Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 9:23:04 PM)

I want it to handle extreamly low light situations like a dream, so what kind of ISO should it have? I want it to be able to take pictures fast with out that lag some have, so what's the technical term for being able to take many pictures quickly, with no delay? I want it to have stabilizer feature, and a red eye reduction feature like the cannon power shot, and changable lenses would be nice. an awsome software package that comes with it would be nice too. I was kind of thinking about fugi's new camera, ok it's old by now, but it had photo processing technology or something?

I'd spend about 1 k on it maximum, minimum no minimum.

If you have a digital camera you just love, what kind do you recomend?

Owner59 -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 9:28:34 PM)

diggy camera.... good choice.she`ll love it..

Just got the Cannon Powershot A630,with  8 mega pixels.

It`s cheap,easy to use and takes great shots.

McKwaig -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 9:30:12 PM)

The easiest thing to do is check out Comsumer Reports.  They have never given me bad advice.  They don't accept ads, to the best of my knowledge, so they don't owe anyone anything.  They test a product and tell you what it will do, want do, and what problems you might have with it.  In my opinion, personal opinion sucks!  I bought a digital camera off the shelf.  My sister got the bos right behind the one I bought.  Mine is still working after 2 years; hers died a month after she got it.  Consumer Reports, reports about the reliability of products.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 9:57:49 PM)

thanks for the replies guys.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 10:06:06 PM)

What is ISO mean and how high do I ideally want it to be for best low light handling?  And what is shutter speed? Is that how fast you ca n take pics?

Owner59 -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/29/2007 10:26:40 PM)

You should just get a point and shoot.

The auto diggies handle low/no light shots well,but the shutter speed slows a bit,so the pix can be fuzzy.Use a tri-pod/mono pod for that.

Digital SLRs are pricey and way beyond what the average person uses.

"ISO" is how sensitive to light,the camera is. The higher the sensitivity(ISO number), the less light(and/or exposure time) is needed to make an exposure.Higher is better,but costs more.

In the case of regular film,the ISO shows the films sensitivity to light.The higher the number,the less light is needed for exposure(and/or exposure time).

Another big issue is batteries.The better(and more expensive rigs) have a long bat. life.The cheaper ones are just fine though.I keep a spare set,but haven`t run low yet.

Get her a couple extra memory cards,too.

For a 1000 bucks,you could get a camera for your SO`s mom,and also one for you!

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 12:45:46 AM)

There's one I was looking at for 300 with the really high ISO, all though the cannon power shot one is pretty sexy as far as specs go! quote]ORIGINAL: Owner59

You should just get a point and shoot.


sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 6:05:16 AM)

my HP Photosmart M425 work wonders for me especially when capturing great shots of musicians while reviewing.  i can take pics as well as shoot video to upload on YouTube or my photobucket site.  i echo the advice on using Consumer Reports and also compare prices before purchasing.  now i'm saving up for a professional digi camera.

topcat -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 8:11:34 AM)

Shutter speed is the length of exposure- what you are concerned with is usually called shutter lag.

Get the camera with the biggest diameter lens you can find for low light.

ISO is a hold over from film, but basically, the higher the ISO, the more light sensitive, the noisier (bad quality) the pics come out.

I'd highly recommend the Nikon coolpix P5100- and with a street price of around US$400.00, you'll have money left over for spare batteries and SD cards.

Outlier2 -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 10:19:44 AM)


Here are some websites you should check out
for digital photography and camera information.





Please keep us posted on what you choose
and your results with it.


HaveRopeWillBind -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 10:36:42 AM)

Olympus has a camera that has amazing capabilities for a reasonable price called the SP-550UZ. It has just about all the features of a DSLR except for removable lenses. (Not so much of a problem though as it has a 16:1 optical zoom.) It has a huge selection of modes, including low light and includes image stabilization. It can be operated manually with all the features selected by the user or it can be set in Auto mode and used pretty much as a point-and-shoot with great zoom. The price is about in your range as well. One downside - Olympus cameras in general don't produce really deep rich reds as well as Cannon or Nikon cameras do, so if you plan on shooting subjects with a lot of reds in them you might look at one of those brands. You can see a lot more about the camera on the Olympus website. You could also find reviews for it on CNet.

kdsub -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 10:44:05 AM)

Hi there

Best entry level DSLR is the Nikon D40 in my opinion


DiurnalVampire -> RE: Looking for some tips and terms on buying a new digital camera. (11/30/2007 10:46:05 AM)

The digital I use now is a Samsung Digimax 7.0 mp.  It is autofocus, a point and shoot type thing that works well for me for the time being. I am going to be looking at learning how to use lenses for focus and such with a film camera before I invest in a digital one. Id be curous as to what your research turns up.


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