we don't have to fear being called pedophiles.

No offense but if someone is watching this show then I think they need to look in the mirror before casting stones, if you get my reference.

Doesn't mean that they won't throw stones though -- lots of people are that arrogant and judgmental, me included. (smile)

If you feel it is a serious threat then you need to be upfront with your employers. Just say that you were on a television and the subject matter was about your private life that has nothing to do with your professional life.

Missokyst -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/4/2007 4:14:08 PM)

I don't know.  I am insatiably curious.  I would have watched that show even if I were nilla.  And in fact, it must be a family trait as most of my offspring would watch anything out of the ordinary.
Watching a show like that is no different than any other, in my view.  For instance, I adore crime shows, but I am not a criminal.


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo

No offense but if someone is watching this show then I think they need to look in the mirror before casting stones, if you get my reference.

subsnow -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/5/2007 4:12:43 AM)

Alright, so they might be able to fire me. I'm still not going to hide though. This opportunity and my new job happened at the same time. This wasn't something I planned. I'm not going to pass up this experience though. I KNOW I'll regret it if I do. If my "fetish" is going to be a problem at my job, I'll go somewhere else. It's MY life though and I'm responsible enough not to bring it to work. If my employers and the parents can't accept that, they will be losing a mighty fine caretaker. Like I said, I'm young and I have lots of choices. I have many things going for me. I'm NOT going to hide my face. It's sad that so many of us feel the need to hide because others are unaccepting and judgemental. Change has to start somewhere.

GabrielleSlave -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/5/2007 4:40:34 AM)

Hi  (i am taking a deep breath, i know i will get flack for this but...)

Before i was into this lifestyle i would never in a million years have wanted someone with any fetish at all coming into contact with my children (they are 5 and 3), i didn't and would not have understood it.  i now do realise and understand completely that you are no danger to anyone, child or otherwise, but no other parent outside the scene will want to understand, let alone give you a chance... They will all watch a programme like that, if only to say to eachother the next day "did you see those wierdos on tv last night?"

Please understand, i am not being judgmental, i think that most fetishes (my own included!) are valid, wonderful and life enhancing.  However, i am warning you about the backlash that will be inevitable.  You simply must tell your employer, they may suffer from a drop in business being associated with kink in a childcare setting.  By telling them, you can get your side of the story across to them, they may even be supportive enough to send a letter to the parents already using the centre.  If you go to them in good faith, give them your trust, you may find that this is a storm in a teacup... i sincerely hope so.

i do not want to be the bringer of doom and gloom here, i applaud you for not hiding, for bringing more fetishes out into the light.  Afterall, if it helps someone to realise that they are too, perfectly normal then hooray!  i just want you to be sure about what you are doing...

Good luck and best wishes

Gabrielle x

CelticPrince -> RE: The Secret Lives of Women (12/6/2007 7:35:29 AM)


Reread mysts post, it is the ultimate truth.


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